The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 719 Battle of En City

Chapter 719 The Battle of En City ([-])

The fight between the priests of the Shadow Hall of the Wuding Hall, which was waiting for a rabbit, ended sooner than expected.

The strength of the priests of the Shadow Palace is generally better than these ordinary masters of the rivers and lakes. Coupled with the endless means, they finally wiped out these masters of the rivers and lakes abruptly.

Even if these masters of the rivers and lakes planned to encircle and wipe them out, they failed to achieve any effect in the end.Except for those who fled, all blood was spilled on the long street.

No one knows how these shadow hall priests entered the city quietly.

And after the long street fight ended, they quickly disappeared into the night.Where it went, no one knows.

On the west and north sides near Chengmen Street, the shadow hall enshrined only a few people lost.

But on the city wall, the fighting continued.

More and more Bingshuang and Shen Lei special soldiers rushed to the top of the city.

There must be people who have suffered catastrophe, but this is also an unavoidable thing.The sword has no eyes, and in such a chaotic battle, it is really not easy to control.

There are torches spreading in the city.

The guards who had been resting in the barracks were hastily gathered and headed for the city gate.

Because in this short period of time, the two special forces of the Great Song Dynasty were able to overwhelm the guards who had twice the number of them.

Lou Pushing, who was sitting in the government office, had no choice but to push all the soldiers up.He already has no expectations of being able to hold on, and just hopes to delay the time as much as possible.

Seeing that the situation was not good, You Zhaizhu quietly left Encheng Prefecture with his private soldiers, but no one stopped him.

Probably when the city wall of Encheng Prefecture is broken, Lou will leave according to the handle.No one wants to be destroyed along with this small town.

But outside the city, in the Song army camp camped only a few hundred meters away from the north city wall, the gunshots on the city wall could still be clearly heard.

A total of [-] elites of the Tiangui Army under Miao Cheng's command were assembled in the school grounds of the barracks and were ready to go.

In the dim light of the torches, the flag was indistinct and rattled by the wind.The soldiers remained motionless.

Miao Cheng, who is close to old age, puts on armor and stands in front of the battle.The beard under the chin reaches to the chest, fluttering in the wind.

He was originally Marquis Yu of the Tiangang Army, and later served as the commander of the Tiangui Army. He is a full-fledged veteran in the battlefield.Although not as conspicuous as Yue Peng and Su Quandang, his combat skills are very solid.

"set off!"

Suddenly, Miao Cheng raised his gun and shouted.

Pat the horse out of camp.

The next five thousand elite soldiers followed closely.

The torch spread like a snake, approaching the northern wall of Encheng Prefecture at an extremely fast speed.

This naturally frightened the defenders on the top of the city.

The hundreds of Song soldiers in this area alone have already beaten the shit out of them, and now there are so many coming up, how can they stand up to it?
Those who were greedy for life and afraid of death no longer cared about picking up heads, and hurriedly slipped under the city wall without making a sound.

There is a strong look of expectation in the eyes of the people in the city.

The guards in the city put them on the top of the city. Although they didn't suffer any hardships, they already filled their hearts with resentment.

At this moment, there are even staunch people who have been able to break free from the shackles of the soldiers to join the ranks of dealing with the guards.

Fires raged.

There was continuous gunfire.

The fire below the city seemed to burn all the barren grass outside the city into ashes, and the fire had already spread extremely widely.

And Miao Cheng led an army of [-], and rushed out on the official road in the middle of the flames.

They can reach the city.

There was a thunderous thunder.

The city gate collapsed.

Five thousand elite soldiers rushed into the city.

But at this time, the guards in the city hadn't come to the gate of the city yet.

But it was because they were hindered along the way.

An assassin suddenly appeared in the dark in the city, and shot and killed the generals in their army with cold arrows.Not to mention his excellent archery skills, the arrows are still poisonous.

Many of the guards who rushed to the north of the city were killed by arrows shot by the village master who dressed uniquely.

This naturally caused chaos among their private soldiers.

And this is also because they always bring people with them in the army, otherwise, the losses will definitely be even heavier.The priests of the Shadow Palace would never mind greeting them with Thunderbolt.

On the west side of the city, probably because Lou Yabing felt that it was impossible to hold both city gates, so no soldiers rushed there.

Those priests of the Shadow Palace who disappeared on the streets of Xicheng District went to no one knows where they went, and they haven't shown up yet.

Time passed quickly in the flames of war.

But not long after, the battle on the north city wall came to an end.

Miao Cheng's five thousand imperial troops were fierce and fierce, and most of them were holding Shenlong blunderbuss.After entering the city, he killed the head of the Great Wall, and quickly wiped out the guards on the top of the city like a dead man.

