Chapter 273

When the messengers arrived at the east gate of the city, Qi Tianlang had already led the soldiers to fight thoroughly with the Yuan army.

The flags and torches of both sides were chaotically intertwined.

And if you look at it from a high place, you can definitely see it.In fact, the Tianshang Army has been vaguely surrounded by the Yuan Army, and the situation is urgent.Except for the fact that there were many soldiers gathered around the general flag, the rest of the scattered troops were killed by the Yuan army one after another.

Although Qi Tianlang was brave and led his soldiers to charge left and right, it was inevitable that his soldiers were getting fewer and fewer.

The Yuan army's encirclement gradually shrank.

Seeing such a situation, the messengers who came from the west gate of the city did not dare to rush up easily.

There are several command arrows stuck in their backs, and anyone can tell that he is a messenger.If he rushed in, he would not be able to run to Qi Tianlang's side at all.

They had no choice but to stand on the spot and shouted loudly: "The Marshal has an order, withdraw the troops quickly!"

More than ten people shouted at the same time, and their voices were quite loud.However, this also made the Deyuan army notice them, and soldiers of the Yuan army rushed up immediately.

Outside the city, Yuan troops continued to rush into the city.

Fortunately, in the encirclement, one day, the general of the wounded army heard the shout and searched for the flag of the general in the chaos.Then immediately ran towards the flag.

No matter where Qi Tianlang rushes to kill, Jiang Qi always follows him as the commander.

More than a dozen messengers drew out their weapons and started fighting with the Yuan army, still shouting Wen Tianxiang's orders in their mouths.

But their voices are getting smaller and smaller after all.

There were dozens of Yuan army soldiers rushing up. They were surrounded by cavalry regiments and couldn't hold on at all.

However, they were soldiers brought out by Wen Tianxiang.Even under such circumstances, no one chose to retreat.

Until their death, they were still conveying Wen Tianxiang's military orders.

Perhaps, they are just inconspicuous figures in this war.But their spirit moved even those Yuan soldiers.

It is not without reason that Wen Tianxiang has been able to persist for so long in the Yuan army's encirclement and suppression all these years.

From the generals to the soldiers under his command, most of them are brave and fearless.

The ambition of resisting the Yuan Dynasty and restoring the Song Dynasty united them firmly.

After a few minutes, someone finally rushed to Qi Tianlang's side and shouted: "General, the marshal has ordered us to withdraw the troops immediately."

At this time, Qi Tianlang's eyes were red, his body was covered in blood, and even the hand holding the triangular fork was trembling slightly.

Most of the Tianshang soldiers are his clansmen, but up to now, they have been damaged.

Qi Tianlang is both a general and the leader of the clan, the grief and indignation in his heart can be imagined at this time.

Hearing this, he actually shouted: "I won't retreat! Kill me! Avenge my brothers!"

He swung his fork and stabbed the Yuan army cavalry in front of him off his horse.

Miao Youli and He Fangsong are also not far from the banner at this time.

They were all stunned when they heard Qi Tianlang's words.Then Miao Youli immediately patted his horse and went towards Qi Tianlang.

He galloped to Qi Tianlang's side amidst the chaotic army, he shouted: "General Qi, the army must have already left the city, why should we sacrifice the lives of our soldiers here?"

Qi Tianlang pretended not to hear.

This made Miao Youli a little angry, and said: "Soldiers and their families, wives and children, how can you be arrogant?"

He also knew that Qi Tianlang didn't want to withdraw from the battle because of the heavy losses of his soldiers.

But now, if they don't break through, then they really have no hope of breaking through.

The shouts of the messengers can no longer be heard. Could it be that those people died in vain?
When Qi Tianlang was furious, when he heard Miao Youli's words, it was as if cold water had been poured on his head, which was ignited by anger, and instantly extinguished it.

And Miao Youli said again: "Exit the city, we still have a chance to avenge our brothers!"

Qi Tianlang was finally persuaded, swung the triangular fork in his hand quickly, cut off a few soldiers of the Yuan army nearby, and shouted: "Rush out with this general!"

In fact, he could also see that his people had been surrounded, but they hadn't withdrawn at all before, so he didn't respond.

After shouting these words, he patted his horse and turned around, heading towards the city to kill.

The burly general holding a big banner next to him hurriedly followed him.Being able to hold a large banner, the military value of this general is naturally not low.

