Chapter 597
Li Mu said that he still lacks a general of the Sui army, and this position also goes along with Yuande Prince Yang Zhao.

As the saying goes, it is easy to fight the country, but difficult to defend the country.

Yang Guang's expectation for Prince Yuande is that he can keep this foundation and do a good job in logistics supply.

Although Li Mu is Prince Yuande's uncle, in fact Li Mu is not much older than Prince Yuande.

In Yang Guang's view, Li Mu was enough to conquer the world for the Sui Dynasty and expand the territory. After Prince Yuande succeeded to the throne, it was enough to be able to do logistics work for Li Mu.

It is precisely because of this kind of thinking that Prince Yuande was never trained as an immediate emperor.

For Prince Yuande, he is far better at handling government affairs than military affairs.

However, for a future emperor, if you want to be able to serve the public, you must not only get the approval of civil servants, but also the approval of generals.

And this time the battle of Fusang was Yang Guang's plan to gild Prince Yuande.

Let him follow Li Mu's military exploits, listen to Li Mu's teachings, let him know about military affairs, and let the soldiers below know that the descendants of the Sui imperial family are not afraid of war.

"My son, you must be obedient when you follow the general!"

"The general's words are my words. Remember, the army is no match for the court, and the military order is like a mountain. If you disobey the order, even if you are the prince, it is a serious crime of beheading!" Yang Guang told Prince Yuande.

You know, Yang Guangna in the past was very indifferent, and would never explain such things.This is in line with the saying that when a person is about to die, his words are also good.

Yang Guang seemed to feel that his body was getting worse day by day, and the remaining days were getting shorter and shorter like candles.

It was precisely because of this thought that Yang Guang exhorted Prince Yuande so mother-in-law.

Listening to his father's rambling words, Yang Zhao's eyes couldn't help but get moist.

"Father, don't worry, on the battlefield, the child will definitely listen to uncle's words!" Yang Zhao responded.


"General, I will leave this child to you!" Yang Guang said with a sigh.

Whose body, who knows!
No one knows Yang Guang's own body better than himself. At this moment, Yang Guang can clearly feel that the vitality in his body is constantly passing away.

After the dynasty was over, Li Mu took Yang Zhao to the Shimen Mountain military camp.

Prince Yuande Yang Zhao followed behind Li Mu, always adhering to the viewpoint of talking less, doing more, and listening more.

As soon as Li Mu returned to the Shimenshan military camp, he immediately began to draft a military order to allocate grain from the household department.

As the saying goes, soldiers and horses go first without using food and grass.

Before the army set off, the food had to be ahead of the army. Only when there was enough food and grass, could the battle be won.

After all, I have never heard of anyone who can win a battle with an empty stomach.

After the aristocratic family disappeared, the power of the royal family reached its peak, and the emperor's decrees were unimpeded in the country.

It won't be the case that after the emperor's order was issued in the past, the officials below obeyed and violated, saying one thing and doing another.

Li Mu was granted the right to command the entire army by Yang Guang, and the entire war against Fusang was in Lin Fei's hands.

As soon as the mobilization order of these grains and grasses was in the hands of the household department, these officials of the household department were also very busy.

After all, the battle of Fusang was also a national war. As for the national war, no one in the various departments of the Sui Dynasty dared to be sloppy.

It took about half a month for the household department to mobilize grain and grass, and it took at least half a month for the convoy to escort the grain and grass to Huating County.

When Li Mu returned to Daxing City, mobilized food and grass, and prepared logistics supplies, the shipyard in Huating County was not idle.

The entire shipyard is spinning continuously, no matter whether it is a military shipyard or a private shipyard, it is not idle.

Military shipyards have better technology, so they are mainly responsible for building large ships such as sailing battleships, while civilian shipyards rely on helping sailing battleships to manufacture small parts,

In the war against Fusang, the navy is the most important thing.Whether this battle can be won depends mainly on whether the navy can play its role.

Therefore, these shipyards in Huating County must make full use of the time of transshipment of grain and grass, and try their best to build as many sailing battleships as possible.

This battle to eradicate pirates has fully proved the power of sailing battleships.Everyone can see how strong the sailing battleship is.

At this time, the construction of civilian ships has all stagnated, and everything must be compromised for sending troops to Fusang.

The major events of the country are only sacrifices and military affairs.

For a country, nothing is more important than fighting and offering sacrifices.

What's more, fighting against Fusang players who lived a good life, this is a national war, and there is no room for the slightest negligence.

In the blink of an eye, more than a month passed.

