Chapter 1100
It's just that these hosts didn't dare to glare at Liu Zhuwen and Miao Cheng.

This may be because the state of mind has reached a certain level.At the same time, it was probably because the sound of the cannon just now was still echoing in their ears.

The Song army never abused the people, but it doesn't mean they dare not abuse the people.

If you really want to be in a hurry, it will be the people of Dali who will suffer in the end.

The hosts obviously did not have such courage.

If the people of Dali are displaced because of their whims, they will become sinners of Dali through the ages.This is contrary to Buddhism.

The big host was silent for a long time.

Liu Zhuwen and Miao Cheng didn't speak any more, but kept a calm smile on their faces.

In fact, from the time they led the forbidden army to the imperial city of Dali, they were already invincible in the territory of Dali.

Dali without a large army guarding it, even if the rebel army Yunqi, it is almost impossible to drive them out of Dali.

After all, there are only so many people left in Dali, and their hearts are scattered.

Furthermore, the Great Song Dynasty will still have a steady stream of troops entering the territory of Dali.

At the beginning, there were endless rebels in the Great Song Dynasty, but in the end, they were not defeated one by one by the Yuan army, the perishing ones perishing, and the ones surrendering.

For Liu Zhuwen and others, the choice of Chongsheng Temple can only affect how much effort it will take to conquer the entire Dali after the Song Dynasty.

If all the Buddhist sects bow their heads to the Great Song Dynasty, it will be much easier for the Great Song Dynasty to let the people of Dali accept the governance of the Great Song Dynasty.

And if they keep keeping Da Song out, then the officials who will be sent to Dali will have to work harder.

Second only.

In short, it is impossible for the Great Ideal to maintain its autonomy.Duan Qilin left Dali, and now Dali can't find a new emperor.

After a long time, the chief host suddenly spoke up and asked Liu Zhuwen: "May I ask the commander if there is a real shortage of food in the army or a fake shortage of food?"

Liu Zhuwen replied affirmatively: "There is a real shortage of food."

The chief host asked again: "Then what is your army going to do after we deliver food from Chongsheng Temple? Will you continue to invade and occupy the rest of Dali's cities?"

Liu Zhuwen chuckled, "Master thinks it is still necessary? According to Liu Zhuwen, as long as the master gives us food, there will be many leaders and officials from all over Dali who will take the initiative to rush to the imperial city to see me. Liu Zhuwen I never thought of continuing to confront the soldiers and civilians of Dali. Buddhism talks about saving all living beings. In fact, the emperor of the Song Dynasty also did the same. It’s just that what he asked was a little different. He hoped that all the people in the world would Just live a good life.”

The chief host looked deeply at Liu Zhuwen, "What does the commander mean, that the emperor of your dynasty would also treat the people of Dali as his own?"

As the leader of Dali Buddhism, his vision of seeing things is naturally different from that of ordinary people.

He knew that it was impossible for Dali to stop the Song army, and what worried him most was that the people of Dali would become slaves of the Song Dynasty.

No one in Dali would want Dali to become a "farm" that is kept in captivity and can only be slaughtered.

Instead of this, it's better to fight to the death, although it may not be able to achieve any results, but it is finally worthy of my heart.

Liu Zhuwen only replied: "If it weren't for this, we wouldn't have always protected the people of Dali when we attacked Li."

All the monks were slightly stunned again.

When the Zhennan Military Region attacked the Song Dynasty, the actions of the Great Song Forbidden Army were indeed admirable.

On the contrary, many of Dali's own officials and generals took the people of Dali as hostages, making them laugh out loud and chilling people's hearts.

After a while, the chief host said: "Could it be that since that time, the emperor of your dynasty has been confident that he can conquer Dali?"

Liu Zhuwen said: "As long as the people's livelihood is prosperous, all the people want. Such a court can remain undefeated. How difficult is it for our emperor to attack the law?"

The chief host said again: "Then how does the general plan to make this old man believe your words?"

Hearing this, Liu Zhuwen naturally knew what he said.

If the host can ask such a question, it means that his heart has been loosened.

Perhaps in the heart of the great host, as long as the people can live in peace, that's enough.He asked for nothing else.

This eminent monk is indeed worthy of admiration.

