Chapter 516

government office.

As soon as Pu Shougeng returned to the main hall, he told Gao Xing: "General Gao, send an order to Shao Wu to let my soldiers temporarily cease fighting."

Moved with joy, "Lord Pu, the peace negotiation is over?"

Pu Shougeng shook his head, "Whether it will be successful or not is yet to be known, and we have to wait for the Emperor Song's decision. But I have reached a consensus with Wen Tianxiang, let's truce!"

"it is good."

If he was happy, he didn't ask any more questions. After nodding his head in agreement, he immediately went out to dispatch the scouts.

When he came back again, Pu Shougeng waved away the rest of the generals in the main hall, leaving Xing Xing in the main hall.

In the past, Gao Xing and Huang Hua were his right-hand men in the army. At this time, Huang Hua had already voted for the Song Dynasty, and it can be said that only Xing Xing was left as his right-hand man.

The personal relationship between the two is also good.

After waiting for the generals to leave, Pu Shougeng leaned forward a little and asked, "Brother Gao Xian, what do you think of the peace negotiation?"

What he called Gao Xiandi was no longer General Gao.Obviously, this is a private conversation.

After pondering happily for a long time, he said: "This matter is beneficial to the people, and it should be beneficial to both Song and Yuan countries, but it may be disadvantageous to you, my lord."

"There are no outsiders at this time, why does Brother Gao Xian still call me an adult?"

Pu Shougeng showed a very friendly look, "Then tell me why it's not good for me?"

Gao Xing smiled lightly and said: "Brother Pu, you must be very clear, why do you have to tell me!"


Pu Shougeng sighed softly, "The emperor only wanted to negotiate a peace temporarily to recuperate, but he never thought about what I, Pu Shougeng, should do. My foundation is all here in Fujian."

"My lord!"

Gao Xing seemed to realize something suddenly, his face changed slightly, and his voice dropped suddenly, "You don't want to support yourself, do you?"

"how do you feel?"

Pu Shougeng has a lot of meaning.

Gao Xing's eyes were full of dignity, "You really want me to tell?"


"With your current military strength, my lord, if you support yourself and stand on your own, there is a Yuan Dynasty in the north, but it is difficult to have a Great Song Dynasty. I am afraid it will be difficult to continue..."

"Then what if you vote for Song?"


Gao Xing showed surprise again, "If you surrender to the Song Dynasty, you can naturally continue to stay in Fujian. But, won't Emperor Yuan be furious?"

Pu Shougeng said: "If you vote for the Song Dynasty, you will be standing on the opposite side of the Yuan Dynasty. What else do you need to do if you are angry or not?"

Hearing this, I am glad to understand Pu Shougeng's thoughts.

He fell silent again.

After a long while, I wondered again: "Subduing the Song Dynasty is also a good strategy to preserve the foundation, but if this is the case, why do you still go to the Song Army to negotiate a peace? Why not just vote for the Song Dynasty?"

He is an ambitious person, but he also knows very well in his heart that he can only follow Pu Shougeng's path.

He was a general under Pu Shougeng, and Pu Shougeng was also his foundation in the Yuan Dynasty.If Pu Shougeng descended to the Song Dynasty, even if he continued to serve the Yuan Dynasty, it would be difficult for him to be reused.

Even, at this moment, I am happy to agree with Pu Shougeng's surrender to the Song Dynasty.At least, after Pu Shougeng surrendered to the Song Dynasty, he didn't have to leave Fujian, and if he was happy, he could continue to be his general soldier in Fujian.

Pu Shougeng sighed softly, "If we don't discuss peace, our Fujian land will not be full of wars and riddled with holes?"

I was so happy that I instantly understood what he meant.

Pu Shougeng is not the Pu Shougeng of the Yuan Dynasty, nor the Pu Shougeng of the Song Dynasty, but Pu Shougeng of Fujian.He just wants to be his "Fujian King" in peace and stability.

If it wasn't for his lack of foundation, Pu Shougeng would definitely choose to support his troops and stand on his own.

The Song-Yuan peace negotiation was obviously a good thing for Fujian, and it was naturally a good thing for Pu Shougeng.

"Where is Zhang Shijie?" Gao Xing asked again.

He also has some understanding of the grievances and entanglements between Pu Shougeng and the small imperial court of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Zhang Shijie held a high position in the Song Dynasty. If the Song Dynasty still obeyed his advice, Pu Shougeng's surrender to the Song Dynasty would not be a good choice.

The grudge between the two is very deep.

Pu Shougeng snorted coldly, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, "Hmph, as long as the emperor of the Song Dynasty has some ideas and doesn't favor Zhang Shijie, he can do anything to me."

