Chapter 429

Later, the fighting continued.

Madam Xu, Chu Changlao, Tie Liduan and Elder Ding are still fighting fiercely.

At this time, the fight could be said to have reached a fever pitch, all four of them were fully fired, and the strength of the sword energy was staggering.

Dust was flying on the ground like a gust of wind.During You Doujian, deep gullies appeared on the ground due to the overflowing sword energy.

This is because several people in the fierce battle restrained the overflow of their own energy, otherwise, the scene would have been countless times more shocking than this.There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that Zhang Tianshi's sword energy in Longhu Mountain can cut through rivers. If a real martial arts master uses his full strength, not to mention destroying mountains and opening seas, the destructive power it can cause is absolutely unimaginable for ordinary people.

Of course, no one would do that in a fight.

Handsome is handsome, and once handsome, you have to leave immediately, only to be slaughtered.After all, even at the True Martial Realm, the inner energy is not endless.

But Hong Wutian didn't care about the loss of internal energy at this moment, and the momentum was astonishingly large.

The dust surrounding him has made it difficult for people to see clearly the situation within the range covered by his sword intent.It's just that there are already a lot of corpses lying on the ground.

Under such circumstances, of course he couldn't really just injure these Green Forest Camp masters and wait for Mrs. Xu to solve them.

When the dust returned to calm, only Hong Wutian was left standing proudly in place.

The four Great Yuan Realm members of the Green Forest Camp and dozens of Zhong Yuan Realm members were all lying on the ground at this time, and no one was spared.Before Mrs. Xu and Tie Liduan could decide the winner, he beheaded all the masters of the Green Forest Camp who were below the true martial arts level.

Seeing this situation, the two elders surnamed Chu and Ding turned pale with fright.

They obviously didn't expect Hong Wutian to be so strong, dozens of green forest battalion masters couldn't resist him for a quarter of an hour.


The one surnamed Ding spoke with a high-pitched voice, which seemed eccentric.

"Where to go!"

Before the person surnamed Chu could answer, Mrs. Xu was already very tender.Murderous aura was soaring, and the snake sticks rolled towards the surname Ding like overwhelming the sky.

If you don't move, you're done, move like thunder.

Her complexion suddenly turned extremely rosy, obviously she had mobilized her whole body's internal energy and made a move with all her strength, not giving Elder Ding a chance to retreat.

The man surnamed Ding was suddenly covered by this stormy offensive, and he was inevitably caught off guard and flustered.

On the other side, Tie Liduan also used his full strength, and the Wan Jun sword whistled loudly, suppressing Elder Chu who was slightly stronger than him.

In terms of defense, the Wanjun sword, which is like a door panel, can be as immovable as Mount Tai.In terms of attack, it can be as overwhelming as Mount Tai.

Although the Wanjun Sword was too huge, it was inevitable that Tie Liduan would show his flaws when he swung the sword, but Elder Chu, who was holding the judge's pen, did not dare to take the risk of rushing forward.

At this time, Tie Liduan was acting like a lunatic, even if he charged in and severely injured Tie Liduan, he would probably be hit by the Wanjun sword.Even the real martial arts realm couldn't bear that kind of power.

Hearing Elder Ding's shout, Elder Chu's eyes flashed with extreme anger, Leng Sensen stared at Tieliu, the judge danced quickly, tapped the Wanjun sword a few times, and then flew back with his strength, To run away.

He had no intention of helping Elder Ding at all.

This made Elder Ding, who was in an embarrassing situation, look extremely ugly.

But even in this situation of being abandoned by his companions, he still tried his best to deal with Mrs. Xu's offensive, and he didn't intend to abandon the dark for the bright.

The masters of the Green Forest Camp, while gaining glory and wealth, actually took the poison of the Yuan Dynasty.That kind of poison, if you don't take the antidote regularly, life will not last long.


Seeing that the surnamed Chu wanted to escape, Tie Lijuan snorted coldly and bullied him.

Naturally, he didn't want to let this Chu escape.

At this time, Hong Wutian's figure also passed by afterimages in place.

Holding the sword high, he quickly reached a few meters to the side of the surname Chu, and the long sword suddenly cut towards Chu Changlao.


At this moment, Tie Liduan also used his ultimate move, swinging the Wan Jun sword in front of him, followed by the sword, and rushed towards Elder Chu's back with great power.

Elder Ding saw this scene while rushing to deal with Mrs. Xu, hesitation flashed in his eyes, and he finally shouted: "Be careful!"

