The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1747 Soldiers Arrive in Korea

Chapter 1747 Soldiers Arrive in Korea
After Eunuch Liu polished his ink, Zhao Dongting wrote a letter to A Xinghuang.Then let the eunuch pass it to the military intelligence department, and it was already late at night when we returned to the bedroom.

Only one room in the bedroom was still lit.

It was Liu Piaoxu's room.

Zhao Dongting smiled slightly, and waved to Eunuch Liu, signaling him to go down to rest, and walked to Liu Piaoxu's room by himself.

No matter how late it is now, unless he confesses not to go back to the bedroom to rest, there will always be a room with lights on for him.

This can make people feel warm in the heart.

Don't say that it's just delaying the process of attacking the Yuan Dynasty. What's the point of giving up attacking the Yuan Dynasty for the sake of their lives?

When Zhao Dongting wanted to restore the land of the Song Dynasty, it was because he felt that he was shouldering the expectations of the people of the whole country.But now, he doesn't really have to destroy the Yuan Dynasty.

At least not the kind of obsession at the beginning.

Because the people of the Song Dynasty did not have such deep obsessions in their hearts.


At this moment, it has been nearly three months since Mori and Zheng Yihang assembled in Nagamenting.

At the end of the first month of the new year, the [-] defenders on the island also rushed to Nagatocho.A total of [-] garrison troops gathered in Nagato-cho, and [-] Liuqiu troops.

Zheng Yihang and Mori have been resting here for a long time. After the [-] defenders arrived on the island, they only rested for a whole day before setting off for Korea.

It was four days before February.

There were more than [-] warships when they set off, which can be described as overwhelming and mighty.

Of course Zheng Yihang sent a letter to Changsha, but at this moment, the letter was still some distance away from Changsha.

At sea, it took half a month to cross the unfamiliar strait.A few days ago, Zheng Yihang and Mori led the army and finally landed at the southernmost part of the Koryo border.

However, it is a remote area in Koryo, and there are few people.There is not even a decent city, but some tribes regarded as barbarians by the Goryeo Dynasty survive in such a place.

Some barbarians still live their lives wrapped in hair and blood, and it is undoubtedly impossible to reason with them.But the barbarians also have characteristics, that is, they are very good at "judging the situation".

They also retain animal-like instincts.It's a little harsh to say that it's bullying and fearing the hard, but it's true.

After landing, both Zheng Yihang and Mori dispatched scouts to find out the situation within a hundred miles around within two days.

After discussion, the two decided to split into two groups.Mori led Liuqiu's [-] troops and all the naval warships to continue north along the coastal road, heading for Donglai City in Koryo.

On the other hand, Zheng Yihang led his army to go overland, go straight through the territory of these Korean barbarians, and attack Quanzhou.

In the end, the two armies encircled Kaijing, the capital of Koryo.

Judging from the distribution of cities along the route, Zheng Yihang's Wolu army undoubtedly had to face much more Koryo troops.To get to Kaijing, apart from breaking Quanzhou, you have to connect the three cities of Kegong Prefecture, Annan, and Nandong.And when Mori takes the sea route, he only needs to face the two cities of Anton and Donglai.Even if he doesn't want to fight, he can go directly to the north of Koryo, and then cross the peninsula to Kaijing.I haven't heard that Goryeo has any powerful naval forces, and there may not be a large army that will stop their naval warships at sea.

At this moment, Zheng Yihang led the [-] garrison troops of Walu to the outside of the city of Quanzhou.

The barbarians in the future were very knowledgeable. After seeing the aura of the Japanese army, they didn't dare to break ground when they were too old.

Everyone can see that this army is not that simple.The neat and strict armor, as well as the unidentified weapon on the back, all exuded a faint atmosphere.

Maybe the Wolu army doesn't have too much murderous intent yet, but after two years of training, this army, which Zheng Yihang built its foundation in Fujian, must have shown its military appearance.

The [-] troops in black and light armor were lined up outside the city of Quanzhou. Even if there was no movement, the defenders in the city would feel like they were facing a formidable enemy.

Not to mention, there are still banners flying in the army at this moment.There are drums of war resounding.

The [-] army already looks very bluffing.

The organizational system of the Japanese Road Defense Army is no different from that of the Forbidden Army, with a thousand people forming a regiment and a hundred forming a battalion.The [-] army is a full forty regiments and four hundred battalions.

The army is arranged in battalion units, and can reach extremely far outside the city.It looks like a black mass.

Zheng Yihang and several Wolu generals stood in front of the army.There are translations next to it.

At the top of the city, there were Koryo defenders, holding long halberds, and many of them turned pale.

Even the general who was waiting for the vine helmet standing in the middle of the city head had a nervous expression on his face, even a little fear in it.

In fact, the defenders in Quanzhou had already received the news the day after the Wolu army landed.But no matter how well-prepared, facing so many troops at this time, they are still afraid.

In the whole country of Koryo, the total number of troops is only more than [-].And scattered among the cities, there are less than [-] people in the whole state.

Although there is a city wall to support, no one has the confidence, let alone be able to stop the Song Dynasty army that is capable of conquering and fighting.The prestige of the Song Dynasty army has long spread to Korea.

Furthermore, Koryo had a history of too many defeats, which led to their army not having much blood and arrogance.

Looking at the dark garrison below, the chief general of the city didn't know how to speak.

In the end, it was Zheng Yihang who spoke first, and shouted towards the top of the city: "Who is the guard in the city? Do you know who this will be?"

"I'm the general of Quanzhou, Li Chengxu. I don't know which general of the Song Dynasty is under the city?" The main general at the head of the city quickly replied.

The translator was busy translating it into Chinese for Zheng Yihang to listen to.

Zheng Yihang couldn't hold back his sneer, "This General Goryeo led his army to the city, yet he doesn't even know who he is."

Several generals beside him also laughed.

Someone said: "It's no wonder that Koryo is located in a corner and the country is small. What's going on in the country will be known to the whole country soon, and there may not be a reliable intelligence office."

Zheng Yihang shouted to the top of the city again: "This general is Zheng Yihang, the chief of the Song Dynasty garrison army! If you are interested, open the city gate and surrender quickly, otherwise don't blame me for leading the army to attack the city! When the time comes, innocent people will be hurt. , is committing a crime!"

Li Chengxu was at a loss when he heard this.

Although he had never heard of Zheng Yihang's name, he really didn't have the confidence to stop Zheng Yihang's army.However, he couldn't make up his mind whether to surrender.

Patting the wall with resentment, Li Chengxu tilted his head and asked a man who looked like a civil servant: "Why is the magistrate not here yet?"

The civil servant hummed twice, glanced sideways at him and said, "How does this official know?"

His official position is not under Li Chengxu.In addition, Goryeo has a strong ethos of emphasizing literature over military affairs, so even under such circumstances, Li Chengxu was not taken seriously.

This almost didn't make Li Chengxu jump, and then narrowed his eyes slightly.

He is also a ruthless character, and he said: "In that case, then Mr. Lao Junsi, you went down to negotiate with Song Jun?"

(End of this chapter)

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