The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 260 The battle situation has been decided

Chapter 260 The battle situation has been decided
Not to mention shells, these corpses on the ground alone can slightly delay the charge of Yuan army cavalry.

Not to mention the infantry, at their speed, they are completely reduced to cannon fodder under the shells.

After such a long time, no cavalry of the Yuan army could rush 50 meters in front of the Song army, not even horses.

Song Jun's Shenlong Gun is really bullying.

Zhao Dongting gradually gained confidence in his heart.

In this era, wars like to swarm up, which is really gratifying.Let the power of his grenadier be exerted to the limit.

In modern times, most of the soldiers marched in a scattered manner during the war, and the grenadier would never achieve such an effect.

A few minutes later, Yue Yue rushed back.

She walked back to the front of Zhao Dongting, and said directly: "The general of the Yuan army has bowed his head."

Zhao Dongting was overjoyed, raised his hand and said: "The army slowly presses forward, and those who surrender will not be killed!"

He is no longer satisfied with passive defense, the Yuan army doesn't even have the main general, what's the matter?
Although he didn't intend to really push all the soldiers to the front, it was always necessary to put on a show.

The Song army suddenly turned from defense to offense, which definitely made those Yuan troops who noticed this scene feel drummed.

It's a question of momentum.

In ancient wars, momentum undoubtedly had a great influence.There are many battles where the side with the most people is frightened and loses its courage, such as all the trees and trees, ambushes on all sides, and so on.During the Warring States Period, Qin general Bai Qi pitted and killed 40 Zhao troops. Apart from running out of food, the 40 Zhao troops did not resist because they were frightened?

Song Jun's horn suddenly changed its tone, and the order was continuously conveyed to the lower levels.

Soon, the firecrackers in front began to slowly press forward.

And all the soldiers were shouting: "The surrender will not be killed! The surrender will not be killed!"

Yuan Jun, who was still rushing forward under artillery fire, was a little confused.

Now it's obviously not yet time to completely decide the winner, why did the Song army suddenly start to press forward?
Although they didn't break through the Song army's formation, there were at least thousands of them at this time.With this number, it may not be impossible to defeat the Song army.

Of course, ordinary soldiers of the Yuan army naturally have no idea about the number of their own.

In just a short time, the charging Yuan army hesitated.Because they found that there was no sound behind them.

Even the sound of the horn seems to have stopped.

what happened?

Why didn't the general give the order to attack?
In fact, at this time, the commanders of the Yuan army still decide who will be in command.Some people are even proposing whether to withdraw troops.

Song Jun's firepower was too fierce, which frightened them.

The outflanking troops on the east and west sides have not been able to rush out at this time, and they have no hope of reporting.

In war, such timidity is the most contagious.This is like a group of people going to the park to enter a ghost cave. Everyone can hold on and pretend not to be afraid, which is fine.But if someone suddenly yelled loudly in fright, it would definitely make everyone else a little scared.

At this time, the only remaining commanders of the Yuan army were in this situation.

It's better to die than to live, no one wants to send their lives here.The lessons of those generals may not be profound enough?

It's not that our army is incompetent, but that this Song army is really difficult to deal with.The battle has just started, and all the commanders of one's own side are dead. How can this battle be fought?
Who wants to lead his subordinates to charge again?
No one wants to!
But these Yuan army commanders, but no one can command anyone.

Well then, if you don't want to rush, I don't want to rush, then simply surrender!

Seeing that the charging soldiers gradually turned back, more and more generals of the Yuan army agreed to surrender.

In this day and age, although surrender is a scandal, it is actually extremely common.

Suddenly, a commander threw his weapon on the ground violently, and shouted to his soldiers behind him, "Put down the weapon!"

Then the rest of the commanders look at me and I look at you, and they all follow suit.

The battle on Main Street gradually came to an end.

The Yuan army gradually stopped charging, and those who rushed in front were all killed by the Song army's Shenlong blunderbuss.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Dongting, who was distressed by the shells, quickly asked Dong Heli to order the Feilong soldiers behind to stop firing.

However, he did not let the gunfire soldiers relax their vigilance.

He was still a little worried, afraid that Yuan Jun was deliberately showing weakness.Although this possibility is extremely low, it has to be guarded against.

He didn't really breathe a sigh of relief until the smoke and dust on the street cleared and he saw that the Yuan soldiers under the torches had dropped their weapons.

Duanxi City can be regarded as taken down.

Seeing this, the soldiers of the Song Army cheered and cheered.


Siege the city with less than 5000 men, and they won.Moreover, the loss is almost negligible.

