Chapter 296
War always catches people off guard.

When Zhao Dongting was still in Xiujiang Town guarding against the Meng Tuo army that was staring at the east, at last the Yuan army in Tanjin City also left the city and headed west.

And it just so happened that Song Bitao was the vanguard general of his army out of the city.

The vanguard general has always been an extremely dangerous military position, because as a vanguard, he is most likely to face head-on blows from the enemy.

That day, Song Bitao "saw off" Deng Zijia and Li He without authorization, and then went to Ye Su'er to plead guilty. This really made Ye Su'er, who still had hope for Deng Zijia and Li He, furious.Originally, she planned to blame Song Bitao, but at this time, Yang Fan suddenly interceded for Song Bitao, asking him to protect Song Bitao for his vanguard general, and save him from the pain of the stick.

Song Bitao was deprived of his post as a food officer and transferred to Yang Fan's command.

But Yang Fan's move was obviously not kind.

That day in prison, from the conversation between Song Bitao and Li He, he had seen clearly what kind of character Song Bitao was.Such a person, although he was also General Song, Yang Fan knew very well that Song Bitao would never fight against him in the future.If you take the initiative to invest in yuan, you will obviously be despised by people like Song Bitao, and even hold a grudge.

After all, both Li He and Deng Zijia died because of him.

Since it is a potential threat, why not get rid of it as soon as possible?
People like Yang Fan can do anything to fight for their future.

He asked Song Bitao to go out of the city first as the vanguard general, and rush to the side of Xiujiang Town, in order to form a pincer attack on the Song army with Meng Tuo.However, only two thousand soldiers were sent to Song Bitao. If Song Bitao was sent to die, what was he doing?
He was not worried that Song Bitao would vote for Song, after all, Song Bitao had been in the Yuan Dynasty for so many years.To vote for Song, he would not wait until now.

Moreover, people like Song Bitao are very persistent in their hearts.Yang Fan saw this very clearly.

It's a pity that Song Bitao didn't think deeply about Yang Fan's vicious intentions.

He is still quite surprised that Yang Fan would save him in front of Marshal Ye Suer that day, and even this made his disdain for Yang Fan a little less.

He led an army of 2000 yuan out of the city, and really rushed to Xiujiang Town honestly.

Yang Fan followed closely and ordered [-] troops to go out of the city, set up camp along the Yujiang River, and encircled Xiujiang Town.

So, another two days.

All the divisions have already sent the soldiers to Xiujiang Town, escorted them to the isolated island in the river, and then turned back.

There was no war between Song and Yuan, and the Yuan army just kept marching.And Song Jun didn't catch a good opportunity either.

That day and night, Zhao Dongting was practicing in the room, and Wen Tianxiang came in from the outside.

As soon as he entered the room, Wen Tianxiang said: "Your Majesty, the Yuan army has moved again. The vanguard general Song Bitao under Yang Fan's bandit led an army of [-] troops to station at the intersection of Teng, Xun, and Rong states. It is only half a day's journey away from our army." And the tens of thousands of troops in Tanjin County have also rushed west to the border of Xunzhou, and there are signs of moving south to Song Bitao."

Zhao Dongting's head and feet were resting on two chairs, and the middle was hanging in the air. He was training his waist and abdomen. Hearing Wen Tianxiang's words, he hurriedly stood up and walked to the sand table in the room, and planted a few small flags on the sand table. superior.His face changed slightly, and he turned his head to look at Wen Tianxiang, "Where's the Yuan army in Wuzhou City?"

Wen Tianxiang said: "Most of the Yuan army in Wuzhou City rushed to Cenxi, and now they are also moving to Xiujiang Town."

He also looked at the sand table and said, "Your Majesty, do the Yuan army want to attack us first?"

Zhao Dongting silently planted a few small flags on the sand table, but his expression became extremely ugly.