Staring happily, "Brother, have you made up your mind?"

But Pu Shougeng said: "Let's talk about it after meeting the Emperor of Song Dynasty first!"


Time passed quietly.

Not long after the scouts of the Min, Qing and Yuan armies left the city, some scouts from the Song army also went to Shaowu with Wen Tianxiang's secret letter.

In the blink of an eye, nearly ten days passed.

Relying on the advantages of horses, the scouts of the Yuan army rushed to the outside of Shaowu City first.Then, seeing the flags of the Song army erected on the top of the city, they didn't dare to enter the city, so they went towards Guang Guang again.

To get the luster, the scout was able to enter the city after identifying himself.After entering the city, his face turned pale with shock.

The city was in a mess, as if bandits had entered the city.

Originally tens of thousands of troops, in the city, there are only a few thousand people left.They were afraid that they ate all the edible things in the city, and they almost ate the turf and killed the war horses.

The scouts were led into the city by soldiers, and the deeper they went into the city, the more shocked their expressions became.

Finally arrived at the Defu Yamen. After seeing the Yuan general who was in charge of the city, he couldn't help but asked, "General, why is the situation in the city like this? Did our army fail to take Shaowu County?"

Yuan Jiang, who was in charge, was very angry, "You should come from Minqing, didn't you see whether Shaowucheng took it or not?"

The scout was frustrated, and took out the letter from his sleeve, and said indifferently, "Master Pu Shougeng has a letter for you."

Although he was just a mere scout, he was sending a letter to an "imperial envoy" at this time. This general's attitude was too bad.

Yuan Jiang took the letter, opened it to read, his expression changed slightly, and he felt extremely bitter.

And fuck off!

Now they are almost cornered by Song Jun.

If there is a truce, it must be the Song Army's truce.

Putting the letter back into his sleeve, General Yuan said, "Go back and report to Mr. Pu, whether or not to stop the war is no longer up to us."

The scout asked puzzledly; "Why?"

General Yuan said: "Our food and grass have been burned by the Song army, and we have run out of food. Do you think we still have the strength to go to the Song army to start a war?"

The scout was stunned, "There are robes in that city..."

"I went to Chong'an County, Jianning Prefecture to grab grain."

Yuan Jiang looked even more unhappy.

The scout couldn't stand anymore, and hastily cupped his hands, "I'll go back and report to Lord Pu."

This news was a damn bolt from the blue.Even if he is just a mere scout with limited vision, he can still imagine that this matter is no small matter.

After handcuffing, he quickly ran outside without waiting for General Yuan to say anything.

Soon, several scouts galloped out of the city.

Chong'an County.

At this time, it was tragic.

Chong'an County was originally the territory of the Yuan army, but after Jiangnan West Road reached the outside of the city, it was like a locust, and it went straight to the city.

As soon as they entered the city, they began to burn, kill and loot, and the people mourned and suffered unspeakably.

The Yuan army in the city did not dare to block it at all.

This group of hungry and crazy people, it is clear who will stop who will die.Even the generals in the army went to grab food, so going up to stop them, isn't it courting death?

Therefore, the Yuan army in the city just watched the Yuan army on Jiangnan West Road rushing to grab food.

Two more days passed.

Chong'an County finally calmed down a bit, and the Yuan soldiers who filled their stomachs were no longer so fierce.

The scouts in Wen Tianxiang's army were finally able to rush outside Shaowu County.

After presenting his token, he was able to enter the city.

Although Shaowu County was devastated half a month ago, at this moment, the situation in Guangguang is naturally much better.

The corpses in the city had been piled up and burned. Although the houses were far from being repaired, many people could still be seen on the streets.

This is vitality.

The scout was also surprised.

He had heard about the Jiangnan West Road Yuan army coming to Shaowu. Before he came, he was worried that Shaowu city had been lost, or that there was a big battle, but unexpectedly, the battle was over.

What's more, the Toutuo Army is still occupying Shaowu City.

How did they stop so many troops?

Under the leadership of the soldiers, the scout soon arrived at the government office.Then he was brought in front of Huang Hua.

After the scout revealed his identity, Huang Hua asked, "Why did the military order send you here?"

The scout said: "There is a letter in the military order, and the subordinates need to submit it to the emperor in person."

Huang Hua was slightly taken aback.

Hearing this, he certainly realized that this matter was no small matter.

"You come with me."

At the moment, he didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly led the scout to the back of the mansion.

Zhao Dongting is naturally still in Shaowu County at this time.Shao Wu's Yuan army was not completely defeated, so he was worried about leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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