The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 535 Communication

Chapter 535 Communication
Zhao Dongting pondered again.

The sun had become a bit dazzling in a short period of time, Yuan Zhenzi and the others couldn't get in the conversation, so they saluted and left the yard.

After pondering, Zhao Dongting finally asked Gao Xing: "Pu Shougeng is dead, who is the most influential on Fujian Road at this time?"

He was hesitating just now, but he was hesitating whether being happy was worth his trust, and whether he really planned to vote for Song.In the end, he obviously chose to believe that Gao Xing really voted for Song.

Because I put myself in my shoes, I am happy to vote for the Song Dynasty, which is really more developed than going to Liangzhe East Road.

Especially after he made this promise just now, Zhao Dongting felt that even if he was not sincere just now, he should become sincere now.

Didn't he make this cake just to keep his happiness?

"Go back to the emperor."

Kneeling on the ground, Gao Xing raised his head, "Originally Master Pu had the final say in Fujian, but now that Master Pu has been assassinated, in Shangdao, the members of the Pu family should still be the leader and firmly control the chambers of commerce in various places. In the government office, it should be Zhongshu Youcheng Huan Yichun and Fuzhou Governor Zhang Liangdong are the most likely to hold power."

"Huan Yichun...Zhang Liangdong..."

Zhao Dongting frowned slightly, "How are these two?"

Gao Xing stood up and replied: "Huan Yichun was sent by the capital of the Yuan Dynasty. The final general heard that he was once a close minister of the Yuan Emperor. He came to Fujian to weaken Master Pu's rights in Fujian. The financial power has always been in the hands of Mr. Pu, so he has never been able to fight against Mr. Pu, and there are only a few Fujian officials who are interested in the Yuan Dynasty and want to climb higher and more directly. Zhang Liangdong was originally a friend of Mr. Pu. Master Pu is a diehard loyalist, but I heard that recently he has started to have a change in his heart, and has been in close contact with Huan Yichun."

"How do you know that?"

Zhao Dongting was slightly surprised.

Gao Xing smiled wryly: "Master Pu told the general all these things, I'm afraid he also wanted to beat the general, and wanted to warn the general not to associate with eunuch Yichun."

Zhao Dongting nodded thoughtfully.

These people who are messing around in the officialdom are all so thoughtful that even the hair is empty.What kind of friendship and kinship, I am afraid that they are no longer so reliable.

Huan Yichun came from Dadu, obviously he was towards the Yuan Dynasty, and it was unlikely that he would vote for the Song Dynasty.

As for Zhang Liangdong, he chose to get close to Huan Yichun during the Fujian war, obviously because he also wanted to get rid of Pu Shougeng.

Neither of these two is desirable.After the peace talks, it is unlikely that they will stay in Fujian.

This also means that the power in Fujian must not fall into the hands of these two days.Otherwise, what the Song Dynasty takes over in the future is likely to be an empty shell.

Of course, the premise is that the Song-Yuan peace talks can be successfully reached.

Zhao Dongting thought about it, and asked Gao Xing, "I heard that Master Pu has two young masters, how are these two young masters?"

The happy expression is slightly chilled, and he realizes something.The emperor suddenly asked about the two sons, probably because he still had the idea of ​​letting the Pu family take charge of Fujian.

But this is also a good thing for him to be happy, at least he has a good relationship with the Pu family.Moreover, if Fujian continues to be managed by the Pu family, he will vote to the Song Dynasty after the peace talks, and with the support of the Pu family, he will not have to worry about any troubles in the army.If the Pu family does not fall, the Fujian army and government will not be disbanded.

Immediately, he replied: "Pu's eldest son, Pu Lide, is calm by nature and quite resourceful. He is now the magistrate of Jianning Prefecture. The second son, Pu Lixin, is more dexterous and quick-witted, and now he is in charge of the Pu family's properties in various places in Fuzhou. "


Zhao Dongting nodded, "If that's the case, you will lead the army back to Fuzhou first, take control of Fuzhou City, and then bring Pu Lide to see me. Remember, if Huan Yichun and others dare not let you enter the city, you can directly attack the city. That is, without further delay, the situation in Fuzhou must be stabilized before the Pu family tree falls and the monkeys disperse, so that Huan Yichun, Zhang Liangdong and others have no chance of seizing power!"


Happily cupping his hands, he hurriedly turned around and was about to go outside.

He can also realize the seriousness of the matter.

If the Pu family is overthrown, it may be too late for the emperor to support Pu Lide.Even if it is not too late, it will take a lot of extra effort.

"and many more!"

But before he walked out of the courtyard, Zhao Dongting called him again, and thoughtfully said: "I sent two masters to accompany you."

Gao Xing was a little surprised, "Your Majesty, the last general has tens of thousands of soldiers..."

Zhao Dongting shook his head, interrupted him directly, and said: "The man who killed Pu Shougeng has the ability to take your head among thousands of armies. Don't underestimate the Jianghu people."

As he said that, he shouted to the outside of the courtyard: "Go and invite Hong Gong and Xiong Gong."

