The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 263 The Battle of Guangxi

Chapter 263 The Battle of Guangxi
With an army of nearly [-], even if each shell kills dozens of people, how many people can it kill?
And it is impossible for each shell to kill so many people.

Because when the Yuan army's infantry attacked the city, the army formation was no longer as close as it was when it was deployed.This may also be deliberately done by the generals of the Yuan army.

How could they not learn to be good after suffering from bombs several times?

Zhang Jue's face became more serious.

The Yuan army used this method to deal with the shells, which made him feel even more strenuous.

Obviously, the grenade didn't have the effect he expected.

When the Yuan army rushed to more than 300 meters below the city with the shells, many generals of the Song army shouted at the same time: "Let go!"

Nearly a thousand catapults unleashed thunder outside the city.

The dark thunderbolts are like huge hailstones, but when they fall into the Yuan army's formation, they can often cause huge noises.

Dusty noise.

The blasting thunders cleared out one piece after another of the Yuan army's army.

On the top of the city, cannonballs and thunderstorms fell towards the Yuan army's formation as if they didn't want money.

At this time, the Yuan army also began to project thunderbolts towards the top of the city.

Their artillery stopped more than [-] meters away from the city.

However, only a handful of their shells fell on the city.

The city wall of Wuzhou City is really too high.

Casualties also began to appear in the Song army.The shells that fell on the top of the city exploded, and the soldiers who couldn't escape were smashed to death.

Zhang Jue didn't give any more orders, but just stared at the city.

At this time, there is no need for him to give orders.

Waiting for the Yuan army to rush out of the range covered by the artillery fire, there are also crossbow arrows shooting out from the crossbow foundation at the top of the city.

Song Jun's firepower was fully fired.

Not long after, the loss of the Yuan army was already extremely heavy.

Although it is impossible for each shell to kill too many Yuan troops, with so many shells pouring down, the number of Yuan troops killed is extremely impressive.

Zhang Jue had no expression on his face.

He knew that it would not be difficult to stop the 10 yuan army.Even, these yuan troops can be kept out of the city.

After the Yuan army rushed through the artillery formation, it is impossible to have too many troops to attack the city.

However, their Thunderbolt also posed a considerable threat to the city wall.

Zhang Jue finally ordered again, shouting: "Order the mine-throwing vehicle to aim at their mine-throwing vehicle."

Another messenger quickly ran away.

Song Jun quickly changed his strategy.

A general ordered the soldiers under his command, "Aim at their artillery carts!"

The soldiers of Song Army adjusted the angle of the mine-throwing vehicle.

In just a few minutes, hundreds of thunderbolts were thrown towards the catapults in the Yuan army.

Although the accuracy of the mine-throwing vehicles is not good, under the cover of so many thunderbolts, they can still accurately destroy many mine-throwing vehicles of the Yuan army.

This caused the generals who had won the Yuan army to attack the city to curse.

Because the mine thrower is their fire cover, now the mine thrower is targeted.I'm afraid their situation will soon get worse.

Since there was such a thing as Thunderbolt, the siege of the city was much more tragic than before.

However, the drums of the Chinese army are still ringing.It was impossible for them to lead the army to retreat, so they could only bite the bullet and charge upwards.

After such a long time, no one could get close to the top of the city.This was absolutely unbelievable before.

Boyan and Ye Su'er were both in the middle army, standing on the hillside, seeing this situation, their expressions were not good-looking.

They thought that Song Jun's firepower would be very strong, but they didn't expect it to be so strong.

There were 10 people, and in the past ten minutes, no one was able to rush under the city.They have not fought such a battle.

With these 10 people alone, it is obvious that there is no way to pose any threat to Wuzhou City.

A few minutes later, Boyan took the lead in ordering, "Siege the city from the left wing!"

The battle drums in the Chinese army kept beating, and the order flag soldiers on the women's carriage waved the order flags in their hands.There were also messengers who immediately galloped to the left flank of the army formation.

There are also [-] soldiers there.

Boyan's army was divided into left, right and middle armies. The right wing charged first, and now the left wing attacks again, leaving him with only 5 Chinese troops left.

Even he himself didn't expect that he was about to send out the left-wing army horses just after the siege of the city.

However, right now the right wing has paid a very heavy price, and he is absolutely unwilling to give up this wave of offensive.Therefore, we can only continue to press up.