As batches of military rations were transferred to the wharf of Huating County, more and more Sui troops also gathered towards Huating County.

The elite soldiers and horses mobilized from all over the country were all black flags and black armors, sweeping towards Huating County like a black torrent.

Several miles away, it seemed that the sound of horses and people trampling could be heard. As the army got closer and closer to Huating County, the whole ground trembled slightly.

Once there are more than ten thousand people, there are no boundaries, no borders, and even the sky.

These days, the army gathered in Huating County is not only more than ten thousand, it is already a hundred thousand.

This time, Li Mu dispatched 15 navy and [-] army, a total of [-] troops, preparing for the war against Fusang.

The current size of Fusang is really just a tiny country to Sui Dynasty.The people of the whole country add up, and there are only a mere 300 million people.

The real full-time army is only the 10,000+ army brought by Nobuyoshi Fujii last time, and, in the last battle, one-third was lost.

Such a mighty army preparation in the Sui Dynasty could not be concealed from the eyes of those who cared, nor could it be concealed from Fusang's spies.

The Fusang spies looked at the army gathered in Huating County. At this moment, they were already stunned.

Where have they seen such an elite army, full of iron armor and well-equipped.Compared with such a well-armed elite army, Fusang's army is simply a plaything.

Fusang elementary school is very short of resources, especially iron ore.Moreover, Fuso's smelting technology is also very rough.

The weapons they made couldn't compare with Tai Sui's weapons at all.Not to mention iron armor, but iron weapons, and it is not even guaranteed to be one for each person.

In Fusang, except for the elite troops equipped with iron weapons and whale-skin armor, many of the rest of the soldiers used wooden gun barrels with a low-quality iron gun head, and there was no armor.

Fusang lacks iron. Except for the generals, the rest of the soldiers are armored every day.Fortunately, Fusang has a profession called whale hunting.

The whales they hunted in the sea can use the skin of the whales to make armor.Moreover, this kind of whale skin is very tough, far better than the cowhide armor of the Sui army.

Therefore, the tradition in the Fusang Army is that the generals wear iron armor, and the private soldiers of these generals wear leather armor. As for the rest of the ordinary soldiers, they can only fight with their lives with simple weapons.

Hirakyo Road, Nara Prefecture.

Pingjing Road is a fertile land in Fusang. About [-]% of the people in Fusang and [-]% of the economy come from here.

Nara County is the political center of Fuso today.

At this time, the emperor of Fusang was still a female emperor named Emperor Tuigu.

In Fusang, it is not strange for a woman to be emperor.

Because, at this time, Fuso was still in the Asuka era, which was a transition period from tribal civilization to feudal civilization.

As we all know, in the early days of tribal civilization, it was a matrilineal society, and women were the masters of the house.

The transformation from tribal civilization to feudal civilization is the transition from matriarchal society to patriarchal society.

It is precisely because Fusang is now in the transition period from tribal civilization to feudal civilization, so it is not surprising that a woman is the emperor.

However, Emperor Tuigu is now in his twilight years, and a woman is already a woman in her twilight years.

Therefore, at this time, Emperor Tuigu basically ignored the government.Fusang's government is now in the hands of the next emperor, Prince Shotoku.

Prince Shotoku has actually been in charge of the government of Fusang for many years. Emperor Tuiko is the emperor in name, and Prince Shotoku is the actual emperor.

Prince Shotoku is actually the biggest supporter behind Nobuyoshi Fujii.Prince Shotoku and Fujii Nobuyoshi have been friends for many years.

At the same time, Prince Shotoku also controlled most of the military power in Fusang through the hands of Fujii Nobuyoshi.

After all, Emperor Tuiko has not abdicated yet.As long as the emperor Tuigu survived, it would be difficult for him, Prince Shotoku, to succeed to the throne.

Therefore, in order to make himself feel more at ease, Prince Shotoku naturally tried to find a way to control the military power.Only when you hold the gun in your hand can you not panic.

This time, Fujii Nobuyoshi returned in a big defeat, which can be said to have made Prince Shotoku lose all face.

However, Fujii Nobuyoshi is his right-hand man, no matter what, Prince Shotoku has to keep Fujii Nobuyoshi.

After all, after Prince Shotoku becomes the emperor in the future, he will have to rely on Fujii Nobuyoshi's prestige in the army.

However, because Fujii Nobuyoshi relied on the favor of Prince Shotoku before, he was very arrogant and domineering in the court.

Now, Fujii Nobuyoshi has lost the battle, those political enemies of his, those who offended before, how can they easily let them go.

