Chapter 589
Five hundred miles away from Huating County.

Even the fastest boat from Huating County would have to stop for three or five days and nights to get here.

Originally, almost all of these pirates were operating within a range of about [-] miles from Huating County, but after going ashore to plunder, these pirates knew that Li Mu would never let it go.

Therefore, these pirates can only continue to evacuate and go up as far away from the shore as possible, so that they can feel a little safer.

On the sea, a big ship.

At this time, on the big ship, the pirates participating in the shore robbery were having a meeting.

All of them were ashen-faced, their brows were tightly wrinkled, and their faces were like egg skins.

Angry, they are so angry, these pirates almost exploded?

The reason why they were angry was naturally because Pei Yun ran away.

Pei Yun originally promised 50 taels of gold as revenge for the pirates who went ashore to plunder and lured Li Mu out.

However, now that these pirates have gone ashore to plunder as promised, they have also attracted Li Mu's hatred.

However, at this time, Pei Yun ran away!

With Pei Yun's run, the 50 taels of gold he promised to everyone was naturally thrown away.

In other words, these pirates went ashore to plunder, and Li Mu kept a close eye on them, but in the end he only got 15%, which is a deposit of [-] taels of gold.

Although the deposit of 15 taels of gold is not a lot, it is really not too much after more than ten pirates have divided it.

After all, after offending Li Mu, they dare not loot near the coast anymore!

This business without capital can't be done, it is tantamount to sitting on the mountain and eating nothing!


"I've said it a long time ago, Sui people can't believe it, Sui people can't believe it!"

"That's all right now, we've settled the matter, but we didn't get the benefits. Damn it, it's the fox who didn't catch it, and made me angry!" A pirate leader slapped the table with his hands, and shouted angrily. .

However, at this time, it's not that whoever has a loud voice is justified, and a loud voice can't solve any problems.

Pei Yun ran away, these pirates were all beaten, and he was not the only one who suffered losses.

Of course, not all pirates are so reckless.Among the pirates, there are also some who have a little bit of brains.

Among the pirates, one of the Goguryeo pirates said, "It's already happened, and complaining won't solve anything!"

"Right now, it's best if we can find that person, even if we can't, we have to clear the cargo on the ship as soon as possible!"

"The general of the Sui Dynasty has already sent people to search for the islands in the sea. Our cargo is on board. Once the ships of the Sui Dynasty find us and our ship can't run fast, it will be completely over!"

As soon as the Korean pirate finished speaking, all the pirates present nodded in unison.

If the final payment of 30 taels of gold that Pei Yun had promised was gone, it would be like a cooked duck flying away.Now, for the current plan, these goods must be sold to stop the loss in time.

Not to mention that these goods cannot be turned into money in the hands, and the accumulation of goods on the ship will also affect the speed of the pirate ship.

At this time, if you encounter a Sui army ship, you are likely to be dumped.

At that time, let alone the money was not received, these pirates might have to be completely wiped out.

After the Koguryo pirate leader proposed to sell the goods as soon as possible, he immediately got a response from these pirates.

One reason is that these pirates are people who are open to money, and the other reason is that these pirates are also panicking, for fear that they will be made dumplings by the Sui army.

In the past, when they plundered at sea, firstly, they killed few people, and secondly, they killed only smugglers.

But this time it was different, this time they went ashore and slaughtered innocent people.

There is no doubt that it is absolutely impossible for Li Mu to spare them easily.

"Now I'm looking for a deal with the Sui people, I'm afraid of being tricked by the Sui people!" At this time, a pirate leader among the crowd said.

Now these pirates and Li Mu belong to the endless hatred, so they have to be careful in everything.


"I'm afraid he will do something wrong, we trade at sea, this sea is our home field!"

"If we see real gold and silver, we will give the goods. If we don't see real gold and silver, we will simply kill someone in the future!" A pirate leader yelled.

After some deliberation, the matter was temporarily settled.

These pirate leaders unanimously decided to sell the goods they robbed this time, and after exchanging these goods for real money, they will die down for a while.

