The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 819 Performance Evaluation

Chapter 819 Performance Evaluation
The sky is getting brighter.

The cold winter has passed, and the weather is gradually becoming less cold.

The banks of Dongting Lake are lush and lush.

Qi Yue and others dejectedly followed Qi Wulie out of the Bauhinia Villa.The tents of the soldiers of the Song Dynasty disappeared, and Wen Qi, Zhao Da, and Zhao Hu had all assembled their troops.

Tens of thousands of soldiers stood neatly outside the Bauhinia Villa. Even Qi Wulie, in such a weather, had a slight change in his eyes.

This is the army, and its strength is really not comparable to their martial arts holy places.

Zhao grinned, walked up to Qi Yue who had met before, and said with a smile, "Master Qi Shao, please!"

Qi Yue looked at Qi Wulie to the side.

Qi Wulie just nodded slightly and didn't speak any more.

He had no choice.If Qi Yue and the others were not allowed to enter the palace as hostages, not to mention the tens of thousands of court soldiers, just Kong Qiangu would have the strength to destroy his Bauhinia Villa.

Qi Yue and the others walked towards the army.

Zhao Da and Zhao Hu sat on the horse, waved their hands and shouted: "Let's go!"

Then the two galloped to the back of the army formation and headed towards Changsha with five thousand flying dragon troops.

Kong Qiangu leisurely followed behind the army.It doesn't look fast, but the speed has never fallen.

Wen Qi said to Qi Wulie: "Master Qi, I have offended you."

Then, he also left with his five thousand Changde garrison soldiers.

The area outside the Bauhinia Villa was very empty.

Qi Wulie stared at the majestic Dongting Lake not far ahead, dazed.

On this day, Zijing Villa released the news that Liuzhier had been captured and Ziqigong had been taken back.It doesn't take long for the rivers and lakes to return to calm.

When Zhao Da and Zhao Hu returned to Changsha with Qi Yue and others, Zhao Dongting finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The turmoil in the Jianghu was finally strangled in the cradle.

He was very lucky that Liuzhi'er saved Tie Liduan, otherwise, if Tie Liduan died, he might send more Wu Dingtang to worship out of the palace.In this case, Wu Dingtang might suffer heavy losses.Bauhinia Villa has such strength.Unless, he directly sent Kong Qiangu out of the palace.

After Rang Le arranged for Qi Yue and others to live in Wudingtang for free, Zhao Dongting issued an order that Xuan Lu Xiufu, Chen Jianghan, Su Liuyi and other officials from the Ministry of State, the Ministry of Military Aircraft and other ministries entered the palace.

It's almost time for a new exam.This also means that Zhao Dongting's assessment of the previous Jinshi can come to an end.

After nearly a year, many clues can be seen whether these people have real talents and whether they can really adapt to the officialdom.

Not long after, Lu Xiufu and others appeared outside the hall and filed into the hall.

Chen Wenlong, who was going to retire and return home, was also among the crowd.

He probably heard what Xie Daoqing said, so he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to retire.Yes, everything should focus on the country and the country.

After entering the hall, all the officials saluted Zhao Dongting, and then stood up in order.

The two rows on the left are headed by Minister of State Lu Xiufu and Supervisor Zhang Shijie respectively.Second, Chen Wenlong, Deputy Minister of State, Chen Jianghan, Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, Gao Manshan, Secretary of the Ministry of Social Security, Xie Fangde, Xi Zhili, Sun Shichuan, and others.

The two rows on the right are headed by Su Liuyi, deputy military commander, Hao Wenxiu, deputy criminal commander, followed by Zhang Xizai, Shangshu of the Ministry of War and others.

The joint governance of the four provinces is the foundation of the Song court.

Last year, there were 140 seven people in the imperial examination. Confucian generals, fierce generals, and Wenju Jinshi were all conferred as officials in the four provinces.

For those Confucian generals and fierce generals who were sent to the army, Zhao Dongting had given Wen Tianxiang, Zhang Jue and others the greatest power, allowing them to choose between promotions.

As for the Jinshi who stayed in the Ministry of War and the three provinces of supervision, law, and state affairs, Zhao Dongting had to interrogate them personally.

Now that the Song Dynasty is stable at the beginning of the Song Dynasty, as the emperor, his main task is no longer to lead the army to the front to fight, but how to keep the rear stable.

Just after everyone stood up, Zhao Dongting looked at Lu Xiufu and asked, "Lord Lu, how did the 64 Jinshi who were assigned to the Ministry of State last year perform?"

The Ministry of State has the most complicated affairs and the most official positions.Most of the Wenju Jinshi last year worked in the Ministry of State.

For example, Zhong Jian, the current deputy director of the Shaozhou Agriculture Department, Mao Jue, the deputy director of the Chenzhou Water Conservancy Department, and others.The departments they work for are all under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of State.

