The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 430 The Death of the Shuangshuai

Chapter 430 The Death of the Shuangshuai

Tie Liduan ran to the chariot and recognized Liu Piaoxu as the person who assassinated Boyan and Ye Su'er before.

Just looking at Liu Piaoxu's bloody appearance, he was really not sure whether Liu Piaoxu was alive or dead.

There were several wounds on her body that exposed bones, and such injuries were enough to pose a great threat to life.This is the case even for those in the Middle Yuan Realm.

Fortunately, at this moment Liu Piaoxu slightly raised her head.

Her face was actually covered with blood, and there were two tear stains under the corners of her eyes, like two clear streams on the red earth, which made her, who was so beautiful, look a little miserable at this moment.

Seeing that she was fine, Tie Liduan felt a little relieved, raised his hand to seal Liu Piaoxu's acupoints, and then looked into the chariot.

In the next moment, even if it was him, his face could not help but change slightly.

Inside the chariot, there were only two blood men who couldn't see their original appearance at all. Their bodies were covered with sword wounds, and bones of bones had been exposed in many places.

But the original luxury can still be vaguely seen from the tattered clothes, it must be Boyan and Ye Su'er.

The two incompetent ministers of the Yuan Dynasty who carried the tripod failed to escape the catastrophe after all, and died under Liu Piaoxu's hands. When they died, they still held the scimitar in their hands, unable to hang down.

They didn't die on the battlefield, they died here quietly, but it is bound to have a huge impact on the situation in the entire south.

Tie Liduan frowned slightly, if he hadn't seen many bloody scenes, he might be able to vomit at this time.

The scene was too bloody.


While he was in a daze, Liu Piaoxu suddenly buried his head in his knees and began to cry.

She seemed to have just recovered, and her emotions collapsed at this moment.

Tie Liduan withdrew his gaze, lowered his head slightly, and asked softly, "Who are you?"

He had only glanced at Liu Piaoxu in the forest before, and he had never seen her on Longhu Mountain.Therefore, they only know that Liu Piaoxu is also the person who came to kill Boyan and Ye Su'er, but they don't know Liu Piaoxu's specific identity.

Liu Piaoxu didn't answer, but just cried.

Tie Li Duan said: "If you continue like this, you will die."

He is not Yuan Zhenzi, and he does not carry pills with him.

Liu Piaoxu still remained silent.

"I'll take you to Longhu Mountain first!"

Tie Liduan frowned slightly, bent down, and hugged Liu Piaoxu.

He was not purely out of kindness, but Liu Piaoxu beheaded Boyan and Ye Su'er, and finally helped them.Things in this world are nothing more than drinking and pecking like this.

Liu Piaoxu heard the words Longhushan, and finally choked up and said, "Thank you, senior, this disciple is a disciple of the little celestial master Yuan Xiuzi."

Her voice seemed weak, and she had obviously reached her physical limit.If it weren't for the emotional agitation in my heart, I'm afraid I would have passed out at this time.

"Are you Yuan Xiuzi's disciple?"

Tie Liduan was slightly surprised, "It's fate. If you don't save you, your master might destroy my thatched hut."

Saying that, he jumped onto the horse, and galloped towards Longhu Mountain regardless of the messy corpses on the ground.

Liu Piaoxu didn't answer any more.

She calmed down a little, and she fainted unconsciously.

The scenery on both sides flashed by the corner of his eyes.

Soon, the two approached the place where they fought before.

The war here has just ended.

Mrs. Xu's snake stick just passed through Elder Ding's stomach.

As for those hundreds of guards, under Hong Wutian's ravages, they have become corpses all over the ground.

Even the one surnamed Ding couldn't stop Hong Wutian and Madam Xu, these personal guards, naturally, could only be slaughtered.

Their knives and arrows could not pose any threat to Hong Wutian and Mrs. Xu at all.

There are less than a thousand soldiers, and there is no strong general to command, not to mention the middle stage of the real martial arts, even the early masters, they can't do anything.

And the one surnamed Ding was able to persist for such a long time, which is considered pretty good.His strength was far behind Mrs. Xu's.Moreover, when Hong Wutian turned to kill those personal guards, he had already teamed up with Mrs. Xu to wound him.

Blood gurgled from the corner of Ding's mouth, and after Mrs. Xu pulled out the snake stick, she collapsed to the ground.

Tie Liduan hugged Liu Piaoxu and galloped past Mrs. Xu and Hong Wutian, hurriedly said: "I'll take this girl back to Longhu Mountain for treatment first, and I'll trouble you two for the aftermath."

