Chapter 599
On Fusang's side, Pei Yun finally persuaded Prince Shotoku to fight against Sui.

Perhaps, this can be regarded as the hugging of the weak to keep warm!
However, for Li Mu, the hugging of the weak to keep warm is really nothing.

It's like the fire can't boil the sea, how can the weak hold together for warmth, how can they be Li Mu's opponent.

Prince Shotoku and Pei Yun naturally knew that Fusang's national strength and military strength were no match for Tai Sui, but they had no way out and had to give it a go.

Two months later, Huating County.

"Boom, boom, boom."


The sound of horseshoes and footsteps roared like thunder.

Countless Sui soldiers with black flags and black armor marched towards Huating County like a black torrent.

The sound of people trampling horses and horses could be heard clearly even if it was more than ten miles away. As the army got closer and closer, the whole land trembled.

A whole army of 15 had gathered in Huating County, and the beach was completely dark, like dark clouds covering the sea.

At this time, 15 soldiers of the Sui army were queuing up to board the ship one by one. The whole process was orderly, fully reflecting the discipline of the Sui army.

As the saying goes, once there are more than ten thousand people, there is no limit.The entire army of 15 was like black clouds churning, completely covering the sea.

At this time, the aura of the soldiers of the Sui army was even more frightening than the waves churning by the sea.

Above the sea, the flagship.

On top of the flagship, Li Muduan sits firmly on the handsome seat.

The battle to conquer Fusang this time was already considered the last battle of the Sui army's coastal waters.

After conquering Fusang, if you want to fight, you can only fight in the open sea.

Li Mu attached great importance to this battle.

At this time, almost all the fierce generals who were capable of recruiting and fighting in the Sui Dynasty gathered under Li Mu's command.

In addition to the usual Qin Qiong and other generals from the 46 friends of Jialiulou, this time, Li Mu also recruited Pei Renji and his son, the Wu family brothers and others.

To be honest, such a luxurious celestial regiment from the Sui Dynasty seemed a bit overkill to conquer Fusang.

Li Mu sat on top of the commander-in-chief, and there were few civil servants and military generals who came to attend the military division meeting today.

"Xu Maogong listens to the order!"

"I order you to sit in Huating County and be responsible for the supply of military food and logistics."

"Wang Bodang, a native of Xie Yingdeng, is the food security officer on the left and right. He obeys the orders of the military division and is responsible for the transportation of grain and grass." Li Mu picked up a command arrow and issued the first order.



Xu Maogong, Wang Bodang and Xie Yingdeng gave orders in unison.

Immediately afterwards, Li Mu continued to pick up the command arrow and issued orders: "Pei Renji listen to the order!"

"I ordered you to be the commander of the former army, and Pei Yuanshao to be the vanguard of the former army, responsible for commanding the [-] troops of the former army!"


"Decree!" Pei Renji, Pei Yuanqing and his son answered the order.

As the third hero in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Pei Yuanqing was the most capable of fighting and killing. After he got the position of former army vanguard, Pei Yuanqing was hateful but happy.

Then, Li Mu continued to issue orders: "Wu Yunzhao listen to the order!"

"I ordered you to be the commander of the left army, and Wu Tianxi to be the vanguard of the left army, and command the [-] troops of the left army!"


"Decree!" The two Wu brothers received the order.

"Qin Qiong listens!"

"I ordered you to be the commander of the right army, and Xue Rengui to be the vanguard of the right army, and command the [-] troops of the right army!" Li Mu continued to give orders.


"Decree!" Qin Qiong and Xue Rengui received the order.

In the end, Li Mu ordered again: "Zhang Xutuo, you are the commander of the rear army, and I will give you [-] troops to be responsible for the rear and many other matters."

After all the orders were issued, Li Mu had only [-] troops left in his hands.The [-] troops were led by Li Mu as the central army, who was in charge of central command.

After allocating troops, Li Mu began to assign military tasks.

This time to attack Fusang, Li Mu used the arrow formation.

What is an arrow formation, that is to say, this formation is like an arrow.

Due to the disparity in the strength of the two naval forces, the ships in Fusang, in the eyes of the Sui army, were small sampans.

Therefore, it is unlikely that Fusang and Tai Sui will have a decisive battle on the sea.

After all, it is no secret that the Sui Army had sailed battleships equipped with artillery.

Since it is unlikely that the two sides will have a decisive battle on the sea, then this war will definitely end up as a beach landing battle, or an offensive and defensive battle.

Fusang must deploy layers of defenses along the coastline, and the Sui army, as the offensive side, had to tear apart the defenses laid out by Fusang.

