The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 264 Tianwei Yang Fan

Chapter 264 Tianwei Yang Fan
The archers of the Song Army kept releasing arrows under the city, and some soldiers poured oil on the city.In the place where the Yuan army gathered, they even threw thunderbolts directly to bomb them.

One after another, thunderbolts exploded under the city wall one after another, taking the lives of countless Yuan soldiers, and at the same time blasting out many holes in the city wall.

Even though the blue stones used to build the city wall are extremely strong, they can't stop the bombardment of the Thunderbolt.

Of course, the city wall of Wuzhou City is more than ten meters wide. Even if it is thunder, it is not something that can be done in a short time to blast the city wall.

At the beginning, Qin Han sealed the entire east gate, and now Zhang Jue sealed the north gate with bluestone.It is not easy for the two Yuan armies to break through the city, unless they choose to attack the city from the south and west sides.

However, Wuzhou City must be bypassed in the south, and the city gate on the west side also needs to be detoured, and it may be attacked from the front and back. Obviously, the Yuan army will not do this.

Standing on the top of the city, Zhang Jue kept ordering the soldiers to attack down.

Not long after, Wen Tianxiang led his soldiers to the city wall.He hurried up to the city.

After finding Zhang Jue, Zhang Jue said happily, "Military order!"

He was still a little worried that he would not be able to defend Wuzhou City, but now that Wen Tianxiang led the Yuan army to arrive, it undoubtedly gave him a shot in the arm.

"Master Zhang."

Wen Tianxiang looked down the walls and said, "How is the battle going now?"

Zhang Jue said: "The Yuan army is coming in menacingly, but it is by no means easy to break through Wuzhou. The thunderbolts and projectiles invented by the emperor are extremely powerful. Although the Yuan army has attacked the city now, it has already suffered heavy casualties. I was worried that the [-] soldiers under my command would not be able to hold back the Yuan army for too long, but now that you have arrived with the army, you have to think about it when you want to come to the Yuan army."

A smile appeared on his face.

Wen Tianxiang nodded with a light smile, "That's good, Wuzhou City cannot be lost, Mr. Zhang, please order the soldiers I brought to help defend the city!"

"How does this work?"

Zhang Jue continued: "You are the commander of the military aircraft, but you have already arrived. The Wuzhou military horse should be given full authority to you to command."

"My ability to defend the city is far inferior to your general!"

Wen Tianxiang smiled and said: "We are all important ministers of the emperor, so there is no need to be polite now."

Zhang Jue looked at Wen Tianxiang's eyes and found that his words were not polite, so he no longer apologized and nodded, "In that case, thank you for the military order. Right now, the east and north walls are not in danger of being breached. How about a military order to tell the soldiers to rest, and wait until the soldiers on the city wall are exhausted, and then act as a backup?"

Wen Tianxiang nodded, "The soldiers are really tired from traveling all night, so I'll go down and let them rest and adjust."

After a few polite words with Zhang Jue, Wen Tianxiang led his personal guards and hurried down the city wall.

When they got to the city, they asked Du Hu, Qi Tianlang and Yang Fan to order the soldiers to rest on the spot.

The soldiers quickly found a place to rest under the city, and some lay directly on the ground, sleeping soundly amidst the sound of gunfire.

They rushed from Tanjin to Wuzhou without stopping. Not only Male, but also the soldiers were also very tired.And when people are very tired, they can fall asleep no matter how loud the sound is.

Qi Tianlang is tall and strong, with good martial strength, but he is still in good spirits.

His skin was extremely dark, and when he was standing, he looked like a black tower.

Seeing the soldiers lying down one after another, or sitting against the wall to rest, Qi Tianlang suddenly felt emotional: "I really want to go out of the city and fight with the Yuan army!"

Next to him, his lieutenant general and Du Yuhou looked at each other, both dumbfounded.

Qi Tianlang is from the Miao nationality and came from Qinzhou.And his deputy general, that is, the deputy capital commander of the Tianshang Army, was Miao Youli, the deputy director of the former Dianqian Division, who was transferred by Zhao Dongting from the Dianqian Division.

Miao Youli was originally the chief general of the Dianqian Division, but he had generals but no soldiers. Since Su Liuyi was promoted to the deputy military order, Su Quandang became in charge of the Dianqian Division's official affairs. Miao Youli was promoted to deputy official, but he was still in the investigation stage, so he issued the king's decree of Qin in Pingnan, and all the troops came to vote, and then revoked the Dianqian division and the guards.

Zhao Dongting simply changed Miao Youli to be the deputy capital commander of the Tianshang Army.

With his qualifications, this position is certainly not high.However, this is also Zhao Dongting's test for him.

Now in the army of the Southern Song Dynasty, there are still a few people like Miao Youli, and they all serve as deputy capital commanders in each army.