Because he is also from the Great Song Dynasty, there is no strange meaning in his words.

"Hey, isn't this the little girl?"

Hong Wutian and Mrs. Xu were slightly surprised, Tie Liduan had already run over on his fast horse.Liu Piaoxu has passed out, and her current condition is close to life and death.

Hong Wutian and Mrs. Xu looked at the fast horse running far away, they turned their gazes away, they didn't look at the corpses all over the ground, and swept towards the west.

Soon, the two rushed to the place where Boyan and Ye Su'er were assassinated.

The chariot is in dilapidated condition.

The two ran to the chariot, and seeing the miserable conditions of Boyan and Ye Su'er in the chariot, they couldn't help being slightly stunned.

Immediately, both of them were overjoyed when they came back to their senses, Mrs. Xu said: "These two great enemies are finally dead. The emperor must be happy to hear the news."

Hong Wutian seemed to be deeply moved, "In this way, it will take three years for the emperor to recover the old land."

In the Yuan Dynasty, there were not many generals like Boyan and Ye Su'er.In a short period of time, no one in the south will be able to take the lead.

After thinking for a while, Hong Wutian said: "Madam, let's collect all their belongings, and then go back and report to the emperor."

Mrs. Xu quickly understood, "Are you trying to pretend to be a bandit to rob? Isn't it necessary? What kind of bandit would be so blind?"


Hong Wutian smiled and said: "Don't want it for nothing, their gold and silver can help many poor people."

Mrs. Xu rolled her eyes slightly, but then she walked into the carriage without caring about the blood, and went to get Boyan's purse.

She rolled her eyes with some appreciation.Although Hong Wutian claims to be an old beggar, but his heart, benevolence and righteousness, he can do his part to be called a hero in the world.

Not long after, the two searched for all the dead bodies inside and out, and then turned back to the place where they fought before, ransacked them again, and then returned to the mountain.

As for the corpses all over the floor, they would not care about it.

Both Boyan and Ye Su'er died here, and it would not take long for someone to clean them up.


Tie Liduan took Liu Piaoxu to the foot of Longhu Mountain.

There are steep stone steps in front of him, and the horses can't go up.He turned over and got off the horse, slapped the horse's buttocks, startled the horse away, and went up the mountain at high speed with Liu Piaoxu on his back.

At this time, Liu Piaoxu lost too much blood, and there was not much blood on her face, even her lips were slightly pale.


In front of the mountain gate, the little Taoist priest guarding the gate saw the two people covered in blood. He was shocked and asked quickly.

But just as the words were out of his mouth, Tie Liduan had already rushed in.

"Hey! Hey!"

After the two little Taoist priests were stunned, they hurriedly ran after them.

All the way to the main hall, Tie Liduan, who was carrying Liu Piaoxu on his back, attracted the attention of many Taoist priests, and more and more people followed behind.

But fortunately this is a quiet place, so no one took direct action.

Finally, Tie Liduan stopped in front of the tallest and most majestic Sanqing Hall, put Liu Piaoxu gently on the place, and shouted to the surrounding Taoist priests: "Go and invite you to watch the doctor!"

In the Hall of Sanqing, Qingsongzi heard the voice, walked out from inside, saw Liu Piaoxu on the ground, his expression changed drastically, "Junior Sister Qing Huizi!"

Then he quickly squatted down to look at Liu Piaoxu's injury.

The Taoist priests on the mountain more or less know some medical skills.

Fortunately, Boyan and Ye Su'er came to the mountain to pray for blessings, and the mountain was closed, so there were no pilgrims on the mountain.Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't hide this matter no matter what.

After briefly looking at Liu Piaoxu's situation, Qingsongzi said to the Taoist next to him, "Hurry up and carry your Master Qinghuizi to the backyard."

The two Taoist priests hurriedly lifted Liu Piaoxu and ran back.

Qing Songzi looked at Tie Liduan but didn't recognize him, and asked: "Senior, Junior Sister Poor Dao, this is..."

Tie Liduan said: "Quickly heal her wounds, she killed Boyan and Ye Su'er desperately, with the current injuries, I'm afraid they won't last long."


Qing Songzi's complexion changed drastically, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead in an instant.

Junior sister Qinghuizi killed the two marshals Boyan and Ye Suer?

Although he didn't like people from the Yuan Dynasty either, he still felt his heart pounding when he heard the news.

This is big trouble!

"Go! Go and report to Master Yuan Zhenzi!"

Surprised and anxious, Qingsongzi even changed his tone a bit.

This incident may bring death to the entire Longhu Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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