The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1159 Battle of Tongchuan Mansion

Chapter 1159 Battle of Tongchuan Mansion ([-])

Just as Xiao Yulin left, Zhao Dongting sent scouts again.

Only in the morning of the next day, Yue Peng, who received a report from the scouts, led a large army to attack Tongchuan Mansion.

Only about [-] soldiers were left guarding the camps of the Song and Xixia armies.The rest of the soldiers all headed towards Tongchuan Mansion.

The Great Song Army marched ahead, and the Xixia Army followed behind.

After the scouts in Tongchuan Mansion discovered this scene, they hurried back to the city to report.

The defenders in the city hurriedly gathered towards the north gate.

There are countless cannon carts on the top of the city.

In addition, the Hot Air Balloon Army of the New Song Army and the Dali Army are on standby in the city, ready for orders at any time.

Today, both sides have been preparing for this battle for a long time.

The deputy palace lord of Guigu personally sits in the center of the city in the middle of the city, ready to command the three armies.Then there is Chi Fenggu who assists in the urn city at the east end of the city wall as the deputy commander.

In addition, the chief defender of Tongchuan Mansion sits on the west side of the city wall.

The entire northern city wall of Tongchuan Mansion was heavily guarded.

As the sun gradually rose, the Great Song Forbidden Army and Xixia Forbidden Army also slowly appeared outside Tongchuan Mansion.

Tens of thousands of troops marched in long snakes, and then stopped about 500 meters outside the city to form a formation.

There are dozens of regiments, all arranged in a square formation.It seems that the battle is really quite bluffing.

On the top of the city, the defenders of Tongchuan Mansion were rubbing shoulders, and their expressions were solemn at this time.

Because both sides in the war will inevitably hurt each other, and it does not mean that the side with the most people will have no damage.If you get shot, no one else can die in your place.

Even the Forbidden Army of the Song Dynasty is quite dignified at this moment.

There is an extremely suppressed murderous aura above the army formation.

Yue Peng, Zhao Hu, Du Hu, Zheng Yihang and others stood in front of the army.He Liancheng and Qu Rujian also led the army to the front, and they lined up on the left side of the Imperial Guards of Song Dynasty.

Yue Peng raised his binoculars to observe the situation at the top of the city.

There are so many artillery vehicles, which is enough to show how well prepared the defenders in Tongchuan Mansion are.

Facing the hot air balloons of Song Dynasty and Xixia, the deputy palace master of Guigu also has his own way to deal with it.Not surprisingly, there are many people from Tongchuan Mansion at the top of the city.

Yue Peng just sneered after putting down the binoculars, "Using this trick again."

When the Great Song Army attacked Dali, a senior official in Dali had already suffered from such despicable tricks.

I just want to come, the Vice Palace Master Guigu did this because there is no other way.

The weapons and armor of the Imperial Army of the Song Dynasty were much stronger than those of the Army of the New Song Dynasty and Dali. He did not dare to give up the city wall easily.

In this campaign, Tongchuan Mansion might be able to defend only by consuming many soldiers of the Song Army on the city wall.

If not, let those Song troops who are like wolves and tigers rush into the city, and the soldiers of the Xin Song and Dali armies will inevitably be defeated.After all, they have all suffered from the Great Song Imperial Army.

However, the Deputy Palace Master of Guigu couldn't imagine that Yue Peng had no intention of asking his subordinates to show mercy this time.

This was ordered by Zhao Dongting.

Miao Youli and Pang Wenbo died in the Chongqing mansion, which made Zhao Dongting furious.

In the new Song Dynasty, he will be destroyed.

But now, it can be said that there are only two cities behind Tongchuan Prefecture and Chongqing Prefecture in exterminating the New Song Dynasty.Under such circumstances, he naturally would no longer care about the lives of those people.

This is inhumane.

But this is a choice he must make as the emperor.

Only by doing so can the defenders in all parts of the Xin Song Dynasty give up their plans to use the people as shields.Otherwise, the Forbidden Army of the Great Song Dynasty will surely lose a lot in the territory of the New Song Dynasty.

That was not what Zhao Dongting wanted to see.

Governance requires benevolence, but there must also be a balance of interests.

Now Zhao Dongting has become more and more mature emperor.The way of doing things has gradually changed subtly compared with before.

On his body, it is gradually difficult to see the shadow of the past.He is no longer the boss of the company in his previous life, but the real emperor of Song Dynasty.

In front of the army, Yue Peng slowly raised his gun.

Beside him, the big banner swayed.

All of a sudden, the Tiankui, Tianyong, and Tianmeng armies all had grenadiers running to the front of the formation.

The main gunner knelt down on one knee to set the gun.

This made He Liancheng and Qu Rujian, who were able to witness this scene, very envious.

Song Dynasty gave them the method of making hot air balloons to Xixia, but did not disclose the methods of making sharp weapons such as grenadiers, sky cannons, and dragon guns to the public.

This is the root cause of the imperial army of the Great Song Dynasty running rampant in the world.