After he planted these small flags, it was obvious from the sand table that the Yuan army had formed a siege of Tengzhou.

The sudden realization at this moment made Zhao Dongting sweat profusely on his back.

Clear the wall!

Isn't this just a solid wall and a clear field?

He didn't expect that someone in the Yuan army would be able to come up with such a way to deal with guerrilla tactics.This was beyond his expectation.

The Yuan army surrounded the entire Tengzhou. As long as they surrounded it step by step, the Song army in Tengzhou had nowhere to escape.

Although Xiujiang Town is on the edge of Tengzhou, there is still time to withdraw troops, but how will Zhao Dongting withdraw his troops?

If he withdraws, he can really only watch the Yuan army wipe out the Southern Song army step by step.

After all, he found out too late.

At this moment, Zhao Dongting realized that he had completely fallen into a passive position unconsciously.

He didn't dare to hesitate any more, and hurriedly said to Wen Tianxiang: "Military order, quickly send an order to all the troops to gather in Xiujiang Town."

Wen Tianxiang also saw that something was wrong at this time, and exclaimed: "The Yuan army wants to encircle our army?"

At the moment, he didn't dare to neglect, and ran out quickly.

Zhao Dongting looked at the sand table with an extremely heavy expression.The encirclement of the Yuan army has become a trend, and he doesn't know whether it is still too late to call all the armies to gather at this time.

And just on the next day, the war started again.

Monto, who was in the south of Xiujiang Town, marched at night, and at dawn, the troops from Xiujiang Town inevitably attacked Xiujiang Town.

The sky had just dawned, and the sound of horns suddenly resounded on the low wall to the south of Xiujiang Town.

In the barracks in the city, the soldiers of the Song Army hurriedly turned up from their tents, put on their armor and ran out.

Zhao Dongting also jumped up in the room and ran towards the main hall of the government office.

As soon as he arrived, Wen Tianxiang also rushed over, "Your Majesty, Monto led an army of [-] to attack our Xiujiang Town from the south."

fifty thousand?

Zhao Dongting's face changed slightly again, "It seems that the Yuan army has completely formed an encirclement in the east."

Monto spent a lot of time looking for a distance, attacking Xiujiang Town from the south, no doubt trying to force Zhao Dongting and the others into the encirclement.

At this time, Zhao Dongting was very sure of the Yuan army's intentions, and said in a deep voice: "Military order, the soldiers must guard this Xiujiang Town. Before the army headquarters and division headquarters of each group arrived at Xiujiang Town, Xiujiang There is no room for loss. Otherwise, our Great Song campaign will be over."

Wen Tianxiang took the order, but did not leave, and said: "Your Majesty, what about those soldiers on the isolated island in the middle of the river?"

Zhao Dongting said: "It's out of control. If the Yuan army is willing to divide their troops to go to the isolated island, then let them go!"

Wen Tianxiang stopped talking and ran outside again.

Zhao Dongting tapped his fingers on the table, dazed.

At this time, there were more than 2 of his soldiers in Xiujiang Town. Although the Yuan army had [-] soldiers, he didn't think that the Yuan army could capture Xiujiang Town in a short time.What he is worried about now is when those group army headquarters and division headquarters will be able to come to Xiujiang Town.And, will they be able to go well on the road?
Before he could leave the hall, another soldier came to report and knelt outside the hall, "Your Majesty, there are also 2000 Yuan troops from the west coming to seize the city."

Zhao Dongting came back to his senses, waved his hands, and said, "I see."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the hall and said to Le Wuwei who was guarding the gate of the hall: "Senior, follow me to fight the Yuan army."

Wen Tianxiang led most of the soldiers in the city to the south to resist Monto, so it is obviously not good to divide the troops to the west at this time.


Le Wuwei didn't say much, and immediately took Zhao Dongting to the place where the priests of Wudingtang were stationed in the town.

