Chapter 422
He finally realized that Zhao Dongting's identity was not as simple as being a direct disciple of the celestial master.

How could it be possible for an ordinary family to have such an elder with extremely high martial arts?

Although Hong Wutian and Mrs. Xu only showed murderous intent, Guan Haizi knew very well that these two were countless times stronger than him.

He walked slowly towards the courtyard.

After Hong Wutian came back to his senses, he suppressed his murderous aura and asked softly, "Your Master, do you want to kill Boyan and Ye Su'er?"


Zhao Dongting nodded, but felt Guan Jianzi coming in, and suddenly turned around, "Guan Jianzi, you go back first!"

His identity must not be revealed.Because no one can be sure whether there are detailed works of the Yuan Dynasty on Longhu Mountain.

Guan Jianzi took a deep look at Hong Wutian and Mrs. Xu, nodded, and then walked out of the courtyard, gradually drifting away.

Zhao Dongting turned his head and said to Hong Wutian: "I do have this idea, but... I definitely can't do it in Longhu Mountain. Are the two seniors sure?"

Hong Wutian pondered slightly, "I just don't know if there are any masters among the two or five hundred personal guards."

True Martial Realm is strong, but it does not mean that it is invincible.If there were many masters of the Green Forest Camp among the five hundred personal guards, with the abilities of him and Mrs. Xu, it would be very difficult to get them.

Zhao Dongting mused, "I don't know this."

Hong Wutian frowned slightly, "Then let's do it directly?"

At this time Mrs. Xu said, "It's not right to do it directly. If you try to scare the snake, but fail to assassinate, it will cause trouble for the young master. Our two identities are too sensitive. As long as we show our skills, Boyan and Ye Su'er will definitely It will be associated with Young Master, and the most likely place for Young Master to hide is this Longhu Mountain. At that time, I am afraid that the entire Longhu Mountain will not escape this calamity."


Zhao Dongting nodded, "I don't want to do anything at Longhu Mountain, but I'm afraid that they will be implicated."

Mrs. Xu said: "My lord, it seems that we have to find someone to test their deception first. If there are no masters among the five hundred guards, then we will assassinate them."

Zhao Dongting became silent.

What Mrs. Xu said is right, Hong Wutian and Mrs. Xu are too skilled, if they do it, they will easily expose their identities, and then they will be burned.

The trouble now is that there are no people like them around Longhu Mountain, so even if they want to find someone to try, they don't know who to turn to.

After a few minutes, Mrs. Xu said: "My lord, we are finally on the Longhu Mountain territory. Should we discuss this with Yuan Zhenzi?"

Zhao Dongting nodded lightly, "That's fine."

After finishing speaking, the three of them walked towards the courtyard where Yuan Zhenzi was.

Just as he walked out of the courtyard gate, he met a disciple from Longhu Mountain coming towards him, "Patriarch, Heavenly Master, please go."

But Yuan Zhenzi failed to find Zhao Dongting, and arranged for his disciples to look for him.

Zhao Dongting thought that Yuan Zhenzi's finding of him might be related to Boyan and Ye Su'er, so he nodded and walked a little faster.

Arriving at the courtyard where Yuan Zhenzi is, Yuan Zhenzi is waiting under the ginkgo tree.

Seeing Zhao Dongting arrive, he asked the disciple to leave, and then hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, Boyan and Ye Su'er have come to Guannei, you should stay with the old Taoist for now!"

Zhao Dongting chuckled, "Senior, are you afraid that Boyan and Ye Su'er will recognize me?"

Yuan Zhenzi nodded.

Zhao Dongting said: "Don't worry, I know this. It's just that I have something to discuss with you, senior."

Boyan and Ye Su'er haven't seen him in person, but it's hard to say whether they have seen his portrait.

Yuan Zhenzi groaned for a while, and then exclaimed, "Your Majesty, don't you want to attack Boyan and Ye Su'er?"

But when he saw Hong Wutian and Mrs. Xu following them, he suddenly had this kind of thought in his heart.


Zhao Dongting said bluntly: "Bo Yan and Ye Su'er came to pray for blessings. The army is about to go out and must go to Fujian. Killing them can slow down the pace of the Yuan army."

"But this..."

Yuan Zhenzi had a bitter face, not knowing what to say.

Zhao Dongting knew what he was worried about, and smiled softly: "Don't worry, senior, we won't do anything in Longhu Mountain. Dayuling is a good place to bury people."

Longhu Mountain is on Jiangnan East Road, and Longxing Mansion is on Jiangnan West Road.When Boyan and Ye Su'er wanted to go back, Dayuling was a must pass.

Yuan Zhenzi was still worried, and said: "Forgive me, Your Majesty, we, Longhushan, really don't want to get involved in this battle for imperial power."

