The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1290 You Arrive at Cenxi

Chapter 1290 You Arrive at Cenxi
At sea, Zhi Yongshou, the commander of the Defeated Army, had already wiped out those Manchujia warships at this time.

Aside from the fact that several sea warships managed to dock successfully and the soldiers on board left in a hurry, almost all the warships that were encircled by Malaka were bombarded and sunk by grenades, and even the main ship has now sunk into the sea went.

There are only scattered broken planks floating on the sea.

As for the soldiers of the Manchurian Kingdom who fell into the water, the imperial guards of the Great Song Dynasty did not pay any attention to them.

If they drowned in the sea, it would be difficult to make any waves in the hearts of the imperial guards of the Great Song Dynasty.

And if they can successfully return to the shore, then it is considered that they deserve to die.

After successfully destroying these Manchurian warships, Zhi Yongshou just led the naval warships to the bay again.Then landed in the bay, and also rushed to the capital of Mayi.

When they arrived outside the Mayi capital, the riots were completely gone.

The army of Manlajia has disappeared.

Huang Zhijie, Que Huarong and others led the army and were still outside the capital.

There are also Yuan armies in the cities of Mayi.

It looks quite dense.

The messy corpses on the ground also made people feel slightly chilled.

In this battle between Ma Yi and Man La Jia, Shuang Fa probably didn't know how many soldiers were lost.The Manga Kingdom did not take advantage of it, and the Mayi Kingdom also suffered heavy losses.

With their national strength, the capital was besieged by the Canadian army, and the reinforcements in each city were besieged for several days, which may have shaken the foundation of the country.

In a short period of time, it will be difficult for Mayi country to regain its national strength.

Of course, the Manchujia Kingdom will inevitably be unable to organize a large army to attack Mayi.

Besieged in the capital for nearly a month, the lord, who couldn't even go to meet the imperial guards of the Song Dynasty, had already rushed outside the city gate.

After leaving the city, he went up to the imperial guards of Song Dynasty, and then bowed to Huang Zhijie and others.

This is enough to show how grateful he is to the Great Song Forbidden Army.

If it hadn't been for the arrival of the Imperial Army of the Great Song Dynasty, it would have been inevitable for their Mayi Kingdom to attack Huanglong directly against the Manchuga army this time.It is very likely that Mayi Kingdom will also change hands from now on.

Huang Zhijie and the others were not too polite, and it was obvious that they were just being polite so that Lord Mayi didn't have to take it too seriously.

When Zhi Yongshou also led the army to the front, the Lord Mayi hurriedly asked the Imperial Guards of the Song Dynasty to go to the city.

Under his order, the soldiers of Mayi Kingdom all stood on both sides of the road.

They just watched the Great Song Imperial Army enter the city.

In the eyes, there is no lack of admiration and shock.

Just now, many of them saw the strength of the Great Song Imperial Army.

With more than [-] people, it is really unimaginable for them to kill the vicious Mancajia army to such an extent.

These soldiers couldn't help but think in their hearts, what kind of power and influence is the Song Dynasty on that vast continent.

Not long after, all the imperial guards of the Great Song Dynasty entered the devastated Mayi capital.

Lord Mayi was even more grateful to the Forbidden Army of the Song Dynasty after hearing that Wang Zaikan and others said that the Forbidden Army of the Great Song Dynasty smashed the Manchurian warships in the bay.

Rao even when the war had just ended, he also spared no effort to entertain the Imperial Guards of Song Dynasty with the most warm and polite attitude.

Since Huang Zhijie and others entered the city, he has always been by the side of the generals of the Song Dynasty and never left.

It wasn't until the imperial guards of the Song Dynasty settled down separately that the already rather haggard lord bid farewell to Huang Zhijie and others.

He still has a lot of things to do.

Mayi Kingdom lost countless people and houses in this war, all of which required him to appease, arrange repairs and so on.

Often, the time to clean up the mess is actually much longer than the time to fight.

So the past few days.

The army of Manajia attacking Mayi has already left the coast in a shitty way.

The bravery of the Imperial Army of the Song Dynasty was also spread and fermented in many places in Mayi.

I don't know how many Mayi people are grateful to the soldiers of the Song Dynasty for this.

In the past, the Great Song Dynasty was just a powerful empire in the north to them, and it was difficult to have any concrete impressions and concepts in their hearts.