The arrow array is the best array to tear apart the defense.

→ Formation of shape, with Pei Renji's [-] troops as the arrow, and the [-] troops led by Qin Qiong and Wu Yunzhao as the two wings of the arrow.

Li Mu's middle army is the middle end of the arrow shaft, and Zhang Xutuo's rear army is the rear end of the arrow shaft.

Because most of the superior forces are arranged at the front end, this formation is very offensive.It can tear through the defenses on the shore in a short period of time.

However, this formation also has a disadvantage, that is, the defense in the mid-range is the weakest.

As the commander-in-chief of the army, Li Mu only had about ten thousand people in front of him. You must know that this is not a land battle, but a sea battle.

The sea is boundless, and there are huge holes in naval battles. It is difficult for 1 people to protect Li Mu comprehensively on the sea.

If Fusang used a fast boat to attack Li Mu's central army, in fact, there is a great possibility of success.

Li Mu was also a veteran of wars, so he naturally knew the weakness of the arrow formation, but Li Mu still used this formation.

On the battlefield, there must be trade-offs.

Even if you look at all the military books, there is no formation that says that both offense and defense are powerful.

Taking into account both offense and defense, such a formation must be moderate.

If Li Mu wants to attack the hinterland of Fusang with the fastest speed, he must give up some defenses.

As for the eventuality of the Fusang Army rushing to the camp, Li Mu hadn't thought about it.

However, he, Li Mu, is not Sun Shiwan, and it is impossible for him to do something like being beaten by 800 people and fleeing.

Li Mu is very confident in his strength, even if Fusang kicks the camp, he still wants to keep them all.

The ships of the Sui army were marching forward on the sea mightily. This was a fleet consisting of about fifty sailing battleships and countless blessing ships.

The sailing battleship equipped with artillery is the main ship in naval battles, and the main function of the Fuchuan is to transport troops.

Sail battleships are fast and powerful, making them suitable for naval battles.Fuchuan, on the other hand, is designed according to merchant ships and is more suitable for carrying cargo. Of course, it can also be used for loading.

These two kinds of ships matched each other and transported 10,000+ soldiers of the Sui Dynasty.There's a mismatch in speed between the two, though.

Because the speed of the Fuchuan was too slow, the marching speed of the sailing battleship was seriously hindered, but it was impossible for the sailing battleship to drop the Fuchuan.

Therefore, the entire fleet sailed on the sea for nineteen days before finally approaching the offshore waters of Fusang.

On the coastal waters of Fusang, there was not a single ship to be seen, and even the fishing boats going out to sea had all disappeared.

Obviously, the Fusang people knew their shortcomings, and they had no plans to engage in a naval battle with the Sui army at all.

The main ship of the fleet.

Among the fleet, the largest sailing battleship was named Daxing by Li Mu.At the same time, the Daxing sailing battleship also became Li Mu's flagship.

In the cabin of the sailing battleship Daxing, Li Mu stood in front of the map of Fusang, carefully studying the entire map of Fusang.

Although Fusang's territory is narrow and long, there are not many ports suitable for landing.

The 15 troops of the Sui Dynasty had to choose a suitable landing site.

"How's the situation in Wucheng Port?" Li Mu asked his flag officer.

"Report to the General, the Fusang people have already burned Wucheng Port, and it seems that they want to defend the city!" The flag officer reported to Li Mu.

Wucheng was originally used as a port for foreign trade in Fusang, just like Huating County in the Sui Dynasty.

Of course, no matter the size of the city or the size of the port, Wucheng cannot be compared with Huating County.

In order to prevent the Sui army from landing smoothly, the Fusang people have burned down the port of Wucheng.After all, once the port was damaged and the Sui army wanted to land, they had to use small boats to land.

Although Fusang is surrounded by the sea, not all places are suitable for large-scale landings.

Although many places are surrounded by the sea, they are cliffs.Wucheng Port is a natural port. Although the port has been destroyed, it is still a relatively flat place.

Since the Fusang people did not want the Sui army to land at Wucheng Port, Li Mu had to land at Wucheng Port.

Li Mu pointed to the direction of Wucheng Port on the map and ordered: "Order Pei Renji's troops to stabilize their position on the shore before dark."

"Order Qin Qiong and Wu Yunzhao's second unit. Once Pei Renji's troops land, they will follow me immediately!"

"Steady my ground on the shore before dark. The whole army lands overnight. In three days, I will settle in Wucheng."

As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning, and Wucheng serves as the bridgehead for Fusang to resist the Sui army.This must be the most difficult point in the early stage of the battle. After taking Wucheng, you can gradually swallow the whole Fusang.

