The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 241 Battle of Wutong Ridge

Chapter 241 The Battle of Wutong Ridge ([-])

Zhang Jue Feige, who was far away in Xuanhua, sent a message to ask Zhao Dongting whether to lead the army to the east and shrink the defense line.

Zhao Dongting just asked him to wait a little longer until he was clear about the movement of the Yuan army.

Another six days later, Boyan's army moved from Zhaoqing Mansion to Duanxi, the main mansion of Deqing Mansion, which is not far from Wuzhou and Cenxi.

Ye Su'er's army has also reached Jinghu North Road, and it seems that there is a plan to send troops directly to Jingjiang Mansion on Guangnan West Road.

Jingjiang Mansion stands on the mountain, with towering city walls, it is indeed a military city that can be attacked and defended.

Zhang Jue mobilized the Tiangui and Tianfu armies from Dongzhou and Taipingzhai to gather in Xuanhua and shrink the defense line, intending to move closer to Wen Tianxiang's defense line.

And when the two sides were marching in full swing, Boyan finally took the lead in launching an offensive against the Song army.

Yuan general Arakhan led [-] soldiers from Duanxi to Fengchuan Mansion, which is the closest to Wuzhou City, and suppressed Wuzhou, which is less than a hundred miles away from Wuzhou.

Yuan general Kong Yuan led [-] troops, crossed Yushui outside Duanxi City, and went straight to Cenxi.

The scouts of the two sides came and went in a continuous stream in the wilderness. Up to now, they are naturally aware of each other's movements.

The Song Army knew the Yuan Army's movements, and the Yuan Army also knew the Song Army's defensive layout.

After all, you still have to see the truth on the battlefield.

Zhao Dongting, Qin Han and others studied the situation in Xinyi, and they knew very well that Arakhan's [-] soldiers probably didn't have the courage to attack Wuzhou, and they suddenly marched into Fengchuan Prefecture just to contain the Tiankui army in Wuzhou Prefecture.Tiankui's army is only ten thousand, and it is impossible for Yue Peng to have extra troops to help Cenxi.

And Cenxi has the Tiangang army stationed, this should be known to the Yuan army.Kong Yuan was a pioneer, probably only to explore the truth and falsehood of the Song army.

On the day when he got the news, Zhao Dongting sent an order to Su Quandang, telling him to repel Kong Yuan and fight the first battle well.

The two sides put on a big battle, and the outcome of this first battle has a great impact on morale.

Nearly ten days later, Kong Yuan's [-] troops set up camp on a hill more than [-] miles away from Cenxi County.However, they did not attack Cenxi.

Ye Su'er's army approached Jingjiang Mansion.

Zhang Jue's [-] troops gathered together, abandoned the city where they were originally stationed, and went to Ningpu to join Tianman's army.Sixty thousand troops were stationed in Ningpu.

Zhao Dongting continued to discuss the situation with Qin Han, Dong Heli, Zhao Yuluo at night, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Arakhan's 5 yuan army restrained Yue Peng, it seemed that they wanted to create opportunities for Kong Yuan, who sent troops to Cenxi, but Kong Yuan did not move, which is a bit intriguing.

In the room, Zhao Dongting pointed at Cenxi on the map and asked, "Kong Yuan stands still, what is his plan?"

Because Ye Su'er hadn't arrived in Jingjiang at this time, every move of Boyan seemed intriguing.

It was too late, and without a formal posture, it was really impossible to predict how the Yuan army planned to break through Zhao Dongting's defense line.

But what is certain is that when his army approaches Jingjiang Mansion, it is absolutely impossible to attack from the west of Guangnan West Road.His logistical supply line couldn't extend so far, and it was impossible for him to waste his time sowing doubts.

Qin Han, Dong Heli, Zhao and Luo all looked down at the map in thought.

After a few minutes, Qin Han suddenly said: "If the Yuan army besieges first and then attacks, our army may be in trouble."

Zhao Dongting's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Qin Han's words pierced his heart like a needle.

In his mind, he quickly calculated the ratio of troops between the two sides. Yes, what if Kong Yuan didn't want to capture Cen Xi, but contained Cen Xi?
Waiting for Boyan to contain all the Song troops heading south from Cenxi, and Ye Su'er divides his troops to contain Zhang Jue and Wen Tianxiang, wouldn't Wuzhou be in danger?
It was easy for the Song army to defend the city, but it was a bit difficult to go out of the city to break through the Yuan army's defense line and rush to help the rest of the city.

Qin Han looked at him at this moment, and said: "Your Majesty, it seems that we can only transfer all the troops of Tianji and Tianxian to Cenxi. Then we will see how the Yuan army responds. If they continue to increase troops outside Cenxi, That must be to cut off seven inches of our army and attack Wuzhou on a large scale!"

