Chapter 598
Nara Prefecture, the General's Mansion.

"General, this raid on Huating County, Li Mu will definitely not let it go!"

"Believe me, within a few months, the Sui army will definitely come to attack. Let's take precautions early!"

"General, at this time, we need to recruit troops and set up defenses. Before the Sui army comes, it is still too late to train an army and set up defenses!" Pei Yun whispered in Fujii Nobuyoshi's ear.

Fujii Nobuyoshi said indifferently: "Mr. Pei, it's useless for you to tell me this. I have no official or job right now, so I don't care about these things."

Fujii Nobuyoshi's words were naturally perfunctory to Pei Yun.In fact, Fujii Nobuyoshi believed Pei Yun's judgment to a certain extent.

However, if he believed in him, he could not say these words, because saying these words would be detrimental to himself.

He Fujii Nobuyoshi had just lost a battle. Although he saved his life, he was dismissed from office in name and stayed at home.

Now, if he, Fujii Nobuyoshi, is recruiting soldiers to deploy defenses, no matter what his purpose is, he will be labeled as the main combat faction again.

You know, Fujii Nobuyoshi has already lost once.

Now that I am idle at home, if I openly mention this matter again.There is no doubt that his political opponents will definitely pursue here and will not let it go.

If he mentions this matter, if Pei Yun makes a mistake in his judgment, then it is very likely that he will fall into a place of eternal doom.

It was precisely because of this that Fujii Nobuyoshi was unwilling to take the initiative to bring up this matter in the court.

Regardless of whether the Sui army came to attack Fusang, at the very least, before the Sui army actually mobilized troops, Fujii Nobuyoshi apparently could no longer interfere with the army's affairs.

It is okay to control the army secretly, but if he blatantly intervenes in the army in the court, it means that he Fujii Nobuyoshi has violated the will of Emperor Tuigu.

It is very beneficial for Fusang to conscript and deploy troops in advance to prepare for a rainy day.However, for Fujii Nobuyoshi personally, it is of no benefit.

It is precisely because of this that Fujii Nobuyoshi is unwilling to do this.

As for Pei Yun to mention this matter by himself, it is even more impossible.

In Fusang's officialdom, Pei Yun couldn't get in the way, and no one wanted to listen to him.

Even in the Fusang officialdom, those officials who advocated submitting to the Sui Dynasty clamored to hand over Pei Yun to the Sui Dynasty.

Therefore, the only thing Pei Yun can rely on now is Fujii Nobuyoshi.

Pei Yun wanted to use his strength, but Fujii Xinyi really wanted to protect himself wisely.

"General, where is the country and the family!"

"Think twice!" Pei Yun said to Fujii Nobuyoshi.


Hearing this, Fujii Nobuyoshi was really happy.

In the eyes of Fujii Nobuyoshi, you, Pei Yun, a person who betrayed his own country and his own race, is really ridiculous to the extreme when he tells me about the national righteousness of why the country breaks the family.

Pei Yun is not a fool either, and Pei Yun understood what Fujii Xinyi said.Pei Yun knew that he was looking down on him!Involuntarily, Pei Yun also blushed.

However, Pei Yun was an old fritter after all, and his complexion soon returned to normal.

"General, the Fusang country is small and the people are weak, if you don't prepare in advance, how can you protect yourself!"

"General, you have to think twice before acting!" Pei Yunyu persuaded earnestly.

With Pei Yun's current appearance, he was more Fusang people than Fusang people.It seems that Pei Yun is more concerned about Fusang's safety than General Fusang, Fujii Nobuyoshi.

"Mr. Pei, whether Fusang survives or dies, I, Fujii Nobuyoshi, may not die!"

"No matter how bad it is, I can go to other places with gold, silver and jewelry and become a rich man."

"However, if I intervene in military affairs at this time, those political enemies of mine will definitely chase after me fiercely, and they will not let me go easily!"

"I hope that Mr. Pei understands my difficulties. If His Majesty uses me, I will naturally do my best, but if the Emperor does not use me, I will be powerless!" Fujii Nobuyoshi said frankly.

After hearing Fujii Nobuyoshi's words, Pei Yun's face was ashen, very ugly, wrinkled like egg skin.

But Fujii Nobuyoshi's words have covered this point, what else can Pei Yun say, come on, don't say anything, just wait.

All in all, once the news of Tai Sui's attack on Fusang comes, at that time, Emperor Tuigu will have to use Fujii Nobuyoshi, and he will have to use Fujii Nobuyoshi.

Because Fujii Nobuyoshi was the first one to talk about fighting in Fusang.If he is not used, the battle of Fusang will be over.

