The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1289 Killing the Capital

Chapter 1289 Killing the Capital

At this time, Huang Zhijie and others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

They used binoculars to see that the Mayi national flag and the military flag were flying above the capital of Mayi.

This is enough to show that the Mayi capital has not yet been completely captured by the Manchurian army.

And this was what they were most worried about before.

If Mayi Kingdom is destroyed, then even if they can destroy the army of Manga, many things will be irreversible.

Now, it should be too late.

The three armies merged.

Huang Zhijie and others let the army rest for a while, and after hastily filling their stomachs with dry food, they led the army and continued towards the capital of Mayi Kingdom.

Wangshan ran dead horses, although they can see the Mayi capital now, but they are undoubtedly still some distance away from the Mayi capital.

And when they were getting closer and closer to the capital, the army of the Manga Kingdom finally responded.

A large army of Manchurian Canadians came to stop them.

On the official road, the army can't see its tail.

Apparently, the generals of the Manchuka Kingdom also knew that if the imperial guards of the Song Dynasty were allowed to rush outside the Mayi capital, it would be very difficult for them to take down the Mayi capital again.

Without occupying the capital of Mayi, with the strength just demonstrated by the Imperial Army of the Great Song Dynasty, it is difficult for them to have any chance of winning outside the city.

It's a pity that Rao is full of Canadian troops trying their best to stop the imperial army of the Song Dynasty.As a result, it still failed to stop the pace of the Great Song Imperial Army.

The two armies encountered each other around the official road.

Before the Manchurian army could charge, the imperial guards of the Song Dynasty had grenadiers firing at their army.

In the sky, nearly [-] hot air balloons are also heading towards the sky above the Canadian army.

The Imperial Army of the Great Song Dynasty did not have an advantage in terms of military strength, but in terms of armaments, it was really a bit of a bully.

Grenadiers, hot air balloons and other things can gallop invincibly in the Central Plains, and naturally they are not matchable by these large armies in Manchuria.

In this era, in terms of economy and industry, not to mention South America, North America and other places, even Europe is far behind the Central Plains.

Before the Southern Song Dynasty, they were killed in front of the Yuan army. It was not because the national strength was not strong, nor was the economy underdeveloped, but the court was too corrupt.

At that time, the economy and industry of the Southern Song Dynasty were already second to none in the world.

Now that Zhao Dongting has been in power for nearly ten years, he has rapidly promoted the development of the Song Dynasty's military equipment. Naturally, it is not comparable to these countries such as Manchuria and Canada.

Amidst the sound of the rumbling cannons, those Canadian soldiers with knives and guns were somehow covered by gunpowder smoke.

They were completely bewildered.

Fear is inevitable for anyone when facing death.

Therefore, the war has just started, and the frontline of the Canadian army is already in chaos.

Immediately afterwards, the hot air balloon of the Great Song Imperial Army flew over them.

Hundreds of black thunderbolts fell from the sky.

There was dust on the ground.

Screaming one after another.

No matter how ingeniously the Canadian Army array is arranged, it is obviously useless when facing the hot air balloon in the sky.

They couldn't target the hot air balloons, so they could only be beaten hard on the ground, just like the Yuan army and Dali army who also didn't have hot air balloons back then.

The iron cavalry of the Yuan army is known as invincible in the world, sweeping all over the world, and it is much stronger than the Canadian army in Manchuria, but in the end, isn't it also defeated by the hot air balloon?

There was no extremely tragic scene in this fight.The battle between the two armies has not yet entered a fierce stage.

The Manchurian Canadian Army was not able to force the Great Song Imperial Army to go all out.

Although the generals in their army forcibly stopped the charge several times, they wanted to fight the imperial army of the Song Dynasty in close combat against the artillery fire.But in the end, they were all forced to retreat by the Shenlong blunderbuss of the Forbidden Army of the Song Dynasty.

In less than half an hour before and after, the losses of the soldiers of Manlajia Kingdom were already countless.

However, the loss of the imperial army of the Great Song Dynasty was almost negligible.

If it weren't for the fact that there were a few masters in the Canadian army that rushed into the formation of the Great Song Forbidden Army by surprise, even the Great Song Forbidden Army could have been completely unharmed.

Today's Great Song Forbidden Army is stronger than before.

In the case that every soldier in the army is equipped with Shenlong guns, and the Canadian army does not have horses, it is really impossible to forcibly rush to them.

