Chapter 295
In the main hall of the government office.

Ye Su'er sits high in the middle, and below are hundreds of thousands of generals in the army, Yang Fan is also among them.

They were naturally discussing the rapid capture of Su'e Town by the Song Army at this time.The faces of all the generals in the hall were not very good-looking.

Their army pressed down on Tanjin, and they thought they could make Song Jun escape, but now, it was like being slapped severely by Song Jun.

Ye Su'er's anger was not entirely due to the losses of the tens of thousands of soldiers. What really made her angry was that she felt that she was being manipulated by the Song army.

She had just told the generals in the hall about the situation in Su'e Town, and now she glanced at the generals and said, "Do you have a good strategy to deal with the enemy?"

A general said: "Yuan army, Song army avoid the strong and attack the weak. If most of our army leaves the city, they will definitely have nothing to do."


Ye Su'er, who was still angry, scolded unceremoniously, "The Song army is scattered throughout the territory of Tengzhou. Our army is out of the city. They travel around, so why should our army be exhausted? When the time comes, you will supply the army food and supplies." ?”

This frightened the general so much that he didn't dare to say another word.

He knew that the food and grass in the army was close to a state of tension, if he was asked to raise food, wouldn't it be the same as sending him to death?

The military rations cannot be raised, but they must be dealt with by military law.

At this time, Yang Fan suddenly said, "Marshal, the last general has an idea."

Ye Su'er looked at him and said, "General Yang, but it's okay to say."

Yang Fan then said: "Although the Song army is dispersed, it is only limited to the territory of Tengzhou. Tengzhou is only an inch away. Why don't we encircle the entire Tengzhou with Marshal Boyan, and then slowly close the battle circle? At that time, this Tengzhou Where can the Song army in the territory escape to?"

Ye Su'er's eyes light up.

The rest of the generals looked back at Yang Fan with a little surprise.

After Yang Fan came to Ye Su'er's command, he kept a low profile and kept a low profile. In fact, the generals didn't take him too seriously.But right now, Yang Fan's idea surprised them very much.

Surrounding the entire Tanjin, and then pressing the Song army step by step, wouldn't the Song army be like a turtle in a urn?
With the combined strength of Ye Su'er and Boyan now, it is possible to do this.

At that time, even if the Song army breaks through, it will definitely suffer heavy losses.

After pondering for a while, Ye Su'er smiled and said: "This is indeed a good strategy."

There was joy in Yang Fan's eyes, and he cupped his hands immediately and said: "The final general is willing to lead the army out of the city to destroy the Song army, and avenge the robes of Su'e Town!"

His words can be said to be impassioned.However, some of the generals in the palace showed dissatisfaction towards him.

First of all, Yang Fan just voted Yuan, so eager to destroy Song Dynasty, already made many straightforward generals in the palace look down on him.

Secondly, Yang Fan didn't know the rules, so he just came here to seize such a good opportunity to make meritorious service.This dissatisfied those generals who still wanted to climb up.

Which Song general who voted for Yuan didn't shrink his head first and be a man?

But Yang Fan just turned a blind eye to these eyes.

With his heart, how could he care about these things?
As long as he made enough meritorious service and climbed to a high position, these generals would not be looked down upon by him.

I have to say that Yang Fan is a real man of action.

Ye Su'er's eyes flashed a little strange, but he didn't agree to Yang Fan immediately, but said: "Which general is willing to fight?"

All the generals in the hall spoke one after another.

"Marshal, the last general is willing to go!"

"Marshal, the last general is willing to lead the army out of the city to destroy the Song Dynasty!"

Yang Fan lowered his head indistinctly, his eyes narrowed slightly.The moment Ye Su'er opened his mouth, he knew that it was impossible for all the military achievements to fall on himself.

It seems that although Ye Su'er said it beautifully, he obviously didn't want him to sit down immediately.

Sure enough, when the general quieted down in public, Ye Su'er looked at Tuohe'er and said, "Tuohe'er, your friend General Simu Tuo is drinking grudges outside Wuzhou City. This commander knows that you are eager to take revenge. This time, it will be up to you." As the main general, lead the [-] troops in the city and be responsible for encircling and suppressing the Song army."

As she said that, she looked at Yang Fan again, "General Yang, you will be the deputy general, assisting General Tuoheer."

Although Yang Fan was unwilling, he had to force a smile, "Yes."

Ye Su'er nodded, "The rest of the generals must cooperate well with the two generals Tuohe'er and Yang Fan. We must win this battle."

All the generals in the hall agreed in unison, "Yes!"

Ye Su'er had already made a decision, and if they wanted to fight for the position of chief and deputy commander, they would have no chance.

But afterward, Tuoheer said: "Marshal, the last general leads an army of [-], how about you?"

