Chapter 584 Bidding Conference
"The general is right!"

"We listen to the general!"

"We believe in the general!"

After hearing Li Mu's words, all the merchants present were eager to try, for fear that they would not be able to catch the express train of Li Mu.

Seeing the great enthusiasm of the big guys, Li Mu immediately began to explain the first sea trade to the merchants present.

After listening to Li Mu's words, these businessmen had a little sad expression on their faces.

There was only one fleet for this first sea trade, consisting of one treasure ship and six blessing ships.

The general on this treasure ship said that this is an official ship of the imperial court, and only these six lucky ships can be distributed to them and merchants.

Although this lucky boat is not small, it can carry a lot of goods, but, although the lucky boat is not small, he can't stand the many merchants present!
There were more than 100 merchants present, six lucky boats, an average of more than 20 merchants, and only one lucky boat can be distributed.

The merchants present began to wonder in their hearts how they could get a lucky boat as much as possible.

At this time, among the many merchants, those merchants with stronger strength were very happy.And those merchants with weaker strength were a little unhappy.

After all, there are only six lucky boats in total, so it is easy for stronger merchants to obtain these lucky boats.

At this time, I only heard Li Mu say: "Everyone, the purpose of going out to sea is not to make money, but to let everyone have the experience of going to sea."

"So, don't worry everyone, everyone who is present here today has a share in the six lucky boats! As for how to divide, this general will decide for himself."

After listening to Li Mu's words, the merchants who were originally powerful became depressed, and those merchants who were originally depressed seemed much happier.

These powerful merchants thought to themselves that they originally planned to eat alone, but now it seems that this can't be done alone.

And those merchants with weak strength originally thought that they had no chance to go to sea this time, but now they got this opportunity again.

The big guy thought to himself, it was not in vain to come to see the general this time.These people who came here today, everyone has a share.

Maritime trade, this is a big cake, just nibble off some corners and corners casually, and you can make a lot of money.

At this time, a merchant asked: "General, there are six Fu boats, how should we distribute these people here?"

There are six blessing boats, but there are about a hundred merchants present, and these hundred people are divided into six blessing boats. How can this be divided fairly?

He can't divide this lucky boat directly from the middle like dividing an apple, half for you and half for me.

After the merchant asked this question, all the merchants looked at Li Mu one after another. Obviously, they were also very curious about how to divide.

This matter is related to the vital interests of the big guys, so naturally they are very curious about this matter.

Li Mu wasn't showing off, but waved to the attendants behind him.

Seeing this, the attendant came up with a tray. On this tray were not meals, but documents.

"This is the general's plan on how to allocate the six blessing boats. Each of us will share one share. Let's discuss after reading it!" Li Mu said to the merchants.

After saying this, the attendant began to distribute the documents on the tray to the merchants.These merchants opened the files and looked at them carefully one by one.Looking at it, it seemed that he was afraid of missing a handwriting.

Regarding how to divide the six blessing boats, Li Mu adopted a bidding system.

That is, after the unified calculation of the cargo capacity of the six Fuchuan ships, each [-] jin of cargo capacity is used as a standard.

For each bid, in addition to the cargo capacity of [-] catties, there are also ten quotas for going out to sea with the ship.

In Li Mu's fleet, the treasure ship was the main ship, and the remaining cargo capacity was [-] tons, except for the crew and living supplies.

The remaining six Fuchuan ships have a load capacity of more than 200 tons, excluding the crew and living supplies.

More than 200 tons, that is a full 40 catties, and every 200 catties is a bid, and a Fuchuan is [-] bids.There are six lucky boats with a total of more than [-] bids.

There are about a hundred of these businessmen present today, and if there are a hundred or so, each of them will guarantee a bid first.

The remaining [-] or so bids are subject to public bidding through bidding.

It is the cheapest for each merchant to guarantee a minimum bid. You only need to pay a shipping fee of 100 taels.

However, the rest of the public bidding bids are expensive, with the lowest price being 500 taels of gold.

For merchants, the [-]-jin guaranteed load per person can transport some goods at will, even if they transport some small-profit things such as rice and grain, they can still pay back.

However, if it is a place obtained through bidding, then it is necessary to transport some valuable things, otherwise, it is very likely to lose money.

Of course, in this planning document, Li Mu did not make any requirements for the goods sold by these merchants.

The main reason is that this is the first time for maritime trade, and Li Mu doesn't know what goods are easy to sell and what goods are valuable.

Therefore, these merchants can only rely on free play, and bring more things, all kinds of things, and it will be clear what is valuable next time.

After reading Li Mu's proposal, the merchants present couldn't help nodding their heads, giving Li Mu a thumbs up in their hearts.

The general's arrangement is appropriate. This arrangement can be said to be quite reasonable. It not only allows the weaker merchants to participate, but also gives the stronger merchants more opportunities to bid.

"The general's plan is proper, we will all listen to the general!"

"Yes, we all listen to the general!"

These people present were all satisfied, and naturally echoed loudly one by one.

Li Mu nodded, and then said: "Since that's the case, let's start the public bidding in seven days. As for the location of the bidding, let's set it here!"

"no problem!"

"Follow the general's order!"

The big guys responded one after another, all of them were elated and eager to try, as if they were waiting for the bidding seven days later.

Seeing that the business was almost done, Li Mu asked the merchants, "Since you have no objections, then this matter is settled!"

"I don't know if you have any questions. If you have any questions, please speak up!"

After Li Mu finished speaking, all the merchants looked at each other, and then one of them asked, "General, do you know that all trades will be conducted in this form of bidding in the future?"

Many merchants thought to themselves that the form of this bidding is good, and it can guarantee relative fairness, so it is quite good.