However, at this moment, the butler of General Fusang came to Fujii Nobuyoshi and whispered in his ear for a while.

After hearing the report, Fujii Nobuyoshi's complexion couldn't help changing, and then he returned to normal, waved to the butler and said, "I know about this, let's go down!"

What the person came to report was nothing else, but that the Sui army was preparing troops and horses in Huating County, building a large number of ships, and preparing to launch an attack on Fusang.

Li Mu didn't hide the fact that he wanted to attack Fusang.It's preparing for it openly, and telling the Fusang people openly that we are coming to beat you.

The attack on Fusang was well known in Huating County, so naturally it couldn't be hidden from the eyes and ears of Fusang people.

"Mr. Pei, as you said, the Sui Army is already preparing its troops. Now that I have received the news, I think the Emperor and the Crown Prince should have received the news as well."

"If the emperor uses me, then I will naturally be the main battle!" Fujii Nobuyoshi said to Pei Yun, which was considered a guarantee.

Nara Prefecture, Imperial Palace.


"Report to His Majesty the Emperor, 15 troops from the Sui Dynasty have gathered along the coast of Huating County, and they are preparing forage ships. It seems that they are going to attack Fusang!" Fusang's spies reported the movements of the Sui Dynasty to Emperor Tuigu.
What is Emperor Tuigu doing at this time?At this time, Emperor Tuigu was playing some entertainment games with his male favorites.

Emperor Tuigu was not interested in fighting at all, she was only interested in fighting with her male favorites.

Therefore, after the person who came reported the news, Emperor Tuigu directly waved his hand and said, "Leave this matter to Prince Shotoku with full authority, don't bother me."

Regardless, Emperor Tuigu didn't care about Fusang's crisis at all at this time. She was already buried up to her neck in loess, so if she could enjoy herself for a day, she would earn a day.

It has become a common practice for Prince Shotoku to handle all government and military affairs.

Moreover, it would be good to let Prince Shotoku handle it.Emperor Tuigu is old and confused, and has not dealt with government affairs for many years. If she is really allowed to handle it, maybe it would be better to let Prince Shotoku do it!
Emperor Tuigu handed over this matter to Prince Shotoku, and Prince Shotoku, like Nobuyoshi Fujii, also belonged to the main combat faction.

Therefore, after Prince Shotoku learned about this matter, he immediately came to Fujii Nobuyoshi to discuss this matter.

Prince Shotoku came to see Fujii Nobuyoshi, and he didn't come in an open and honest way, he came secretly.

After all, Fujii Nobuyoshi was imprisoned in the mansion by Emperor Tuiko. Without the order of Emperor Tuiko, Prince Shotoku would not be able to come here openly.

However, now that the Sui Dynasty is coming to attack, Fujii Nobuyoshi is the most capable fighter in Fusang, and Prince Shotoku has no choice but to come to see him.

"Da da da."

There was a rush of footsteps, and the housekeeper came to Fujii Nobuyoshi and whispered, "General, Prince Shotoku is here!"

"Quick, please come in!" Fujii Nobuyoshi hurriedly ordered.

Prince Shotoku entered the room, sat down and said quickly: "General, you know everything, right?"

Prince Shotoku and Fujii Nobuyoshi are in the same camp, or they are grasshoppers on the same rope.

Therefore, there is no need for two people to play around.Therefore, as soon as Prince Shotoku sat down, he asked straight to the point.

Fujii Nobuyoshi nodded and replied, "Prince, I know everything."

"Da Sui came to attack, counting the days, it's only happened in the last two or three months!"

Prince Shotoku quickly asked again: "The Great Sui country is rich and the people are strong, how can we resist the soldiers of the Great Sui!"

Fujii Nobuyoshi smiled slightly, but did not answer, but said to Prince Yuande: "Why don't you let Mr. Pei talk about this matter?"

Prince Shotoku naturally knew Pei Yun. The last time Fusang was able to attack Huating County with the whole country's troops was because of Pei Yun's lobbying.

Prince Shotoku was not fond of Pei Yun's senses, but since Fujii Nobuyoshi asked him to speak, he might as well listen to what Pei Yun had to say.

Pei Yun knew that this was a good opportunity to brainwash Prince Shotoku.

Today, Emperor Tuiko is only the nominal master of Fusang, and the real leader of Fusang is Prince Shotoku.

As long as he persuades Prince Shotoku, Fusang will do his best to resist Tai Sui.And only when the two sides are fighting anxiously, can they have a chance to kill Li Mu.

