Chapter 590 Artillery is the truth

Sure enough, as Li Mu expected, after Li Mu beat these merchants, within a few days, the pirates began to secretly contact these merchants.

Although it is said that the eyeliner arranged by these pirates in the city has all been removed by the pirates.

But, after all, Li Mu has no forbidden sea now, and the pirates can send people again to secretly contact those merchants who have traded with them.

It is said to be a secret contact, but it is not actually a secret.

Since these pirates came ashore, their every move was under the observation of Li Mu's eyeliner.

It can be said that since they came ashore, they have become the shackles of Li Mu.

However, since Li Mu wanted to wipe out these pirates, he naturally had to let them go ashore to contact merchants.

These pirates went ashore, entered the city, and contacted merchants. The whole process was done in one go, but they didn't know that they had already entered the big net compiled by Li Mu. .
Since these pirates came ashore and massacred the people of the Sui Dynasty, these pirates were destined to be wiped out by the time they arrived.

Regarding these pirates, Li Mu's attitude was already very clear, that is to kill them all and leave no one alive.

These merchants have already understood Li Mu's attitude, and they also know that they must not have anything to do with pirates at this time.

This transaction is said to be a transaction with pirates, but it is actually to find out where the pirates are now.

The spies of these pirates went ashore and discussed with the merchants about the transaction.

The merchants have already received Li Mu's hint, and for this transaction, they naturally agreed and couldn't agree anymore.

In the eyes of the pirates, it is reasonable for these merchants to agree to deal with them.

Merchants seek profit, and the pirates are eager to sell the goods this time, so they set the price of the goods very low.It is natural for these merchants to agree to the transaction.

As everyone knows, while businessmen are chasing profits, they are better at protecting themselves wisely and watching the wind.

Therefore, as soon as the pirates left, the merchants sold them off.

That night.

Huating County, Li Mu's Mansion.

It was just dark, the curfew was enforced, and the whole street was full of soldiers.

Except for those who hold Li Mu's warrant, anyone who dares to go to the streets without permission will be arrested by spies who are regarded as pirates.

Each of these merchants held Li Mu's warrant and rushed to Li Mu's mansion to report the news.

He had to do this gout report at night, and there were so many people on the street during the day, maybe that person was a pirate's spy, and it was easy to leak the news.

This night, it was much more convenient at night, except for the soldiers, there was no one else on the street.

Li Mu Mansion, lobby.

Li Muduan sat firmly on the main seat, followed by more than a dozen merchants, these merchants were the ones found by the pirates.

Flies don't bite seamless eggs. Since the pirates have found them, it means that they have not traded less for pirates before.

Although Li Mu has already said that the past events will be written off and will not pursue what happened in the past, these merchants are still worried, so they are eager to sell the pirates to make meritorious service.

Without waiting for Li Mu to ask any more questions, these merchants themselves told all the transactions they had discussed with the pirates like beans pouring out of a bamboo tube.

For example, when to trade.

Where to trade!
What kind of flag is displayed on the ship when trading.

All in all, these merchants have all said everything.

I'm afraid, as long as Li Mu wants to know at this time, these merchants can even tell Li Mu what color their daughter-in-law's bellyband is.

After recording all the information in the book, Li Mu sent these merchants away, and then summoned his confidant generals to come to discuss the matter.

After half an hour.

Li Mu stood in front of the sand table, and beside him were veteran rewards headed by Qin Qiong, and young generals headed by Xue Rengui.

The veteran generals like Qin Qiong, all fought with Li Mu in the north and south, hacked east and west, and earned their fame.

And because Li Mu has conquered almost everything that can be conquered on land, most of the young generals like Xue Rengui have never fought any big battles.

After graduating from the military academy, many of these young generals were arranged to serve as partial generals and lieutenants in the army to accumulate experience.

Since they haven't really fought many big battles, these academic young generals tend to be more idealistic in their behavior.

In the sand table in front of Li Mu, the green sand all over the place represents the sea, and there are some small islands on top of the green sand.

