Chapter 421

Longhushan floated away from the world, and never got too close to the Yuan court.As a minister of the Yuan Dynasty, Boyan was inevitably a little upset.

To come to Longhu Mountain to pray for blessings without saying hello, to put it bluntly, may not mean beating.

Now that the situation in the south is turbulent and the Song Dynasty is rising, Boyan is also worried that Longhushan will fall to the Song Dynasty.After all, Taoism has great influence among the people.

A little anger flashed in Qingsongzi's eyes, but he didn't know how to answer.

Now that Jiangnan East Road is still under the rule of the Yuan Dynasty, Longhushan naturally cannot offend Boyan on the bright side.However, he was a little reluctant.

Boyan chuckled and said again: "Could it be that the little celestial master in Zhangguan doesn't want to pray for my Yuan Dynasty soldiers?"

Although the words were soft, it could be heard that there was already hidden anger.

Qingsongzi sighed inwardly, and said: "Don't dare. Qingsongzi will let someone arrange it later."

Boyan nodded contentedly, "I'm sorry."

A group of people slowly went up the mountain, and after a while, they entered Zhengyi.Qingsongzi asked his younger brother Qingyunzi to arrange the blessing, and he personally accompanied Boyan and Ye Suer in the guest room.

Sandalwood is Miaomiao, the room looks peaceful, but the atmosphere is actually a bit weird.

Yuan Zhenzi searched everywhere in the temple, but in the end, he couldn't find Zhao Dongting who was hiding in the waterfall for body training.

He didn't want to be bumped into by Boyan and Ye Su'er, so he could only go back to his yard.

Qingyunzi also knew what Qingsongzi was thinking, so he didn't go to summon all the brothers, but went directly to the courtyard where Guan Haizi and others lived.

Praying for Boyan and Ye Su'er, Qingsongzi must not want to make a big fuss, but it is not easy to do too much, so it is most appropriate for Guan Haizi's disciples to preside over the blessing.

After arriving in the courtyard, he called Guan Haizi out and said, "Guan Haizi, Boyan, and Ye Su'er are two marshals who want to pray in Guan. You take your brothers and sisters to the Altar of Prayer to set up the altar and get all the pieces together." One hundred and eight people are preparing to perform the Great Sunday Prayer Formation."


Guan Haizi bowed and agreed.

Qing Yunzi thought for a while, then said: "There is no need to really pray for them, just put on a show."

What he said was so obvious that Deguan Haizi's face became a little weird, "Master, this..."

"Anyway, they don't know the law."

Qingyunzi said with some resentment: "Yuan people burned, killed and looted in our Han territory. They did all kinds of evil. Haven't you heard about Dayu City?"

Guan Haizi was originally worried about angering Boyan and Ye Su'er, so what can he say when he hears this?
At that moment, he had no choice but to salute again: "Disciple understands."

When the story of Dayu City spread to Longhu Mountain, many people were filled with righteous indignation.In Longhu Mountain, there are too many Taoist priests like Qing Yunzi who dislike the Yuan Dynasty.

Qing Yunzi nodded, then turned and left, still muttering, "If a bunch of butchers with blood on their hands pray for blessings for you, wouldn't they be helping the evildoers?"

Guan Haizi heard this clearly, neither was laughing nor crying.Uncle Qingyunzi, as always... straightforward!

After Guan Haizi left the courtyard, he stood in the courtyard and shouted, "All juniors and sisters, please come out!"

Many doors opened, and Qingsongzi's big and small disciples came out of the room.There were about 20 people in the yard.

Guan Haizi told them about praying for blessings, arranged several people to decorate the altar, and then asked others to inform the rest of the disciples of the other brothers and uncles.

The disciples under Qingsongzi alone are obviously not enough to make up one hundred and eight people.

Everyone agreed and left separately.

At this time, Zhao Dongting was also exhausted at the waterfall, and after barely recovering with the Rejuvenation Pill, he came back.

He didn't know about Boyan and Ye Su'er's visit to Longhu Mountain. Although other Taoist priests no longer thought there was a problem with his style of work, few of them would take the initiative to talk to him.

Behind him, Guan Jianzi followed like a follower.

Guan Jianzi made up his mind to compete with Zhao Dongting, but there was some sense of propriety, Zhao Dongting didn't agree, he was just pestering and didn't dare to use force.

Standing under the pine tree, Guan Haizi saw the two people coming in, bowed to Zhao Dongting, and said, "Junior Guan Jianzi, follow us to pray for blessings at the Temple of Heaven."


Guan Jianzi was slightly surprised: "Brother, it's not a festival these days, who are you praying for?"