As long as they performed well, their promotion in the future was obviously a certainty.

The current Marquis of Yu, the capital of the Tianshang Army, is held by He Fangsong, the former servant of the Ministry of War.

In fact, he also came to experience in the Heavenly Injury Army.

The Minister of the Ministry of War was originally an official position of half civilized and half military. He Fangsong had worked in the Ministry of War for many years, but he was the most suitable for a position like Marquis of Du Yu.

The Marquis of Duyu was originally equivalent to a political commissar, mainly in charge of the army's logistics, soldiers' ideology, and supervising the commanders and deputy commanders.It doesn't require force, but it really doesn't work if you don't have a bit of culture.

Qi Tianlang is a pure warrior with a hot-tempered personality.Zhao Dongting sent He Fangsong to be Marquis of Yu, which was naturally thoughtful.

He and Miao Youli have been officials in the same dynasty for many years, and they have a good relationship. If Qi Tianlang commits a crime, the two of them will definitely be able to stop it with their joint efforts.

Now, Qi Tianlang's words obviously have a dirty meaning.

If it was another general, Miao Youli and He Fangsong might not care about it.But Qi Tianlang, maybe he can really do the thing of leading the army out of the city.

Qi Tianlang has never read a book, and he has the title of "Wolf King" in the Miao nationality, which is what he led the tribe to fight hard.Nothing but bravery.

He Fangsong couldn't relax, and said: "General Qi, the Yuan army is powerful, we must not leave the city."

Miao Youli also deliberately said beside him: "He Yuhou is worrying too much, is General Qi such a person who has no overall view?"

Qi Tianlang silently rolled his eyes upon hearing this.

Although he has a violent personality, he is not stupid.He Fangsong and Miao Youli are two, one sings bad face and the other sings red face, can he not tell?
However, this still eliminated the original impulse in his heart.

He is no longer the leader of the Miao nationality, but a general in the Song army.Everything you do must be considered for the entire Song Dynasty.

In fact, when he said he was going out of the city, he just felt that it was boring to stay in the city and block the Song army like this, so he just complained.In his opinion, shooting and bombing at each other like this is really not as refreshing and exciting as seeing the red bayonet.

And on the street farther away from the Tianshang Army is the resting place of the Tianwei Army.

The Tianwei Army is composed of rebel troops, all commanded by Yang Fan, who is temporarily under Wen Tianxiang's command.Among the commanders of the Fifteenth Army, Yang Fan is only slightly older than Lu Yu, who inherited his father's position.As of now, he is only 23 years old.

At this age, he can enjoy a great reputation among many rebel troops. It can be imagined that he is a very capable person.

When Wen Tianxiang recommended the general of the Fifteenth Army to Zhao Dongting, he recommended Yang Fan like this, "both civil and military, with a calm personality."

Just two words can already show that Yang Fan is indeed a general.

This soldier, most of the soldiers have already rested, but Yang Fan has not slept.

He glanced at the deputy commander of the army and Du Yuhou, who were resting with their eyes closed at the side, and his eyes were thoughtful.

At his age, being able to be the chief general of the Song Army is already a great achievement, but Yang Fan's ambition was higher than the sky since he was a child, and what he wanted was not only that.

He raised the rebel army in his hometown, not seeking to become an emperor, but he also wanted to become a marshal like Wen Tianxiang who coordinated the country's troops and horses.

However, in the Song Army, there are too many seniors and seniors who are higher than him.

He could only follow Wen Tianxiang obediently, and he couldn't get much military merit. This made him feel that he was constrained, and there was no room for his full talents and learning.If it continues like this, he doesn't know when and what month it will become the military order of the Song Dynasty.

At this moment, he couldn't help but think of the words that a certain commander under his command told him that night.

That commander was also a rebel, but before he went to Pingnan, he was bought by Ye Su'er.

The commander-in-chief told him that if he was willing to cooperate with the Yuan army to destroy the Song Dynasty, Ye Suer could recommend him to Kublai Khan as a pacifier on Guangnan West Road or Guangnan East Road, that is, the chief of the first road.Moreover, if he has the military merits of splashing heaven, he can even ask Kublai Khan to make an exception and promote him as a great pacifier.

Ordinary pacifiers are only from the fourth grade or above.And the great appeasement envoy is above the second rank.

If he could become such a big official in the frontier in the Yuan Dynasty, Yang Fan can imagine how comfortable his life will be in the future.

At his age, after a few years, it is not impossible to become the prime minister of the Yuan Dynasty, right?

In any case, it is better than following the Song Dynasty to resist the Yuan army, and being in a precarious state at any time.

Therefore, Yang Fan was tempted.Moreover, it is the kind that is particularly tempting.

Based on the battle situation in Wuzhou at this time, if he can help the Yuan army break through the city, wouldn't this be a great military exploit?
(End of this chapter)

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