After Dong Heli ordered the Feilong soldiers behind to stop firing, he hurried to the front again, his face beaming with joy.Before arriving at the army, he waved to a general and said, "Take away their weapons."

Immediately there were hundreds of gunfire soldiers walking forward.

The rest of the gunfire soldiers still used the dragon guns to face the dejected Yuan army.

On the east and west sides of the city gate, the battle here is not over yet.

There are only a few hundred people in Le Wuwei, even if there is thunder, it is not easy to destroy thousands of yuan troops.At this time, almost all the thunderbolts in their hands have been used up, and they are shooting at the Yuan army with the Shenlong blunderbuss.

On the streets, there are Yuan army corpses everywhere.

Suddenly, the gunfire from the main street could no longer be heard, and then the shouts of Song Jun came again.Le Wuwei and the Yuan army were all stunned.

Who exactly won?

It wasn't until the shouts of "Long live the Song Dynasty, Long live the emperor" came like a tide, that they were overjoyed and breathed a sigh of relief.

If the fight continues, they may not be able to stop these Yuan troops, and someone will definitely be able to attack the army formation.

Fortunately, at this time, the winner on the main street has been decided.

Le Wuhui shouted loudly: "The Yuan army has been defeated, and those who surrender will not be killed!"

All the priests hurriedly shouted, and the sound soon resounded in the streets on the east and west sides.

A general of the Yuan army couldn't believe that his army would be defeated by thousands of Song troops, so he hurriedly sent soldiers to the main street to check.

But their offensive was undoubtedly sluggish in an instant.

Then in less than 10 minutes, the soldiers came back.The generals of the Yuan army on the streets on the east and west sides learned that the main force had really surrendered.

This makes them no longer see hope.

The main force has surrendered, so what?
Although there were thousands of them, more than half of them were killed or injured. When the Song army came to help them, would they still have a way out?

These Song soldiers blocked them for so long with only a few hundred people. It was hard for them to imagine what would happen if the Song army came to kill them.

After a moment of hesitation, these generals of the Yuan army also dropped their weapons and ordered their soldiers to surrender.

Maybe there are some people who are righteous and want to burn jade and stone together, but after all, they are only a very small number and cannot affect the overall situation.Even though they shouted suddenly, not many people responded to them.

Le Wuhui and Wu Dingtang's priests rushed out from all over the place, facing the soldiers of the Yuan army with Shenlong blunderbuss, but no one said a word.

However, their faces are naturally full of excitement and pride.

Even those who used to be in the rivers and lakes are also proud of such a big victory.

It was absolutely impossible to capture the city where the 5000 yuan army was stationed with less than 3 people.

The firearm developed by the emperor is really powerful.

On the main street, the Song army was busy confiscating the weapons of the Yuan army, and then gathered all the generals to guard them.

As long as they keep an eye on it, they don't have to worry about what storms Yuan's army might stir up.

Seeing that the overall situation has been decided, Zhao Dongting smiled, and said to Dong Heli next to him, "Master Donghe, send two teams to check the situation in the streets on both sides."

At this time, gunshots and explosions could no longer be heard. He felt that the fighting on both sides should have ended.

This naturally made him feel even better.

It's a pity that no one can share his joy right now.Even if he wanted to brag, he didn't know who to brag about.

Get excited with Yue Yue?
I'm afraid it will only get her rolling eyes, or silence.

Qin Han?

Qin Han is not a person who can joke at all, and he must not even have an expression.

Zhao Dongting panicked in his heart, suffocated by this strong shock and joy.The soldiers next to him had already blown away each other, saying that they had just shot and killed so many people, but he, the emperor, could only encourage him to pretend to be serious.

He looked left and right, just looking for someone who could share his joy with him.

But alas, no.

However, he was not completely useless, because he saw a shadow hall priest holding a piece of cloth in his hand.

This piece of cloth is more than one meter long, and the offering holding the cloth is undoubtedly quite eye-catching in the crowd.

Zhao Dongting asked strangely: "That priest, what are you doing with the cloth?"

The priest opened his mouth, "Return to the emperor, this..."

He didn't know how to answer.

If it is said that this is the order of the hall master, will the hall master wear small shoes in the future?

Yue Yue's cold voice sounded, "This is mine. I bought it in a store when I went to the city to assassinate."

Zhao Dongting was even more surprised, "What are you buying this cloth for?"

They are here to fight, not to go shopping.

Yue Yue didn't show any sign of embarrassment, and said, "Make clothes."

Zhao Dongting was stunned.

This answer is really... so direct that I am speechless!
Are all women's minds this weird?
(End of this chapter)

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