"Go back to the emperor."

Hearing Zhao Dongting's words, Lu Xiufu immediately walked out of the ranks, cupped his hands and said: "The old minister has asked the chief officials of various ministries to register in detail the actions and achievements of the Jinshi after taking office this year. After our deliberation and evaluation, there are 14 people who can be evaluated as excellent. There are 32 people. In addition, there are nine other people whose political achievements are not outstanding, and they have not done much."

As he said that, he took out a memorial from his sleeve robe, "This is the roster after counting by the old officials, please have a look at it, Your Majesty."

Eunuch Li walked down the hall, took the roster from Lu Xiufu, and handed it to Zhao Dongting.

Zhao Dongting spread the roster in his hand and looked down.For a long time, they didn't speak.

He was indeed watching carefully.

These Jinshi are all talents selected after he reformed the education system, and they will definitely be the pillars of the court in the future.This cannot be ignored.

And at the top of the roster, Zhong Jian's name appeared.

Zhong Jian was an official in the Shaozhou Agriculture Department last year. Although he was not the chief official, he proposed many agricultural policies, vigorously developed Shaozhou agriculture, encouraged the people in Shaozhou to set up many cooperatives, and started to grow those new crops brought back from America and other places. , quite effective.Last year, Shaozhou not only maintained self-sufficiency, but also exported a lot of crops to surrounding states and provinces.Even the farthest ones have been sold to Yue Li Dynasty.

His performance evaluation is naturally excellent.

But Zhao Dongting's face did not necessarily change.

He just kept looking down.

It was not until more than ten minutes passed that he closed the roster and looked up at His Highness and his ministers again.

At this time, a smile finally appeared on the corner of his mouth.

These new talents who have gone through education reform and specialized in various professional knowledge have indeed performed well.Many of their thoughts were beyond the imagination of those old officials.

Their performance made Zhao Dongting see vigorous vitality.

As long as they can persist in this way, the national power of the Great Song Dynasty can continue to develop at such a rapid pace.

As for the mediocre performers in the middle, Zhao Dongting didn't feel any dissatisfaction because of this.

Being an official is not only enough to have talent and learning, but also requires courage and social skills.Zhao Dongting was already satisfied that most people performed well.

It's just that there is still something that makes him wonder.

He asked Lu Xiufu: "There are 55 excellent, good, and poor people. How about nine more?"

Lu Xiufu looked a little embarrassed, "These nine people have been out of control since they took office, corrupted the law with corruption, and have been taken down by the Ministry of Inspection."

Zhao Dongting was slightly taken aback.

He hadn't thought of that.

Then the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

Nine of the 64 people were arrested for taking bribes and breaking the law, and there may be some of them who have not been found for taking bribes and breaking the law.This ratio is not small.

But feel helpless.

There are many people who become officials for the purpose of making money.

At that time, when he defeated the Yuan army and seized the city and land, he also saw those frenzied and corrupt officials.

After being silent for a while, Zhao Dongting looked at Zhang Shijie and Hao Wenxiu, and said, "Whoever is corrupt and perverts the law will be dealt with strictly!"

He didn't want Da Song to start to rot from the bottom of his body before he was fully prosperous.In that way, no matter how powerful Song Dynasty is in the future, it will definitely not last long.

"The minister takes orders!"

Zhang Shijie and Hao Wenxiu bowed their hands at the same time.

Later, Zhao Dongting looked at the rosters of the Ministry of Supervision, the Ministry of Law, and the Ministry of War with a relatively special position.

Naturally, some people perform well and some people perform mediocrely.

Also, there are people who use power for personal gain.

Officialdom is a big dye vat, and there will always be people who can't stand the temptation.The treatment Zhao Dongting gave to the officials was already excellent, but no matter how good the treatment was, it was obviously difficult to satisfy the desires of these people.

Zhao Dongting didn't bother to delve into these matters.If every corrupt official who broke the law was an interrogator, then he, the emperor, would not have to do other things.

After looking through all the rosters, he just said: "Those who perform well will be promoted to full positions, and those who are good will stay in their original positions and continue to observe. Those who are poor... let's be dismissed..."

The last few words made Lu Xiufu and the others change their expressions slightly.

Lu Xiufu hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, will dismissing him directly... be a bit too severe?"

After all, these Jinshi are talents who have been admitted to Jinshi after many selections from various places.

Zhao Dongting shook his head, "To be a mediocre official is to eat the country's food and do nothing. How is it different from a soldier who sleeps in the camp all day long? I don't need such an official!"

He knew that at this time, a strong man's decision to break his wrist was needed.If there are too many indecisiveness, it will only become more and more difficult to clean up these people in the future.

If it weren't for the fact that most of those officials were veterans and loyal to the Song Dynasty, and many of them were close to retirement age, Zhao Dongting would have even included them in such a strict assessment.

(End of this chapter)

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