Wars such as this kind of unilateral massacre often do not last for a long time.

After several failed attempts, the morale of the Canadian army inevitably fell to the lowest point.

The chief general in the army finally gave the order to retreat.

The army all over the mountains and plains of the Manga Kingdom retreated in panic.

This is impossible.

No matter how unwilling they are, they dare not continue to fight here.

Fighting a war is not enough to have the courage not to be afraid of death.Moreover, the army of the Manga Kingdom does not seem to have such courage.

They haven't gotten to that level yet.

It can even be said that even the Forbidden Army of the Great Song Dynasty was not so elite.

An army where the entire army is fearless of death, such an army often only exists in fantasy.


And when the Manchuga army fled, the Imperial Song Army naturally took advantage of the victory to pursue and kill.

The Army Charge resounded throughout the field.

The sound of shouting and killing was deafening.

The Imperial Guards of the Great Song Dynasty no longer maintained a defensive formation, but all strode forward to chase and kill with Shenlong blunderbuss.

The hot air balloons in the sky chased and killed those Canadian soldiers without stopping.

I don't know how many soldiers in the Manchujia defeated army yelled, fearing that at any time a shell would land behind their buttocks, blowing themselves to pieces and wounding all over the ground.

So about two quarters of an hour in the past, the imperial army of the Great Song Dynasty actually chased and killed him outside the capital of Mayi Kingdom.

The army that had just come to stop the attack from the Manchujia Kingdom had already scattered and fled.

The news of the killing of the imperial guards of the Great Song Dynasty probably reached the ears of the commander-in-chief of Manlajia.

He probably couldn't see any hope, but he was also a decisive person.When the imperial guards of the Great Song Dynasty reached the outside of the capital, those Manga troops who managed to enter the capital with great difficulty also retreated towards the outside of the city like a tide.

There were thunderous cheers in the city.

There are also outside the city.

Those Mayi soldiers who came to support from various cities were very excited, and they felt like they survived a near-death.

Before the imperial guards of the Song Dynasty arrived, their situation was already extremely bad.

Outside the city, they were surrounded by the Manga army, and they have been struggling for three days, and now they are almost out of food and army.

Their situation is even worse than that of the domestic defenders.

Now that the Manchurian army suddenly retreated, most of the lieutenant soldiers were puzzled, but of course they were still pleasantly surprised.

The war that was originally in full swing suddenly came to an end with the killing of the Imperial Army of the Great Song Dynasty.

After the Manga army withdrew from the city, they didn't dare to stay in the slightest, but quickly withdrew towards the sea.

Due to the chaotic scene, it was difficult for Huang Zhijie and others to control the overall situation.Before clarifying the specific situation, he did not lead the army to pursue it.

Of course, it may also be unwilling to pursue.

At this time, it may not be a good thing for Da Song to beat Manchujiaguo to the ground.Because of this, countries like Mayi do not need to rely too much on Song Dynasty.

And often only where they need to rely on, these vassal countries will continue to try their best to show favor with Song Dynasty.

As for the Mayi National Army, who were beaten up by the Manga Army before, they naturally dared not pursue them even more.

They were either standing on the top of the city or outside the city, and most of them just looked at the Manga army hurriedly away with some blank eyes.

Wang Zaikan looked at the top of the city.

Immediately, he suddenly knelt down on one knee for Huang Zhijie and others, and said, "Wang Zaikan, thank you generals for your help."

Huang Zhijie hurriedly helped Wang Zaikan up, and said: "Master Wang, don't be polite, you Ma Yi is a vassal of our Great Song Dynasty, and our Great Song Forbidden Army should drive out foreign enemies for you."

Then he also looked at the Manga army that covered the mountains and plains in the field, and asked with a chuckle: "Just now, I don't know what Master Wang is going to do?"

Wang Zaikan looked at Huang Zhijie, but he didn't have the nerve to speak.

Of course he wanted the imperial army of the Song Dynasty to completely wipe out these Manchujia troops, but how could he say such words?
Now the imperial army of Song Dynasty has already helped them a lot.

Furthermore, the Manchurian Canadian army seems to have at least tens of thousands of people.However, there are no more than [-] soldiers of the imperial guards of the Song Dynasty here, and they rushed and killed them one after another. The soldiers are already quite tired. If they are asked to go after them, I am afraid that no one will be ashamed to say so.

(End of this chapter)

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