The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 259 Beheading Again

Chapter 259 Beheading Again
A few minutes passed, and the shells on the opposite side were still pouring towards the street.

The general of the Yuan army didn't know how many soldiers he had lost, and his heart was already a little numb.

He didn't even know whether the soldiers he led could break through the Song army's formation head-on.

What about the devious men and horses at both ends?

He was inevitably anxious.

Because at this time, no soldiers rushed out from the streets on the east and west sides of the city gate.

The torches of the Song army were still so neat, obviously, they had not received any impact.

How did Song Jun stop them?
The general of the Yuan army felt a little incredible in his heart.

The Song army had less than 5000 people in total, and there should be thousands of them at the gate of the city. Where did they come from to stop the troops on both sides.

You know, there are thousands of soldiers and horses on both sides of him.Even if the Song Army had Thunderbolts, it shouldn't be able to stop them firmly like this, right?

But he didn't know that the ones Le Wuhui led were all Wu Ding Tang's masters.

How can these Jianghu people with unique skills be compared with ordinary soldiers?
They lay in ambush on the left and right sides of the street, constantly blocking the Yuan army with thunderbolts and dragon guns.However, the Yuan army's arrows could hardly pose a threat to them.

In this day and age, it is not difficult for people with a little bit of kung fu to dodge arrows.

Take the current Zhao Dongting as an example, if he sees someone shooting an arrow at him from the opposite side, he will definitely be able to avoid it.

How can the speed of an arrow compare with the speed of a bullet?

Gradually, the general of the Yuan army suddenly realized that there were fewer and fewer soldiers behind him.

People kept charging up, and the corpses filled the entire street, but the torches of the Song Army were still so neat.

Is it going to lose?

For the first time, such an ominous thought came to his mind.

He didn't think he would be defeated before, especially after passing through the Song army's thunder formation at a very small price, he felt that the Song army had no capital to stop them.

After all, Song Jun only had so few troops in total.

This is not a city defense battle. Thousands of soldiers in the Song military area may not be able to stop their more than 2 soldiers?
It's just the situation in front of him that forced him to think of this possibility.

Song Jun's artillery shells were too powerful.

However, in the current situation, he has no other choice at all.


If the Song Army's formation cannot be overwhelmed when the soldiers are at their peak and most concentrated, will they be able to stop the Song Army after they withdraw?

This general of the Yuan army is also a capable person. He knows that at such a moment, he can only fight for his life.They had no retreat, and Song Jun also had no retreat.

After a deep silence, he suddenly said: "Keep attacking, don't be timid!"

In an instant, the horns in the Yuan army became even louder.

But Zhao Dongting, at this time, is feeling sorry for his cannonball.

Although it is said that there are more than 2 grenadier shells in the Southern Song Dynasty, there is no doubt that they cannot stand such profligacy.

The Yuan army still has hundreds of thousands of soldiers outside Wuzhou city!
At this time, Qin Han suddenly said, "Your Majesty, there is still a general in the Yuan army commanding the overall situation. Killing him will ensure the victory."

He didn't see the general of the Yuan army, but he could hear it from the sound of the horn.

Moreover, if there is no chief general in the Yuan army, how can the Yuan army have such a method when marching?
The military discipline of the Yuan army is quite special, and there are special methods for the generals who died in battle.The chief general is killed, the deputy will be the commander, and the deputy will be killed, but the deputy will be the commander.

Although Zhao Dongting's beheading tactics achieved great results, they still could not reduce the soldiers of the Yuan army in Duanxi City to loose sand.

Because those centurions all recognize the commander of the thousand, and the commander of the thousand recognizes the command of the only surviving commander.

Perhaps, only if this Chief Wan is killed, the Yuan army will be completely flustered.

They still have a lot of commanders. At that time, no one will coordinate and command. They can only fight on their own, and they will not pose such a big threat to the Song army.

Yue Yue said coldly, "I'll go!"

Zhao Dongting pondered and said: "The general of the Yuan army should be under protection at all levels, are you sure?"

Yue Yue didn't speak.

Zhao Dongting said again: "If you are not sure of coming back alive, then don't go, General Yue is only your sister, I don't want to see him sad."

Hearing this, Yue Yue looked back at Zhao Dongting with complicated eyes.

She could naturally hear that Zhao Dongting's words were not pretending.

But she still didn't speak, just walked straight to the front of the army.Then, the figure quickly disappeared into the night.

