Chapter 272

Brothers Ge Xiuhong and Ge Lichun also rushed across the street with soldiers and horses, heading for the west gate.

Although they have always resisted the Yuan army on the top of the city, because of the towering city walls of Wuzhou, the casualties of their soldiers were not large.

To the east of Wuzhou City, except for the Tianshang Army, the city is completely empty.

And in the north of Wuzhou City, the situation is similar to this side.

Except for the Tianyong Army led by Du Hu who was firmly blocking the Yuan army entering the city, Yan Mingling of the Tiangui Army and Liu Yong of the Tianmeng Army had already led their soldiers down the city and rushed to the west gate of the city.On the way, when they encountered Tianfu soldiers and horses from the Tianwei rebels, they would also rush to help.

Thousands of rebels from the Tianwei Army were encircled and suppressed in various places in the city within a short period of time, leaving almost no casualties.

But where Yang Fan hid, no one knows.

Those generals of the Tianwei Army who did not rebel were all surrounded, but they knew that they couldn't explain clearly at this time, so those generals simply asked the soldiers to put down their weapons and surrender.

Deng Zijia and Li He were captured. At this time, no one can prove it for them.

In some places in the city, the Tianwei Army and the Tianwei Army were fighting, and it was so chaotic that it was impossible to tell which of the Tianwei Army were Yang Fan's accomplices and which were not.

Yan Mingling, Liu Yong, Ge Xiuhong, and Ge Lichun had no choice but to kill all the soldiers who resisted.Those who surrendered all disarmed and escorted to the west gate of the city.

The chaos in the city was quickly quelled.

Jin Hao dispatched more than a dozen troops and asked them to go to various places in the city to gather Tianfu soldiers to gather in the central street of Wuzhou City.

At this time, the Yuan army outside the city had already launched the most violent attack, and even Boyan's and Ye Su'er's Chinese troops were dispatched, rushing towards Wuzhou City.

They realized at the moment when the sound of the cannon at the head of Wuzhou city stopped that the Song army was about to abandon Wuzhou city.

Of course they are happy to pursue Song Jun under such circumstances.

This is a good opportunity to give Song Jun a heavy blow.

However, Tianshang and the Tianyong Army blocked the gate of the city, and the soldiers of the Yuan army were still unable to break through the city.

At the gaps on both sides of the northeast, corpses have piled up into mountains.

In the past 10 minutes, Wen Tianxiang, Liu Yong, Ge Xiuhong and others arrived at the west gate of Decheng one after another.It's just that no one has a good face.

No one could have imagined that Wuzhou, a heavy city, would be breached by the Yuan army in such a way.

Ye Su'er secretly instigated Yang Fan's rebellion, which indeed took advantage of Song Jun's weakness.

Zhang Jue had come to his senses and wanted to go to the city gate to resist the Yuan army, but Wen Tianxiang ordered his guards to tie him up firmly.

Wen Tianxiang counted the commanders of each army, only Du Hu, Qi Tianlang, and Jin Hao did not arrive.

He asked, "Where is Commander Jin Hao?"

Ge Xiuhong replied: "Reporting to Marshal, General Jin should still gather his soldiers in the city."

Wen Tianxiang nodded solemnly, and said to the messenger next to him, "Go and let the Tianyong Army and the Tianshang Army withdraw immediately."


The orderly rode away holding the order flag.

It's just that at this time, no one knows whether the Tianyong Army and the Tianshang Army can still withdraw.

Wen Tianxiang can only do his best.

As soon as the messenger left, he hurriedly said again: "Ge Lichun and Ge Xiuhong are both commanding envoys. Immediately let your soldiers set up a defensive line on the spot to meet the three armies of Tianfu, Tianyong, and Tianshang. Yan Mingling and Liu Yong The commander of the capital immediately led the soldiers out of the city, and escorted food, grass and ordnance to Pingnan first!"


Yan Mingling and Liu Yong took the order and immediately went down to execute it.

They received the soldiers brought by Ge Lichun and Ge Xiuhong's army, and hurried out of the city with food, grass and ordnance.

Zhang Jue was tied up and shouted: "Let me go! Let me go!"

At this moment, tears flowed from his tiger eyes.

Wen Tianxiang looked at him, sighed softly, and defended Zhang Jue, "Take Deputy Commander Zhang out of the city!"

Zhang Jue's personal guards took orders, Zhang Jue struggled wildly, "I won't go! I won't go! I want to fight the Yuan army to the death here!"

His personal guards all showed expressions of resentment, but they all understood that if he and others did not take Zhang Jue out, Vice Marshal Zhang would definitely die here.

The commander of the personal guards said in a low voice: "Marshal, I have offended you. I will take you out of the city first, and you will be killed or cut up later, it is up to you."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand and asked the guards to press Zhang Jue out of the city.