It has to be said that if the Yuan army really planned to contain the rest of the city first and then attack Wuzhou, it would indeed hit the shortcoming of Zhao Dongting's iron barrel defense line.Qin Han's proposal was very pertinent, and he joined forces with Cenxi before the Yuan army completely contained the cities south of Cenxi, and then he might be able to break through the Yuan army and rush to Wuzhou.

However, after Zhao Dongting pondered, he said, "What if we rush to Cenxi?"

After all, the Yuan army was too powerful. Even if he transferred all his troops to Wuzhou City, he might not be able to defend it.

Even if you keep it, how much loss will you have to lose?

Such a loss is simply unbearable for the current Southern Song Dynasty.

Qin Han sighed: "It was a mistake to choose to fight the Yuan army head-on."

Up to now, he still hasn't had any Zhao Dongting battle formation.Judging from the current situation, the Song army should completely avoid the edge of the Yuan army.

Zhao Dongting shook his head, "No, I said before, I will never be the mouse emperor again."

"Does the 2 yuan army want to contain Cenxi and lead our army north?"

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Let Zhang Hongwei lead the army to Cenxi. At the same time, order Su Quandang to wipe out Kong Yuan's 2 yuan army!"

The three people in Donghe were stunned when they heard this order.

Zhao Yuluo said: "Your Majesty, Tiangang's army is no more than ten thousand, let them take the initiative to attack Kong Yuan's 2 yuan army?"

The bravery of the Yuan army is well known. Except for the battles of Zhao Dongting, Quzhou and Guangxi, which won more with less, almost no Song army has accomplished such a feat.

In Zhao Yuluo's heart, if there were 2 Song troops, they might be able to wipe out [-] troops.But the [-] Song army felt like sending sheep into the tiger's mouth.

Qin Han, on the other hand, pondered and said, "Maybe it's possible."

He has seen Zhao Dongting's firearms before.

Zhao Dongting no longer hesitated, looked towards Dongheli, and said, "Master Donghe, go pass the order!"

"The minister leads the order."

Dong Heli cupped his hands and hurriedly left the room.

Qin Han said: "The emperor is planning to use the old method of the Guangxi battle again?"

Zhao Dongting sat back on the chair, "The Yuan army's troops are too powerful, so we can only slowly wear down their strength. If they really want to completely open up their posture and fight a decisive battle between the two sides, what chance do you think our army will have?"

Qin Han said: "It's close to nothing."


Zhao Dongting nodded, "So we can't give them a chance to fight."

Qin Han looked deeply at Zhao Dongting, "The emperor looks more and more like a general now."

Zhao Dongting stopped talking.

He knew very well in his heart that he was definitely not a general.Because if he was asked to line up troops, he would be blind, but he was unwilling to tell Qin Han about this shortcoming.He is now extremely guarded against both Qin Han and Shuzhong. If it is not a last resort, he does not want to expose too much on Qin Han's face.

Those who keep their secrets deep can often live longer.So is power.


From Xinyi to Cenxi, the distance is only over a hundred kilometers.Just two hours later, the carrier pigeons joined Su Quandang's army.

The soldier in charge of receiving the order saw the letter tied on the pigeon's leg with a small yellow cloth strip, so he didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly begged to see Su Quandang.

The letter tied with a small yellow cloth strip is the emperor's decree.

Su Quandang was woken up by the guards in his sleep. After taking the letter, he read it under the oil lamp.

The letter was just a small piece of paper, and the numbers written on it were all numbers like Shiwu, Erliusi, and Sanshiqi.

Su Quandang spread the letter on the table, walked to the bed, and took out a thread-bound book with about dozens of pages from the box under his bed.

This book is only covered with cowhide, and nothing is written on the cover.

This is naturally from Zhao Dongting's handwriting.

dark order.

This secret order was used in the Feilong army to send messages, and now it has spread to several people such as Yue Peng, Su Quandang, Wen Tianxiang, and Zhang Jue.

As for the rest of the generals, Zhao Dongting has not yet fully trusted them.Therefore, Zhao Dongting did not distribute this secret order to them.

Su Quandang opened the book, the first page.

The words on the book are very neat, with ten rows and ten columns, all of which are separate Chinese characters.

The fifth character in the tenth line is Gong.

This word corresponds to the number "shiwu" in the secret decree.

On the second page, on the sixth line, there is a word for hole.


Even if such a secret order is intercepted by the Yuan army, there is no danger of leaking the military aircraft.

Su Quandang found a word and wrote it down on the paper.In just a few minutes, a complete order was written on his paper.

Attack Kong Yuan and try to annihilate them.

Su Quandang looked at these seven characters, his expression gradually serious.

After watching for several minutes, he suddenly shouted to the guards outside the room: "Ling, let all generals go to the main hall to discuss matters."


The guards outside the door did not dare to be negligent, nor did they dare to ask more questions, the sound of footsteps quickly faded away.

Su Quandang moved his eyes back to the paper again, and murmured, "Would you wipe out Kong Yuan's 2 yuan army..."

(End of this chapter)

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