It was Hong Wutian and Kumano who were happy to hear that, their expressions were also slightly dignified, and they cupped their hands and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, General."

He also saw that the emperor might know who assassinated Pu Shougeng.And sending two masters, Hong Wutian and Kumano, to protect him, is enough to show how much the emperor fears that person.

Another top player in the rivers and lakes!

Hong Wutian, Xiong Ye and others lived next to Zhao Dong's courtyard, and they came out soon.

Zhao Dongting said: "I have to trouble the two priests to follow General Gao's army to Fuzhou City. On the way, you must protect General Gao's safety. Pu Shougeng has already been assassinated..."

Kumano remained indifferent, Hong Wutian showed surprise, "Is it the hand that Taki wanted to move?"

Naturally, he already knew that Long wanted to stop Huang Liujia and the others.

Zhao Dongting nodded slightly, "Nine out of ten."

Hong Wutian's complexion became a little dignified.

Although Longyu is not ranked in the list of masters in the Jianghu, but as a person who broke the military academy and helped Jun Tianfang kill Bei Shanqiu, he must not be inferior in strength.

Even Hong Wutian would not take such a person seriously.

The peerless masters in the rivers and lakes, except for the only three or two, can be ranked among the top, with the attitude of being arrogant.For the rest, no one is sure that they can definitely win.

And Kumano's face didn't change much, probably because he didn't know the depth of his lust.If he knew, he would never be so calm.

He is only at the early stage of the True Martial Realm, although he is proficient in Gu art, it is impossible for him to be the opponent of Long Yu.

Soon, Hong Wutian, Kumano and Gao Xing left the Song army's garrison.

Not long after that, the happy army in Minqing City gathered in a hurry and left Minqing for Fuzhou.

Minqing was completely in the hands of the Song army.

Zhao Dongting was sitting in the yard, unconsciously clasping his fingers on the table, "Long Yu... Wu Amiao, how much trouble are you two going to cause me?"

Little did they know that Long Yu and Wu Amiao were on their way to Minqing at this time.

In the afternoon, Yuan Zhenzi and the others prepared to take the Taoist priests from Longhu Mountain to Jinghu South Road.Dry food and clothing have all been purchased and prepared.

Zhao Dongting and Yuan Zhenzi are known as masters and apprentices, and Zhang Tiandong can be said to be masters and apprentices. They fought side by side in Longhu Mountain and Taoist priests in Longhu Mountain, and later got Yuan Zhenzi and others to help guard Shaowu. There are many layers of relationships, and it is necessary to send thousands of Taoist priests out of the city.

At the gate of the south city, everyone bid farewell.

Zhao Dongting handed over the book written by himself to Yuan Zhenzi.

This is a letter he wrote to the Xuanfu Envoy of South Jingnan Road. The content of the letter is to ask Yuan Zhenzi and others to re-establish the mountain on Zhurong Peak, and let the Xuanfu Envoy of Jingnan South Road fully cooperate.

Yuan Zhenzi took the letter, bowed to thank him, but suddenly said: "Your Majesty, I have a merciless request from the poor."

Zhao Dongting smiled lightly, "The Heavenly Master just speaks up if he has something to say."

Yuan Zhenzi said: "Pindao heard that Leizhou Wuliang Temple has a good attainment in the way of Jindan, and I want Qing Huizi to go to Wuliang Temple and fellow Taoists of Wuliang Temple to communicate. The emperor will always go back to Leizhou, so it is better to let Qing Huizi Huizi stays in Minqing first, how about asking the emperor to take her to Leizhou together in the future? In this way, Pindao and others don’t have to worry about her safety.”

Yuan Zhenzi had a smile on his face, but his eyes had a wicked gleam and he was a little nervous.

Zhao Dongting couldn't help being stunned, and then with a strange expression, he leaned into Yuan Zhenzi's ear and said, "Master Tian, ​​don't you still have such thoughts?"

As she spoke, she still couldn't help looking at Liu Piaoxu.

Liu Piaoxu blushed slightly, and turned her head slightly.

Yuan Zhenzi coughed twice, his old face was a little embarrassed, "It's really communication...communication..."

Zhao Dongting would be a fool if he didn't understand what was going on.

Longhu Mountain needs to communicate with Wuliang Temple. In the past, Taoist temples like Wuliang Temple did not enter Longhu Mountain's eyes at all, right?
At this time, the way of golden elixir has not yet emerged, so does Longhushan need to send Liu Piaoxu to communicate?
Yuan Zhenzi and others made it clear that they still wanted to "get closer and closer" with him.

Zhao Dongting said: "I don't know how long I have to stay in Fujian, but I think the Celestial Master should send another person to escort Taoist Qinghuizi to Leizhou!"

It's not that he doesn't look down on Liu Piaoxu, he is wearing an apricot-yellow Taoist gown, with a delicate figure, she is really a peerless Taoist nun.However, Zhao Dongting has always adhered to the word "it will come when conditions will come when conditions are ripe" when it comes to this kind of matter.

If there is a destiny, they will meet.If you don't have a chance, don't force it.

(End of this chapter)

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