Chapter 548 Harassment.

Murong Ge beat the drums and gathered the generals, summoned his generals to discuss how to fight this battle.

After about a stick of incense, these generals hurried over.

After everyone arrived, Murong Ge explained the whole story to everyone. After explaining, Xue Daoheng frowned.

Murong Ge beat the drum and gathered the generals to discuss countermeasures, in fact, he was looking for Xue Daoheng to discuss countermeasures.

Murong Ge knows his family affairs because his own family, he knows that his barbarian generals are not capable, and negotiating with them is tantamount to playing the piano against the cow.

Now, if you really want to discuss it, you can only discuss it with Xue Daoheng.

"Master Xue, I don't know what you think about this matter!" After explaining the matter, Murong Ge asked Xue Daoheng.

Xue Daoheng is a veteran, not to mention anything else, this combat experience is definitely extremely rich.

Xue Daoheng frowned, thought for a moment and said: "Li Mu is dead, this is trying to force us to fight him!"

"General Murong, let me tell you something that you may not like to hear. With our troops, when it comes to field battles, we can't be Li Mu's opponent no matter what!"

Xue Daoheng and Li Mu are old rivals. He knows Li Mu's strength better than anyone else, and he also knows the combat effectiveness of the Great Sui soldiers better than anyone else.

What this war pays attention to is the timing, location, and harmony of people.There is no doubt that Li Mu occupies Renhe.

And once they went out of the territory of Tuyuhun to fight with Li Mu, there was no doubt that they would give up the advantages of the right time and place.

The meaning of Xue Daoheng's words was to say that Murong Ge and Li Mu should not be advised to go out to fight in the field.

Murong Ge is a sensible person, so he naturally understood what Xue Daoheng meant.

Murong Ge looked at Xue Daoheng, and said in a deep voice: "Master Xue, you just came to Tuyuhun, so I'm afraid you don't know much about the weather here!"

"Let me tell you, the temperature difference between day and night in Tuyuhun is very large, and the sunshine is also great. You may not see anything at ordinary times, but once the Tarim River stops flowing, then, in at most ten days, all the rivers in Tuyuhun will be flooded. It will all dry up!"

"Millions of people and troops, including cattle, sheep and horses, have lost their drinking water sources. The consequences can be imagined!"

Murong Ge's words scared Xue Daoheng into a tizzy.He has been in Tuyuhun for so long, and he is impressed by the climate of Tuyuhun, who wears cotton-padded jackets in the morning and gauze in the afternoon, but he never imagined that the cessation of the Tarim River would cause such a big consequence.

This is the gap in cognition. It is impossible for water shortages to occur in the Sui Dynasty.Even if there is no river water, there is still well water, and even the drought affects only a small area.

It was hard for Xue Daoheng to imagine that the water source of the entire Tuyuhun country was actually relying on the Tarim River.

If things are really as Murong Ge said, then once Li Mu's flow is successfully cut off.Li Mu didn't have to fight this battle, he only needed to hold the dam upstream, and then Tuyuhun himself would be in chaos.

Xue Daoheng also understood at this time that this battle must be fought now, and it must be fought if it is not fought.

"General Murong, if you want to win this battle, you have to send someone for help! At least one hundred thousand troops must be mobilized."

"If we want to defeat Li Mu in a field battle, we need at least three to one troops!" Xue Daoheng said with a straight face.

On this point, Xue Daoheng did not lie.According to the combat effectiveness of the Sui Army, Murong Ge really needed more than three times as many troops to win.

After hearing Xue Daoheng's words, Murong Ge couldn't help but nodded again and again. Obviously, he agreed with Xue Daoheng's words.

Heeding Xue Daoheng's suggestion, Murong Ge quickly wrote a letter to his elder brother Murong Shun, explaining the situation, and ordered eight hundred miles to send it over urgently.

At this time, Tuyuhun would have to mobilize the whole country, and then push back the Sui army outside the country.

If Murong Shun, the king of Tuyuhun, is moderate in politics, then he is nothing but an idiot in military affairs.

However, this person has self-knowledge, he knows that he is not very capable in military affairs, and he basically obeys his brother Murong Ge's advice.

After receiving a letter from his brother Murong Ge, Murong Shun also panicked when he saw the letter saying that the Tarim River was about to stop flowing.

Since the existence of Tuyuhun, the Tarim River has never stopped flowing.If the Tarim River stopped flowing during the period when Murong Shun was the emperor, there would inevitably be no rumors!
You know, the ancients were superstitious, once any rumors spread, they would shake the throne if they were not careful.

"This Da Sui is really deceiving me too much. Pass down the order and order the prime minister to quickly summon the men of all ages!"

"I, Tuyuhun, want to fight the whole country, and I will definitely drive out the Sui army!" After Murong Shun cursed, he quickly started to gather troops.

Murong Shun began to block people, and his brother Murong Ge was not idle either. When Murong Ge led his troops to a hundred miles away from Li Mu's cut-off point, Li Mu's dam upstream was about to be completed.

The location of the cutoff is hundreds of miles away.

Tuyuhun camp.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Murong Ge was looking at the map in a daze, his face was full of sadness.

"Something is wrong!"

"It will take at least a month for domestic conscripts to arrive here. According to the current construction speed of the upstream dam, if our people don't arrive, his dam will have been built!"

"As a last resort, we can only act first!" Murong Ge said while looking at the map.

As soon as he heard that Murong Ge wanted to attack first, Xue Daoheng tried to persuade him.However, after thinking about it, persuasion is useless!
It is true that the chances of winning are not high if you do it now, but if you don't do it now, wait until Li Mu completes the construction of the dam and cuts off the Tarim River.

At that time, Li Mu will hold the upper reaches for three or two months, and they will be finished.I'm afraid that at that time, not to mention the people of Tuyuhun, even the drinking water of these soldiers will become a problem.

Murong Ge's judgment is not problematic, now they have to fight, there is still a glimmer of hope for fighting, if they don't fight, they will die slowly.

Xue Daoheng cupped his hands towards Murong Ge and said: "General Murong, even if we fight, we can only attack and harass a small group of troops!"

"Our goal is to delay the construction of the dam, not to fight the enemy to the death. As long as our support comes first, then this battle can still be won!"

Murong Ge nodded, and said in a deep voice, "That's what I mean! As long as the Tarim River keeps flowing, the people downstream will have a way out!"

"This Li Mu is so vicious and wants to cut off the lives of millions of people in Tuyuhun, I, Murong Ge, will never agree!"

"I have [-] cavalrymen under my command, please Lord Xue hand over the cavalrymen to my command! Today, I will personally command the cavalrymen to attack the Sui army's embankment!"

Xue Daoheng was already old, so he was naturally powerless to charge forward, and Murong Ge could only take the lead in this matter of harassment!

(End of this chapter)

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