But now in their hearts, Great Song Dynasty is the Kingdom of Heavenly Emperor.It is the country that is the friendliest to them and gives them the greatest help.

It's just that whenever the Great Song Dynasty is mentioned, the eyes of the common people often show gratitude.

Occasionally, soldiers of the imperial army of the Song Dynasty appeared on the street, and the people around them would spontaneously step aside after being slightly stunned, and then salute them.

This only made the Imperial Guards of the Song Dynasty feel very proud.

So one by one held their heads high.

Lord Mayi entertained Huang Zhijie and other generals almost every day, but he didn't invite them to share the same bed.

Such politeness even made Huang Zhijie and others feel a little embarrassed.

My impression of Lord Mayi is getting better and better.

I am also very proud in my heart.

They won face for Da Song.

In the future, Ma Yiguo will be more determined to rely on Da Song.


Guangnan West Road, Cenxi County, Tengzhou.

Zhao Dongting took all the daughters and all the masters of the Wuding Hall on a tour of the mountains and rivers, and now they are here.

For Cen Xi, Zhao Dongting undoubtedly still has some impressions.

He had led the army to fight the Yuan army here before.

It's just that Cenxi County was still poor at that time, and most of the people in the territory were poor.There are no longer a few homeless people on the streets.

But now Cenxi is quite bustling and prosperous.

As one of several counties in Tengzhou, there are two rivers converging.After the people's livelihood in the Song Dynasty was stabilized, more and more people gathered here.

With more people and better roads, the economy will naturally develop.

The city is naturally lively.

After Zhao Dongting took everyone to the city slowly, he also felt a little emotional.This Cenxi could hardly see its original appearance anymore.

There are many hawkers hawking on the street, but those small stalls are all neatly arranged.

There is no rubbish on the streets.

Horse-drawn carriages, official sedan chairs, and ordinary people can all walk in the middle of the official road without rushing, and seem quite calm.

Most people also have such a calm attitude on their faces.

Such a scene should have never appeared in the most prosperous period of the Song Dynasty.And this was all done by him, Zhao Dongting.

The girls have been traveling around for a long time, and now they are in the city, seeing so many stalls, they hurriedly went to wait and see and choose.

Although all of them are wearing ordinary clothes, they still don't hide their beauty.I don't know how many passers-by are watching.

They laughed sweetly, compared to when they were in the palace, they really wanted to laugh more freely and cheerfully.

Looking at their smiles, Zhao Dongting felt a warm feeling in his heart.

They are happy, that's all.

This also strengthened a certain decision in his heart.

Stopping and stopping along the way, watching juggling, eating snacks, and buying jewelry, Zhao Dongting seems to have returned to the time when he was traveling in the rivers and lakes.

And this feeling is actually what he likes the most.

Compared with sitting high in the dragon court in the imperial palace, the forced high place is extremely cold, this is the real freedom.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

It's just that when they were still playing on the street, suddenly several fast horses galloped past the street.

Immediately there were soldiers in military uniforms.

They swung their whips, their legs kept pinching the horse's belly, and they kept shouting.

This caused the originally peaceful street to suddenly become a little turbulent.

What happened?

Zhao Dongting frowned unconsciously.

The eyes of the ladies and the masters of the Wudingtang also fell on these knights.

Seeing that they didn't collide with pedestrians, they didn't pay attention to them.

However, not long after, another large group of people galloped out from the depths of the city.Roughly counting, I am afraid there must be hundreds of people.

Based on the garrison system in Cenxi County, this is already half of the garrison in the city.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Dongting couldn't help frowning even deeper.

"Follow me to the government office to have a look!"

Then he said to the crowd.

He didn't know what was causing Cenxi County to mobilize so many defenders.

Could it be that there are still rioting people in the Song Dynasty?Or is it a disaster for the masters of the rivers and lakes?

Just before they arrived at the government office, more than ten fast horses were seen hurrying along the main street to the outside of the city.

Zhao Dongting saw clearly that the few people on the horse in front were all wearing official robes, they were the county magistrate, chief secretary of Cenxi County, and the defending generals in armor, etc.

His figure suddenly jumped into the street.

"Shut up!"

This completely shocked the fast horse in front, and the officials on the horse hurriedly reined in the horse.The county magistrate, chief bookkeeper and other civil officials almost fell off their horses because they were not very skilled in horsemanship.

(End of this chapter)

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