Chapter 1963 Sian Chay

He is quite restrained.

And with his temper, he smashed the cup directly, which shows how furious he is in his heart.

Both Wen Qi and Ren Wei were by his side, and they were discussing and arranging the surrender.Seeing Zhao Dongting like this all of a sudden, his expressions changed in fright.

They have never seen Zhao Dongting so angry.

The person who came to report the news to Zhao Dongting also fell to his knees in a hurry.

This is an intelligence officer from MI.It belongs to the Jiankang Military Region of Wenqi, but it is not under the command of the military region and directly obeys the orders of the Military Intelligence Department.

MI has divisions in each military region, all of which are independent.His status in the military is similar to that of the supervisory departments of various military regions.

The departments of supervision, law, and military intelligence in each military region have a special status.This greatly eliminated the possibility of the military marshal covering the sky with one hand.

"I see, you go down first!"

After ten or so seconds, Zhao Dongting's face was still livid, and he finally spoke.

The intelligence agent quickly saluted and retreated to the outside.

Wen Qi asked softly with some worry: "Your Majesty, what happened? Could it be that... something happened to the surrender of the Yuan Dynasty?"


Zhao Dongting shook his head, with murderous intent in his eyes.

He probably didn't want to suppress this killing intent, and said in an extremely strict tone: "It's moths that have grown in our country."


Both Wen Qi and Ren Wei showed some doubts on their faces.

What a moth is, of course they know.The worms that eat food, the corrupt ones that eat the treasury.

Over the years, the Song Dynasty has been advancing towards prosperity and prosperity at an extremely fast speed, and the laws have gradually improved, but corrupt officials have never been cut off.

There are in the court and in the army.

Both of them have stayed in the army and the court, and they have seen many examples of this.Some former ministers of the same dynasty are still squatting in prisons.

There are even good relationships among them.

These people used to be people who threw their heads and blood for the country, but later they couldn't stand the temptation of money, and they got deeper and deeper until the incident happened.

Of course, this makes people feel regretful and angry.But it stands to reason that the emperor shouldn't be furious about this kind of thing.

How many corrupt officials has the emperor seen?


Wen Qi said cautiously: "Since ancient times, moths are unavoidable no matter what dynasty or generation. In Yichen's opinion, you really don't have to be angry because of them. The dragon's body is the most important thing."

"How come I don't know."

But the killing intent in Zhao Dongting's eyes is undiminished, "Man dies for money, and birds die for food. Moths cannot be completely wiped out. No matter how sound the law is, no matter how strict the supervision is, there will always be such officials who risk their lives." Come out, but there is some money... They dare to get their hands on it, it is really not a pity to kill ten thousand times."

Wen Qi's eyes became more suspicious, "What do you mean, Your Majesty?"

He only thought that what Zhao Dongting was talking about was military pay.

This is about millions of soldiers, of course it is important.Especially the sympathetic silver of those dead and wounded soldiers, which weighed more than a thousand catties.

If anyone dares to touch the money, it is really not much to kill ten thousand times.

However, Zhao Dongting shook his head and said, "No."

He suddenly picked up the pen on the desk and began to write vigorously.

Wen Qi didn't ask any more, but seeing that Zhao Dongting didn't let them avoid them, his eyes also fell on the paper in front of Zhao Dongting.

In a blink of an eye, dozens of flying and dancing words are vividly written on the paper.

The more Wen Qi looked at it, the more frightened he became.

Shocked by the content of the letter, shocked by the emperor's killing intent.

Zhao Dongting's autographed letter was written to the Military Intelligence Department, the Ministry of Supervision, and the Ministry of Law, and the three departments jointly supervised the case.And deal with it strictly, no matter who it is, it should be killed, it should be killed, and it should be done.Even the relatives of the royal family are absolutely merciless.For the trial of all criminals, heavy sentences of one to three grades shall be given as appropriate.

The current penalties in the Song Dynasty include death penalty, death sentence with reprieve, no fixed term, fixed term and so on.

A heavy sentence of one to three grades is quite scary.

Originally, the death penalty was suspended, but if one level was raised, the death penalty would be executed directly.And without a period, it will also become a reprieve.

"Your Majesty...what the hell is this?"

Because Zhao Dongting didn't write down what was going on in this autographed book, Dewen couldn't help being even more puzzled, and couldn't help smelling it.

Ren Wei next to him also stretched his neck.

Zhao Dongting's killing intent finally reduced a lot, most of it was soaked in the autographed book just now.

Those who have a little research on calligraphy, or those who are quite accomplished in martial arts, should be able to detect the killing intent in his words.

"Five counties in central Sichuan were hit by the earthquake."

Zhao Dongting frowned and said slowly: "Many people in the local area lost their homes because of this. Due to the large number of people affected by the disaster and the scope of the disaster, it is only inevitable that the local government office was in a hurry. Many people spontaneously helped others... Hmph... I set up a disaster relief facility after the flood. There is Sian Chay, do you remember?"


Ren Wei said: "At the beginning, your majesty, you said that Sian Chay's mission is to relieve disasters and help the poor, and it should set a good example for the people of the whole country. Do it with kindness."


Zhao Dongting sighed: "At that time, I even arranged many disaster relief pioneers in the flood disaster to be officials in the Sian Chay Association, making them officials of the imperial court. The president of the Sian Chay Association in Jiading Prefecture, which was hit by the disaster this time, was one of the original disaster relief pioneers." During the flood, he took out all the food in the family to help the people, but his family ate grass roots. But do you know how the Sian Chay he presided over did in the face of the earthquake this time? "

Both Wen Qi and Ren Wei looked at Zhao Dongting.

Zhao Dongting's murderous intent flowed from his eyes again, "Sian Chay raised a lot of charitable funds and supplies from the people! But they, facing this kind of disaster, did not send the charitable funds to the victims, let alone the supplies. , are still piled up in the warehouse and moldy! According to the investigation of the Military Intelligence Department, they all live in Jiading Mansion, drunk and dreaming, living a life of boundless happiness! Do you think such people should be killed?"


Both Wen Qi and Ren Wei's expressions became extremely ugly, Qi Qi said.

Immediately after, Wen Qi knelt down on the ground and said: "I plead for the victims of the disaster, and ask the emperor to behead all these people!"

He was really pissed off.

The money and supplies of Sian Chay were originally donated by the people voluntarily.It can be said that every blade of grass and hair should be taken from the people and used for the people.

But now, those people are using the money to spend the day and night, allowing the materials to mold and rot.

These are all things that can save the lives of the victims!

What they drank was not wine, but the blood of those disaster victims!
They have also failed the kindness of the people who donated!
Such a Sian Chay will only discredit the Song court.

It's not important, it's not enough to make people angry!It is not important, and it will definitely chill the hearts of those victims.

For a yamen like Sian Chay, inaction is already a fault, and now it is even more wrong to be greedy for money.

(End of this chapter)

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