The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 820 Xiushu leaves the palace

Chapter 820 Xiushu leaves the palace

After waiting for the morning break, Lu Xiufu and others went back to their own busy schedules.

Those Jinshi who performed well were promoted to a full-time job anywhere, and the good ones were transferred wherever they went.Although they don't need to think about all of these in person, they still need to make a decision in the end.

After all, these Jinshi are all new talents of the Song Dynasty, and their weight is somewhat different from those of the previous officials.

Most of Lu Xiufu and the others have reached the retirement age, and they are about to start planning for the new generation of Song Dynasty.And these scholars must be the main force.

So the past few days.

It's the end of January.

Yue Peng finally rushed to Changsha from Chongqing.Dress lightly and keep it simple, except for the offerings sent by the Anwei Temple to defend him, he did not bring anyone else with him.

This is really because it didn't take long for Kuizhou Road to be taken, and Yue Peng, as Marshal of Zhenxi, was quite busy with things.

At this time, Su Quandang had already rushed back to Ezhou.Couldn't wait to meet this bro.

He had to leave because Zhao Dongting also analyzed with him the stakes between Zhao Bing's assassination and Duan Qilin's ascension to the throne.

The city of Changsha is very lively.

When Yue Peng and his party arrived outside Changsha City in a hurry, their eyes showed surprise.

Because at the gate of the city ahead, there are many armors and banners.

This is Zhao Dongting sending Li Xiushu away from Changsha.

Counting the time, Li Xiushu has already stayed in Changsha for nearly ten days.As the empress of Xixia, her staying in Changsha city for such a long time can be said to be the limit.

She can't leave Xixia's state affairs behind for a long time. No one can tell what will happen in Xixia at that time.

Helian City and his personal guards have also gathered at the gate of the city.

Zhao Dongting and Li Xiushu were in the same chariot, and they didn't get off at the gate of the city.The two talked secretly in the chariot.

Some things are more appropriate to say when parting.

Facing this woman who is the empress of Xixia, but has had that kind of relationship with him, Zhao Dongting's mind is inevitably a little complicated.

In the chariot, he looked deeply at Li Xiushu, who had regained his grace and luxury, and said, "In a short time, the Song Dynasty may fight against the Yuan Dynasty and Dali again. Can you...can you send troops to the middle of Shu to contain them?" The troops in Shuzhong?"

Li Xiushu smiled lightly, "It's up to fate."


Zhao Dongting couldn't help showing doubts.

Li Xiushu looked down at her stomach, "If I'm pregnant with your child, I can say anything. But if I don't, then I can only say that my previous choice was wrong."

Zhao Dongting was stunned, "Are you... a little... um... too hasty?"

He didn't know what words to use to describe it.

Emotional Li Xiushu bets on whether she can get pregnant.According to this meaning, if she fails to conceive, Xixia may not be an ally of Song Dynasty in the future.

Li Xiushu smiled sweetly, like an iceberg that had just melted, "Sometimes women... are actually crazy."

Zhao Dongting touched his nose, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

He didn't know if Li Xiushu was crazy or not, but when she did that, she was really crazy.It's just that it is obviously impossible to say this in front of Li Xiushu.

Even if Li Xiushu is the Empress of Xixia, even if her temperament is completely different from that of ordinary women.Women of this era can hardly bear such a joke.

Immediately, Zhao Dongting sighed softly: "Alright then! Let's resign ourselves to fate!"

He couldn't force Li Xiushu.And with Li Xiushu's temperament, it is obviously not so easy to persuade her.

"Be careful on the road."

After Zhao Dongting finished speaking, he opened the curtain of the car and walked down the car.

Li Xiushu's cold voice came from inside the carriage, "Let's go."

Helian City brandished a long spear, and the Xixia Forbidden Army marched slowly towards the outside of Changsha City, guarding the flying chariots.

Zhao Dongting looked at the direction where the army left, and then saw Yue Peng and others as expected.Showing a little joy, he waved to Yue Peng.

Watching the Xixia army leave, Yue Peng led his horse to Zhao Dongting and the others, knelt down on the ground, "Yue Peng kowtows to the emperor!"

All the offerings in the Anwei Hall beside him also knelt down.

Zhao Dongting smiled and took a few steps forward to help Yue Peng up, saying: "You are only here at this time, it seems that you are indeed very busy with the affairs of the Zhenxi Military Region!"