These pirates believed that Li Mu should be angry for a while now, and after this incident slowly passed, they could still plunder in this sea area.

Of course, although these pirates are not smart, they are not all fools.

Although they were eager to sell the goods they looted last time, they didn't sell everyone.

It can be said that a businessman seeks profit, but as long as the profit is sufficient, there is nothing a businessman dare not do.

Pirates also have their own fixed sales channels. After all, the goods looted by pirates are sold at extremely low prices.

Merchants bought goods from pirates at a low price, even lower than the cost of their own production.

This kind of thing is not easy to prohibit, after all, no one can say about the source of goods.

Even some innocent businessmen, when encountering such low-priced goods, usually turn a blind eye to purchase them.

After all, they didn't snatch these goods. If they don't buy them, others will.There is money to make, why not make it!

The pirates also knew that the goods in their hands were hot, and it was more difficult than ever to sell them.

Therefore, these pirates set the price of this batch of goods lower than before.Also, only trade with merchants who have traded with them before.

Judging from these things, these pirates have tried their best to avoid the risks that may be encountered in transactions.

Huating County, Li Mu's Mansion.

That night!

Li Mu summoned all the famous merchants in Huating County to his mansion.

After the massacre of pirates in Huating County, the entire Huating County was under curfew at night.

Therefore, when these merchants came to Li Mu's mansion, no one was alarmed.

Even some merchants had already fallen asleep, and they were lifted out of bed by Li Mu's soldiers abruptly, and brought to Li Mu's house.

There was a tragedy in Huating County where pirates went ashore to kill and rob goods. These businessmen also knew that Li Mu was in a bad mood these days.

Li Mu called them over in the middle of the night, making these merchants feel a little uneasy.

Among them, those merchants who frequently traded with pirates felt even more guilty.

These merchants thought to themselves, could it be that the general wanted to use this matter to attack them.

Li Mu didn't arrive until all the people arrived.

Li Mu came to the main seat, sat down and picked up the tea bowl, took a sip of tea, looked up at the many merchants who were still standing, and said in a low voice, "Don't be nervous, everyone, sit down and talk first!"

Li Mu opened his mouth, not to mention telling them to sit down, but even asking them to lie on their stomachs or kneel, they would not dare to disobey in the slightest.

After Li Mu finished speaking, all the merchants quickly sat down.

After seeing everyone seated, Li Mu spoke slowly again: "Everyone, I'm afraid I'm wondering why I called everyone here in the middle of the night, right?"

"Everyone, you are all great merchants in our Great Sui Dynasty. In the entire Great Sui Dynasty, you can be regarded as prominent figures."

"I'm looking for you to come here this time. I really want to ask for something. There is something I need your help with!"

Hearing that Li Mu asked them to help with something, these merchants couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, and the stone in their hearts had fallen to the ground.

After all, it's better for Li Mu to ask them for help than to ask them for help!
"General, if you have something to say, just speak up!"

"I'm waiting to go to the mountain of swords, and it's not too late to go to the sea of ​​fire!"

"Yes, no matter what the general asks me to do, I will definitely not say anything wrong!"

Immediately, these merchants expressed their stance one after another, expressing their loyalty to Li Mu one by one.

Li Mu picked up the tea bowl, took a sip of tea and said, "The general said, you are all great merchants in the Sui Dynasty, with rich financial resources, it is not an exaggeration to say that you are rich like an enemy."

"A few days ago, these damned pirates robbed a mountain of goods from our Huating County, and left behind a mountain of corpses!"

"This general has already found out who the perpetrators are. Most of the perpetrators are barbarian pirates from Goguryeo and Fusang."

"Since these pirates have stolen so much goods, they are naturally eager to take action. I am afraid that you are the only ones who can eat so much goods in a short time!"

As soon as Li Mu said these words, all the merchants present were terrified, some timid ones were already trembling all over.

From the looks of it, [-]% of the guts are scared to death!

