The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1101 Transfer of Generals

Chapter 1101 Transfer of Generals
As for the Xin Song Dynasty, it is natural to have to deal with it at this time.

Originally, the Seventh White Horse Army led by them was scattered in Jiading, Luzhou, Tongchuan and other prefectures.Now the soldiers stationed in Tongchuan Mansion are actively preparing for the battle.

In addition to the thousands of defenders in Tongchuan Mansion, there are still more than [-] troops stationed here after returning from the Song Dynasty.

Compared with Jiading Mansion, Tongchuan Mansion is undoubtedly heavily stationed.Even in Luzhou on the west side of Chongqing Mansion, there are not so many defenders in Tongchuan Mansion.

Obviously, the deputy head of Guigu expected that Dingtongchuan Mansion would face a greater threat than Luzhou.

Of course, it is not ruled out that he intends to make a good comeback here.

Pang Hongguang and others belonged to them.With their help, Xin Song still has the possibility of destroying the Xixia and Da Song armies.

Although Dazhou only has [-] forbidden troops of the Song Dynasty, if the [-] forbidden troops can be wiped out, it will be a very encouraging thing for the current Xin Song Dynasty.

And this will also give De Xinsong a chance to recuperate.Because the [-] Song troops were wiped out, it would take time for Zhao Dongting to mobilize troops to come over.

It is even possible that the imperial army of the Great Song Dynasty might temporarily give up their plan to destroy the New Song Dynasty when they were frustrated.

What Xin Song desires most now is the time and opportunity to recuperate.


Imperial City.

Hungry Ghost Festival has just passed.

The Hungry Ghost Festival is called the Yulan Basin in Buddhism, and the Zhongyuan Diguan Festival in Taoism.Just because Taoism, Buddhism, and Buddhism have a tendency to harmonize and integrate, they are gradually collectively referred to as the Hungry Ghost Festival.

The smell of incense and paper money seems to still be in the air.

Yi Shiyu hurried into the palace and went to the imperial study to see Zhao Dongting.Bring Liu Zhuwen's flying pigeon message to Zhao Dongting.

After Zhao Dongting read the letter, he couldn't stop laughing.

He didn't expect that Liu Zhuwen and others could take down the Dali Imperial City so smoothly.

Duan Qilin's determination to hold back his wrist was somewhat beyond his expectations.

He really didn't expect Duan Qilin to retreat so thoroughly.

It really deserves to be a master.

Zhao Dongting asked himself, if he were Duan Qilin, he probably wouldn't be able to just abandon the whole of Dali like this.

And he also understood that if Duan Qilin brought all the remaining power of Dali to Xin Song, it must be a desperate resistance in Xin Song.

Dali is going well, which means that the resistance encountered by the Xin Song Dynasty may also be more severe than imagined.

Those are not things that need to be thought about right now.

Zhao Dongting has not been able to plan ahead to that point.

After reading Liu Zhuwen's letter, he only knew that it was time to reward the generals in the army.

No matter how Xin Song is, this matter cannot be delayed any longer.Now that the Dali Imperial City has been won, it is necessary to stabilize these sites first.

And these sites need a large army to deter them.

Zhao Dongting asked Eunuch Liu to add some tea, and found the stack of appointment letters for the commanders, deputy commanders, and Marquis of Duyu that he had scribbled down on his desk.

For these appointments, he has always been a little hesitant.Now, it's time to make up your mind.

Xianglong Military Region sits in Xiangyang Prefecture.

The generalissimo of this military region is Yue Peng, so there is no need to make any further considerations.

However, under Yue Peng's command, there were originally Tianxiong, Tianyong, Tianmeng, Tianjie, and the Tiankui army led by himself.

The commanders of Tianyong and Tianmeng, Du Hu and Zheng Yihang, are not yet 50 years old, and they are still far from retirement.Since he was an official.

When the Song Dynasty was expanding rapidly, there were too many meritorious generals in the army, and Zhao Dongting couldn't all get promoted.After all, there are only so many official positions in the imperial court.

Furthermore, the positions of army commanders such as Du Hu and Zheng Yihang have almost reached their peak.Upwards, that is the central level of the Great Song Military Aircraft Province.

In addition to appointing officials, he has many other ways to reward these generals.

Zhao Dongting drew circles on the names of Du Hu and Zheng Yihang, then copied them on the white paper next to them, and added small characters below.

Feng Hou, give a house.

Then there are Liu Zijun and Xiao Yulin, the commanders of the Tianxiong and Tianjie armies.

Liu Zijun's age was almost the same as Du Hu's, and he was also a veteran who had followed Wen Tianxiang.

Zhao Dongting would not take him for any transfer.

Only when writing down Xiao Yulin's name did Zhao Dongting hesitate slightly.

