Chapter 585 The Great Voyage Age

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed.The Sui Dynasty has now thoroughly started maritime trade, and countless merchants have made a lot of money because of maritime trade.

As more and more merchants made money from maritime trade, more and more merchants poured into maritime trade.

After three years, Huating County is no longer the small county it used to be.

In just three years, Huating County has transformed from a dilapidated small county town composed of countless small fishing villages into a large coastal city.

Since the shipyard and the sea port are located in Huating County, many businessmen simply built textile factories, porcelain factories, etc. in Huating County.

If a lot of goods are transported thousands of miles to Huating County, there will inevitably be some losses along the way.

Build the factory directly in Huating County, and then transport the raw materials. In this way, a lot of loss on the road can be avoided.

As more and more factories are located in Huating County, Huating County has completely transformed from the previous days of fishing for a living into an industrialized city.

Because Huating County is close to the sea, the land here is saline-alkali land, and the survival rate of growing grain itself is also low.Therefore, people in Huating County and the surrounding counties and counties simply don't grow food at all, and rely entirely on working in nearby factories for a living.

Moreover, as the maritime trade is progressing more and more smoothly, there are more and more migrant workers in the entire Huating County.

Let's put it this way, the current Huating County really has the meaning of the devil's capital of later generations.

In the past two years, the population of Huating County has been increasing and has exceeded the 50 mark.

The rapid development of Huating County is not just about enriching the people in Huating County, but the rapid development of the Sui Dynasty.

In the Sui Dynasty, there were already signs of developing from an agricultural society to an industrial society.The productivity of the entire Sui Dynasty is rapidly increasing.

As a result, the people of the Sui Dynasty became more and more prosperous, and the people's lives became better and better.

The people lived well, and the Sui Dynasty naturally became richer and stronger.

Huating County, City Gate.

The entire city gate of Huating County can be said to be bustling with merchants from all over the world.

Today, Huating County has become the largest trade distribution center in the entire Sui Dynasty.

Among the bustling caravan, three people mixed in and entered Huating County.

Of course, there are too many people who come to Huating County to find a job and find a way out, and these three people are not very eye-catching.

The clothes of these three people are the clothes of ordinary traveling merchants. They are middle class, neither poor nor rich, very inconspicuous.

The three of them led the horse to watch all the way, from the north of the city to the south of the city, and then from the south of the city to the north of the city, finally, they found an inn to stay.

If you want to inquire about news, naturally the inn is the easiest place to inquire.The inn received guests from south to north every day, and naturally heard a lot of news in the words.

This is like, if people in future generations go on a business trip and want to find a place to take a bath and massage, they can directly ask the taxi driver. This is a truth.

Huating County, please come to the inn again.

The three of them entered the inn, found a place near the window and sat down.

"Little Second!"

"Let's have a pot of shochu, and serve some good dishes!" The first one, a man with an imposing appearance, shouted at Xiao Er.

"Okay!" Xiao Er replied.

At this point, since it was not the time to eat, there were only a few sparse tables of guests in the inn, so it was not considered busy.

Not long after, Xiao Er came up with a jar of wine and some cold dishes.

"Xiaoer, how's the business going these days?"

"Winter is coming soon, and there are fewer caravans going to sea, and the business is less than usual. However, there are still caravans going south and north, and they can't be idle!"

"Have there been many caravans setting up factories in recent years?"

"Many, why not many, the entire coastal area is full of factories."

Since it was not a meal, there were not many diners in the store, so the three of them deliberately chatted with the waiter, hoping to get some simple news from him.

Of course, what the waiter in this store knows is all public news, not esoteric news.

"The few of us have some money, but we also want to go to sea to do business. I don't know what is the way to do it?"

"Going to sea for business, you can go wherever you want! Leasing ships and preparing goods are not small expenses."

"Although the profit of this merchant is huge, the risk is also great. If there is a big storm or pirates, it is possible to lose everything."

"You businessmen, you only see people eating meat, not beating people!"

After saying these words, Xiao Er shook his head and hurried to the side.

After several years of exploration, this overseas business model has become a relatively mature model.