Brothers Ge Xiuhong and Ge Lichun had ordered the soldiers to set up a line of defense at the gate of the city.Throwing artillery and gunfire soldiers are in front, ready to fight.

Nearly [-] soldiers surrounded the entire west gate of Wuzhou City.

On both sides of the northeast of the city, the sound of cannons and gunfire continued.

After more than ten minutes, Jin Hao finally arrived with his Tianfu soldiers.

Wen Tianxiang showed a little joy, walked up in a hurry, and said: "Commander Jin Hao quickly leads the soldiers out of the city!"

Jin Hao saw the two armies of Tiangu and Tianxuan who were already in formation around him, and said, "The military plan ordered you to cut off the rear yourself?"

Wen Tianxiang said: "This commander has his own way to stop the Yuan army. The Tiangui and Tianmeng armies have already left the city with food and grass. Commander Jin, after you leave the city, quickly escort the two armies and rush to Pingnan. Regardless of the situation in Wuzhou City , are not allowed to turn back.”

Jin Hao hesitated.

Wen Tianxiang looked at his face, and said again: "This is a military order! If you dare to disobey, you will definitely be executed!"

Jin Hao frowned and said, "Military order, why don't you let the last general stop here?"

Wen Tianxiang just shook his head, "Get out of the city quickly."

Jin Hao had no choice, seeing that Wen Tianxiang had no room for negotiation, so he had to lead his soldiers and gallop out of the city.

The Tiangu and Tianxuan armies quickly gave way.

By this time, only the Tianshang and Tianyong armies remained in the Song army in the city.

It was precisely because of their tenacious resistance that the Yuan army failed to enter the city in a large scale and held back all the Song troops.

At the gaps in the east and north city walls, the battle was already so fierce that it couldn't be worse.

When the Yuan army stopped attacking the city, the pressure on Tianshou and Tianyong increased sharply.Although they were firmly in the gap, what they had to face was an army of tens of thousands of yuan.

Thunderbolt is used up.

The bullets of the Shenlong Gun were also exhausted.

The rest of the army and horses had already left the city, food, grass and military equipment had also been taken out of the city, and no one was transporting pills for them.

But both Du Hu and Qi Tianlang knew very well in their hearts that what they had to do was actually delaying time.It is difficult to withdraw from the city.

After firing out all the bullets from the Shenlong Gun, Qi Tianlang raised his triangular fork and rushed towards the gap in the city wall first.

He no longer thought about withdrawing from the city.

Du Hu at the north gate of the city was undoubtedly calmer. Instead of attacking, he asked his soldiers to form a defensive formation to resist the Yuan army.

Fortunately, the gap created by the bombing of the city gate was not particularly large, and it was impossible for all the Yuan troops to rush in.Although the Tianshang and Tianyong armies suffered heavy casualties gradually, they were not in danger of being completely surrounded for the time being.

Wen Tianxiang and others waited anxiously at the west gate of the city.

Orders galloped through the streets.

The two army formations of the Yuan army were full of drums, resounding throughout Wuzhou.

Both sides are racing against time.

However, there is still a constant distance from the west gate of the city to the east and north gates.Before the messenger arrived, Qi Tianlang had already led his army to fight with the Yuan army.

They hacked back and forth on the piles of corpses, and soldiers on both sides continued to die.

Du Hu's Tianyong Army is also in danger, and is in danger of being broken through the formation at any time.

After more than ten minutes, the messenger finally arrived and shouted: "The Marshal has an order, quickly withdraw the troops! The Marshal has an order, quickly withdraw the troops!"

When Du Hu heard the shout getting closer in the army, he felt relieved, knowing that the rest of the soldiers and horses had already left the city, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Immediately he shouted: "All officers and men, retreat with this general!"

The sound of gold ringing in the Tianyong Army.

The female carriage was pushed back at an extremely fast speed.

The soldiers quickly followed and retreated.

But the pressure of the Yuan army also caused their losses to be even heavier.

Du Hu sat on the horse and didn't retreat. He waited until the Yuan army was about to press close, and then he patted the horse and went back.

But at this moment, a cold arrow suddenly pierced through the air, piercing straight through his back.

There are also masters in the Yuan army who specialize in fighting against generals.


Du Hu hummed miserably, and immediately fell off his horse.

The guard next to him quickly dismounted, helped him onto the horse, and then hurriedly retreated.

The formation of the Tianyong Army quickly became a little chaotic.

They ran towards the west gate of the city, but the Yuan army behind them kept chasing after them.The Tianyong soldiers in the back were constantly shot down by arrows.

An army of ten thousand people, at this moment, seems to have less than half of them left.

And the east gate of the city was even more tragic.

(End of this chapter)

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