Ye Su'er rubbed her head and said, "I'm a little tired, I'm going to Wuzhou City to rest with my bodyguards."

What she said was not a lie, but that she hadn't been able to take advantage of the battle with the Song army these days, and it had indeed caused her to burn out.

In this way, on the next day, Ye Su'er led more than [-] personal guards under his command and rushed to Wuzhou.

At the same time, Tuoheer led an army of 5 yuan to accompany him.It looked like they were going to escort Ye Su'er, but in fact, they were already laying out the encirclement circle.

They secretly left soldiers in various villages and towns along the way, and the line of defense connected the entire official road from Tanjin to Wuzhou.

Yang Fan led an army of [-] and continued to sit in Tanjin County.

At this time, Zhao Dongting had also led his troops to Xiujiang Town on the border between Tengzhou and Rongzhou.

There is a big river flowing beside Xiujiang Town, which is quite fertile and beautiful.Wen Tianxiang's capital headquarters is stationed here.

Zhao Dongting led the army to cross the river through the iron chain bridge, and Wen Tianxiang greeted him personally on the other side of the river.

Just after meeting, Wen Tianxiang said with a smile: "Your Majesty, General Jin and General Miao have received good news. Our army has taken the Yuan army in Su'e Town, and captured more than [-] Yuan troops."

Zhao Dongting showed a smile on his face, "This is indeed a good news. I estimate that the old lady of Ye Su'er will be very angry."

Wen Tianxiang couldn't help laughing, and said again: "It's just that General Jin and General Miao asked in the letter, how should we deal with those prisoners?"

After he received the good news, he was also troubled by this matter.Because the Song Army's current military strength is scattered, there is really no place that can accommodate such a diverse army.

"Military order, let's talk as we go. You won't let me discuss it with you right here?"

Zhao Dongting smiled lightly, and pulled Wen Tianxiang into his carriage.

Wen Tianxiang felt a little embarrassed, "I am in a hurry, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Zhao Dongting shrugged, quite speechless.He was just joking casually, but he didn't expect Wen Tianxiang to be so serious about it.

The two sat down in the chariot, and the army moved forward again.

Zhao Dongting asked, "How do General Jin and General Miao arrange those prisoners now?"

Wen Tianxiang replied: "A total of thirteen divisions captured Su'e Town, and each division took hundreds of prisoners back."

"That's a hidden danger after all."

Zhao Dongting pondered, and suddenly said: "Hey, I heard that there is an island in the big river south of Xiujiang Town, isn't it?"

Wen Tianxiang looked up at Zhao Dongting, "What does the emperor mean?"

Zhao Dongting said: "The isolated island in the middle of the river is a good place for prisoners. Let all the generals send all the prisoners here to Xiujiang Town. Let's build some houses on the island. Let's detain the prisoners first!"

"But what if our army moves?" Wen Tianxiang said again.

Zhao Dongting also had a headache, "Let's talk about it later!"

Qin Han said from the side, "Your Majesty has already suffered the loss of surrendering soldiers several times, why is he still unwilling to kill these captives?"

Zhao Dongting ignored his words.

He has persistence in his heart.

Traveling from modern society to the Southern Song Dynasty, his mentality is actually different from that of people in this era.

In Zhao Dongting's heart, there is not much distinction between ethnic groups.In his view, Han people, Jurchens, and Mongols are all descendants of Yan and Huang.

Thinking flashed across Qin Han's eyes, and he looked down at the military book again, and stopped talking.

Back in the city, Wen Tianxiang sent a fast horse to inform Miao Youli and Jin Hao to send the captives to Xiujiang Town.

But before the scouts came back, a scout from Miao Youli's army arrived first.

The scout brought news that tens of thousands of yuan troops left the city and headed for Wuzhou.

This news made Zhao Dongting, Wen Tianxiang, Qin Han and others ponder again.

It is impossible for the Yuan army to go to Wuzhou for no reason, and there must be some intention in it.

However, the three of them discussed carefully until late at night, but they couldn't figure out what Ye Su'er's intentions were for this move.

Zhao Dongting could only order Jin Hao to continue to watch the movement of the Yuan army.

Time passed like this for several days.

Several divisions of the Song Army escorted the soldiers to Xiujiang Town, but at this time, tens of thousands of troops in Wuzhou City also left the city and headed for Cenxi.

And the army horse led by Meng Tuo who originally pursued Zhao Dongting from Cenxi to the west also stationed tens of miles east of Xiujiang Town.

The Yuan army's encirclement circle gradually took shape without the Song army noticing it.

In this era, military intelligence intelligence is still too backward.

In just a few days, in the entire Tengzhou, only the road from Tanjin to the border of Xunzhou had no Yuan army set up camp.

And this, of course, is Yang Fan's task.

(End of this chapter)

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