And in the process from immature to mature, those small merchants have been gradually eliminated.

Although going overseas as a merchant is beneficial, it also entails risks.Once encountering storms and pirates, it is easy to lose everything.

Small merchants have weak ability to resist risks. One risk may wipe out a lifetime of hard work.And big merchants have a strong ability to resist risks. Even if they encounter a risk, it will be nothing more than a injury.

Just like this, today, the entire maritime trade model has evolved into that big merchants go to sea for trade, while small merchants operate factories and produce goods.

After Xiaoer got busy, the three of them looked at each other, saw that there was no one around, and started whispering in low voices.

"Uncle, what do you think?" the handsome man asked one of the middle-aged men in Tsing Yi.

The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi thought for a moment, then pondered: "This Li Mu is really capable, a small Huating County has changed in just a few years in his hands!"

"We have to act as soon as possible, otherwise, I'm afraid there will be no hope of revenge in this life!"

"Young master wants revenge, so Xiong took advantage of the darkness to kill Li Mu!" Said the purple-faced man among the three.

The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi shook his head again and again: "Kuo Hai, don't be reckless, Li Mu is invincible in martial arts, and you alone may not be his opponent."

"If you want to kill him, you have to use tricks. As for how to use tricks, I have to think about it."

Who are these three people who are talking, and what kind of hatred they have with Li Mu.

These three people and Li Mu had a mortal enmity.

The majestic man, if you look closely, has a bit of the appearance of Tianbao General Yuwen Chengdu in his face.

This person is none other than Yuwen Chengdu's brother, Yuwen Jackie Chan.

As for the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi, it was Pei Yun.

And the purple-faced man in front of him can be regarded as an old acquaintance of Li Mu, Li Mu's bow was obtained from this person, he is the purple-faced king Xiong Kuohai.

How did Xiongkuohai get together with Yuwen Jackie Chan, Pei Yun and the others? It all started a few years ago.

A few years ago, Pei Yun and Yuwen Jackie Chan were on their way back from Tuyuhun to the Sui Dynasty when they found Xiong Kuohai sick and lying on the side of the road.

At that time, Xiong Kuo Hai's illness was very serious, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was dying.

Pei Yun's vision was extraordinary, he could tell at a glance that the purple-faced man was not an ordinary person, so he rescued him.

He found an inn for Xiong Kuo Hai to live in, and even brought in a doctor to treat his illness. The two of them waited on him for a full month, and finally cured Xiong Kuo Hai's illness.

The men in the rivers and lakes are all about the kindness of a drop of water, and they should repay each other with a spring.What's more, Pei Yun and Yuwen Jackie Chan's kindness to him is not the kindness of dripping water, but the kindness of saving lives.

In order to repay the kindness of Pei Yun and Yuwen Jackie Chan, Xiong Kuohai also joined their team.

From Xiong Kuohai's point of view, Li Mu has no relationship with him, but Pei Yun and Yuwen Jackie Chan are his saviors.The two of them want to kill Li Mu, so I help them kill Li Mu.

Because Li Mu has been busy with maritime affairs these years, he has lived in Huating County all year round, and even his wife and children have moved to Huating County.

In order to be able to kill Li Mu, Pei Yun and Yuwen Jackie also chased him to Huating County.

Gradually, the number of diners in the inn gradually increased, and speaking naturally became inconvenient.

The three of them stopped their voices, had their own meals, and began to chat about some business matters.

At this time, just from the words of the three people, I really thought that these three people were ordinary businessmen.

After drinking and eating, Pei Yun collected money for the meal, and the three of them went upstairs to rest.

After coming to the guest room, close the doors and windows. At this time, you can open up to say anything.

"Uncle, do you have an idea?" Yuwen Jackie asked Pei Yun.

After experiencing so many things in these years, Yuwen Jackie has matured a lot.Now, he is learning martial arts from Xiong Kuo Hai and literature from Pei Yun, so he can be regarded as capable of both literature and martial arts.

Yu Wencheng knew Pei Yun very well, and from Pei Yun's expression, he knew that Pei Yun definitely had an idea to deal with Li Mu.

