The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 262 Yuan Army Siege

Chapter 262 Yuan Army Siege
To be a general, knowing the trade-offs is the most basic quality.

A coach like Boyan will naturally only put victory first.

He did not recruit the generals to discuss this matter, and chose to remain silent.Thinking about it, the generals under his command would soon realize what was in his mind.

So, in two days.

The remaining more than 6000 days of idle troops originally stationed in Huangweidang rushed to Duanxi with all their food, grass and equipment.

Zhao Dongting naturally remained in Duanxi City.

But the news came from Feng Chuan that the Yuan army remained silent.Obviously, Boyan has no intention of taking back Duanxi.

This made Zhao Dongting feel a little pity.

Taking Duanxi at night, still failed to temporarily break the siege of Wuzhou.

He could see Boyan's determination.

After hearing the news, Zhao Dongting immediately announced Qin Han, saying: "There is no movement from the Yuan army in Fengchuan City. It seems that Boyan intends to go to the city and ignore these soldiers. Maybe he will attack Wuzhou in the next few days. What do you think should be done?"

Qin Han pondered and said: "We can only wait for the change. If Wuzhou is in a tight situation, let's find a way to help Wuzhou."

Zhao Dongting frowned slightly, "Has there been no news from Dali yet?"

The Southern Song Dynasty had too few troops. If Dali did not send troops to help, even if there were firearms, the outcome of this battle would be unpredictable.

Zhao Dongting has no confidence in his heart.

Qin Han shook his head, "There is no news yet."

Zhao Dongting said quietly: "It may have been three months."

He returned to Pingnan from central Shu at the beginning of April. At that time, the talented person Qin Han mentioned had already left for Dali, and now it was the beginning of July.

Qin Han's face didn't change when he heard this, he just said: "Dali is a long way away, it will take time."

He still seemed confident.

But Zhao Dongting couldn't help muttering in his heart, wondering if Qin Han was up to something.

He is a member of Guigu Academy, and he should represent the mysterious force in Sichuan.It is still hard to say whether they are really helping Song.

Zhao Dongting lightly tapped his fingers on the table, thinking: "It seems that you can't have too much hope for Dali."

However, can Zhang Jue hold off Ye Su'er and Boyan's joint attack in Wuzhou City?
Although Wuzhou is dangerous, the Yuan army has nearly 40 people after all!
If the Yuan army attacked the city, the battle would definitely not be comparable to that when Kong Yuan attacked Wuzhou. When tens of thousands of people attacked the city, it would be difficult for 10 people to defend it.

However, he doesn't have any good plans right now.

As Qin Han said, they can only wait for the situation to change.

The Tianxian army is stationed in Duanxi, at least they are free to move.If you go to the side of Wuzhou City, it is tantamount to entering a war cage.

And in the evening of this day, news came from Fengchuan that the Yuan army Boyan had finally marched towards Wuzhou.

Zhao Dongting's mood suddenly became serious.

Dali may be unreliable. Now, it depends on how long Wuzhou City can hold off the Yuan army.If you can stick to Wuzhou City until the Yuan army runs out of supplies, then this battle will be a victory.However, this possibility does not seem to be high now.

He still stayed in Duanxi City, quietly waiting for the battle report from Wuzhou.

At dawn the next day.

Suddenly there were thunderous explosions outside Wuzhou City.

The Yuan army is approaching Wuzhou City, and has already reached the thunder formation.

The explosion of this sound indicated that the Yuan army was getting closer and closer to Wuzhou City.It's just that I don't know what method they used to get into the thunder formation.

Only about ten minutes later, the army of the Yuan army had already crushed outside Wuzhou City.

Looking around, there are soldiers of the Yuan army outside the city.The flags were fluttering, and the mountains and plains were all over the place, and it was impossible to know how many people there were.

Zhang Jue stood on the head of Wuzhou City, watching the Yuan army's formation with a telescope.

In the camp of the Yuan army that was like a black cloud, he could see where Boyan's Ye Su'er's central army was located.

Boyan's army was on the east side of Wuzhou City, and the whole army was dispatched, with an army of 15.Ye Su'er was outside the north city wall, and his strength was similar to Boyan's.

As a veteran, Zhang Jue can roughly estimate the number of Yuan troops from the number of troops.

Ye Su'er and soldiers and horses?
He also got information that his old opponent Ye Su'er came to Wuzhou from Kuizhou with more than [-] troops, but now, Ye Su'er still has tens of thousands of soldiers?
As the most defensive general in the Southern Song Dynasty, although the Yuan army was overwhelming the city, he was confident that he could stop the Yuan army for a while.However, Ye Su'er's disappearing tens of thousands of soldiers made him feel slightly ominous.

