Chapter 350

It's better to live than to die, he has tried his best.Suddenly, he felt that even Boyan and Ye Su'er were defeated, even if he lost again, he might not necessarily die, right?

This kind of luck quickly broke through Zhang Hongfan's psychological defense, and he no longer had the slightest desire to die together.


He shouted hoarsely, and led the remaining dozens of personal guards to continue to the right side of the street.

Seeing that Shuai Qi was going away, the soldiers of Yuan army immediately blew their horns.

The sound of the horn awakened every Yuan army from the numb fighting.His red eyes looked in the direction of the sound of the horn.

Then, I saw the scene of the handsome flag flying away.

The army followed the flag. In fact, there were many soldiers who didn't know whether the general wanted to withdraw the army or turn around from the side, but they all chased after the commander-in-chief flag.

Yue Yue led the priests of the Wuding Hall to charge into the crowd, raised his sword and fell, beheading countless Yuan soldiers to the ground in just a short time.

The situation suddenly reversed.

The soldiers of the Yuan army who had just gained the upper hand saw the momentum of Yue Yue's group, and they felt a sense of panic that the situation was over.Now, run faster.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

Although there were still more than [-] Yuan soldiers left, they had no fighting spirit at this time, and they all chased after Shuai Qi.

Yue Yue watched the Yuan army go away, but did not pursue, but was still cutting down the Yuan army that had not had time to retreat.

The battle that had been in full swing gradually died down.

The dust settled in front of the Haikang Palace.

Zhang Hongfan left with more than [-] troops, and the rest of the Yuan army and Yuan generals were all destroyed in front of the palace.

The gunfire died away.

The gunfire stopped.

Some of the fallen people stopped moving, and some struggled gradually became weaker.

As for those standing, almost all of them were covered in blood.

Concubine Yang Shu, who is the empress dowager, has blood on her face.At this moment, it looked a little hideous, staring blankly, looking at the devastation.

The corpses are almost all over the entire Xinggongqian Street, those of Yuan army, Song army, common people, eunuchs, and ministers. They are all dressed in various costumes, but at this moment, they are all lying quietly on the ground without making any sound.Such a scene can be described as extremely tragic.

No one cries, no one laughs.After fighting all night, it seems that the nerves have been numb.

This fight, from outside the city gate to the palace, was not very grand.Those who saw relatives and friends killed in action with their own eyes had already shed tears.

The Yuan army withdrew, and the Song Dynasty also suffered heavy losses.

The foundation of Leizhou is still there, but the originally withered ministers of the Song Dynasty have become even more withered.

Yue Yue led some Wu Ding Hall worshipers and walked straight to Concubine Yang Shu, "I am late, please forgive me, the Empress Dowager."

As the master of the Shadow Hall of Wuding Hall, she is naturally considered a courtier of the Great Song Dynasty.

Concubine Yang Shu was still in a daze and did not answer.

Ying Er, who was a little pale, supported Concubine Yang Shu, and said softly: "Master Yue, please get up!"

In this fight, dozens of people may have died in her hands.Her internal strength is not advanced, and she is already a little weak at this moment.

Le Wu girl's face was rosy, and said: "Sister Yue Yue, the emperor is back?"

There was some expectation in her eyes.

For some reason, when she rushed out of the palace with the eunuchs and maids, all she could think about was whether she could see Zhao Dongting again in this life.

Yue Yue replied: "The emperor has not rushed back yet, after learning that Haikang is in danger, he ordered me to rush to help first."

The letter was sent by Su Liuyi and Zhang Jue.

After Huo Ji retreated the Yuan army, they had little way to stop the Yuan army.Only send a letter to Zhao Dongting.

Fortunately, the priests of Wu Ding Hall rushed back in time and brought them back from the brink of life and death.


Le Wu nodded slightly, pouted slightly.

If the emperor came back, she would definitely tell the emperor how amazing she was last night.

Seeing that Zhao Dongting's martial arts continued to improve, this little girl felt uncomfortable in her heart.

"Dianzhu Yue, please stand up..."

Concubine Yang Shu finally came back to her senses, but she just sighed and asked Yue Yue to get up, then turned around and walked into the palace.

The palace is still a pure land, without corpses or blood.However, in order to protect this pure land, Da Song did not know how many soldiers and civilians died in battle.

The only surviving soldiers and civilians of the Song Dynasty watched Concubine Yang Shu enter the palace.

Many eunuchs and maids of honor also hurriedly ran into the palace.

Zhang Jue hurriedly ran to Yue Yue, and said, "Master Yue, you lead all the priests back, the emperor's side..."

Although he had just defeated the Yuan army, there was some anxiety on his face.Because he knew very well that there were still [-] Dali troops staring at Leizhou.

