Chapter 547: Battle for Water! ! !

After Li Mu read Murong Ge's letter to persuade both parties to stop fighting, he threw it aside.

In Li Mu's eyes, this letter is a piece of waste paper, even worse than waste paper.

Waste paper can also wipe buttocks, I'm afraid this thing is too dirty to wipe buttocks.

After reading this letter, Li Mu should join the army or join the army, and do what he should do.

Of course, Murong Ge is not a fool, Murong Ge also made two-handed preparations.He knew clearly that if he persuaded Li Mu to retreat, Li Mu might not retreat.

At the end of the battle, he might have to fight again, so he had already prepared an ambush on the only way to Xucheng.

However, Murong Ge never imagined that Li Mu had no intention of entering the territory of Tuyuhun to attack the city, but planned to cut off the river and force them to come out to fight.

Li Mu is an old fighter, and he can even be said to be the best fighter in the entire Sui Dynasty.

How did he not know that Tuyuhun's climate and geographical advantage are easy to defend and difficult to attack?

The reason why Li Mu sent troops was precisely because he had no intention of going deep into the hinterland of Tuyuhun to fight this battle, but was planning to force Tuyuhun's soldiers and horses to come out and fight them in the field.

Moreover, the time period Li Mu chose is very special. It is autumn and winter, which is the dry season.

Most of Tuyuhun is the landform of Gobi Desert. In this environment, the groundwater is very deep, and it is almost impossible to dig a well to obtain groundwater for drinking.

Therefore, almost all the people in Tuyuhun lived by a river, and almost all the cities of Tuyuhun were built along the river.

This river is an aboveground river that runs through the entire Tuyuhun, named Tarim River.

The Tarim River in Tuyuhun is also known as a non-stop river.

Although in the dry season, the water level of this river has dropped greatly, but it will not completely dry up, and it is completely enough to meet the daily needs of the people of Tuyuhun.

The current location of Li Mu's [-] troops is at the uppermost reaches of this river.

According to the battle plan drawn up by Li Mu's staff group, the Tarim River was to be cut off at the uppermost reaches of the river.

Once the Tarim River is cut off, the downstream river will slowly dry up, and millions of Tuyuhun people will lack water sources. In order to compete for water sources, Tuyuhun will definitely take the initiative to attack.

At that time, Li Mu will be ready to fight against the unprepared, and the siege battle will become a field battle.

Field battles, this is what Li Mu is best at.

Li Mu's 50 army, when it comes to field battles, even if Tuyuhun has [-] million troops, Li Mu is sure to win.

On the banks of the Tarim River, upstream.

"General, after our people's secret exploration, this is the most gentle section of the upper reaches of the entire Tarim River!" Xu Maogong said, pointing to a section of the river ahead.

The Tarim River is the source of all rivers in the entire Tuyuhun territory.In the entire territory of Tuyuhun, almost all the rivers are tributaries of the Tarim River.After this is cut off, the entire Tuyuhun will be without water.

Li Mu looked at the big river in front of him. Although it was the smoothest section upstream of the entire Tarim box, it was still quite turbulent.

However, Li Mu came prepared this time.In addition to the general and counselors, he also brought craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry.

The canal had just been dug in the Sui Dynasty, and the craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry knew how to dig and block the canal.

"General, let's pour some poison into the river for them in the upper reaches, and poison them all to death!"

"Block this river, what are you trying to figure out!" Cheng Yaojin said in a low voice.

After hearing these words, all the people present looked at Cheng Yaojin as if they were fools.Everyone said in their hearts, good guy, is there something wrong with your brain?
Such a big river, even if you pour all the poison into Da Sui, it will be useless.

"What's the matter, if you crack an egg upstream, people downstream can drink egg soup?" Li Mu glared at Cheng Yaojin, and said angrily.

Li Mu doesn't like talking to Cheng Yaojin very much. When you talk to Cheng Yaojin, he will first bring your IQ to the same level as his, and then use his rich experience in stupid criticism to defeat you.

Li Mu stopped Cheng Yaojin, and immediately told the officials of the Ministry of Industry: "Time does not wait for me, hurry up and prepare to stop the flow!"

With Li Mu's order, these officials of the Ministry of Industry began to draw up the drawings, which was not a difficult task for these master craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry.

Moreover, there are many workers here, and the [-] soldiers under Li Mu are hardworking workers.

Under the command of these master craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry, the entire river channel began to get busy.

Those [-] soldiers were loggers logging and rock quarryers quarrying.

These [-] soldiers were divided into two waves, one wave worked during the day and the other worked at night, and they began to block the river day and night.

The craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry commanded the [-] troops to build a dam on the upper reaches of the Tarim River.

In the blink of an eye, about five or six days passed.

Murong Ge has been lying in ambush for five or six days. It stands to reason that the soldiers and horses of the Sui Dynasty should have arrived two or three days ago!
However, five days have passed now, even if the Sui army is walking slowly, it should be here by now.

However, now there is no movement at all.As the saying goes, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. This incident makes Murong Ge very suspicious.

"Come on, send scouts quickly to find the whereabouts of the Sui army!" Murong Ge ordered.

With Murong Ge's order, the scouts who were on the way were dispersed, about two days later, these scouts came back to report.


"Report to the general, the Sui army is building a dam on the upper reaches of the Tarim River, it seems that they want to shut down the Tarim River!" The scouts truthfully told Murong Ge the information they had obtained.

Hearing this, Murong Ge panicked. Millions of people in Tuyuhun rely on this river for water. Once this river is cut off, the consequences will be disastrous!

Not to mention the problem of draft, you must know that the Tarim River has never dried up since its birth.

Once the Tarim River is intercepted and dried up, it will inevitably cause great panic in the interior of Tuyuhun.

Murong Ge is also a man who is familiar with the art of war and battle formation. In almost a moment, he already figured out Li Mu's purpose. This is to force them to go out to fight!
"Li Mu, Li Mu!"

"What a Tiance general, he really deserves his reputation!" Murong Ge said involuntarily.

"Boom, boom, boom."

After learning the whereabouts of the Sui army, Murong Ge hurriedly beat the drums to gather the generals, and called Xue Daoheng and others to discuss how the battle should be fought.

Now there is not much time left for them. Once the Tarim River is successfully dammed, they will be even more passive.

(End of this chapter)

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