Chapter 515 Meeting
Song army garrison.

General Shemin led Pu Shougeng and three people to the outside of the residence, and after going through heavy guards, they were able to go outside the main hall.

The tall and thin man and the short and fat man looked around and found a lot of strange things, and there was a slight sneer at the corners of their mouths.They, however, did not pay attention to ordinary soldiers.

It's just that they don't know, if they have seen the power of the Shenlong gun, will they still maintain such contempt for the Feilong soldiers.

Wen Tianxiang and Ren Wei stayed in the main hall and did not come out.In the main hall, there were more than a dozen flying dragon soldiers holding Shenlong guns standing upright.

General She Min led Pu Shougeng inside.

As soon as he entered the door, Pu Shougeng glanced at the people in the room, then cupped his hands to Wen Tianxiang and said, "Master Wen!"

Although he had never met Wen Tianxiang, it was obviously not difficult to recognize Wen Tianxiang's identity.Ren Wei is relatively young, and he doesn't have the bearing of Wen Tianxiang.

Wen Tianxiang looked at Pu Shougeng, and also cupped his hands: "Master Pu."

Pu Shougeng smiled, "When you meet Mr. Wen, you are more famous than meeting him! Mr. Wen is really magnificent."

Naturally, Wen Tianxiang would not be complacent because of such flattery, and said lightly: "Master Pu, you are polite. Mr. Pu, you are also extraordinary!"

Saying such "polite words" is simply easy for people in high positions like them.

"Please take a seat."

After exchanging greetings, Wen Tianxiang asked Pu Shougeng and the three to sit down.


Pu Shougeng returned the courtesy and sat on the guest seat.The tall thin man and the short fat man were not polite and sat down next to him.

Wen Tianxiang sat on the main seat, directly introduced the topic, and said: "I don't know what is the important thing that Mr. Pu is here to see me at this time?"

But Pu Shougeng said: "Dare to ask the military order, how is Mr. Zhang Shijie and Mr. Zhang in your Great Song Dynasty?"

Wen Tianxiang raised his eyebrows slightly, "Master Zhang Shijie, as the supervisory order, performs the duties of supervisory officials, so he is the pillar of my court."

"Emperor Song still favors him so much?"

Pu Shougeng didn't get the answer he wanted, so he couldn't help asking.

What kind of official Zhang Shijie is, of course he knows.What he cared about was whether Zhao Dongting valued Zhang Shijie or not.

If the Song court still obeyed Zhang Shijie's words as before, it would be as if Zhang Shijie was coercing the emperor to order the princes, that would undoubtedly be a situation he did not want to see.

Wen Tianxiang was keenly aware of something, a strange color flashed in his eyes, he pondered for a while, and replied: "My Majesty, I am young and wise, and I do things for the public. I can't say that I don't like anyone."

"I see."

Pu Shougeng nodded slightly, the expression in his eyes was also inexplicable.

The main hall quietly quieted down, and except for the two of them, the rest of the people were just foils, so naturally they would not open their mouths for no reason.

After dozens of seconds, Pu Shougeng said again: "Master Wen, I wonder if you would like to cease fighting?"


Wen Tianxiang's expression was slightly stern, "What does Mr. Pu mean by this?"

He had already thought of this possibility before, and there was no doubt that there was still some emotion in his heart at this time.It's just that this truce depends on how it ends.

If he is asked to stop fighting and withdraw to Guangxi, he will obviously not agree.

Pu Shougeng looked at Wen Tianxiang's face, bowed his hands towards the north, and said: "I am sympathetic to the emperor, and I don't want to see the people's lives in ruins. I have specially ordered me to meet with you, Mr. Wen, and hope to reach a consensus and negotiate a peace together. For this reason , My Majesty is willing to return Guangnan West Road, East Road, Jinghu North Road, Jiangnan West Road, Jingnan South Road, and Kuizhou Road to your Great Song Dynasty. In addition, to show my sincerity, my Majesty is also willing to return the jewel in my palm, Turan Princess Duo is betrothed to you, the Great Song Emperor, as the empress."


Wen Tianxiang was really surprised.

He did not expect that Yuan Emperor Kublai Khan would be willing to "give up" so many roads.What was even more unexpected was that Princess Mingzhu was going to be betrothed to Zhao Dongting.

However, Wen Tianxiang certainly wouldn't just agree.

Negotiation and peace negotiation are originally the art of you advancing and retreating, and you retreating and advancing.

After pondering for a while, seeing that Pu Shougeng didn't speak anymore, Wen Tianxiang said, "Is that so?"

Pu Shougeng said: "Does Master Wen think this is not enough?"