He didn't want to help the person surnamed Chu, but if Elder Chu died here, then he would have to follow him to the underworld.

Right now, there are only two of them left, it can be said that their lips are dead and their teeth are cold.

In fact, even if Elder Ding didn't speak, Elder Chu also felt the crisis was coming.

True Martial Realm already had a strong sense of crisis, what's more, the person surnamed Chu had caught a glimpse of Hong Wutian cheating on him from the corner of his eye.

The full strength of the two masters of the real martial arts realm, the vast and incomparable momentum made Chu Changlao's face extremely ugly.

His gray hair fluttered endlessly, and his robe was applauded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then spread towards his sleeves.


With two slight sounds of breaking through the air, Elder Chu suddenly turned his head, and the two judge pens shot towards Hong Wutian and Tie Liduan respectively.

The strength of these two judge pens is much stronger than that of arrows.

Rao Hong Wutian and Tie Liduan both had incomparable aura, but the two judge pens still broke through their aura and instantly shot into the "aura" that was surging with aura.

Tie Liduan's complexion changed slightly, and he couldn't change his move. Wan Junjian suddenly stopped in front of him, blocking the coming judge pen.


The judge's pen fell to the ground, but Tie Liduan's body was slightly paused because of this.

Over there, Hong Wutian couldn't swing his sword against the judge's pen, and the big killer moves that had just gathered disappeared invisibly.

There was a slight sneer at the corner of Chu's mouth, and he continued to plunder into the distance without stopping.

Although he gave up his weapon, as long as he left here alive, what kind of weapon would he not be able to get?


But just as the qi in his whole body was surging and he was striding forward, he suddenly felt a slight coolness in his abdomen, and the qi in his body dissipated like a tide.


Strength gradually passed through the body.

He stopped.

Looking down, the face surnamed Chu was pale.

A sword tip pierced out from his abdomen.

He turned his head in disbelief, but saw that Hong Wutian was still standing a few meters away from him, but the sword was no longer in his hand.

Hong Wutian clapped his hands, rolled his eyes and said, "You are the only one who can throw? Old beggar, I can't throw? When the old beggar was playing pitch pot, you were still peeing and playing with mud!"

Chu Changlao's eyes widened, furious, but the vitality still dissipated in his eyes after all.

He slumped to the ground, stirring up some dust, and there was no more sound.

True Martial Realm, dead, is just a corpse.

Mrs. Xu, who was still fighting with Elder Ding, gave Hong Wutian an appreciative look, and Hong Wutian scratched his head and laughed.

Then, both he and Tie Liduan looked towards Elder Ding.

There was not much blood on Elder Ding's face, he was full of panic.

He knew he probably couldn't escape.

Even though his lightness kung fu is good, no matter how good it is, obviously it can't compare with Hong Wutian in the middle stage of True Martial Realm.

Mrs. Xu shouted softly, "You two, go and kill Boyan and Ye Su'er, and leave him to me!"

While speaking, her momentum was even worse.

Her strength is stronger than that of Ding, and she has the confidence to kill Ding.

There are several meters long gullies on the ground, and the depth is afraid that it can even be buried in the calf bone. Right now, it is as dense as a spider's web.

Elder Ding was supporting himself under such a stormy attack, his figure was like a swimming fish, erratic and impossible to find.However, he has never been able to jump out of the range covered by the snake stick.

This made him feel aggrieved and anxious.

And losing his mood will only make his strength even worse.

Originally, his strength was not as good as Mrs. Xu's, and it was even more difficult to support him in an instant.

Hong Wutian and Tie Liduan looked at each other, Tie Liduan withdrew and retreated towards the direction where Boyan and Ye Su'er left.But Hong Wutian still continued to bully Elder Ding.

When he got close, the long sword in his hand was like a shadow, and he and Mrs. Xu joined forces to attack Elder Ding.

Elder Ding's long sword danced in front of him like a waterfall, which could be described as impenetrable.However, under the joint attack of the two, they were still forced to retreat step by step.

The vertical and horizontal sword energy made the ground full of mess.

The wind and sand rose again.

Yellow dust gradually enveloped the three of them.

Tie Liduan quickly ran to a place not far from Boyan and Ye Su'er's chariot, and saw that the chariot was parked on the narrow loess road beside the river.

There were no more knights sitting on horseback at the same spot, only a dozen or so horses remained, and there were corpses all over the floor.

Liu Piaoxu was holding a sword in her right hand, sitting beside the chariot, covered in blood, with her head bowed, she didn't know if she was alive or dead.

(End of this chapter)

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