The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 536 Changes in the Pu Family

Chapter 536 Changes in the Pu Family
"That's fine too."

Yuan Zhenzi smiled embarrassingly.In fact, he had expected that Zhao Dongting would probably not agree to this matter, so he didn't hold out much hope.

Liu Piaoxu turned her head again, and looked at Zhao Dongting lightly with her beautiful eyes, a little surprised and complicated.

She also knew what the Heavenly Master meant.As for her own beauty, she naturally knew about it, but she just didn't expect that the emperor would refuse it.

fair enough.

She Liu Piaoxu, although she is willing to dedicate herself to Longhu Mountain.But it is obviously better if you can not sacrifice your life.She didn't have much contact with Zhao Dongting, so she would never fall in love with Zhao Dongting.

Not long after, thousands of Taoist priests left Minqing.

Zhao Dongting took Mrs. Xu, Le Wuxian and others back to the government office.

Fuzhou government office.

Although only half a day has passed, everything inside and outside the government office has already been covered in vain.In the backyard of the government office, some people were crying, some were dignified, and some were panicked.

Everyone in the Pu family, whether they are close relatives or distant relatives, and those who are servants in the Pu family, but those who hold some property in the Pu family and have some right to speak, most of them have rushed to this mansion at this time coming, or on the way.

When Pu Shougeng died, the pillars of the Pu family collapsed.

The second son Pu Lixin knelt alone in front of Pu Shougeng's coffin, his eyes were red.

Mrs. Pu, who still had a charming charm, was sitting beside the coffin, holding a rosary, bowing her head in silence.

Next to it, Pu Shougeng's concubines were either howling or weeping.Just how much is true and how much is false, it is hard to say.

These concubines are really quite mixed.Some are rich ladies, while others are mortal women redeemed by Pu Shougeng from brothels.

Mrs. Pu and Pu Shougeng have been separated for many years, eating vegetarian food and reciting Buddhism, regardless of the affairs of the house, and he is allowed to mess around at home.

But Pu Shougeng only had Prince Pu and Second Prince Pu who were born with her, and no more children with the concubines, which is enough to show that Mrs. Pu is not simple.

The mouth of the green bamboo snake, the needle on the tail of the wasp.There are two kinds of reasons, the most poisonous to women's hearts.

Those who eat fast and believe in Buddhism may not necessarily have a good heart.

A wealthy compound like the Pu family probably cannot raise any kind-hearted people.

"Howling what?"

The second young master who lowered his head suddenly let out a low growl.

All the concubines trembled, not daring to make a sound.

The eldest lady was the most respected in the Pu family's affairs. When Pu Shougeng was alive, few concubines dared to disrespect the eldest lady and the two young masters. Those who were disrespectful quietly disappeared in the Pu family, and nothing came out later.Now that Pu Shougeng is dead, no one dares to touch the eyebrows of the eldest lady and the two sons.

Pu Lixin turned his head and looked at a general in the mourning hall, "General He, haven't you found the murderer who assassinated my father?"

General He's surname and name Lima, but he is the young mansion of Fuzhou City, who is in charge of the guarding army and horses in Fuzhou City.

Such a person is naturally a close friend of the Pu family.

Hearing Pu Lixin's words, He Li immediately cupped his hands and said, "Second Young Master, the murderer is extremely skilled in martial arts. I'm afraid...he has already left the city at this time."

Pu Lixin's eyes flashed extremely ferocious, but he didn't immediately get angry with He Lixin.

He Lima is not one of the concubines of the Pu family.

Those concubines couldn't leave Pu's house, nor did they have the courage to leave Pu's house.As for He Lima, there is a possibility of leaving the big tree of the Pu family.

Pu Shougeng died, and Pu Li knew very well in his confidence that he, who was in business, couldn't deter people like He Lima at all.

Although He Lima's attitude was polite just now, there was no apology or humility in his words. I am afraid that some dissatisfaction has already arisen in his heart.

If he provokes him again, he will immediately break away from the Pu family.But what the Pu family needs most now is to stabilize these closeness.

Only in this way can the Pu family continue to stand tall in Fuzhou.

The tree catches the wind.

In the past, when Pu Shougeng was around, the Pu family was the dominant family, and no one dared to touch bad luck.Now that Pu Shougeng is dead, there will definitely be people who want to take the opportunity to attack the Pu family and make the Pu family sink.


At this time, Mrs. Pu, who had been silent all along, also said, "We can talk about this matter when your elder brother comes back. You take the shopkeepers down first, so that the shops don't get confused. Although your father is dead , but our Pu family will not collapse."

Pu Lixin turned his head, "Mother, Xin'er wants to stay here to watch for his father."

