The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 240 talk on paper

Chapter 240 talk on paper
In the evening of this day, a group of people arrived in Xinyi.

Both Xinyi and Maoming are counties in Gaozhou, not far from the main capital, Gaozhou City, less than a hundred miles away, and they are distributed in a triangle.

Zhao Yuluo led an army of [-] troops to Xinyi first. When Zhao Dongting arrived, he, Dong Heli and others were outside the city to greet him.

Why did Zhao Dongting deliberately place the Tianxian Army in Xinyi for maneuvering? Naturally, there was an arrangement.

As for the firearms in the army, he also greatly favored the Tianxian army.

This is because among the fifteen armies of the Southern Song Dynasty, strictly speaking, only the Tianxian Army, Tianxiong Army and Tianyong Army are his direct troops.

The Tianxiong Army and the Tianyong Army were formerly Wen Tianxiang's Xingguo Army, and they are still commanded by him. Only the Tianxian Army is available in Zhao Dongting.

The predecessor of the Tianxian Army was the God Beggar Army. In terms of loyalty, it is naturally much higher than those soldiers.In Zhao Dongting's heart, he was also much closer than the other military horses who surrendered to Cheng and Qin Wang.

Originally, he used the bodyguards and imperial guards the most. Unfortunately, in the battle of Guangxi, the two armies were almost wiped out.

Although the current Tiankui Army and Tiangang Army have guards and veterans of the Dianqian Division, more of them are people arranged from various armies, including bandits who surrendered, civilian rebels, and The Xiang army and the descendants.The ingredients were too complicated, Zhao Dongting didn't dare to take them with him casually, because this mobile force would definitely control a lot of firearms.

Arriving in Xinyi City, Zhao Dongting immediately ordered Zhao Da to lead two hundred flying dragon soldiers to rush to Cenxi with two hundred grenadiers.

The Yuan army is still marching towards Guangxi, and it is still unknown what deployment it will be. He can only spread the army.Let the armies help each other.

When Zhao Da left, he asked Zhao Da to help guard Cenxi and Wuzhou and play by ear.

In other words, if the Yuan army attacked Wuzhou, he would take two hundred soldiers and grenadiers to help defend Wuzhou, and if the Yuan army attacked Cenxi, he would defend Cenxi.If the Yuan army attacks in multiple ways, then he can figure it out by himself.

However, according to Zhao Dongting's estimate, the Yuan army should not attack in too many ways.

They already have an absolute superiority in military strength, isn't it stupid to attack the city in multiple ways?
You must know that attacking a city is much more difficult than defending it, requiring at least several times more troops.

If the Yuan army attacked the city in multiple ways, it would be tantamount to eliminating their own strength advantage.

Even if there is an army of 50, how many cities can be captured if they attack more than a dozen cities with tens of thousands of people stationed together?
After Zhao Da left, Zhao Dongting settled down in Xinyi with the remaining Feilong soldiers and Wu Dingtang enshrined.

Except that Liu Hongyi's food and grass should not have been transported to remote cities such as Wuli and Taiping Town, the Song Dynasty can now be said to have everything ready.

At night, Zhao Dongting announced that Qin Han and Dong Heli, Zhao and Luo were discussing matters in the room.

Spread out on the table in the room are maps of Guangxi and Guangnan.

However, the maps of this era are naturally not too detailed, they just indicate the general direction of mountains and rivers and the location of cities.

On the map, the cities where the Song army was stationed have been marked with circles by Zhao Dongting.

Judging from the picture, the iron barrel defense line has been completed.

Tiger general Zhang Jue personally sits in Xuanhua, coordinating the defense of the five cities of Yongding, Xuanhua, Wuli, Taiping Town, and Dongzhou.

Wen Tianxiang sits in Pingnan and coordinates the military affairs of the six cities of Tanjin, Pingnan, Xunzhou, Shimen, Yulin, and Ningpu.

Zhao Dongting himself will temporarily sit in Xinyi, commanding the military in Wuzhou, Cenxi, Gaozhou and other cities.

In terms of pressure, Zhao Dongting is undoubtedly the biggest.

He only has 20 soldiers and horses, but what he has to face may be more than [-] troops of Boyan.

Zhao Dongting pointed at the map with his fingers, and said, "The three of you, do you think there are any omissions in my arrangement?"

Dong Heli said: "The emperor has set up a defense line that is nearly two thousand miles long, connected by cities and echoing each other from afar. I don't think there is any omission."

Zhao and Luocai had just arrived, looking at the map and meditating, but did not speak.

Qin Han pondered twice, then said: "If Ye Su'er and Boyan's two armies meet, which city can block their attack? The emperor's arrangement seems to have no omissions, but if the Yuan army tears the gap, the entire defense line will be destroyed. , it will be broken. Especially if the Yuan army chooses Cenxi, Xunzhou, and Xuanhua as the places to break through, when the city is broken, our army will have the worry that we will not be able to look after each other. If the formation is like a long snake, if you are caught seven inches, You can’t be more flexible.”