He has already stated his attitude.

Zhao Dongting nodded, "Senior, don't worry, no matter what happens or not, Longhushan will never be involved."

Yuan Zhenzi still frowned, but didn't know what to say.

He could see that it was imperative for Zhao Dongting to do it this time.Indeed, it is a god-sent opportunity for Boyan and Ye Su'er to come to Longhu Mountain.

The two of them played a pivotal role in the entire Yuan Dynasty's Southern Expeditionary Army. Killing them would have a great impact on the situation in the entire South.

Yuan Zhenzi asked himself, if he were the emperor, he would never let go of such an opportunity.

Delay the pace of the Yuan army's expedition to Fujian Road, so that the Song army on Fujian Road will have a greater chance of winning.

Zhao Dongting said again: "It's just that Senior Hong and Senior Xu made a move. I'm afraid it will easily make the Yuan army suspicious. After all, the two seniors are my masters in the court. It is impossible to come to Jiangnan for no reason. I'm afraid they will think of me. So, I would like to ask seniors, are there any masters around Longhu Mountain who can find out the reality of Boyan and Ye Suer's five hundred guards for us?"

Now he was thinking that it would be great if Zhu Zongyao stayed in Dayu City.Now it is really not easy to find a master of Shangyuan Realm and True Martial Realm.

Although Longhu Mountain is a sacred place of Taoism, martial arts practice is popular in the surrounding villages and towns, but it is still rare to see a master like Dayuanjing.

Yuan Zhenzi pondered for a while, "There is such a person in our Dragon and Tiger Mountain. It's just that the old man can't please him."

"Senior, can't you please?"

Zhao Dongting couldn't help being surprised.

Yuan Zhenzi is also the Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain, so there are people who don't sell his face?

Yuan Zhenzi didn't think there was any shame, and looked indifferently, "That old guy is a guy who loves swords and is obsessed with swords. He just hides in the back mountain to forge swords. It's okay for the old man to go to him for a drink. But he who stays away from the rivers and lakes If you attack again, I am afraid that if you go, the emperor, you may not be able to invite him."

"What cultivation level is this senior?" Zhao Dongting asked directly.

With his personality, no matter how low his hopes are, he still has to try.

Yuan Zhenzi replied: "At least close to the realm of real martial arts."

Zhao Dongting didn't hesitate, "Then please take me there to have a look, senior. No matter whether it succeeds or not, you have to give it a try."

He would never let go of such a good opportunity to assassinate Boyan and Ye Su'er.

Yuan Zhenzi was already planning to help, so naturally he didn't delay any longer. He went back to the house and talked to Yu Xiangzi, and then took Zhao Dongting and the others to the back mountain.

The back mountain of Longhu Mountain is always darker and darker than the front mountain, with few people and it still looks like a primitive jungle.

But with the skills of Zhao Dongting and the others, of course they wouldn't be afraid of wild beasts.

They walked quickly on the bushy hilltop, and after about two quarters of an hour, they saw a grass cottage in front of them.

There are as many as four or five rooms in the thatched cottage, and it is very simple. In the middle courtyard are many things for forging iron and swords, like a blacksmith's shop.

An old man with bare arms and pale hair but muscular muscles was forging iron, making tinkling noises.

"Iron old man."

Yuan Zhenzi yelled at the old man blacksmithing.

The old man raised his head and saw him, his expression didn't change, and then he was slightly surprised when he saw Zhao Dongting and the others.

But he didn't say hello, looking very cold.

Yuan Zhenzi showed a helpless look at Zhao Dongting, and led the three of them forward.

Zhao Dongting had already thought about it on the way here, since the old blacksmith is a hidden person, it must be all right to tell him his identity.

So, he cupped his hands directly and said: "Da Song Zhao is, come to pay a visit to senior."


The old man blacksmith finally stopped what he was doing, and said in surprise, "You are King Yi, Zhao Shi?"

Zhao Dongting was a little dazed.

Yuan Zhenzi rolled his eyes beside him, "King Yi is now the Holy One, and he has been on the throne for six full years."

The old man who struck iron didn't express much, he just cupped his hands, "The old man has seen the emperor."

His attitude made Zhao Dongting's heart beat a little.It seems that this person doesn't have a good impression of the Song court, and I'm afraid there is little hope of helping him.

But Zhao Dongting still cupped his hands and said: "I came to pay a visit, but I have something to ask my senior."

The old man blacksmith replied very bluntly, "The old man has been out of touch with world affairs for many years, please come back, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Dongting froze in place.

Hong Wutian and Mrs. Xu's faces were a bit ugly, Yuan Zhenzi smiled wryly.

On his bruised and swollen face, with his brows and nose squeezed together, it looked extremely funny.

(End of this chapter)

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