Since ancient times, those who hold big banners in various armies are all powerful generals in the army.Maybe there is no military talent, but martial arts is absolutely beyond doubt.

Seeing that Qi Tianlang finally listened to his persuasion, Miao Youli breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly shouted: "Break out! Break out!"

The soldiers gathered around the banner of the Tianshang Army quickly followed the banner and rushed to kill them.

It's just that many people were inevitably beheaded to the ground by the Yuan army in the process.

In the melee between the two armies, it is impossible for all the people to be able to withdraw.

Qi Tianlang took the lead, and soon rushed to the front again. He was so brave that he tore open the encirclement of the Yuan army.

They have always blocked the gap in the city wall. The Yuan army entering the city is not special, so the encirclement is still relatively weak at the moment.

But even so, Qi Tianlang also had a few wounds on his body.

He was covered in blood, like a blood man.

On his back, there were even two shining arrows sticking out.Even with Qi Tianlang's burly body, his complexion was a little pale.

When his manpower was finally exhausted, he really wanted to kill all the Yuan troops in front of him, but the power emerging from his body was getting smaller and smaller.

Fortunately, with the bravery of many soldiers, they still completely tore open the encirclement of the Yuan army and broke through.

Some generals in the Yuan army noticed this scene and shouted: "Stop them! Block them!"

Immediately, Yuan army cavalry chased towards Qi Tianlang and the others, and behind them, the encirclement gradually narrowed.

Qi Tianlang has tried his best, but there are probably only a thousand or so people following him out of the encirclement.

He led the army and the Yuan army to charge head-on, and the loss was much greater than Du Hu's side.At this time, there were actually only less than a thousand Tianshang soldiers left in the encirclement.

Before they had time to rush out with Qi Tianlang, the encirclement was once again closed by the Yuan army.They were stopped inside.

Under such circumstances, it seemed impossible for them to rush out again.

Qi Tianlang turned his head and saw his own flag fluttering in the flames in the rebellious army, he immediately wanted to lead his soldiers to fight back.

Seeing him suddenly rein in the horse again, Miao Youli suddenly understood what Qi Tianlang was planning.

He quickly shouted: "Soldiers, quickly follow the general to Ximen to join the Marshal."

He was really afraid of what Qi Tianlang would do again.

From an emotional point of view, of course they should fight back at this time.But war is inherently cruel.

Miao Youli knew very well that fighting back under such circumstances would not only fail to save those soldiers who failed to break out of the encirclement, but would only sacrifice their only remaining troops.At that time, the Heavenly Injury Army will die.

The generals will never abandon any of their soldiers in the ones shown on TV, most of them are fake.

Most of those who can become generals in the army are those who have an extremely outstanding outlook on the overall situation. How can they lose the big because of small things?

A real general has the courage of a strong man to break his wrist.

From this point of view, Zhao Dongting can never be regarded as a qualified general.Neither is Qi Tianlang.

But Miao Youli's loud roar finally extinguished the thoughts in Qi Tianlang's heart.

He naturally understood that with the current strength of the troops, it was impossible to rescue those brothers again.He just wanted to go back to the horse and charge, all because of impulsiveness.


He raised his head and let out a long roar, his face was filled with grief and indignation, he patted his horse angrily and continued to move forward.

If he turned around, he would put the remaining soldiers to death.If he didn't look back, he could only sink himself into deep self-blame.

Wasn't Zhang Jue like this before?

As a general, you often have to make a choice between emotion and reason.This is true even for generals with high official positions.

More than a thousand Tianshang soldiers followed closely behind the big banner and fled towards the west gate of the city.

Behind, Yuan army cavalry pursued closely.

The number of Tianshang soldiers who followed the banner became less and less.

Someone yelled, stopped running and charged back, "Long live the Song Dynasty!"

Scenes were staged with passion.

However, in the army, these passionate scenes seemed so insignificant.

In the war years, countless heroes can always emerge, but after all, they are only a very small number.More people are bloody battlefields.

Only those who are successful and famous will be listed in the annals of celebrity history and known by future generations.

Too many people died in battle before they had time to become famous, no matter how heroic their death was, they were still unknown.

The army of the Yuan army no longer had any obstacles, and rushed into the city from the gaps in the east and north walls.

Wuzhou City was completely lost.

(End of this chapter)

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