The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1748 Surrender of the whole state

Chapter 1748 Surrender of the whole state
There are counties in Korea, one county and one city.The highest official is the county guard, and under it, there are county generals and county officials in charge of military and political affairs.

In terms of official rank, the county general and the county secretary are equal, almost the same as the deputy county guard.It's just that the official title is different.

Because of the emphasis on civility over military affairs, the financial power of a county is controlled by the county guard and the county secretary. Even the army's salary, food and grass are provided by the county government.Now it is different, the whole Quanzhou City has to rely on him to lead the army to defend the city, and the family of the county secretary is also in the city.He wasn't worried that the county secretary would dare to threaten him with withholding military pay and food.At most, Kaesong surrendered, and everyone should not expect a good result.

"you you!"

The county secretary stared at Li Chengxu, so angry that he was unable to speak for a long while.He also knew what Li Chengxu was relying on now.

But he really didn't dare to provoke Li Chengxu any more, he only said angrily: "I have no power to restrain a chicken, if I go down, will I be eaten alive by these Song soldiers outside the city?"


Li Chengxu snorted heavily, "Since that's the case, why don't you hurry up and invite the county magistrate out?"

It's aggrieved to say it, but as a general, Li Chengxu couldn't even find the county guard in the city.

Ever since the news of Song's army approaching Quanzhou reached the city, the county guard, who usually likes to dominate the government office, disappeared very quickly.It is said that the three caves of the cunning rabbit, the county guard probably has more than one, except for the extremely important confidants like the county secretary, no one knows where he is hiding now.

Although Li Chengxu was not the kind of person who would rather die than surrender, he was not so determined to surrender from the very beginning.If he could, of course he would still try to resist.

Because no one knows what the outcome will be after the surrender.Will the Song Army go on a killing spree, and if the Yuan Kingdom gains power in the future, will they come to trouble Goryeo?

Goryeo is now a vassal state of Yuan State.

But now the problem Li Chengxu faces is that even if he wants to fight, he has no confidence.It's not about the soldiers, it's about food and grass.

He didn't even know how much food and grass there was in the city, and he didn't even know if the county guards and civil servants would do their best to help the army fight against the enemy.

If the whole city is united, this battle may not be impossible.If you are afraid, you will fight and run. In that case, it would be better to open the city gate and surrender early.

Fighting a war is not just a matter of the army, after all, it still needs the cooperation of the government.

However, the Lord Secretary did not understand Li Chengxu's meaning, so why not: "General, do you think the Lord Sheriff will condescend to negotiate with the Song Army?"

He almost said bluntly that if you want to negotiate, then it can only be your job, Li Chengxu.

Li Chengxu frowned slightly, and said: "The general just wants to know, whether the governor and you are determined to live and die with this Quanzhou city?"


After finishing speaking, he laughed and patted his forehead, "I'm too naive. At this time, the Lord Magistrate has not yet appeared, so how can I rely on him?"

If the county guard had the intention of living and dying with the whole state, he would not hide at this juncture and only care about himself.Lee Seung Wook thought it was ridiculous that he wanted to rely on them for logistical help.As a responsible and upright general, of course he hated the sheriff and secretary.

They only cared about themselves, and usually cared about the common people, but never thought about protecting the common people.

Suddenly pulling out the sword from his waist, Li Chengxu swung the sword, and under the unbelievable eyes of many soldiers around him, he suddenly beheaded the county secretary in front of him.

The head fell to the bottom of the city.

Blood spurted from the neck of the headless corpse, and then fell powerlessly to the ground.

Li Chengxu's face was stained with blood, and he raised his hand to wipe it away. His originally resolute face suddenly became much more ferocious.

He muttered to himself, "There are 300 ministers and ministers of the country, but none of them is a man..."

This is probably the sorrow of the generals of Korea.

This ruler is the most alienated from military generals, he is naturally fond of dancing and writing, but he hates swords and guns extremely.Take Li Chengxu as an example, he has served in Quanzhou for more than ten years, but he has never met the king.

However, the county guard would enter the palace several times a year.

Even the county secretary has met the saint more than ten times.

They are officials of the same rank.

The Song Dynasty may attack Goryeo, which has long caused rumors in the country.During that time, the sheriff was announced to the palace, and Li Chengxu felt that it might be for this matter.

Because at that time, it was also rumored that the monarch of the Yuan Dynasty had a decree to convey to the monarch to prepare for the army of the Song Dynasty.

But unfortunately, he, Li Chengxu, did not get the answer in the end, why the sheriff was announced to the palace.

Anyway, the county guard never told him that he should be prepared to resist the army of the Song Dynasty.


Li Chengxu, who was nearly five years old, angrily threw the saber in his hand to the ground, and shouted: "Open the city gate, I was going out of the city!"

He headed down the city.

The blood-stained face was extremely ferocious, and the soldiers in front couldn't help making way for him.

In the past, everyone thought that General Li was a boring fart, who was so suppressed by the county guard and the county secretary that he didn't dare to fart.Only now did I know that Li Chengxu still had such a side.

However, they would probably think that Li Chengxu killed the county secretary just to surrender to the Song army and take credit for it.

It's normal for anyone to have such an idea.

It's just that Li Chengxu, who was walking down the city, shouldn't care about this, otherwise, he wouldn't make the move to kill the county secretary.

He held his head high and held his chest high. Although he looked ferocious, he had his own temperament.This is the breath of a clear conscience.

The city gate was opened with a creak.

Li Chengxu went out of the city alone in armor, looked at Zheng Yihang from a distance, and shouted: "General Zheng, I am willing to lead the army to open the city and surrender, but the general must first agree to two conditions."

Zheng Yihang raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the words, "Which two conditions?"

The interpreter translates the words of both of them.

Li Chengxu said: "First, after your army enters the city, you must not harm the people in the city! Second, although we surrender, we will never turn back and help the general attack our Korean army!"

Zheng Yihang didn't think much about it, and nodded readily, "Success!"

This made Li Chengxu feel a little unbelievable, and said: "The general is serious?"

In the past, Goryeo surrendered to the Liao Kingdom and the Yuan Kingdom, but it also suffered a lot after the surrender.Women in the city were reduced to slaves, men into labor, and the people were in dire straits.

Zheng Yihang said: "One spittle and one nail, of course it is true! This commander agreed to your conditions in front of the soldiers of the three armies, how could he go back on his word!"

He really wasn't finished talking.

The Song army had no habit of harming the people.Besides, he also looked down on the troops of Goryeo, and he really didn't care if they didn't defect.

Li Chengxu gritted his teeth, "In that case, please enter the city!"

As he spoke, he looked back at the top of the city, and shouted: "Open the city gate and surrender! All soldiers! Surrender!"

(End of this chapter)

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