After Li Mu's order was conveyed, the flag officer of the Sui Army took a fast boat and began to pass the order to the three armies.

at the same time.


Wucheng is the closest city to the coast. The city is not too big, and it has been urgently reinforced.

At this time, there were a hundred thousand Fusang troops in Wucheng.In addition to Wucheng, Fusang has built a large number of forts at the outpost of Wucheng. Among these fortresses, there are also [-] troops.

These fortresses are all made of bluestone bases, and a large amount of food is stored inside, which can be said to be easy to defend but difficult to attack.

With Wucheng as the main line of defense and a large number of forts as the auxiliary line of defense, it would be even more difficult for the Sui army to capture Wucheng.

Obviously, the battle of Wucheng was a tough battle.

Although Pei Yun had decided on the strategy of exchanging space for time, he used the narrow and long terrain of Fusang to carry out gradual resistance.

But you must know that although the terrain of Fusang is long and narrow, it is very narrow.

On this kind of terrain, you can't just exchange space for time blindly, because it is very likely that you will lose the entire Fusang if you change it.

Therefore, resistance is necessary. Only by gradually resisting can the strength of the Sui army be gradually consumed.

Fusang is a local battle, and supplies in all aspects are easier than for the Sui army.

Since the Sui army was an expeditionary force, it was difficult for them to supply all aspects.In Pei Yun's view, the Sui army might be able to support this kind of battle for three to five months, half a year.However, if the battle line is extended to three to five years, the Sui army will definitely not be able to sustain it.

The longer the war, the more chances he would have to kill Li Mu.

At this time, Fusang's battle policy is to use the favorable terrain to resist, and if there is no advantage in the terrain, just give up.

Relying on the mountains, ravines, and rivers in various parts of Fusang to build defenses, the area of ​​Yimapingchuan was directly handed over to the Sui army.

And Wucheng is the first point of resistance.

As the most capable man in Fusang, Fujii Nobuyoshi is still in charge this time.This time, Prince Shotoku can be said to have given Fujii Nobuyoshi sufficient authority.

All the manpower and material resources in the entire Fusang are all dispatched by Fujii Nobuyoshi.

Any country must not be easily destroyed.Even for a country like Fusang and Dasui whose strengths are very different, at this time, Dasui is not a sure win.

War is full of variables, and the situation may be reversed every moment before the result comes out.

From ancient times to the present, it is not unreasonable that the less wins the more, and the weak wins the strong.

Therefore, at this time, Fujii Nobuyoshi and Pei Yun were also full of fighting spirit.

Wucheng, Commander's Mansion.


"Report to General, the Sui army's formation diagram has been sent!" As he said, the Fusang scout handed over a diagram.

This blueprint is exactly Fusang's Clippers, which took the risk to draw the Sui Army's formation.In order to draw this drawing, Fujii Nobuyoshi can be described as painstaking.

He first dyed the Clippers blue, so that the ship could not be seen clearly from a distance on the sea.

It was in this way that the Fusang Clipper, which was in charge of the investigation, was not seen by the ships of the Sui Army.

After getting the formation diagram of the Sui Army, Nobuyoshi Fujii quickly opened the formation diagram.

"Mr. Pei, it's an arrow formation!" Fujii Nobuyoshi said to Pei Yun.

On the battlefield, there are actually very few people who use arrow formations, not to mention naval battles, even cavalry battles on land, encounters, etc., and arrow formations are rarely used.

Arrows go, never return, only attack, no defense.

This is a military formation that completely abandons defense and only focuses on offense.

After seeing the arrow formation, Pei Yun couldn't help but nodded and said, "That's right, this is Li Mu's style."

If someone else used the arrow formation, Pei Yun might find it a bit unbelievable, but if Li Mu used it, it would be nothing more than normal.

Li Mu has always fought like this.He Li Mu is number one in the world, he never puts others in his eyes.

Pei Yun thought to himself, you, Li Mu, are number one in the world, right? Today, you have to suffer a big loss in the hands of me, Pei Yun.

Pei Yun felt that since Li Mu dared to use the arrow formation, what did he mean? It meant that Li Mu was extremely arrogant at this time, and he didn't take Fusang seriously at all.

There is a saying in the art of war that a proud soldier will be defeated.

Pei Yun now felt that Li Mu's pride had become a point that he could use.

Since Li Mu is so proud, I want you to take a tumble on your pride.

(ps: I recommend the new book "I'm Unemployed, so I Had to Try Sleeping in a Haunted House", it's super beautiful, please support it.)
(End of this chapter)

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