The original intention of the emperor was to lead the army to block the Dali army. At this time, the two armies may not be far apart, right?

Yue Yue and other Wudingtang priests all rushed back to Haikang to help. Wouldn't the emperor have to lose a lot of combat power?
Zhang Jue didn't know much about the Dali Army.But for Qin Han, he was afraid from the bottom of his heart.

That ghost has a mind that turns decay into magic.And the Dali army is not necessarily a fool.

Yue Yue stood up and cupped his hands and said, "Deputy Zhang ordered me to rush back to the army after a short rest."

She turned her head to look around, "Where is General Ren Wei?"

Not far from the corner of the street, a man with a bloody face ran over, "Ren is here."

Because Ren Wei is a flying soldier, he only wears cloth armor. At this time, his whole body is covered with blood, even his hair is clotted with blood, like a blood man.

After the Yuan and Song armies fought at close quarters last night, hot air balloons were no longer useful. He led the flying army down to the city and joined the battle.

The whole night's battle made him extremely tired. As soon as the Yuan army withdrew, he squatted in the corner of the wall.If Yue Yue hadn't called him just now, he might have fallen asleep.

There are many veterans who have developed such courage, not to mention daytime, even at night, they can sleep peacefully among the corpses.

Yue Yue looked at Ren Wei, cupped his hands and said: "General Ren, I have to trouble you to send me back to the emperor in a hot air balloon later."

Ren Wei nodded and didn't say much.

Zhang Jue said from the side: "Then you guys go down and rest quickly, the emperor can't afford to lose anything."

Ren Wei and Yue Yue greeted the surrounding officials, and then they left with their soldiers and priests.

The Flying Army fought fiercely throughout the night, and the priests of the Wuding Hall traveled all night. Even though their bodies were made of iron, they urgently needed to rest at this time.

When they left, Zhang Jue looked at the corpses all over the ground, and asked Lu Xiufu, "State Order, do you order the soldiers to register these dead soldiers and civilians, and then issue pensions?"

Lu Xiufu is old, and he didn't participate in the battle last night, so he is still quite tidy at this time.

He sighed, and said: "They all shed blood for the Great Song Dynasty, so they should be paid a pension."

The Minister of the Finance Department almost blinked his eyelashes off.

His hands were still trembling slightly.

In the past, he had never even killed a chicken, but last night, he followed behind the soldiers and hacked to death two Yuan soldiers.This made his mood not calm down until now, and he couldn't stop trembling at all.

Seeing that Lu Xiufu agreed, he hesitated to speak several times, and finally said softly: "State decree, there are not many taels in the treasury."

The Southern Song Dynasty's national power was already extremely weak, and Chen Jianghan had already thought of all the ways he could think of to support the war.

Food and grass alone have left the treasury empty.Before, he was still worrying about how to distribute the military pay and offerings, but now, the military pay and offerings have not yet been settled, and Lu Xiufu promised to pay the pension.This iron cock-tempered Minister of the Finance Department was a little worried about whether he would be able to wear obscene pants in the future.

Lu Xiufu said, "Even if we sell all our property, the pension must be paid out."

Chen Jianghan opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say, sighed softly, and nodded.

Looking at the corpses all over the floor, he also understood that he could only do his best.

In the past, he was complacent about becoming the Minister of the Finance Department, but now, he is full of bitterness.It was a real chore.

Seeing that Chen Jianghan also agreed, Zhang Jue shouted to the surrounding soldiers: "All the soldiers rest first, and then clean up the battlefield, and register the soldiers and civilians who died in battle, so that they must not be missed."

The remaining soldiers of the Song Dynasty all agreed, and many of them lay down among the corpses and fell asleep.

The successive fierce battles had already pushed their physical strength to the limit.

Outside Haikang County.

Zhang Hongfan led the rest of the soldiers out of the city from the east gate, and the army was in a panic.If the Song army pursued them, they would have to throw away their helmets and armor.

After arriving outside the city, Zhang Hongfan looked at the soldiers behind him, only a mouthful of blood gushed out of his chest.

Naturally, he suffered another disastrous defeat in this battle.

There are only [-] soldiers left, and there is no hope to win Haikang.

He led the soldiers back to the barracks, not even caring about the tents, packed up the food and grass, and continued to the coast.

Although they were exhausted, they were running for their lives now, and they obviously didn't care about rest.

But what he didn't expect was that when he led his army to the coast, what he saw was that hundreds of their naval warships were surrounded by various large or small ships.

There are many people with weapons running down from those boats.

And on the coast, there are already thousands of people standing densely.

In front of those thousands of people, there was a tall figure, which made Zhang Hongfan, who had just led the army out of the woods, change his expression greatly.

Madam Xu!
(End of this chapter)

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