On the green sand, visit these wooden boat models.The boats with black flags represent the ships of the Sui army, and the boats with white flags represent pirate ships.

The huge sand table in front of me represented the sea area with a radius of three thousand miles around Huating County.

These generals under Li Mu surrounded the sand table, and Li Mu began to briefly introduce them to the place where pirates and merchants traded in a few days.

These pirates are also panicking at this time. Once people panic, they will hug together to keep warm.They will subconsciously think that if there are many people, they must be safe.

The same is true for pirates. At this time, they think that if there are more people, they will be safer.

According to the accounts of these merchants, the trading places where these pirates met with them were almost all in the same sea area.

The distance between each other is no more than ten miles or so.

The pirate's attention is that if the transaction is successful, then naturally after taking the money, they will go back to their respective houses, find their mothers, and disappear for a while.

If something unexpected happens during the transaction, they are not far away from each other, and they can help each other depending on the situation.

I have to say that these pirates played well, but what they encountered was Li Mu!
Li Mu would never let them go if he wanted to do something.

After a few days, Li Mu pointed to a piece of sea area used for trading with pirates and said: "These pirates are very smart. They think they choose to conduct transactions in this wide sea area. If anything happens, they can escape immediately."

"As everyone knows, our army's sailing battleships are now ready to go. As long as they dare to show up, keeping them will have no way to go to the sky or enter the earth!"

The pirates' impression of the Sui Dynasty's navy was still on the bulky fortune ships and treasure ships.

There is a gap in information between the two, which is doomed to destroy the pirates.

Li Mu glanced at the generals, and ordered in a serious tone: "Qin Qiong, I order you to be the commander-in-chief and Xue Rengui as the vice-general to lead the main fleet composed of sailing battleships to encircle and suppress pirates."



The two generals Qin Qiong and Xue Rengui handed over their orders together.

Immediately afterwards, Li Mu ordered again: "Cheng Yaojin, I order you to lead 2 horses and take charge of cleaning the battlefield in small boats."

"For the pirates who fell into the water, and the pirates who have escaped in small boats, I have only one request, and that is that no one will be left behind!"

Cheng Yaojin cupped his hands, received the order and said: "Decree!"

For these pirates, Li Mu has issued a kill order.This time, none of these pirates will be left behind.

In the blink of an eye, seven days have passed.

Today is the day when pirates agreed to trade with merchants.

Early in the morning, the merchants' merchant ships left the port and rushed towards the trading place agreed with the pirates.

After the merchant ships of these merchants left the port, Li Mu's army directly took over the port, and countless military ships began to swim along the coastline.

The port is closed. Today, it is impossible for a ship to leave the port.

In other words, from now on, even if there are pirate spies in the city, even if they find something.

As long as they can't get out to sea, they can't send out any information, so they can only worry here.

At noon, after the merchant ships set off for a whole morning, the sailing battleship that had been hiding in the secret shipyard in Huating County moved.

Along with these sailing battleships, there are also fully loaded naval officers and soldiers.

These new sailing battleships are more than three times faster than Fuchuan and Treasure Ships.Therefore, it is enough for the merchant ships to depart for breakfast and the sailing battleships to depart at noon.

More than a dozen sailing battleships set off from the secret shipbuilding station, like more than a dozen dragons, riding the wind and waves on the sea towards the predetermined target.

The speed of the sailing battleship is very fast. In this era, this is the fastest ship, bar none.

at dusk.

The ships of those merchants had already come into contact with the ships of the pirates. After the two parties checked each other's ships and made sure that there was nothing tricky about each other, the transaction began.

First, the boatmen on the merchant's ship began to move the goods from the pirate ship to their own ships. When the goods were halfway transported, the merchant paid half of the payment to the pirates.

After the half of the payment was paid, the boatmen continued to carry the other half of the goods. After all the goods were moved this time, the merchants paid the remaining payment to the pirates.

The entire transaction process was orderly, and both parties were familiar with it. Obviously, this was not the first time this kind of thing had been done.