Li Mu smiled, and said to the merchants: "Now the shipyard in Huating County is speeding up the speed of shipbuilding. Maybe you will be able to see countless ships after returning from this long voyage."

"At that time, everyone can also rent a lucky boat by themselves, or even rent a fleet!"

Hearing Li Mu's words, the eyes of these merchants lit up!
After getting familiar with the sea trade route this time, if you rent a lucky boat or even a fleet by yourself, you will really make a lot of money.

Sea-going ships are different from inland ships. The manufacturing process of sea-going ships is relatively complicated. Except for the imperial court, it is impossible for these merchants to have the ability to manufacture sea-going ships.

Therefore, for sea-going ships, Li Mu's strategy is to only lease and not sell. In this way, it is tantamount to firmly grasping the maritime trade in his own hands.

Next, these merchants asked some questions one after another, and Li Mu answered them one by one.

After the matter was settled, it was rare for Li Mu to be free for a few days.

Without the constraints of a powerful family, Li Mu and Yang Guang, the two monarchs and ministers, can display their ambitions wantonly.

In a blink of an eye, seven days have passed.

The layout of Huixianju has been changed in advance, and the entire Huixianju has become a large hall.

At noon, the bidding conference for Huixianju was underway.

It can be said that the hot situation of this bidding was beyond Li Mu's expectations.

Although it is said that each bid is priced at [-] gold, Li Mu thinks that this price is not low.

After all, this is the first time sea trade has been carried out, and it is unknown whether the specific profit of this trade will be high or low.

Moreover, sea trade and land trade are unknown.The risk of this maritime trade is much greater than that of land trade.

No one can guarantee whether there will be strong winds and waves in maritime trade, and once there are strong winds and waves, it is very likely to cause damage to the goods.

Even, in case of any danger, it is possible that the entire ship's cargo will sink.

The starting price for each bid is [-] gold, and there are [-] bids for a lucky boat. That is to say, Li Mu has already earned [-] taels of gold for each lucky boat before the boat goes to sea.

Of course, 2 taels of gold seems insignificant compared to the cost of a Fuchuan.

The cost of each lucky boat is 10,000+ taels of gold, and after each voyage, these lucky boats need to be refurbished, and each refurbishment must be a huge expense.

However, this time due to fewer boats, there are more people competing.The first time to go to sea determines the future development of maritime trade.

You should know that each bid can only bring ten crew members on board. For these merchants, the more people they have on board, the more advantageous they will be in the next trade.

Therefore, many merchants are not here to make money at all, but to cultivate a group of talents who can go to sea for trade.

Maritime trade, this is a new blue ocean for the merchants of the Sui Dynasty.

At this time, one step first, that is step by step first.

Whoever can seize the opportunity means that in the next era of great navigation, whoever will be the new leader.

Those big merchants didn't come here to make money at all, on the contrary, they went to lose money.

The bid that was originally priced at [-] gold was suddenly over [-] gold.It can be said that these big merchants are fighting each other's scalp and bleeding!

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen bids have been fought, and the fiery scene can be said to have taken Li Mu by surprise.

These merchants bid against each other, which can be said to be very serious. Among the dozen bids, the cheapest one was competed for [-] gold, and the most expensive one was even competed for [-] gold.

However, as the number of bids decreased, there were still many people who did not compete. Therefore, the bidding price for each bid became higher and higher.

It's like holding an auction. After the momentum comes up, it's even a little bit of hype.

None of these businessmen wanted to leave empty-handed, and whether it was profitable or unprofitable, they began to compete.

The competition among big merchants makes those relatively weaker merchants tremble a little!

Big merchants can afford to pay, but those weaker merchants don't want to bear huge losses.

But, businessmen, businessmen are smarter than each other, even smarter than monkeys.

Soon, the small merchants thought of a good way. They formed groups of three or four, even seven or eight people, or more than ten people. They had a good relationship with each other and united to compete for a bid.

In this way, after the bidding is successful, it will be shared equally by these people.In this way, it means that they have spread the risk.

It is difficult for them to accept a big loss, but a small loss is still acceptable.

Needless to say, such and such, really let these small merchants rob food, and grabbed some shares.

Due to the fierce competition of small merchants, there are fewer and fewer competition targets, and the competition among these big merchants has become more and more intense.

Soon there were only a dozen or so bids left, and the prices of the last ten or so bids had been competed to an unimaginable level.

After about a stick of incense, the bidding ended, and the bid with the highest price was sold at a price of [-] gold.

You know, a standard is equal to a cargo capacity of [-] catties, and the establishment of [-] gold is almost equal to every catty of goods, and the freight alone costs one gold.

After getting this news, Li Mu was thinking in his heart, my good fellow, what are you selling to make such money?
After the news reached Li Mu, Li Mu was very reasonable.For those who spend more money, when allocating warehouse positions.

Li Mu assigned their cargo warehouses closer to the interior of the cabin, the closer to the interior of the cabin, the smaller the degree of turbulence, and the safer the cargo.

After all, these people spent a lot of money. If the goods were damaged on the way, they would really lose everything.

After the bidding conference was over, these merchants immediately went back to their respective homes, looking for their mothers.

They have to go back to prepare the goods now, and these goods must also be some valuable things.

After all, the cargo capacity is limited, and many people's cargo capacity is even purchased at a high price. If you don't prepare some valuable cargo, you may suffer serious losses.

Although it is said that this is the first time to conduct maritime trade, many merchants are not rushing to make money, but if they can make money, no one will lose money with a silly face, right?
(ps: It is being changed one after another. This book will end on the 30th of the end of the month, so the later writing is a bit slow! Here I recommend my new book "Rebellion at the Beginning: The Empress Please Respect Yourself". You can read it.)
(End of this chapter)

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