The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 718 Battle of En City

Chapter 718 The Battle of En City ([-])

Gunshots exploded suddenly in the night.

It was the special soldiers who were still under the city providing "fire cover" for Paoze who climbed the wall.

This term, of course, also came from Zhao Dongting's mouth.

Special forces training manuals and combat manuals were compiled by him himself.

A series of screams sounded from the top of the city.

Many guards near the edge of the city wall were shot and fell to the top of the city wall.Then it was ignited by burning kerosene, and it kept thumping, and the cry was even more tragic.

And on the city wall with only a faint light, the special soldiers who climbed the wall held the rope with both hands, and their legs were constantly kicking on the wall, avoiding the kerosene and rolling stones rolling down from above, and climbing up.

It's just that under such circumstances, the special soldiers also suffered a lot of losses.Or being sprayed with kerosene, or being hit by rolling stones, or being shot by arrows.

Arrows and Rolling Stones are still a bit better. The new steel armor on them has a good defense, but kerosene, no matter how advanced the steel armor is, it can't stop it.

This can be said to be the cruelest tool for defending the city.

Seeing someone screaming and falling off the wall, both Yang Kanglong and An Dongnan gritted their teeth.

These soldiers are carefully selected by them, and all of them are their hearts and minds.

However, this is also helpless.

After all, these soldiers have never tried real special operations. Whether it is equipment or combat capabilities, they are far from being comparable to modern special forces.

A true iron-blooded army can only be tempered in the flames of war.

Of course, these special soldiers are undoubtedly much more powerful than the mob guards on the top of the city.The number of breakages is also much less.

After all, they were all paid by Zhao Dongting with money. The equipment, subsidies, and living conditions are not comparable to ordinary imperial guards.

The sound of shouting and killing grew stronger.

Some defenders jumped to the bottom of the city, and some special soldiers climbed to the top of the city.

The fighting quickly spread on the west and north walls.

Although the number of special soldiers covered in black was small, they had superb martial arts skills and were familiar with their coordination. They rushed up to the top of the city with Shenlong guns in their hands, but they were not driven off the top of the city.

They are firmly rooted on the city wall.

Immediately, under the order of An Dongnan and other generals, nearly a thousand people came out of the grass that was about to be spread by the fire and rushed towards the city wall.

They marched quietly, but the Shenlong guns in their hands kept emitting sparks.

The gunshots and screams made the people detained on the top of the city panic, crying and crying.

They were really terrified by such a scene.

But they probably never thought that if they didn't take their lives into consideration, they would not want to attack by force.At this time, maybe the Imperial Army of the Great Song Dynasty had already taken this Encheng Prefecture early.

Miao Cheng didn't want to see these innocent people die under artillery fire when the special forces stormed the city.

As they approached the city wall, the marksmanship of the special soldiers became even more accurate.The dense gunshots pressed the guards near the edge of the city back in panic, not daring to show their heads again.

More and more special soldiers were able to climb to the top of the city.

Nearly a hundred teams, under the leadership of their respective captains, took root on the city wall one after another.Far enemies use guns to fight, and close enemies use knives to hack.

Only a very small number of people such as An Dongnan and Yang Kanglong are still in the city.

The guards on the city wall were dumbfounded.

Some people cursed incessantly, and kept screaming in fear that they might have encountered a ghost.

Because their arrows couldn't penetrate the armor of these Great Song Forbidden Army, which was something that was unimaginable before.

Now in their eyes, these special soldiers are like turtles with thorns.Not only does it fail to hit it, it also stabs you from time to time.

How can this make these guards not angry?How not to be aggrieved?
There was no stalemate occupation. After the special soldiers arrived at the city, they quickly suppressed the guards with the help of the dragon gun.

The gap in combat effectiveness between the two sides cannot be made up by the numbers of the guards alone.After all, their number on the top of the city is probably only about [-].

This is already all the power that Lou can mobilize by the handle.

He couldn't send all the soldiers to watch the night.In that way, before the battle is fought, his soldiers will collapse first.

And after watching the special soldiers tend to take down the west and north walls, some real elites were finally dispatched from the city.

He is a master of the rivers and lakes raised by the army.