Yue Peng said with some concern: "Recently there seems to be some changes in Sichuan, and the final arrangements will not be made properly, so I dare not leave."


Zhao Dongting was slightly stunned, "Is there any change here?"

Yue Peng said: "The last general has only received some news, and he doesn't dare to say anything."


Zhao Dongting nodded, "Don't be negligent in military and national affairs. You can come to Changsha after making arrangements. It's a good job."

As he spoke, he glanced at the Xixia army in the distance, then grabbed Yue Peng's hand and walked into the city, "Go, follow me into the palace."

Lu Xiufu, Zhang Shijie and others who followed Zhao Dongting out to see Li Xiushu off all smiled and nodded at Yue Peng, and then followed behind.

Yue Peng is now also a leading figure in the Great Song Army.In terms of status in the court, they are almost no worse than them.

This is the new generation of Song Dynasty.

As everyone knows, when Zhao Dongting just turned around, the magnificent chariots of the Xixia army that was drifting away opened a gap in the curtain.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Changsha City.

After a few seconds, the curtain was closed again.

Li Xiushu was sitting in the car wearing a dragon robe, with a meaningful smile on her face, and she muttered: "What a funny little man..."

But she was talking about where Zhao Dongting was going, so there was no way of knowing.

This woman used to be cold and introverted when she was an emperor, but now she is very unpredictable after becoming an emperor.

She suddenly picked up a bronze mirror from the side and looked at her face.

The face in the bronze mirror is still beautiful, even more beautiful than before, and there is always a bit of rippling autumn water, "Be careful on the road...does this count as caring about me?"


In Changsha City.

Zhao Dongting didn't take the chariot any more, and walked along the street with Yue Peng and others.

On the side is the Wuding hall, which is guarded by enshrined people.

On the side of the street, there are guards firmly blocking the road.

Zhao Dongting smiled and said to Yue Peng: "I heard that your child was born a month ago, why didn't you tell me the good news?"

Yue Peng was a little embarrassed, "It's just a few trivial matters, I dare not bother the emperor."

Zhao Dongting shook his head, "You and I are monarchs and ministers, but we are also brothers. My nephew was born. As an uncle, how can I not express it. I have ordered the craftsmen to make a safe lock. When you go back to Chongqing, give it to me. Take my nephew back. In this world, you fight with me, and I only hope that our children can grow up safely and without worries."

Yue Peng was slightly moved, showing gratitude, "Yue Peng will do his best to sweep away the wasteland for the emperor and bring peace to Liuhe!"

Zhao Dongting smiled and nodded, "Don't be too estranged from me. If you are too estranged from me, I, the emperor, will be too lonely."

This is the truth.

He is the king, but he doesn't want all the people below to follow his orders, but dare not get close to him.Those days are really boring.

Lu Xiufu and others could no longer change, but Yue Peng and others were promoted all the way up by him.They may be different.

Yue Peng nodded slightly.

Afterwards, Zhao Dongting asked a few more questions about Chen Yushu's situation, as well as the situation of the Zhenxi Military Region, and finally let Yue Peng go.

Yue Peng walked back with a shy face, and stood in front of Chen Jianghan who was walking in step with the crowd, and called out respectfully, "My lord Yuezhang."

Chen Jianghan used to look up at Yue Peng who was talking to Zhao Dongting from time to time, but when he saw Yue Peng walking in front of him and saluting him, his face almost glowed.

Have face!

This is Chenglong Kuaishou.

Although he, Chen Jianghan, is only the minister of the Ministry of Finance, he is not considered the top official of Song Dynasty.But in terms of son-in-law, whose son-in-law can compare with Yue Peng?

He smiled and blinked non-stop, "Okay, okay!"

These two good words were said extremely loudly, as if afraid that the people around would not hear them.

This made Lu Xiufu and others dumbfounded.

Chen Jianghan is an old man, he likes to talk about his son-in-law when he has nothing to do.It's just that there is no way, the son-in-law is really outstanding, and he is really incomparable.

Not to mention that some of the younger generation of the Chen family also served in the court, but as for Yue Peng, the son-in-law, as long as nothing happened, the Chen family would not collapse for decades.

Wen Tianxiang, Su Liuyi and others are not too young, and Yue Peng is the most favored by Zhao Dongting in the army. From now on, the position of the military order will probably belong to him.

Listening to Chen Jianghan and Yue Peng's talking and laughing, everyone couldn't help feeling sighs and envy in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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