Pei Yun knew in his heart that Fusang could not be Da Sui's opponent.However, Pei Yun's purpose is not to help Fusang resist the Sui Dynasty, his purpose has always been only one, and that is to kill Li Mu.

Although he knew in his heart that Fusang could not be the opponent of Tai Sui, Pei Yun still wanted to say something to Prince Shotoku and Fujii Nobuyoshi.

Moreover, these words can't be too false, they have to be justified, let them because it is true.

Only in this way can Prince Shotoku and Fujii Nobuyoshi be persuaded to fight against Tai Sui.

Thinking of this, Pei Yun pondered for a moment, organized his words, and then said slowly: "Prince, General, there is a saying among us, that is, those with bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes."

"Although the Sui Dynasty is rich and the people are strong, its military strength is several times that of Fusang. However, it is impossible for the Sui Dynasty to do everything in its power to attack Fusang."

"So, in fact, the actual troops used by the Sui may not necessarily be more than our Fusang troops."

"From the perspective of the presenter, how to ensure the logistics supply and the combat effectiveness of the long-term sea drift for the 10,000+ army to fight across the sea."

"When marching and fighting, what we pay attention to is the right time, place and people. Let me see, we have all three, how can we be invincible!"

After Pei Yun finished speaking, Prince Shotoku looked at Fujii Nobuyoshi.Fujii Nobuyoshi nodded slightly towards Prince Shotoku, meaning to say: "He is right, this chapter can be written!"

At this time, Prince Shotoku asked Pei Yun again: "What if someone surrenders?"

Unexpectedly, after hearing these words, Pei Yun laughed loudly and said: "The lord surrendered, if he surrendered, he would definitely become a dead bone in the tomb!"

"Who is Li Mu? Li Mu was a great general in the Sui Dynasty. He spent half his life in the army. In the battles he fought, when did he ever have someone who surrendered and was loyal?"

"East Turkic, Western Turkic, Goguryeo, Tuyuhun, Li Mu is merciful in this country! In this battle, if Fusang is defeated, the country may be destroyed, but if it surrenders, it will definitely be destroyed."

"Prince, in our Great Sui Dynasty, a big clan annexed a small clan and robbed his gold, silver, treasures, houses and fields. The slaves and servants of this small clan would still be used, but the relatives and clansmen of the small clan must be To kill them all."

"In the entire Fusang, anyone who surrenders will have a way to survive, but you, Prince Shotoku, have no way to survive if he surrenders!"

Pei Yun's words can be said to be rough and reasonable.After these words were finished, Prince Shotoku's idea of ​​surrendering was completely dispelled.


In Fusang, anyone can surrender, but Prince Shotoku cannot.

He is the master of Fusang, and the enemy came to rob his land and kill his people, but he could still make a compromise with the enemy.

Thinking of this, Prince Shotoku stood up, bowed to Pei Yun and said, "Mr. Pei, please hand over to me!"

What was Pei Yun waiting for? This was the moment he was waiting for, and what he was waiting for was Prince Shotoku seeking advice from him.

Pei Yun stood up, helped Prince Shotoku up, and then slowly said: "Prince, the plan for this afternoon is to recruit troops."

"Only when you have soldiers in your hands can you not panic. Then, you can order people to set up layers of defense lines along the coast to resist the invasion of the Sui army."

"The Sui army's gunboats are powerful, so we will try to avoid naval battles. I thought that this naval battle can be attacked with fireboats."

"Our main battlefield is land. Fortify the coast layer by layer to gradually block the Sui army's attack."

"We trade space for time to delay the war. Moreover, once we retreat, we must fortify the wall and clear the country."

"All the places we lost along the way were burned with fire and burned to scorched earth."

"With this tactic of fortifying the wall and clearing the field, the Sui army could not get supplies. Because the Sui army's battle line is too long, it is not easy to supply at sea. As long as we persist, we must be the ones who will win in the end!"

Pei Yunkai talked about it, but what he said was straightforward. This method of dragging words is indeed the best method at present.

"Mr. Pei's words are reasonable. Today, the crown prince worships Mr. Pei as his military adviser."

"Please also ask Mr. Pei to assist the general and resist the Sui army together!" Prince Shotoku said to Pei Yun.

Pei Yun nodded, and said in a deep voice: "The hatred between me, Pei Yun and Li Mu, is difficult to wash away even if all the water in the world is poured!"

"Don't worry, Prince, I will definitely do my best to help Fusang defeat the Sui army!"

(ps: I recommend my new book "Rebellion at the Beginning: The Empress Please Respect Yourself" and "I'm Unemployed, so I Have to Try Sleeping in a Haunted House")
(End of this chapter)

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