As the number one killer in Jianghu, she has her self-confidence.

In the past, she dared to go to the government office to attack and kill Zhao Dongting, who was the emperor of Song Dynasty. How could she be afraid of such a scene now?

As an assassin, it's not just about lurking in other people's rooms and killing people.In the past, Yue Yue did not infrequently lurk in heavily guarded government offices and villages to kill people, and every time she escaped unscathed.

She quietly turned into the shop next to the main street, and then marched towards the army behind the Yuan army.

She was wearing night clothes, and under the cover of night, she didn't attract anyone's attention at all.

On the main street, the Yuan army was still charging, and the Song army was in formation to meet the enemy. Who would divide their troops to check the shops and houses next to them?

With the weak strength of the Song army, it is impossible to make such a move to disperse the troops.

In this way, Yue Yue quietly crossed a distance of thousands of meters, and then got very close to the Yuan army formation.

She could tell that the sound of the horn was not far from her.

So she stopped in this courtyard, and then walked to the shop in front.

This happened to be another cloth shop, and there were finished clothes.This made her eyes shine suddenly.

But she finally understood the importance, slightly raised the torch, glanced at the clothes in front of her reluctantly, and walked upstairs.

At this time, her painful expression seemed to be that she saw money on the ground, but was unable to pick it up because of time constraints.

Upstairs, she didn't open the window again.Instead, he gently poked a hole in the paper window with his fingers, leaned his head over, and looked down.

Sure enough, there were rows of horn soldiers of the Yuan army below.

Her eyes searched the army.

In just over ten seconds, he saw the chief general of the Yuan army, Wanfu, who was riding on a horse.

Under the light of the torch, his red cloak and that gorgeous and exquisite armor are undoubtedly eye-catching.

The chief general of the Yuan army was probably about 200 meters away from Yue Yue at this time.

Yue Yue, who uses bows and arrows or crossbows to shoot through such a distance, would have a higher degree of certainty.However, the general of the Yuan Army still wore a tasseled helmet on his head, and with the power of arrows, it might not be able to pierce his armor, no, it might not be, it was simply difficult to pierce through.

The armor is made of steel, although it is not thick, but it has a strong resistance to the arrows that are also made of steel.

Yue Yue carried a small divine arm crossbow with her, but after hesitating, she decided to use the divine dragon gun.

She stared straight at the chief general of the Yuan Army, and poked the hole in the window wider with her fingers.

Then, she held the Shenlong gun in both hands, closed her left eye, and aimed at the general of the Yuan army.

She still learned the skill of shooting from Feilong soldiers.

The Flying Dragon Army was trained by Zhao Dongting as a special force, and now there are some sharpshooters in the army.

All of these masters have excellent eyesight, and they can be regarded as extremely talented sharpshooters.

It's just that with such a long distance, Yue Yue is still not very sure.

Therefore, she did not shoot for a long time.

And the Yuan army commander Wan Fu never thought that there would be a crisis at all.

There are so many soldiers around him, the number is the most courageous, who would think that he will be attacked even if he is surrounded by a group of guards?
His eyes were still looking straight ahead.

Until now, Song Jun didn't seem to be in any panic.The soldiers on the east and west sides did not rush over, which made him feel even more bad.

So, about 2 minutes in the past.

Suddenly, there was a slight gunshot.However, amidst the explosion of shells, the gunshot did not spread at all.

The general of the Yuan army suddenly fell off his horse.

Yue Yue did not retreat, but took back the Shenlong blunderbuss and continued to look down.

The guard next to the general was stunned, and quickly got off his horse to help the general.Then, panic.

There was a hole in the helmet of the chief general, and at this moment, blood was already gushing out from the hole.

Obviously, with a shot in the head, it is impossible for the general to be alive.

In this way, the only remaining commanders of the Yuan army died, and they died inexplicably.The guard next to him still couldn't remember that he was shot and killed by Song Jun's Shenlong gun.

After confirming that the main general was dead, they turned their heads to look around, and suddenly realized that they didn't know what to do.

Right now there are only a dozen or so commanders left in the army, who will take the lead?Who will direct?

Seeing this, Yue Yue turned around and walked downstairs.

The Yuan army charging ahead didn't know that something happened to the general, and continued to charge forward against artillery fire and bullets.

On the street between the Yuan and Song armies, there are already countless corpses of the Yuan army lying there.These corpses are piled on top of each other, which makes people feel numb.

(End of this chapter)

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