After more than ten minutes, Zhao Dongting led nearly a thousand priests of the Wuding Hall to the west of Xiujiang Town, holding Shenlong guns and wearing thunderbolts on their waists.

At this time, the south of Xiujiang Town was already full of cannon fire.

The soldiers of the Flying Dragon Army gathered together, there were a total of [-] grenade launchers, and there were countless thunderbolts in the army, which was undoubtedly enough for Meng Tuo's soldiers to drink a pot.

Even the sound of the drums of the Yuan army became almost inaudible amidst the sound of artillery fire.

When Zhao Dongting led the priests of Wuding Hall to the west wall, Song Bitao happened to be leading two thousand soldiers to the city wall.

Compared with the majestic momentum in the south, the formation here is undoubtedly much smaller.

The earth wall in Xiujiang Town is only more than one meter high, Zhao Dongting is standing, and his head can still be exposed on the earth wall.

The worshipers of Wudingtang put their hands on the earth wall, and the barrel of the Shenlong gun sticks out of the earth wall.

Zhao Dongting looked at the Yuan army outside the city, and shouted: "Who are you coming?"

Song Bitao galloped in front of the army, looked at the heads waiting in formation on the dirt wall, and shouted: "Yuan General Song Bitao."

In fact, Zhao Dongting knew that it was him, and had already received intelligence on the inspector these days.At this time, it was just a question on purpose.

Seeing Song Bitao's answer, there was a little hope in his eyes, and he said, "Song Bitao, you are Song General, why did you surrender Yuan and lead an army to attack me?"

Song Bitao before the army was extremely surprised.

He naturally did not expect that the person talking to him at this time would be the little emperor of the Song Dynasty.

Over the years, he still has feelings for the Southern Song Dynasty.If not, he would not hate the inaction of the former Emperor Song.

It can be said that he lowered the Yuan for the sake of the people, or it can also be said that he was completely disappointed with the decadent Song court before.

Now, under the governance of Zhao Dongting, the Great Song Dynasty looked prosperous again, which undoubtedly made his heart a little complicated.

Especially Li He's words in prison still seem to echo in his ears, keeping him awake at night.

The Song Dynasty was decaying, and it was understandable for him to descend to the Yuan Dynasty.But now the Song Dynasty is full of vitality, but he is still fighting for the Yuan Dynasty.

Should it be done this way?

Even Song Bitao himself felt wronged.

However, he has been a Yuan general for many years, and he has not suffered any grievances in the Yuan court these years.Even, Yuan Emperor Kublai Khan had great ambitions, was wise and mighty, and let him see the prosperity of the vast empire.If the Song Dynasty is destroyed, the world will be unified, and he feels that the world can flourish again under Kublai Khan's governance.

For the sake of the whole world, he felt that he should help Yuan destroy Song.And because of the loyalty in his heart, he felt that he should not attack Song Dynasty.

The difficult choice he had made in Xiangyang City was once again before Song Bitao's eyes.

This kept him silent for a long time.

It wasn't until the deputy general next to him snorted softly that Song Bitao closed his eyes slightly and shouted loudly: "Song Bitao, the guilty minister, came here for the prosperity of the world."

These short words seemed to exhaust all his strength.

His gaze also became firm at this moment.

I have to say that Yang Fan is really good at seeing people.In the end, Song Bitao stood on the opposite side of the Song Dynasty.

Zhao Dongting heard him claiming to be a guilty minister inside the earthen wall, and said that he came here for the prosperity of the world, and a slightly complicated look appeared in Zhao Dongting's eyes.

He thought that when he was in Quzhou, the two girls Le Chan and Le Wu assassinated him, saying that they were doing it for the people of the world.

How similar are Song Bitao's words now to those at that time?

He tilted his head to look at Le Wuhui, and said: "Senior, if there is a war later, this Yuan will not be able to be killed."

"it is good."

Le nodded gratuitously.

Zhao Dongting looked outside again, "If so, let's fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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