And when his left wing of 5 horses was slowly moving forward, the drumbeat of his central army suddenly changed.

Ye Su'er caught the change in the sound of drums in Boyan's army outside the North City Gate.

She and Boyan have known each other for many years and have fought together many times, and they have an excellent tacit understanding with each other.

Hearing the change in the sound of the drum, she knew that Boyan should have sent soldiers up again.

Immediately, she ordered without hesitation: "Order the left wing to attack!"

Her formation is almost the same as that of Boyan.

From the top of the city, Zhang Jue saw that the Yuan armies outside the city on the east and north sides had entered again, and knew that the main event was coming.Cannon fire, I'm afraid it will be difficult to resist these people.

20 people are everywhere, how can it be so easy to resist?
At this time, on the road from Tanjin to Wuzhou, and from Pingnan to Tanjin, Wen Tianxiang's [-] soldiers were also on their way.

The three soldiers from Tanjin rushed to Wuzhou for help, while the three soldiers from Pingnan rushed to Pingnan for defense, and they had the intention of rushing to help Wuzhou at any time.

When the Yuan army set off for Wuzhou, these army horses had already left the city.

The generals of the Song army were paying attention to the movement of the Yuan army all the time. If they could, they would actually go to Wuzhou city to assist in the defense.

Unfortunately, they are at their wits end.

It is impossible for them to rush to Wuzhou to defend before the Yuan army attacked the city, because then Wuzhou is likely to become an isolated city.

The Yuan army can completely detour to the territory of Guangnan West Road and cut off the Song army's food and grass supply line.At that time, even if Wuzhou is not attacked, the Song army will surely lose.

It is rare for an army without food to win a battle.

At the beginning, wasn't the Chongqing government captured by the Yuan army because it had been out of food for many days?
For hungry soldiers, if they can't afford to mutiny, it's already considered good, and it's impossible for them to have high morale.

And low morale makes it difficult to win battles.

On the way Wen Tianxiang led his army forward, he was always on guard against the [-] soldiers under Ye Su'er who had not been seen or heard from.

He also knew that Ye Su'er still had soldiers hiding in the dark, and he knew even more that these soldiers were deliberately arranged to resist them in all likelihood.

However, until he approached Wuzhou at this moment, he hadn't seen that army appear yet.

He could already hear the sound of cannons outside Wuzhou City.

Is that army horse preparing to attack Pingnan?

At this time, Tianyong, Tianying, and Tianman's army should have already arrived in Pingnan City.Could it be that the army of the Yuan army planned to attack Pingnan?

When he thought of this, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Can Pingnan City be held?

If Pingnan falls, Wuzhou City will also become an isolated city.

However, an army of 7 should be able to withstand an army of [-], right?

He could only hope that Liu Zijun, Jiang Xiu, and Lu Yu could stop the Yuan army.He has already arrived at the city of Wuzhou, and it is impossible to turn back.

Moreover, if Wuzhou City does not rush to help, can it be defended?
After all, the Song Army was still short of troops, and no matter how it was arranged, it seemed that the chances of winning were not high.

After another quarter of an hour or so, Wen Tianxiang led the Tianshang Army, Tianyong Army, and Tianwei Army to the city of Wuzhou.

And in the north of Wuzhou City, Ye Su'er quickly learned the news from the scouts.

It stands to reason that she should have a serious face.But when she got the news, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Tianwei Army...Wen Tianxiang, you brought the Tianwei Army into Wuzhou. It was a failure. You probably don't know it. This will ruin your entire Great Song Dynasty... ..."

A general asked her whether to stop Wen Tianxiang.

Ye Su'er shook her head with a smile, "No, they are more useful when they enter the city than outside."

The general who asked to fight was puzzled, but he didn't ask any more questions.

The soldiers of the Song army in the west of Wuzhou City were all happy when they saw Wen Tianxiang's reinforcements arriving, and quickly opened the city gate.

Wen Tianxiang led a mighty army into the city.

At this time, the battle on the east and north walls was still intensifying.

20 Yuan troops attacked the city, and many people had already rushed through the artillery fire and reached the city of Dewuzhou.

In the past, even if they rushed to the foot of Wuzhou City, it would be extremely difficult to attack the top of the city, let alone break through the entire Wuzhou City.But it's different now, there are also Thunderbolts in the Yuan army, and they may use Thunderbolts to break a big hole under the city at any time.

At that time, there will be a gap in Wuzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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