The Cenxi, Xunzhou, and Xuanhua he mentioned are the three cities in the middle of the three lines of defense.

When Dong Heli heard Qin Han's words, the smile on his face froze suddenly.

Zhao Dongting could tell that Qin Han still didn't agree with his deployment of troops.Although he didn't object, I'm afraid he was still stubborn in his heart.

Zhao Dongting himself is a person who is hard to be persuaded by others when he has made up his mind. Qin Han is a genius and arrogant, so naturally he is the same.

Who doesn't think their own way is the safest?
Zhao Dongting's eyes flashed brightly, and said: "With the current deployment of the Yuan army, it is impossible for Boyan to go to Xuanhua in a false way. His food and grass cannot be supplied so far, and there is a danger of being cut off by our army. Ye Suer Instead, it is possible to go from Kuizhou to Jinghu North Road or the junction of Jinghu South Road and Guangxi South Road, and then echo Boyan. He is in these two places, and it is more convenient for the Yuan Dynasty to supply him with grain and grass."

Qin Han said: "Then what if they don't merge into one place, but try their best to attack Xuanhua and Cenxi separately?"

Zhao Dongting curled his lips, "I have distributed so many firearms among the armies, can they easily attack?"

At this time, he had a look as confident as Qin Han's, "As long as I can hold on for two or three days, my reinforcements in the other cities will arrive. At that time, it will be a decisive battle with the Yuan army. The Yuan army will mobilize the troops, no matter what the situation is. It is inevitable that our army will fight to the death with them.”

Qin Han stopped talking, and looked at Zhao Dongting with a little surprise in his eyes.

He probably didn't expect that Zhao Dongting would be able to speak clearly in the military in just two short years without seeing each other.

He deliberately didn't mention the supply of grain and grass for the Yuan army just now, but he still wanted to make Zhao Dongting change his mind again, but he never thought that Zhao Dongting could find the key to it, and he refuted it so quickly.You know, even the veteran Dong Heli didn't think through the key points in such a short period of time.

In fact, what he didn't know was that it wasn't that Zhao Dongting was so powerful, but that he had been thinking about this question these days.

He may not be able to lead the army to fight, but in the overall situation, he still has it.

It can also be said that Zhao Dongting has the ability to talk on paper.

When Qin Han was silent, Zhao Dongting said again: "What I'm worried about is that Boyan and Ye Su'er will gather at the intersection of Wen Jun's defense line and me. When the time comes, hundreds of thousands of them will attack Wuzhou, Tanjin, or It's Cenxi, our army wants to rush to help, but there may not be enough time."

Although there are mountains and rivers lying outside Wuzhou city, the mere Wuzhou is nothing in today's battle circle.

Whether it is Boyan or Ye Su'er, they can completely bypass Wuzhou.However, Tanjin and Cenxi are not as dangerous as Wuzhou.

The corner of Wuzhou is the strongest corner in Zhao Dongting's defense circle, but at the same time, it can also be said to be the weakest corner.

If there is a problem with this point, it will be really difficult for the reinforcements in the rest of the city to save.

A strange light flashed in Qin Han's eyes, and he said: "Then the emperor personally led the Tianxian Army to prevent Wuzhou, Tanjin and Cenxi from being destroyed?"

Zhao Dongting nodded, and said with a long sigh of relief: "Let's see how the Yuan army is deployed, and then we can mobilize our army as appropriate!"

In the final analysis, what is said at the moment is just speculation.War will not go according to their speculation.

Afterwards, the three of them discussed in the room for a long time, but even Qin Han was not sure how the Yuan army would attack.

Hundreds of thousands of troops from both sides went to war. This is no longer something that manpower can fully predict the battle situation, even ghosts can't do it.

When fighting against Ali Haiya, Qin Han was able to strategize because the territory was small, and the Song army was attacking and took the initiative. He only had to think about how the Yuan army would respond.But now, the Yuan army is attacking and the Song army is defending. If the Yuan army doesn't move, he can't imagine how the Yuan army will fight.

This is like two chess players, they have just started the game, and the opponent has not made a move yet, who can predict how the opponent will move first?

A few more days passed.

Gradually, more and more information was sent to Xinyi.

Ye Su'er sent an army of 22 troops to Anyi County in Sizhou in Kuizhou, not far from Jinghu North Road.

Boyan's army of 20 came to Zhaoqing Mansion, only separated from Guangnan West Road by Deqing Mansion, and less than [-] kilometers away from the Song Army's defense line.

However, Boyan was stationed in the army of Zhaoqing Mansion and stopped advancing.

Zhao Dongting realized that the last thing he wanted to see happened.Boyan, it seems that he really has the momentum to wait and join the army quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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