The people were able to escape, and after being shocked, they couldn't help crying bitterly.

Miao Cheng personally released the sky-shooting arrow on the top of the city.

A red light shot straight into the sky.

There was no further commotion in the barracks outside the city.

Thousands of soldiers rushed towards the city at high speed.

Then the war spread to the city without accident.

This is, of course, the finishing stage.

The guards in the city could no longer organize any defense.Just the two armies of Bingshuang and Shenlei frightened their courage.

Lou Yabing, who was in the government office, learned that the city gate had been lost, so he didn't dare to stay longer. After releasing the pigeons, he walked out of the government office with dozens of soldiers, preparing to leave Encheng Prefecture.

This is not his territory, so he naturally didn't intend to use this place as his burial place.

However, he had just walked out of the government office with his own army, and he had not yet had time to mount his horse.From the wall in front of the street, more than ten people suddenly jumped out from behind the wall.

More than a dozen people were like night owls. They rolled around in black robes. They didn't shout to kill, but just rushed towards them. Their murderous aura was extremely solemn, which could make people feel hairy.

It was the priests of the Shadow Palace who originally blocked the masters of the rivers and lakes in Xicheng District.

Several cold arrows and hidden weapons pierced through the air at the same time.

Some soldiers fell in response.

Lou Pushing turned pale with fright, and rushed to the government office surrounded by his own soldiers in a hurry.

He obviously didn't expect that there would be a killer among the imperial guards of the Song Dynasty who would sneak into the city so quickly and reach the government office.

As everyone knows, these priests have been waiting for him here for a long time.

Assassination is all about surprise.


At worst, the priests of the Shadow Palace are also masters of the Lower Yuan Realm, and they are more than enough to deal with these ordinary personal soldiers.Hands up and down with a knife, there is no false hair.

Lou has a lot of troubles to tell.

He is only a mere Jiedushi of Zuojiang Road, although the territory under his jurisdiction can be equivalent to a small state.But his rank is only comparable to that of an ordinary city guard.

Such a him, what kind of master can he win over?

Zhao Bing's subordinates did win over some masters, but Zhao Bing focused his energy on Hengshan Village, so naturally he would not send masters to his side.

Seeing the loss of the soldiers one after another, Lou Button, who fled in panic, suddenly stood on his feet.

He let out a long sigh, and then laughed wildly, "Zhao Bing hurt me..."

Maybe he didn't necessarily want to oppose it, but he was on the boat and had no choice.If he hadn't boarded Zhao Bing's boat, he wouldn't even be able to live now.

As soon as the words fell, Lou fell to the ground with an arrow in his forehead, and the lingering sound stopped abruptly.

It can be said that Zuojiang Dao Jiedushi, who can be regarded as the left arm and right arm of Zhao Bing's army, was killed in battle.

More than a dozen priests of the Shadow Palace remained expressionless and did not stay, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

The Encheng battle lasted until dawn.

There are no more guards in the city to resist.

Afterwards, Miao Cheng assembled a large army to clean up the battlefield, recorded military achievements, and led the Tianwei Army to rest in Encheng Prefecture.The Tiangui army continued to march southward, heading further south to Sien City.

Before noon that day, the Tiangui army arrived outside Siencheng.Seeing this battle, Sien City killed it.

However, the number of soldiers in Yongzhou is limited, and it is not easy to gather [-] soldiers in Encheng Prefecture.There are only nearly two thousand soldiers in Siencheng.

This kind of formation is far less eye-catching than the battle in another place in Yongzhou at this time.

Zhang Jue, Zhao Dongting and others finally led the army to the outside of Hengshan Village.

From Longwu out of the city, through Fengyi, and then to Deheng Village, it was only half a day's journey.

Finally, there is no dilapidated scene before my eyes.

As the residence of Youjiang Daoist in Yongzhou and the residence of Prince Guangwang, Hengshan Village is not as magnificent as Chongqing Mansion, but it is by no means comparable to small towns such as Longwu and Fengyi.Not to mention the layout, just take the city walls as an example, these towns are only three meters high.However, the city wall of Hengshan Village was as high as six meters.

The gap between them may seem small, but when they get outside the city, it gives people a completely different feeling.

It is not easy for even a master of the Lower Yuan Realm to easily climb the six-meter-high city wall.But entering the three-meter-high city, it can be like walking on flat ground.

At this time, Guang Wang Zhao Bing was standing under the gate tower directly above the city gate, with a cold expression on his face.

On the side, is the big devil Xie Li with three negative swords protecting each other.

(End of this chapter)

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