Chapter 349
After Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng led thousands of soldiers to the main street in the city, the original stalemate between Song and Yuan was broken again.

Although the soldiers and civilians of the Song Dynasty were united, no matter how high-minded ordinary people were, they would never be opponents of martial arts masters.The Yuan army had a large advantage in numbers, and during the fierce and long fighting, everyone had their red eyes. After the arrival of the new army, the morale suddenly rose again, and finally forced the soldiers and civilians of the Song Dynasty to retreat again and again.

The soldiers, ministers, and common people in the Song Dynasty suffered incalculable losses in the chaos.

After being forced to retreat again, it is already very difficult to regain strength.

The location of the fight gradually shifted to Xinggongqian Street.

This is the last line of defense in Haikang County.

If this place is breached again, the Haikang County Palace will undoubtedly fall too.The foundation of the Song Dynasty will also be completely destroyed.

Su Liuyi, Zhang Jue and others undoubtedly knew this very well. They led the army to fight to the death and refused to retreat half a step.

"I fought with you guys!"

A soldier of the Song Army shouted, pulled the lead wire of the Thunderbolt, and rushed towards the place where there were many soldiers of the Yuan Army.Then, he was engulfed in smoke and dust at the same time as several Yuan armies.

The fighting situation was extremely tragic.

Behind the Yuan army, Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng looked at each other, Zhang Hongfan said: "Haikang County is already in the hands of our army."

He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Based on the current strength of the two sides, it is only a matter of time before the Haikang Palace is taken down.

But at this moment, many people rushed out from the gate of the palace.Looking at their clothes, they were actually eunuchs and court ladies.

"Kill it!"

There was a clear yelling sound.

An extremely beautiful figure ran at the forefront, holding a long sword and ran out of the palace gate first.

It was music and dance.

At this moment, the girl's face seemed to be a little excited.She was always restless.

In the past, she followed her sister Le Chan to fight for righteousness. Although she had never seen such a tragic scene of fighting, she could still kill without blinking an eye.

And the beauty who ran out after her was even more surprising.

Yinger, who has been canonized as a concubine.

Ying'er held the knife in her left hand, just as she rushed out of the palace gate and swept into the army, several silver lights pierced through the air in her right hand.

Several Yuan troops and a general who looked like a commander fell in response.

Darts stunt.

It seems that Yinger has not forgotten her dart technique over the years.

At this moment, her face was cold, as if she had returned to the scene of shooting and killing the guards who wanted to kill Zhao Dongting with darts when she was in Quzhou.

Some courtiers of the Song Dynasty were shocked when they saw Yinger, and hurried over to let Yinger go back to the palace, but at this time, at the gate of the palace, there were dozens of eunuchs and guards who came out like stars, making Yinger very angry. Their steps stopped.

"The Empress Dowager!"

Some people burst into tears, some wailed loudly.

Concubine Yang Shu's appearance cheered them up, but also made many feel ashamed.

Someone cried heart-piercingly: "Empress Dowager, you are incompetent!"

Concubine Yang Shu turned a deaf ear to this, and just shouted coquettishly: "Fight with these Yuan thieves!"

In the past, she traveled with the small imperial court, but after Zhao Dongting came to power, she defeated the Yuan army one after another, which infected Concubine Yang Shu.Zhao Dongting's mighty aura of vowing to die not to be the mouse emperor not only affected not only the army, but also the common people, as well as courtiers, including the empress dowager of the Great Song Dynasty.

She was no longer willing to live such a life of embarrassment and escape, and at the same time, she did not want to embarrass her son.

The first emperor was taken into captivity, and Yang Yidong was also killed by Xiulinbao assassins at the foot of Wuliang Mountain in Leizhou. This ill-fated woman actually had no fear of death.At this time, Concubine Yang Shu's face was full of death, she only thought that she was the queen mother, and she had to set an example for all people.

Even in the dense rain of gunshots and cannons, her clear timbre still spread very clearly.

The eunuchs and guards next to her rushed forward with various weapons.

Although the roars of these eunuchs were very sharp, neither yin nor yang, but their faces were full of righteousness.

At this moment, their bodies are mutilated, but they can be said to be truly indomitable men.

Of course, there were also people fleeing everywhere in Haikang County, including in the palace, this was unavoidable.

Just like that, the soldiers and civilians of the Song Dynasty stood firmly on the street in front of the palace, blocking the Yuan army again.

The fighting continues.

The sky quietly reveals fish belly white.

Countless corpses have already been laid down on the main street in front of Xinggong, it would not be an exaggeration to say that blood flowed like rivers and corpses were scattered all over the field.

The soldiers and civilians of the Song Dynasty were only reunited in the open space of tens of meters in front of the gate of the palace, and all other places had been lost.