Wen Tianxiang shook his head lightly, "Lord Pu, forgive me for speaking bluntly. Now in the territory of Guangnan West Road and other roads, your Yuan Dynasty has already lost power. No matter whether you let it or not, these roads will return to my Song territory. If you If it’s just this little sincerity, I’m afraid I won’t be able to agree on behalf of the emperor.”

Pu Shougeng's expression remained unchanged.

He was also familiar with the way of negotiation, and he had long expected that Wen Tianxiang would not simply agree.This is also the reason why he did not tell about the sale of Fujian Road before.

At this time, it is undoubtedly time to reveal the real trump card.

He said meaningfully: "What if this Fujian Road is added?"

Even with Wen Tianxiang's heart, he couldn't help being a little moved, "Are you willing to give up Fujian Road?"

This really surprised him a little.After all, the battle situation on Fujian Road is still unclear, and no one dares to say who will win or lose.

The Yuan Dynasty gave up Fujian Road, which was tantamount to giving up a piece of the cake to the Song Dynasty.

He had such a longing, but he never thought that Yuan Chao would really be willing to cut his flesh.

Beside, Ren Wei was also surprised.


Pu Shougeng nodded, "So, sincerity is enough, right?"

Wen Tianxiang didn't answer, but asked: "Then, besides this, what else did Emperor Yuan have to say?"

But this sentence is enough to show that he has been tempted.

Pu Shougeng spread his palms, "Five years. I will give way to Fujian Road. I only hope that the common people can live in peace for five years."

Wen Tianxiang smiled lightly.

If the Yuan emperor really cared about the people so much, would he have allowed the soldiers to burn, kill, loot, or even massacre the city?
This is obviously bullshit.

Based on Wen Tianxiang's IQ strategy, it is natural to guess that the Yuan Dynasty wanted to use these five years to recuperate and close the gap in weapons with the Song Dynasty.

However, he was still a little tempted.Because, the current Song Dynasty is actually overloaded and needs to recuperate.

If the fight continues, it will only be a loss for both sides.With the current national strength of the Song Dynasty, it is difficult to sustain such a war.

But Wen Tianxiang still didn't agree, he just said: "I still need to ask the emperor for instructions on this matter."

Pu Shougeng frowned slightly, "Fujian is far away from Guangnan West Road, asking for instructions...does it take too long?"

Of course he wanted Wen Tianxiang to agree now, so that his task would be completed.Moreover, after this incident was transmitted to the court of the Song Dynasty, no one knew if there would be any changes.

With so many ministers in the Song Dynasty, what if they finally decide not to negotiate a peace?
Pu Shougeng never thought that the Song court would be of one mind, which was simply impossible in the court.

Wen Tianxiang shook his head with a smile, "It's okay, I'm facing the emperor, and I'm on Fujian Road right now."


Pu Shougeng was naturally surprised.

He has not received the news that the Emperor of the Song Dynasty appeared in Shaowu County.The people from Yuanwuqi can only use Kuaima to contact Minqing, and the news will inevitably be delayed.

Wen Tianxiang said again: "Your Majesty Pu might as well send an order to the army in Fujian Road to stop fighting. It won't be too late to make a decision on this matter after I come to the emperor."

This is his real intention.

He also didn't know that Shao Wu was out of danger, and he still thought of using this method to break Shao Wu's siege.

Pu Shougeng did not hesitate, and immediately agreed, "Okay!"

Although it is still difficult to predict the outcome of the Song and Yuan parties in Fujian Road, he also understands that after the war is over, the peace negotiation will be meaningless.

Yuan army won, would the emperor still want to negotiate a peace?
And if Song Jun wins, will he be satisfied with getting a mere Fujian Road?
The reason why Fujian Road can be used as the "sincerity" of their Yuan Dynasty is because the outcome is still undecided.

Wen Tianxiang also nodded, "The official will send a letter to Shao Wuguang later, asking me to temporarily truce to the soldiers."

This matter was finalized in the conversation between the two of them.

Not long after, Pu Shougeng left the residence with two Huang Laos and headed for the government office.

Ren Wei and Wen Tianxiang were still in the lobby, Ren Wei asked: "Military order, do you agree with this peace negotiation?"

From Wen Tianxiang's previous words, he could naturally hear some hints.

Wen Tianxiang nodded thoughtfully, "I need to recuperate after repeated battles. If the fight continues, the court may not be able to sustain it."

Ren Wei thought so, but hesitated, "Then do you think the emperor will agree to negotiate a peace?"

Wen Tianxiang shook his head lightly, and smiled wryly, "I don't know. Although the emperor is young, I really can't fathom his thoughts."

Zhao Dongting was too unexpected in many aspects.

(End of this chapter)

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