Pirates killed common people and robbed goods, and they traded with pirates, so they were accomplices!
These merchants speculated one by one, thinking to themselves, what does the general mean by this!

At this time, some merchants thought to themselves, the general meant that he would not allow me to trade with the pirates, and let the goods rot in the hands of the pirates.

Although merchants are profit-seeking, they also understand what money can be earned and what money cannot be earned.

In the past, they traded with pirates, Li Mu might not have known about it.At that time, it can be said that Li Mu turned a blind eye and closed one eye.

But now that Li Mu has spoken, the money can no longer be earned, no matter what!
"Don't worry, General, we will never trade with pirates!" A merchant who thought he had guessed Li Mu's intentions said.

After this person made his statement, the rest of the merchants seemed to have reacted immediately, and they all opened their mouths.

"Don't worry, General, we will never deal with pirates!"

"Never associate with pirates!"

"The pirates slaughtered my people in the Great Sui Dynasty. We also have a blood feud with the pirates. We will never trade with them!"

After having a leader, these merchants cursed and swore one by one, and one spoke more fiercely than the other.

It seems that without cursing and swearing, it is difficult to win the trust of the general.

Among them, some people even swear by the eighteenth generation of their ancestors, saying that if they trade with pirates, they will make the eighteenth generation of their ancestors have no peace.

"Cough cough!"

"You misunderstood what this general meant. Instead of stopping you from trading with pirates, this general encouraged you to trade with pirates!"

"However, this is what I said before, you can trade with pirates, and this general will let you earn this money!"

"But one thing, you have to report to me when you trade with pirates, how to trade, when and where to trade!"

"If you all follow what I, Li Mu, said, then you will earn the money, and it will be regarded as a welfare from the imperial court!"

"However, if someone hides and deals with pirates secretly, then don't blame me, Li Mu, for being ruthless!" Li Mu said coldly.

From Li Mu's words, these merchants could tell that Li Mu was determined to kill all the pirates.

After these pirates have been exterminated, although these merchants have no way to buy low-priced goods from pirates.

However, once the pirates are wiped out, the sea transportation will be smoother, and their sea business will be smoother.

Therefore, for most merchants, there are no pirates at sea, or there are fewer pirates, which is a great thing for them.

Speaking from the inside, these merchants did not dare to disobey Li Mu's intentions.

You know, who is in charge of the Great Sui Shipping now, it is Li Mu!
Whether it is a sea ship or a sea port, they are all in the hands of Li Mu.

If you dare to disobey Li Mu's intentions, do you want to do business at sea?

Hearing that Li Mu allowed them to do business with the pirates, each of these merchants felt very happy.

After all, this is tantamount to doing something for Li Mu and selling Li Mu's favor.What's more, it can make a lot of money from the deal with pirates.

However, at this time, these merchants changed their minds.

No, just now they swore not to trade with pirates.

What a baby without a butthole!
The ancestors have no peace!

Thunder and bang!
All in all, what they said was vicious just now, so they said whatever they said.

It's all right now, what I just said is still hot, but now it's slapped in the face!
The one who just swore that his ancestors would have no peace, now his face is turning green.

It looked like a dead mouse had been swallowed alive.

However, Li Mu spoke at this time, they would not trade with these pirates, they had to trade with these pirates.

After the meeting was over, Li Mu repeatedly emphasized that once the pirates approach merchants like them for business, they must notify themselves immediately.

These merchants all nodded in agreement, how dare they say no to Li Mu.

Now, what Li Mu should arrange has already been arranged.

What to do now is to wait quietly, waiting for the pirates to contact these merchants for transactions.

Once the location where merchants and pirates traded is known, the Sui navy with sail battleships will be able to wipe out these pirates.

In this era, a sailing battleship equipped with artillery is an invincible artifact on the sea.

(ps: This book will end at the end of the month, and there are almost a hundred thousand words left. Brothers who are still chasing, please support the new book "Rebellion at the Beginning: The Empress Please Respect Yourself"!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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