At this time, both sides have already forgotten their fatigue.

Attacking and resisting seemed to be going on numbly.And this can also be said to be an instinct.

From an objective point of view, it seems that it will only be a matter of time before the Yuan army destroys these Song Dynasty subjects and soldiers and breaks through the palace.

And at this time, nearly a thousand horses entered the city at the gate of the city.

Nearly a thousand people came very quickly, rolling into the city like a yellow dragon.As the gunshots passed, scattered soldiers of the Yuan army were shot to the ground.

Nearly a thousand people all rode fast horses, held dragon guns, and hung thunder from their waists, approaching the palace at a very fast speed.

The sound of gunshots was getting closer and closer to the palace.

The soldiers of Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng all pressed down on the street in front of the palace, and the scattered soldiers behind them couldn't resist these knights who were like dragons and tigers.

Although they don't have a battle flag, their elite level is by no means comparable to that of ordinary troops.Even the extremely elite Flying Dragon Army is not as good.

It is the Wuding Hall of Zhao Dongting.

Seeing that each of them carried various weapons on their backs, in the entire Song Dynasty, only Wu Dingtang was like this and had such combat power.

Although they are not a regular army, but in terms of marksmanship and strength, they are definitely unique in the Song army.

Soon, these masters of Wudingtang rushed to the front of the palace, behind the Yuan army.

Zhang Hongfan and Li Heng saw it from a distance, and their expressions changed drastically.

"Stop them quickly!"

Zhang Hongfan hurriedly ordered his personal guards to resist.

But although his personal guards are elite, how can he be the opponent of the Wudingtang master who holds the Shenlong blunderbuss?


Yue Yue, who had fully recovered from her injuries, yelled, galloping at the front, when the gunshots sounded, the Yuan army immediately fell off the horse.

Even in such a fight, seeing her riding a horse is still full of beauty.

That cold and glamorous face like an iceberg, and that fullness that is about to come out, can be described as an extremely beautiful landscape.

She is getting more and more "mature".

It was as if her beautiful face, which had been deliberately concealed by her because she disguised herself as a man in the past, fully bloomed during this period of time.

There was a dense rain of gunshots.

Zhang Hongfan's personal guard fell down one after another.

Then, the two armies collided head-on.The shadows of swords, lights and swords were dazzling and blurred, and Zhang Hongfan's hundreds of guards were killed or injured after they missed each other.

But Wu Dingtang enshrined, was actually almost intact.

In terms of martial arts, all of them are above the Lower Yuan Realm.This can already be compared with many commanders in the army.

Zhang Hongfan turned pale with shock, and hurriedly patted his horse and galloped towards the right side of the street.

Because just as Yue Yue and the others broke through the obstruction of his personal guards, they were already rushing straight towards him.

Li Heng was quick to see the opportunity, and quickly followed Zhang Hongfan to flatter him.However, his obese body made his war horse not as sensitive as Zhang Hongfan's war horse.

When he was about to run across the street again, he only felt a sharp pain suddenly coming from his back.

In fact, Li Heng also has the strength to descend to Yuanjing.However, this was clearly not enough for him to withstand the bullets from the Shenlong Gun.

His face froze suddenly, Li Heng knew that it was inevitable, and shouted at Zhang Hongfan: "Brother, withdraw the troops!"

Then several blood flowers bloomed on his back one after another.

Li Heng fell under the horse, splashing clouds of dust.

At this point, the deputy general of the Yuan army died.

Originally, Boyan was the commander-in-chief, and Ali Hague and Ye Suer were the deputy commanders. The troops were divided into three groups to attack the Southern Song Dynasty. Li Heng and Zhang Hongfan were defeated in Quzhou and returned to Fujian, saving some troops for Ali Hague.But now, Ali Hague's branch is almost completely wiped out after all.

Up to Marshal Ali Hague, down to the generals of the armies, only Zhang Hongfan remained.

Zhang Hongfan turned his head and saw Li Heng falling from the horse with his own eyes, his eyes turned red instantly.He and Li Heng are partners and friends.

I thought I could defeat Haikang this time, and it was shameful, but I never thought that when the victory was in sight, someone from the Song army would come to kill me again.

They fell into the trap one after another, but in the end they delayed for too long, allowing Emperor Song's reinforcements to rush to the city.

Is it burn together?Or withdraw?

At this moment, Zhang Hongfan struggled violently in his heart.

He knew that even if he withdrew his troops, there might not be much left in his army.

But if you stay here and continue to fight, can you still have a chance to win Haikang?
The strength shown by the masters of the Wuding Hall just now made him no longer see the slightest hope of victory in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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