Although they were trading with pirates, these merchants were not nervous, but rather relaxed.

Contacting pirates is undoubtedly a very dangerous thing, but now is the safest time to contact pirates.

There are also rules at sea. If you want to eat at sea, you must abide by the rules at sea.

For example, pirates will not act like merchants who trade with themselves, which is also a rule at sea.

Pirates plunder caravans, which is a matter of course.However, pirates will not plunder the caravans they trade with.

It can be said that this kind of black eats black has never happened before, and there has never been a precedent.

Because the pirates robbed caravans, in fact, the amount of gold and silver they robbed was not much. In most cases, what they robbed were goods.

The looted goods are goods, so they have to find a way to sell the dirty things. If these things can't be sold, isn't it robbed in vain?
It is precisely because of this that pirates will not eat black merchants who trade with themselves.

Because, once black eats black, no one will dare to trade with them.At that time, their stolen goods cannot be sold, so what's the point of robbing.

However, what the pirates never expected was that they had no plan to blackmail these merchants.

However, these merchants have already sold them all.

At this time, not far from here, the sail battleships of the Sui Army Navy had surrounded them in a fan shape.

Pirates have become the purse of the Sui Army Navy, but the Sui Army Navy did not launch an attack hastily.

According to the plan, the Sui Army Navy will not launch an attack on the pirates until the merchants and the pirates have completed their transactions.

Otherwise, these merchants will become hostages of pirates.

It didn't take long for this transaction to come to an end.

According to the practice of previous transactions, after the transaction is over, the merchant's ships will evacuate first.

The reason why merchants' ships evacuated first was that these pirates wanted to keep their whereabouts secret and not let merchants know where they were going.

After the merchant's ships left, the pirates also began to evacuate as planned.

At the same time, more than ten sailing battleships of the Sui Army Navy also surrounded them at this time.

The speed of the sailing battleship was very fast, and in about an instant, more than ten ships had already appeared in the sight of the pirate ship.


"Ship, there's a ship ahead!" the watchman on the pirate ship panicked.

"Is it the merchant's ship?" asked the pirate chief.


"The dragon flag of the Sui army is a warship of the Sui army!" The watchman replied quickly.

Hearing this, the pirate leader couldn't sit still, and rushed from the cabin to the deck.

The pirate leader rushed to the deck, and when he took a closer look, the stone in his heart fell to the ground.

Since the sail battleship is not big, it is much smaller than Fuchuan.Moreover, there are only a dozen military ships ahead.

In this era, naval battles mainly rely on long-distance crossbows, close-range collisions, and close-range dogfights between ships, rushing to the opponent's deck to fight.

Therefore, the faster and bigger the ship, the more advantageous it is.

If the ship is big enough, it can be designed in a condescending manner, and it will be cheaper to hit it.

And the boat is fast enough, it is more conducive to escape.

However, there were not many Qin army ships coming from the opposite side, and there were not many warnings from the ships.

"Ha ha!"

"It's true that there is a way to heaven if you don't go, and there is no way to hell you choose yourself!"

"Send a signal to the rest of the ships, let's wipe out the dozen or so ships!" the pirate leader ordered the standard-bearer.

You must know that there are not a few pirate ships around here, and there are more than a dozen Sui army ships in the area, so they naturally don't pay attention to them.

After all, the Sui army ships that came here today are not big, and they don't seem to have much deterrent power.

Soon, these sailing battleships will teach these pirates a memorable practical lesson.

Tell them times have changed!
The way of naval warfare has also changed.

When the artillery is equipped on the ship's side, it is no longer the size or height of the ship that determines the outcome.

It's firepower!

Firepower is truth, and in the age of wooden hulls firepower was everything.

Because there is no wooden hull that can survive the bombardment of artillery.

Artillery, in this era, represents the truth.

Within the range of the artillery, Li Mu's words are the truth and judgment.

(ps: please support the new book, "Rebellion at the Beginning: The Empress Please Respect Yourself"!!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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