The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1160 Battle of Tongchuan Mansion

Chapter 1160 Battle of Tongchuan Mansion ([-])

The imperial guards of the Great Song Dynasty suddenly no longer cared about the actions of the people, which made the defenders of Tongchuan Mansion fall into an absolute disadvantage when the battle had just begun.

Fighting requires morale.

Although the deputy palace lord of Ghost Valley still has arrangements to deal with hot air balloons, grenades, etc. in the city, it is by no means a good thing to ask the soldiers to retreat just after the fight started.

It is very likely that he will not have another chance to let the army retreat.

Because if you withdraw again and again, the morale of the army is likely to be weakened.This will be fatal for the army.

When the defenders of Tongchuan Mansion retreated, the sound of artillery continued.

Yue Peng would never let go of such an opportunity.

After six rounds of cannon fire, there were not a few defenders of Tongchuan Mansion on the top of the city.

Yue Peng waved his gun and shouted: "Kill!"

Another loud arrow went up into the sky.

The killing sound of the Imperial Guards of Song Dynasty on the ground shook the sky, and they rushed towards the city almost at the same time.

The grenade was no longer aimed at the top of the city, but at the base of the wall.

Before the army rushed to the bottom of the city, the grenadiers used grenadiers to blast holes in the bottom of the city.

The entire northern city wall of Tongchuan Prefecture was useless in such a short period of time under such bombardment.

In the air, the hot air balloons in the Song and Xixia armies pressed into the city at the same time.

The hot air balloon in Tongchuan Prefecture retreated slowly.

Only withdraw, but dare not withdraw too far.Because if they withdraw, Pao Zebi under the city will face the bombing of the Song Army and the Xixia Army's hot air balloons.

It is impossible for the Vice Palace Master of Guigu to arrange all these soldiers in the tunnel, unless the entire North District of Tongchuan Prefecture is hollowed out.

And this is of course impossible.

Even if the Deputy Palace Master of Guigu had made such a plan long ago, it was not a huge project that could be completed in just a few months.

Moreover, with the construction technology of this era, it is probably impossible to create such a magical dungeon.Even if it is possible, the national power of the Xin Song Dynasty is difficult to support.

There are many soldiers of Tongchuan Mansion who must be hiding in the bunkers in the city.

Although those bunkers have some protection against hot air balloons, they cannot withstand repeated bombings.

In just a few minutes, the imperial guards of the Great Song Dynasty entered the city.

The shield soldiers were the first to enter the city.

Followed by them are the dragon gunners in the army.

There is no need for Yue Peng to order such a formation at all, because for the imperial army of Song Dynasty, this is the conventional method of attacking the city.

And inside the city, there really was an ambush from Tongchuan Mansion.

Those Tongchuan government troops who hurried down to the top of the city didn't evacuate too far from the city wall.

As soon as soldiers from the Great Song Imperial Army entered the city, they encountered resistance from the defenders of the Tongchuan Mansion in the city.

Arrows, thunderbolts, etc. all fell towards the soldiers of the Song Army.

The sound of explosions was incessant.


But the imperial guards of the Great Song Dynasty just screamed and killed, and swarmed towards the city to kill.

They never paid any attention to those arrows.

There are many arrows shot on the armor of the soldiers, and they just jingle, let alone the shields.

Yue Peng, who was already the Generalissimo of the Xianglong Military Region, did not go into the city with the army this time.

Hearing the continuous sound of cannons in the city, he only said to the messenger next to him: "Let the hot air balloon army press forward and clear a foothold for my Great Song Imperial Army!"

The messenger fired another arrow.

The hot air balloons of the Song and Xixia armies in the air received orders, and the soldiers in the hanging baskets vigorously shook the fans and pressed them into the city.

There is no way for the defenders of Tongchuan Mansion to retreat with their hot air balloons.

Because if they retreated further, all the ambush soldiers on the ground in the city would be exposed to the hot air balloon firepower of the Song Army and Xixia Army.

The general in the army gritted his teeth and ordered, "Shoot the arrow! Block the enemy's hot air balloon!"

The hot air balloons in Tongchuan Mansion slowly moved out and fired rockets at the hot air balloons in the Xixia and Great Song armies.

Only at this moment, no one noticed that after hundreds of soldiers of the Great Song Dynasty arrived under the city wall, they did not enter the city, but threw flying claws towards the top of the city.

They are all skillful.

After throwing the Flying Claw onto the top of the wall, he pulled the rope vigorously, seeing that it was firm, he climbed up to the top of the wall.

These soldiers, all of them still carry things on their backs.

These are undoubtedly sky cannons and shells.