Then, I saw the big banner was far away.

The hot air balloons in the Tiankui, Tianyong, and Tianmeng armies were slowly inflating.

Qu Rujian also passed down the military order.

The Xixia Qitian Army's nearly two thousand hot air balloons also made movements, and the movements were much more frightening than those of the Great Song Imperial Army.

The army of the Qi Tian Army is almost the same as that of the Great Song Fei Army. The army is composed of hot air balloon players.Even if the number of hot air balloons in Tiankui, Tianyong and Tianmeng Army is combined, it is far less than that in Qitian Army.

The deputy palace lord of Chengtou Guigu, Chi Fenggu and others all changed slightly when they saw this scene.

At this moment, they had to worry about whether the Song Army and the Xixia Army planned to ignore the lives of the people on the top of the city.

Only then thought that Song Jun had never done such a thing that hurt the people before, and couldn't help wondering whether Song Jun was bluffing.

Therefore, the deputy palace lord of Guigu did not order the soldiers to retreat from the city.He only ordered that the hot air balloon army in the city also take off to prepare to meet the enemy.

Hot air balloons swelled up in the city like mushrooms.

At this time, there were [-] soldiers gathered in Tongchuan Mansion, and the number of hot air balloons was quite scary.

Duan Qilin almost suppressed all the remaining power of Xinsong and Dali in these two cities.

Most of the masters are in the Chongqing government.

The strength of the army is mostly concentrated in this Tongchuan mansion.

Not long after, many hot air balloons slowly rose into the sky inside and outside the city, almost covering the sky.

The black shadows projected onto the ground made the atmosphere even more dignified.

Yue Peng swung his gun.

After only a few minutes, the imperial guards of the Great Song Dynasty pressed forward again.

The grenadier is in front.

Followed by soaring gunners.

The Xixia imperial army did not move, but remained in place, maintaining the phalanx.

He Liancheng, Qu Rujian and others had already discussed with Yue Peng that they were not the main force to attack Tongchuan Mansion.

Things like breaking down the city still need an army with extremely strong firepower like the Great Song Forbidden Army to do it.

400 meters!
300 meters!
200 meters!
As the Imperial Army of the Song Dynasty and the hot air balloon in the air got closer and closer, the defenders at the top of the city looked more dignified.

The deputy palace lord of Guigu narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a gleam of light in his eyes that kept flickering.

He knew that if Song Jun really didn't care about the people in the city.Then it would be difficult for them to defend the city wall.

They didn't have weapons against grenades.

Most of the cannon throwing vehicles at the top of the city can only be reduced to decorations.

On the east and west sides of the city, Chi Fenggu and the chief defender of Tongchuan Mansion also had the same expressions.

They faced the Tianyong and Tianmeng armies of the Song Dynasty respectively.He was also forced to the city by the Imperial Army of the Song Dynasty.

The two hot air balloons approached slowly in the air.

The numbers seem to vary.There is always a slight gap, and it is impossible to see it under such a situation of concealing the sky.

Yue Peng stared at the top of the city for a few seconds, and murmured in a low voice: "Today, I, Yue Peng, will take revenge on the Chongqing government."

Then he said to the messenger next to him in a low but heavy voice: "Fire the arrows and fire the cannon!"

The messenger hurriedly took out the arrow from his pocket.

A loud arrow with a red tail soared straight up, and then exploded in the air.

On the top of the city, the deputy palace lord of Guigu stared wide-eyed, and shouted loudly: "Go down to the top of the city! Enter the tunnel!"

Song Jun is really going to break the city with firearms!
This was too unexpected for him, and he had to deal with it immediately.

Fortunately, he was thoughtful and thoughtful. From the beginning to the end, he never thought of using this city wall to keep the Song army out of the city.

On the urn in the city, there are also loud arrows flying into the sky.

The defenders of Tongchuan Mansion at the top of the city didn't dare to hesitate when they saw this command arrow, they all ran towards the bottom of the city.

Only at this time, the sound of the cannon had already rang.

At the same time, hundreds of shells fell on the top of the city or on the wall, and some shells even blasted directly into the urn.

In an instant, there were screams from the top of the city.

Many defenses of Tongchuan Mansion that were still hastily withdrawing to the city were annihilated by shells.

In the air, the Tongchuan Mansion Hot Air Balloon Army did not dare to get too close to the Great Song Imperial Army. Seeing this situation on the ground at this moment, they were also stunned.

The clouds of dust that were raised made all the lieutenant generals feel extremely dignified.

The task assigned to them by the Vice Palace Master of Guigu is to keep the hot air balloons in the Song and Xixia armies out of the city.

But now, the Song army was breaking through the city with firearms on the ground.This is also an extremely dangerous signal for them.

Because there is no city head as a dividing line, the sky cannons in the Song army must follow the army.And they have no way to deal with the sky cannon.

That is the natural enemy of hot air balloons.

Just a little dazed, the chief general in charge of the hot air balloon army quickly ordered, "Retreat!"

(End of this chapter)

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