Mrs. Pu paused with the rosary in her hand, "Don't you know which is more important now?"

Pu Lixin's expression was slightly condensed, "Boy... just follow mother's orders."

After speaking, he got up and walked out of the mourning hall.A group of shopkeepers in Fuzhou county followed thoughtfully.

Madam actually drove the second son out of the mourning hall, which also means some signs.

In Madam's mind, after the Pu family, maybe the eldest son will be in charge, right?

They are not He Lima, they are all in charge of the Pu family's property, they have never thought about leaving the Pu family, but they will also think about who will be the master in the future.

Everyone didn't see it, but Pu Lixin, who was walking in the front, had extremely gloomy eyes.

I want my elder brother to guard the spirit, I want my elder brother to track down the murderer who killed my father, so that I can take charge of the Pu family as a matter of course, and I don't even think about it, my elder brother can enter this Fuzhou city!

Power and wealth, most people like.Whichever is more important, Pu Lixin loves power more.

Although he controls many properties of the Pu family, it is obvious that as long as Pu Lide is in charge, he will still only be a "deputy shopkeeper".

If he wanted to become the real shopkeeper, he had to be in charge of the Pu family.

As for whether the Pu family will collapse, it has to wait until the power of the Pu family is settled.Although he is in business, Pu Lixin also understands the principle that the outside of the bag must be settled first.

With a group of shopkeepers, he returned to his courtyard.Before entering the door, he turned his head and said to the shopkeepers: "You all go back first, each of you is optimistic about your own shops and workshops, what mother said is right, the Pu family will not collapse, and you don't have to worry about losing it." Rice bowl, although my father was assassinated by thieves, but our Pu family is not something that those young people can overwhelm if they want to overwhelm it."

"Yes, second son."

All the shopkeepers saluted and turned to leave.But he was also wondering if the Second Young Master was going to give up trying to seize the power of the Pu family.

If this is the case, when the eldest son enters the city, he must find an opportunity to get close to him.

Especially those shopkeepers who were very close to Pu Lixin, this kind of thought became more and more intense in their hearts.

However, what they didn't expect was that when Pu Lixin returned to his room, he immediately started to write in a hurry.

Then, some of his servants left his courtyard in a hurry.

Mrs. Pu probably never imagined that her youngest son, who helped the family manage the property, would have such a strong desire to be in charge of the Pu family.

After counting 10 minutes.

The servant quietly entered Zhang Liangdong's mansion.

Zhang Liangdong is about fifty years old, with a long beard and regular facial features. It can be seen that he should be a handsome young man of Yushu Linfeng when he was young.

"Ha ha."

After reading Pu Lixin's letter, he smiled lightly, and said to the servant: "Go back and tell me about that nephew, I already know about it."

The servant quickly agreed and withdrew.

Zhang Liangdong clenched the letter into a ball in his hand, and sneered, "To keep Pu Lide out of the city, the Pu family will help me take charge of Fujian? Hehe, my nephew Lixin, you really have a good plan! You want me to do things, but Just give me an empty promise... without the money from the Pu family, I will go to Liangzhe East Road in the future, but how will I open the situation?"

Without Pu Shougeng, the Pu family is just a piece of sweet pastry.

He acted as if nothing had happened, and had no intention of being ordered to prevent Pu Lide from entering the city.

Only when Pu Lide and Pu Lixin fight, the Pu family is in chaos, and the fight is fierce. The many properties of the Pu family will be better won.

Pu Lixin only knew that Zhang Liangdong had a very close relationship with his father, but no doubt he would not have thought that he was seeking skin from a tiger.

He was only assisting in the management of the property in the Pu family, and his vision was too limited.

The whole of Fuzhou seems to be calm, but there are undercurrents surging.

People came to Pu's house to pay homage to Pu Shougeng in an endless stream, and outside the residence of Huan Yichun and Zhang Liangdong, there were also a lot of people.

Most of the officials in Fuzhou, big and small, put down their errands and were tired of running around.As soon as he finished offering sacrifices at Pu's house, he hurriedly went to Huan Yichun's mansion.

Mr. Pu died too early, Mr. Pu was confined to Jianning Mansion, and did not have enough prestige and power to rule the whole of Fujian.

Not surprisingly, when the imperial decree comes down, Fujian will be in the hands of the eunuch Yichunhuan.

These Fuzhou officials who didn't know about the peace talks between the Song and Yuan Dynasties obviously couldn't imagine that all their running around now would be in vain.

It is impossible for Huan Yichun to become the person in charge of Fujian.

After the peace talks are completed, Fujian will be the Fujian of the Great Song Dynasty.

If the negotiation fails, I am happy to have already voted for Song and Fujian, and it will still be Fujian of the Great Song.

(End of this chapter)

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