Guan Haizi replied: "The two Marshals Boyan and Ye Su'er of the Yuan Dynasty have come, and they want to pray for the army that is about to go to war."

Zhao Dongting heard all these words in his ears, and his face changed slightly.

Boyan and Ye Su'er are going to go to war, so there is no doubt that they will go to Fujian Road.But he didn't know if Wen Tianxiang was ready now.

Although the current strength of Boyan and Ye Su'er is far from the hundreds of thousands in the past, there are still more than [-] troops. This force is enough to have a great impact on the entire situation in Fujian.Although the Feitian army and the Feilong army are strong, the Yuan army must have taken precautions now, and it will be difficult to think about making achievements like before.

At this moment, murderous intent surged in Zhao Dongting's heart.

If Boyan and Ye Su'er were to be killed here...

Thinking of this, the idea grew wildly in his mind, "Guan Haizi, how many people did the two marshals, Boyan and Ye Su'er, bring to the mountain?"

"Guan Haizi doesn't know."

After Guan Haizi answered, he was a little puzzled, "Why did Master Uncle ask this?"

Zhao Dongting didn't answer, just said: "Go and find out quickly, come back and tell me."

Guan Haizi was a little stunned, he had never seen this young uncle ordering others like this before.


Zhao Dongting glared at him and said, in a hurry, he revealed his emperor's true colors.

Guan Haizi, who was able to be Zhao Dongting's grandfather in his grade, was stunned, so he could only salute, and then ran outside.While running, he thought, what happened to Master Dongting?
In the past few days, Zhao Dongting has been watching the clouds and the wind, as if he doesn't care much about anything.At this time, he is so sad to Boyan and Ye Su'er, there is obviously something strange about it.

But with Guan Haizi's current vision, naturally he couldn't come up with a result in the end, let alone Zhao Dongting would be the emperor.

When he arrived at the front hall, he asked the disciple guarding the mountain gate how many troops Boyan and Ye Su'er had brought, and then hurried back to the courtyard.

Zhao Dongting was still waiting under the pine tree in the yard, but at this moment he had regained his composure, and when he saw Guan Haizijing coming, he just looked at him.

Guan Haizi ran up to him and said, "Master, Boyan and Ye Su'er have brought about five hundred personal guards."

"five hundred……"

Zhao Dongting chewed the word lightly in his mouth.

Five hundred personal guards are by no means too many, but they are not too few either.With the strength of Hong Wutian and Mrs. Xu, I don't know if they can kill him completely.

Zhao Dongting suddenly stood up and walked out of the courtyard.

It is better to discuss this matter with Hong Wutian and Mrs. Xu.

Seeing Zhao Dongting running away, Guan Jianzi was very surprised, and muttered: "Why is this rascal uncle so devoted to Boyan and Ye Su'er?"

In the past few days, Zhao Dongting never agreed to his invitation to fight, but it made him feel quite resentful.

"What nonsense!"

Guan Haizi glared at his open-mouthed junior brother, "From now on, if you continue to behave like this, I will put you in confinement."

Guan Jianzi pouted, but didn't reply.

Over the years, although the master has taken good care of him, but the elder brother is more caring.In the hearts of many young brothers and sisters, this senior brother is just like their parents, and they must be respected and grateful from the bottom of their hearts.

"Hey, where do my two elders live?"

Zhao Dongting just ran out of the yard, but ran back.He suddenly remembered that he had no idea where Hong Wutian and Mrs. Xu lived.

Guan Haizi replied: "Master arranged for them to live in the Qingya Courtyard."

Zhao Dongting looked at Guan Jianzi, "You take me there."

Guan Jianzi stared, but opened his mouth, but still couldn't say anything, and honestly led the way.

In any case, Zhao Dongting was his uncle, and he was a direct disciple of the Heavenly Master, so he had to listen to orders from him.

Zhao Dongting had his hands behind his back, Youzai Youzai followed behind.

After walking along the Qingshi path for about ten minutes, Guan Jianzi stood up and said, "This is Qingya Courtyard."

There is also a huge ginkgo tree in Qingya courtyard.

Zhao Dongting went straight in and shouted, "Senior Hong! Mrs. Xu!"

Hong Wutian and Mrs. Xu came out of the room very quickly, Hong Wutian asked in surprise, "My lord, why are you here?"

Zhao Dongting walked in front of them and said softly, "Bo Yan and Ye Su'er have come to the mountain with only five hundred guards."

In an instant, murderous aura surged out from Hong Wutian and Mrs. Xu.

Outside the courtyard, Guan Haizi felt the two murderous auras, and his face changed suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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