Xiao Yulin and Liu Zijun fought from Chongqing to Kuizhou, and then from Kuizhou to Xiangyang.His military achievements are not low, and his age is still only in his 20s.

Among the young generals in the Great Song Army, Xiao Yulin was second only to Yue Peng and Su Quandang.

Zhao Dongting deliberately wanted to promote Xiao Yulin's rank.

But after thinking about it, I finally gave up.

Too much promotion of young generals in the army now will inevitably make those veterans feel dissatisfied and even uneasy.

Liu Zijun didn't move, so Xiao Yulin must not move either.

It is the best choice not to carry out actual transfers for them and let them still belong to Yue Peng's command.

So only Yue Peng's Tiankui army remained.

Among the original four generals of the Great Song Dynasty, Yue Peng and Su Quandang both directly controlled the pro-military forces.Wen Tianxiang and Zhang Jue did not.

This is all because Yue Peng and Su Quandang were promoted too quickly, and Zhao Dongting failed to find generals who were suitable to accept Tiankui and Tiangang's two armies.

Now, it is time for him to prepare for a major transfer of the generals in the army, and of course he will not continue to delay this matter.

A marshal is a marshal, he is the head of the military region, and it is not convenient to control the army.

Behind the Tiangang Army, Zhao Dongting has three names written on it.Zhang Hongfan, Meng Tuo, Zhao Hu.

Zhang Hongfan was once a marshal of the Yuan Dynasty, and his ability to govern the army is beyond doubt.And since voting for Song Dynasty, his performance is also remarkable.

Although Monto's status in the Yuan Dynasty was not as high as that of Zhang Hongfan, his performance since he joined the Song Dynasty was not bad.Assisting Liu Zijun in managing the Tianxiong Army is very good.

Only the two of them turned out to be generals, which is a stain after all.

The status of the Tiankui army in the imperial army of the Song Dynasty is quite special.

After all, this is the top elite of the Great Song Imperial Army.

Zhao Dongting was still a little worried that if the army was handed over to Zhang Hongfan or Monto, it would cause dissatisfaction among the other veterans in the court.

Although Yue Peng's suggestion was to let Zhang Hongfan accept the Tiankui Army, he finally put a circle on Zhao Hu's name.

Zhao Hu's ability is not as good as Zhang Hongfan's for the time being, but he is young and can be cultivated.And no matter what he said, he also has experience in leading the flying dragon army.

Zhao Dongting felt that maybe this guy could bring him some surprises.

He tilted his head to look at Eunuch Liu who was standing quietly beside him, and suddenly asked, "Eunuch Liu, do you think Deputy Commander Zhao Hu and Zhao may be the commander of the Tiankui Army?"

Eunuch Liu was slightly startled, and then only said: "Deputy Commander Zhao Hu is loyal to the emperor."

He didn't give a positive answer.

But Zhao Dongting naturally understood what he meant, so he didn't hesitate anymore.

In this way, the Xianglong Military Region is considered settled.Basically, except for Yue Peng's resignation as the commander of the Tiankui Army, there are no substantive changes.

Then go to the Zhenbei Military Region in Su Quandang.

Originally Su Quandang had Tiangang, Tianying, Tianfu, Tianman, and Tianli under his command.

Among them, Jin Hao, the commander of the Tianfu Army, and Jiang Xiu, the commander of the Tianman Army, are still in their prime, so there is no need for any transfers.

The same is true for He Fangsong of the Tianying Army.

The three of them guarded Ezhou, and their military achievements are not so outstanding here.Rewards are also easy.

Only Su Quandang had to step down as the commander of the Tiangang Army, and Liu Zaiyuan, the commander of the Tianli Army, was killed in battle.The two armies had to be replaced by new commanders.

Su Quandang's proposal was to have Yu Xingwen, the commander of the Tianli Army, take over as the commander of the Tianli Army.The commander of the Tiangang Army will be taken over by Ma Fei, the head of the Tiangang Army's Sword Regiment.

In fact, the head of the special regiment is almost half a level higher than the ordinary head, and it is not unexpected for Ma Fei to take over as the commander of the Tiangang Army.

After all, it turned out that the deputy commander of the Tiangang Army and Du Yuhou were only veterans dispatched by the court, and their abilities were not outstanding.What's more, they are approaching retirement age.

Zhao Dongting looked at the list of those who could be promoted to the position of army commander that he had written after Tiangang Army and Tianli Army, and remained silent for a long time.

Liu Zaiyuan was killed in battle, and Yu Xingwen served as army commander.He has no problem with that.

Cheng Peizi is still the Marquis of Du Yu.

Only in this way, the position of deputy commander must be replaced by someone.

There are so many choices.

The commanders of each army have the qualifications to be promoted to the deputy commander of the Tianli Army.

(End of this chapter)

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