The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1964 Prepare to retreat

Chapter 1964 Prepare to retreat
Ren Wei also knelt down, "Please ask the emperor to punish him."

Although Zhao Dongting had clearly stated in the letter that he would deal with it seriously, both he and Wen Qi felt that those people should be executed directly to vent their anger.

Zhao Dongting was really moved.

If possible, of course he would also like to kill these people.However, he couldn't do that.

He couldn't just behead everything regardless of the seriousness of the plot. After all, the state owns the state's laws, and the family has its own rules.Law and above all justice.

Of course, the behavior of Sian Chay in Jiading Prefecture is extremely hateful, but not everyone should be beheaded.

Injustice has its head, and the debt has its owner.What Zhao Dongting wanted was for the Ministry of Law to punish those who violated the laws of the country in Sian Chay.

In fact, he said that the provinces have severely punished Sian Chay, which is already violating the fairness of the law with power.

This kind of behavior is not advisable if Song Dynasty is to become a sound legal country.

"Get up!"

Zhao Dongting sighed and said, "There are many people in Sian Chay who should be killed, but I believe there are also people who should not be killed. I have abolished the crime of punishing the nine clans, so I can't do this kind of thing again."

Injustice has its head, and the debt has its owner.He just wants to punish those guys whose consciences have been eaten by dogs.

The root of the error does not lie in Sian Chay, it is just an organization.Its root is those greedy Sian Chay tolerance.

"You all go down..."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Dongting waved his hand and told Wen Qi and Ren Wei to go down.

This matter made him a little dull, and he realized many problems again.He had paid enough attention to corruption before, especially after the incident of Wen Zheyan and other high-level officials in Guangxi broke out, it was even more important for the supervision and legal departments to strictly prevent corruption, but for lazy governance, he had previously paid attention to it. Did not pay too much attention to it.

Sian Chay had such an expression during the earthquake, except for corruption, there must also be vegetarians.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the entire Sian Chay to be reduced to such a situation.

Those donated materials were piled up in the warehouse to rot, but the victims had no clothes to wear and no food to use.This is simply a joke in the world.

After Wen Qi and Ren Wei left, Zhao Dongting sat alone in the tent for a long time.

Another two days passed.

More and more Yuan troops who surrendered in Shangcai, Suiping, and Panshizhai were sent back.

This is the result of the day and night hard work of the officers and soldiers in charge of arranging the surrender of soldiers in each military region.

Countless Yuan troops were sent back. Although they spent a lot of severance fees, they also saved a lot of food.

And this factor of instability has finally disappeared.

Without these Yuan troops, the surrender of the Yuan Dynasty was completely a foregone conclusion.Even if Zhen Jin wants to repent, he can't do it anymore, because he doesn't have many soldiers in his hands.

When Liu Zhuwen and others told Zhao Dongting the news, Zhao Dongting was relieved.

The Yuan army has been disbanded, and the troops of the four major khanates have also withdrawn from Xiping County.There will be no more battles on this frontier, just wait for the Yuan Dynasty to surrender.

As an emperor, there is no need for him to stay in this frontier position any longer.

As for the army, the various ministries can also arrange to retreat.Hundreds of thousands of people are all in the territory of the Yuan Dynasty, which is not a small load for the country every day.


It's already November, and the weather is already quite cold.

Zhao Dongting's tent was burning with a stove.

Except for Zhao Da, the highest-ranking generals of all frontier armies gathered in Zhao Dongting's tent.

Wen Tianxiang, the military commander who came from Ruyang City, was followed by the marshals of the various military regions, and Ren Wei, the commander-in-chief of the Flying Army.

Presidents like Zhao Hu, Liu Zijun, Xiao Yulin and others were not announced by Zhao Dongting.

Because this is a matter for the entire army to retreat.Zhao Dongting did not intend to arrange in detail how the armies retreated, this was the business of the marshals of the military regions.

"Excuse me, let's all sit down!"

Everyone entered the account one after another, Zhao Dongting said with a smile.

These people in front of him are all his confidantes and favorite generals, and they are the leaders of Song Dynasty's army.Just looking at them makes me feel comfortable.

Especially Yue Peng, Liu Hongyi, and Wen Tianxiang, they all followed Zhao Dongting when he first made his fortune.

It's a little regretful that good luck tricks people, there should be Su Quandang, but he has already slept forever.

"I announce that you are here because I want to discuss with you the retreat of the armies." After everyone sat down one by one, Zhao Dongting said.

Then he said: "What I mean is to let the garrison retreat first. However, we still have to leave a few troops at the front to frighten Xiaoxiao, and wait until all the garrisons in the Yuan Dynasty surrender and settle down before withdrawing. Everyone, What's the meaning?"

All the generals nodded, and there was no objection to this.

This is what must be done.

It is impossible to withdraw all the soldiers to the country just because the Yuan Dynasty surrendered.In that case, if any accident happened in the Yuan Dynasty, it would be too late to do anything.

The fact that the real gold has surrendered does not mean that all those who held military power in the Yuan Dynasty will choose to surrender.There will always be some forces that don't want to surrender, so they emerge to create chaos.

This is just like what Dali did at the beginning, setting up the Dali Military Region for the stability of Dali.Moreover, the Dali Military Region was originally formed by drawing soldiers from the rest of the Forbidden Army.

It's just that the Yuan Dynasty was too big to do so.What can be done is to collect the defenders of the cities first, and then slowly develop the military area.

To unify the North and the South, Zhao Dongting will make a new layout of the entire Song Dynasty, which cannot be accomplished overnight.

Seeing that everyone nodded, he went on to say: "Then you suggest a few troops to come out! Each military region will send one as a representative."

He suddenly laughed, "You are all the marshals of the military regions. You don't need to go back to discuss this kind of thing with the presidents of the armies, right?"

Liu Zhuwen and others laughed when they heard the words.

They knew that the emperor was joking.

Of course they still have this prestige in the army.No matter which army is left behind, there will never be dissatisfaction among the soldiers, at least not on the surface.

Just choosing which army to keep in the territory of the Yuan Dynasty is indeed not an easy task.After all, the palms and backs of the hands are all meat.

Liu Zhuwen frowned slightly, and said, "Your Majesty, why don't you decide by drawing lots?"

Zhao Dongting was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "That's fine."

With their own drawing of lots, those lieutenant soldiers who were left here would not have any complaints.

Wen Qi hurried forward to pick up a brush and write on the paper.

He has the least qualifications here, and he should really be allowed to do this kind of thing.

Soon 36 names were formed on the paper.

Six military regions, a total of 36 armies, regardless of distance, were all written on paper by Wen Qi.

But Zhao Dongting saw that he had finished writing, and suddenly said: "The armies that suffered the most losses will not be included."

No one spoke, just stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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