Pei Yun nodded, and said in a deep voice: "That's right, I just had an idea, it's just that there are so many people outside that it's inconvenient to say it."

"Now that Li Mu's power is getting bigger and bigger, it will be more and more difficult for us to deal with him!"

"Today's Sui, three to five years will be a big change. If things go on like this, I'm afraid we will have no hope of revenge in this life!"

"Nowadays, maritime trade is developed, and there are more and more pirates. In my opinion, we can use the power of pirates to transfer Li Mu to the sea."

"At that time, we will go all out and besiege Li Mu on the sea, and we will surely kill him!"

Among the three, Pei Yun was the one who made up his mind, as long as he could kill Li Mu, it didn't matter what method he used.

After gaining attention, Pei Yun began to arrange and arrange in full swing.

The most important thing is to contact the pirates first, and find a way to win over these pirates.

Moreover, these pirates had to be made to do some outrageous things, otherwise, Li Mu might not personally send troops to encircle them.

As the saying goes, where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes.

Where there is business, there must be bandits.On the land, on the road where trade is developed, there are also bandits who occupy the mountains and become kings by robbing roads to make a fortune.

The trade on this sea route has developed, and naturally some people have made a fortune by robbing.

Moreover, the bandits on the sea are even more difficult to guard against.After all, on this vast sea, it is not easy to contain or catch.

In many cases, deliberately trying to catch these pirates will waste the strength of the boss, and it may not be able to achieve good results.

Therefore, for the bandits now, Li Mu adopts defense as the main method and suppression as the auxiliary method.

These fleets that go to sea are all leased from Li Mu's Maritime Department, and all of these ships are equipped with weapons.

Moreover, these ships and the weapons on them are far more advanced than those of pirates.

Moreover, the crew of each ship is also a qualified navy.The crews of these ships fought unambiguously.

Therefore, whenever a merchant ship is hijacked, it is often the pirates who rely on crowd tactics to hijack the merchant ship.

Moreover, in fact, there are not many official ships hijacked every year, and most of them are some unruly private ships.

What is an official ship and what is a private ship.

Official ships are large sea ships rented from the Maritime Department. These sea ships are equipped with weapons and are all driven by the crew of the Maritime Department.

And after the maritime trade matures, the sea route is no secret.Naturally, there are people who don't follow the rules. They don't rent sea ships from the Maritime Department, but build small sea ships by themselves and take risks in maritime trade.

Li Mu did not prohibit this kind of private boat, firstly because the cargo capacity of this kind of private boat is not large, and secondly, this kind of private boat is also very risky.

When this kind of private boat encounters strong winds and waves or pirates, it can only pray to Amitabha, and it is almost powerless to fight back.

Apart from being cheap, private boats have no advantage over official boats, so Li Mu has no need to ban private boats.

Anyway, the goods pulled by this kind of private boat have to pay the same tariff after landing. Li Mu is nothing more than earning less money from leasing the boat.

The more developed the maritime trade, the more pirates there will be. This is not something that can be banned if you want to.

It's not impossible for Pei Yun to use the power of pirates to deal with Li Mu, after all, there are really many pirates in the sea.

Moreover, these pirates are not only the pirates of the Sui Dynasty, but also the pirates of Goguryeo and Fusang.

After Pei Yun had an idea, he began to send people out to sea to contact the pirates on the sea.

Although Pei Yun has never had contact with pirates, this is his first contact with pirates.

However, there is nothing in this world that money cannot do.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. As the only surviving seedlings of a powerful family, Pei Yun and Yuwen Jackie's wealth is beyond imagination.

With money clearing the way, Pei Yun quickly contacted many more powerful pirates.

Pei Yun also carefully selected the pirates who helped him.He did not choose the pirate group of the Sui people, but the pirates of Fusang and Goguryeo.

Most of the pirates in Goguryeo were organized by Goguryeo people who opposed the Sui Dynasty, and they also hated Li Mu.The Fusang people are even more vicious, greedy like hungry wolves.

(ps: Brothers, please support the new book, "Rebellion in the Beginning: The Empress Please Respect Yourself", it is super beautiful, if it is not good, slap me in the face!!)

(End of this chapter)

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