Liu Zhuwen arched his hands to the host and said: "Liu Zhuwen can make an oath or even make a written statement. We Song officials govern Dali, and treat the people of Dali as compatriots. We will never treat the territory they laid down like the Yuan Dynasty. I wantonly cause disaster. If the chief host thinks that I am not enough, Liu Zhuwen can ask the emperor to personally issue an order."

The hosts are all moving.

Liu Zhuwen's words can be said to come from the heart.

This made those among them who were originally hostile to Liu Zhuwen and others, the hostility quietly dissipated a lot.

It was Song who attacked Dali first.

In fact, the Song State counterattacked and came to Dali, and it was not justified.

And their attitude towards the people of Dali can be said to be repaying grievances with virtue.

After all, if Duan Qilin hadn't obtained the help of Buddhists and people in Dali, he wouldn't have risked the disgrace of the world to attack Da Song with force.

If the emperor of the Great Song Dynasty really wanted to fight an eye for an eye, even if he killed the whole of Dali until blood flowed into rivers, it would not be considered justifiable.

Some things just don't make sense.

After a long time, the grand host said: "So, please come back, two generals!"

Miao Cheng was slightly startled, "Master, you..."

The big host has not given them an answer.

As soon as he spoke, Liu Zhuwen stopped him with a smile.

Liu Zhuwen stood up and cupped his hands to the host, then led Miao Cheng outside.

When they arrived in the courtyard, the two of them went down the mountain directly with the priests and guards, and walked outside the Chongsheng Temple.

On the way, Miao Cheng couldn't help asking Liu Zhuwen: "Commander Liu, they haven't answered whether they will send us food."

"I will send it."

Liu Zhuwen said quite firmly: "I have already expressed my position in this way. As the host, I must have made a decision in my heart."

He smiled softly, "The reason why he didn't give us an answer is that the abbot still needs time to persuade those monks in the temple who are very hostile to us. Although he is the abbot, he can't ignore the attitude of the monks in the temple. idea."

Miao Cheng said again: "Then what if the chief abbot can't persuade those monks?"


Liu Zhuwen said: "All the hosts were in the reception room just now, can you feel that the rest of the hosts, except the chief host, are too hostile to the two of us?"


Miao Cheng shook his head, and then came back to his senses.

These hosts can decide anything in Chongsheng Temple.And since they don't have too much hostility, it won't be difficult for the chief abbot to reach a consensus in the temple.

Thinking of this, his expression became relaxed, and he cupped his hands to Liu Zhuwen and said, "Commander Liu has strategized, and Miao admires it."

This is really a compliment from the bottom of my heart.

There is a real shortage of food in the army.

Originally, Miao Cheng was worried about the food aid like Zhang Hongwei, but now, Liu Zhuwen solved this matter with ease.

Not only that, but he also made De Chongsheng Temple have to express its position.

In any case, this will also make many people in Dali less wary of Song Dynasty.

Especially the pilgrims and believers of Chongsheng Temple.

Seeing that Chongsheng Temple is close to the Great Song Forbidden Army, they will no longer be hostile to the Great Song Forbidden Army.

In the future, when the officials of the Song Dynasty rushed to Dali, it would be much easier to assimilate these Dali people.

Liu Zhuwen cupped his hands at Miao Cheng, "Commander Miao praised you absurdly. I just put more thought into it."

Not long after they returned to Dali Imperial City, Zhang Hongwei also led the Tianji Army back to the city.

He also admired Liu Zhuwen the most when he heard what happened in Chongsheng Temple from Miao Cheng's mouth.He just kept saying that he was a rough person.

Compared with Liu Zhuwen's method, when he said that he would lead the army to other cities to rob food, it was really a useless strategy.

The next day.

Kuizhou Road leads to Sichuan City.

After three days of preparation, the Tianxiong and Tianmeng armies broke out of camp at dawn and marched westward.

Tongchuan City is parallel to Lizhou East Road and Tongchuanfu Road in Dali.When they headed westward, they could join Helian City and Qu Rujian's army.

Of course, Du Hu and Zheng Yihang had no such intention.

All they had to do was suppress Pang Hongguang's Lizhou East Road defenders.

Before that, it was impossible for them to directly reveal this intention.When they go to the frontier, they must also pretend to attack the Xin Song Dynasty instead of targeting Xixia.

(End of this chapter)

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