Usually, when the army fights, such a master of the rivers and lakes may not be too conspicuous.But in the face of such night raids, they are usually able to achieve great results.

The tip of the needle is against the wheat awn.

Lou Yabing probably knew that the city was defeated, that the mob alone could not hold back the Imperial Army of the Song Dynasty, so he couldn't hold back at this moment.

There are hundreds of good brothers in Jianghu, and it was Lou Yabing who finally persuaded the village owners to gather these people.

In the night, the steps of these masters of the rivers and lakes are very light, and all of them have the skill of flying over the wall.

There are even masters of the Zhongyuan Realm among them.

People in this realm already have a good status in the arena.Not to mention in the county town, but in an ordinary county town, he is definitely a top figure with a head and a face.

Some of them held torches, but with the faint light of the fire, hundreds of people went to the west and north walls of the city respectively.

Although the Shenlong gun is strong, and the special soldiers are powerful, but facing their resistance, I am afraid that they will suffer a lot of damage.

The masters of the rivers and lakes are really not comparable to ordinary soldiers when they fight in small groups.

However, when these masters were still about tens of meters away from the city wall.In the darkness, someone suddenly appeared from the corner of the street and greeted them.

The distance between the two sides was less than ten meters.

With this little distance, even if you don't rely on your eyesight, you can already hear the opponent's sound clearly with your ears.

Someone immediately shouted and asked: "Who is it!"

Those who met these masters were all men in black, and their faces were covered. In the deep night, no matter how good their eyesight was, it was obvious that they couldn't see their appearance.

The men in black, who numbered only a dozen or so, did not respond.


Suddenly someone exclaimed, and then fell to the ground.


This made the masters of the rivers and lakes in each village change their expressions slightly, and some people exclaimed: "Be careful!"

They all thought they were good at stretching their hands, but someone lost their life immediately in front of this group of men in black.Obviously, this group of people in black are also very human.

As they got closer, they seemed to be able to sense the strong murderous aura on these men in black.

"It's a killer!"

Someone exclaimed again.

With a distance of more than ten meters, several of the Jianghu masters in the city fell to the ground.

"Go to the room!"

Some people drink low.

Immediately, someone understood, kicked their legs on the ground, jumped high, and then stepped on the pillars of the house next to them, and swept towards the roof.

They naturally wanted to surround the man in black in front of them.

They are all blood-licking men, and it is impossible to be afraid to retreat just because a few people have been lost.No one can afford to lose this man.

In the faint light of the torch, the two sides finally met.Fighting, spread instantly.

The scene here is far less powerful than that on the city wall, but in terms of formidable murderous intent, it is not far behind.

There are hidden weapons flying around.

In such a night, if you want to avoid these hidden weapons, you have to rely on your ears.

Those who are weak in strength are often not spared. After being hit, they don't know where the hidden weapon came from, so their muscles twitch and they fall to the ground.

Before dying, no accidents, he uttered two words unwillingly, "Toxic..."

It's like it's been rehearsed.

The man in black struck fiercely and decisively, and he had beheaded as many masters in the city as he had just made contact with.

Their identities are naturally enshrined in the Shadow Hall of the Wuding Hall of the Great Song Dynasty.

Originally, their martial arts were quite good, since they were trained by Yue Yue, the top master in the Jianghu, their fighting skills are far beyond the comparison of ordinary masters.

There was blood spilled on the long street.

The masters of the rivers and lakes in the two cities to the west and north were stopped by more than a dozen shadow halls.

Dozens of figures are fighting on the long street.

You come and I go, it's not true.

In fact, in terms of strength alone, the priests of the Shadow Palace are still at a disadvantage.Among them, there are not many masters in the Middle Yuan Realm.

However, they had a huge upper hand abruptly.The damage rate of the experts in the city is much faster than them.

This has caused many experts to jump around and scold their mothers.

These bastard men in black are too damn vicious, even more vicious than those who can already be regarded as unscrupulous people.

you say.

Well done, what the hell is it that you suddenly opened your mouth and shot a silver needle out of your mouth?

What the hell is the poison on the sword?

Some priests even smeared poison on their clothes.

This is really... all-encompassing.

But killer, shouldn't that be the case?

(End of this chapter)

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