Therefore, as soon as Fujii Nobuyoshi returned to Fusang, someone secretly told Emperor Tuigu about Fujii Nobuyoshi's defeat.

However, fortunately, although Fujii Nobuyoshi is domineering, he is not stupid!

He knew that this time he would go his own way and send troops directly, and it would not be so easy to let it go when he lost the battle.

Therefore, he forcibly imprisoned Pei Yun in advance, then contacted Yuwen Chengxiang, and extorted a large amount of money from Yuwen Chengxiang, as well as such rare things as jade and jewelry.

Fujii Nobuyoshi is also very clever. After his fleet returned to Fusang, he did not go ashore first.

Instead, he first ordered people to go ashore in a small boat, and bribed a large number of officials to speak for him with the jewels and jades blackmailed from Pei Yun.

Then, the strangest and weirdest of these blackmailed treasures were all given to Emperor Tuigu.

In addition, all the gold and silver money that was blackmailed from Pei Yun was given to Prince Shotoku as military expenses for sending troops this time.

On top of Fusang's court, the original neutral faction was added with ministers from Prince Shotoku's faction.Counting Prince Shotoku and Emperor Tuiko, these people all took advantage of Fujii Nobuyoshi.

As the saying goes, the hand that grabs people is short, but the mouth that eats people is soft.

These ministers took advantage of Fujii Nobuyoshi, so naturally they had to intercede with him.With the intercession of these ministers, Prince Shotoku naturally pushed the boat along.

Finally, the incident was reported to Emperor Tuigu.Emperor Tuigu was playing with the treasure sent by Nobuyoshi Fujii, so naturally he didn't want to pursue it further.

Ever since, this matter has become a major event, and a trivial matter has been reduced.

However, after all, this battle of Fusang soldiers suffered heavy casualties, and Prince Shotoku had to give an explanation to the people of Fusang.

In the end, after a series of operations, the board was raised high and then lowered gently.

Fujii Nobuyoshi was temporarily dismissed from office and confined in the mansion.

However, anyone with a good eye can see it. Is this called punishment?

This is not called punishment. With Fujii Nobuyoshi's prestige in the army, as long as he does not die, he will be grounded in the mansion and still control Fusang's army.

Fujii Nobuyoshi was confined in the mansion, and Pei Yun stayed with him.

Originally, after Yuwen Chengxiang paid the ransom to Pei Yun, Fujii Nobuyoshi kept his promise and released Pei Yun after taking the money.

However, it was Fujii Xinyi's business to let Pei Yun go, and it was Pei Yun's business whether Pei Yun could go or not.

Fujii Nobuyoshi let Pei Yun go, but Pei Yun stayed here desperately, unwilling to leave.

Pei Yun knew that the matter in Huating County had become serious, and he had definitely been exposed.Even if Li Mu still doesn't know that he is playing tricks, he will definitely investigate.

Pei Yun knew that when he returned to Sui now, he would have to be exposed sooner or later.

Not to mention the fear and fear every day, and the precarious life, I am afraid that there will be no chance of revenge in the future.

On the contrary, by staying with Fujii Nobuyoshi, he will be able to use Fujii Nobuyoshi's power.

Although Fusang is not as good as Da Sui, but no matter how bad he is, he is also a country!

The power of this country is greater than that of Pei Yun himself.

Although the hope is slim, but now only with the help of Fusang's power can they deal with Li Mu.

Moreover, Pei Yun thought he knew Li Mu very well.Li Mu is not a person who is willing to suffer a loss. In Pei Yun's view, it is impossible for Li Mu to suffer the loss of Huating County.

It is not Li Mu's style to smash a tooth and swallow it in the stomach.

It's not too late for others to take revenge for a gentleman, but Li Mu's revenge is too much overnight.

Therefore, Pei Yun also expected that after the matter in Huating County was settled, Li Mu would definitely send troops to Fusang.

At that time, there will inevitably be a battle between Fusang and Dasui, which is also a battle related to the survival of Fusang.

This battle is not only about Fusang's survival, but also about whether Pei Yun can kill Li Mu and fulfill Yu Wenhuaji's last wish.

(ps: It was difficult to write, the last copy is here, and it will be changed one after another. Brothers, don’t worry, you can read it after I finish changing the status. At that time, it will be all changed!)

(I recommend my new book "Rebellion at the Beginning: The Empress Please Respect Yourself" and "I'm Unemployed, so I Have to Try Sleeping in a Haunted House")
(End of this chapter)

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