This is what war is like. It always makes people feel uneasy about things that are beyond their control.

Are those soldiers hiding elsewhere and trying to stop Pingnan and Tanjin's troops?

Zhang Jue thought so in his heart.

This is the greatest possibility.

Immediately, he turned his head to look to the side.

On the city wall of Wuzhou, there are already catapults, crossbow carts, and grenades.

However, these catapults are much smaller than the original catapults, only more than one meter high.This is a catapult specially used to throw thunderbolts.

After the Thunderbolt, no one would be foolish enough to use those stones to defend the city.

The shells are mostly placed under the city walls.There are only a few in the city.

This was done by Zhang Jue on purpose.

He also knew that there were Thunderbolts in the Yuan army, so he didn't dare to put all the shells on the city wall.

What if it was detonated by the thunder of the Yuan army?
The Song army in Wuzhou City was not killed by the Yuan army, but was blown to death by its own thunderbolt.

That would be a real joke.

Looking at the solemn-faced soldiers standing beside the catapults and grenades, Zhang Jue thought to himself, "My mission is to defend Wuzhou City!"

He didn't have much energy to think about where Ye Su'er's missing soldiers were stationed.

Prime Minister Wen, there should be a way to deal with those soldiers, right?

He looked out of the city again.

The soldiers on both sides, the Song army was on the top of the city, and the Yuan army was below the city, facing each other only a thousand meters away.

It seemed that there was an extremely solemn fighting spirit slowly rolling in the air.

The momentum of hundreds of thousands of troops is really impressive.

Zhang Jue seems to have returned to the time when the Yuan army sent troops to attack Chongqing Mansion.

Chongqing Mansion, he was unable to defend it.Now, he will never allow himself to be destroyed by the Yuan army again in Wuzhou.

Time passed by at an extremely slow speed.

There was no movement in the Yuan army's formation.

They seemed to be deliberately coercing the Song army, and wanted to wait until the Song army was timid before attacking the city.

Zhang Jue understood this very well, but there was nothing he could do about it.

After nearly half an hour passed like this, there was a sudden sound of drums in the Yuan army.


Zhang Jue shouted quickly.

The horns of the Song army are high-spirited.

He quickly raised his binoculars to look at the large formations of the Yuan army on the east and north sides.

Sure enough, in the large formation of the Chinese army of Ye Su'er and Boyan, the drumming army was beating the drums vigorously.

The sound of dong dong dong echoed outside the entire city of Wuzhou.

They really attacked the city at the same time, which is obviously a plan to take Wuzhou in one go.

Zhang Jue's face was solemn, and he ordered the flag soldiers next to him: "Order the flying dragon army, and when the Yuan army approaches the city wall for 500 meters, then meet the enemy with grenades!"

The messenger received the order and hurried towards Zhao Da and Zhao Hu who were not far away.

The Flying Dragon Army led by them had already entered Wuzhou City at this time.

Zhao Da and Zhao Hu quickly shouted.

The battle of the Yuan army attacking the city was too scary, which made everyone feel extremely dignified.

The Yuan army has also learned to behave well now, and there is no longer a shadow of the siege engine in the army.

After the thunderbolt was available, the siege vehicle was quickly eliminated from the army.

Even the returning cannons that the Yuan army relied on the most were gone.

They also all replaced the catapults with small catapults. Obviously, this kind of catapult was also specially prepared for throwing thunderbolts.

Both sides intend to rely heavily on firearms.

The rumble of the Yuan army's infantry stepping on the ground rang out in an orderly manner.Hundreds of military formations spread to the city wall of Wuzhou at the same time.

That's a full 10 people.

About 800 meters away from the city of Wuzhou, only the drums of their Chinese army suddenly became dense and extremely rapid.

The infantry of the Yuan army suddenly shouted to kill, and charged towards the city of Wuzhou.



After the Yuan army charged about 500 meters outside the city, Zhao Da and Zhao Hu blushed and shouted at the same time: "Let go!"

On the east and north walls of Wuzhou City, two hundred grenade launchers each began to unleash their firepower outside the city.

The bomb quickly exploded in the Yuan army formation.

Countless Yuan army infantry were instantly blown to pieces.

However, even the damage caused by the power of shells is almost negligible for such a diverse army.

(End of this chapter)

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