Outside the city, due to the influence of the city wall and range, they could not hit the hot air balloons of the defenders of Tongchuan Mansion.And if you go to the city, it will be a different situation.

In just a short period of time, these tall and strong soaring gunners climbed to the top of the city one after another.

There are no defenders of Tongchuan Mansion on the top of the city.Looking around, it was just devastated.

Bloody or charred corpses lay everywhere on the ground.

After the soaring gunners entered the city, they hurriedly set up cannons at the head of the city.

At this time, the hot air balloons of the two sides were still shooting at each other.

Countless rockets flew past.

There was an explosion.

There are also the shouts of the lieutenant soldiers of the slowly falling hot air balloon.

Both hot air balloons were damaged.

Under the city, the Forbidden Army of the Song Dynasty was still pressing forward against the defenders of Tongchuan Mansion.

Whether it is the Tiankui Army, the Tianyong Army, or the Tianmeng Army, they are all battle-tested troops.

Such an army is often easier to command.

Even without waiting for the command of the chief general, the generals below the army knew what to do with the soldiers.

The first to charge into the city was the Sixth Regiment of the Tiankui Army, the Seventh Regiment of the Tianyong Army, and the Sixth Regiment of the Tianmeng Army.

All three regiments were infantry.

Although they were damaged after rushing into the city, they did not panic.The soldiers dispersed at a fairly fast speed.

There are regiments in the Great Song Army, battalions in the regiments, platoons in the battalions, and divisions in the platoons.Although there are no more than ten people in each class, and only a hundred people in each platoon, they all form their own formations.As soon as they rushed into the city, the Great Song Forbidden Army appeared to be very organized, and they used platoons as units to attack the places where the defenders of Tongchuan Mansion were in ambush.

It looks messy, but it's actually not messy at all.

This is the result of long training.

And the legions trained by Zhao Dongting's modern methods are obviously not comparable to the Xin Song and Dali armies.

Although their army also has its own organizational system, it is not as clear as the Imperial Army of the Great Song Dynasty.There are many armies that are quite bloated.

Such an army is also troublesome to command, and in many cases it is even difficult to convey orders in time.

Even though the deputy palace master of Guigu is a great talent, he can't control all the soldiers.

After all, at this time, most of the Tongchuan government's army were fighting on their own.

What the Deputy Palace Master of Guigu can do is to assign tasks to them early and let them lie in ambush.It is the generals of the various armies who are in charge of the battle.

And the abilities of these generals can only be said to be high or low.

Whether it is the Xin Song Dynasty or Dali, the selection of generals is not as strict as the Song Dynasty.It can even be said that some generals can be called wine bags and rice bags, and they were promoted by nepotism.

This is quite a common situation in this era, and it was also the case in the previous Song Dynasty, and it was even worse.

It can be said to be the disadvantage of the hereditary system.

If there is such a thing as a son inheriting the father's position, there is no way to guarantee that the generals in the army are talented.After all, the children born to some generals may not have such a sound IQ.

The fighting power of the Great Song Forbidden Army undoubtedly once again horrified the Xin Song and Dali armies in the city.

They ambushed in the city, but they didn't seem to have any upper hand.

Those Song soldiers holding Shenlong blunderbuss were so brave that they rushed forward screaming.

Except for Hong Tianlei, it was actually very difficult for them to form an attack on these Song troops.

The Tongchuan government army ambushing in the city soon suffered losses.

The sound of gunfire was like a shower.

At the same time, the Tongchuan army continued to come out from all over the place.

The deputy palace lord of Guigu, Chi Fenggu and the others obviously did not plan to retreat any further.Most of their arrangements are within this city wall.

At last the cannon rang out from the top of the city.

After setting up their cannons, the soaring gunners of the Imperial Guards of the Great Song Dynasty immediately fired at the hot air balloon in Tongchuan Prefecture in the air.

Cannonballs shot into the air.

The rumble continued.

In an instant, all I could see were groups of flames flashing in the air.

The defenders of Tongchuan Mansion in those hot air balloon baskets were blown to pieces one after another by shells.

Those hot air balloons within range of the sky cannon suffered heavy damage.

This directly stunned the Tongchuan Hot Air Balloon Army.

Someone noticed the Imperial Guards of the Song Dynasty on the top of the city, and shouted: "Their cannons are on the top of the city!"

Only this kind of sound was drowned in the sound of guns and guns.

The general in the army stared angrily, but he didn't know what to do.

He can't retreat, he can only sacrifice those soldiers who are within the range of the sky cannon.

This was actually within his expectation, but he probably didn't expect that Song Jun's skyrocket would come so fast.

(End of this chapter)

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