The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 967 9 Mao Pass decisive battle

Chapter 967 Nine Mao Pass decisive battle ([-])

As more than 2 fresh troops under Feng Hebi's command joined the battle, the situation in Jiu Maoai changed again.

After hundreds of hot air balloons arrived in the sky above the pass, they dropped thunderbolts one after another, so that the imperial guards of the Song Dynasty did not dare to fight in an army formation, and they dispersed.

Under the command of the generals, the soldiers tried their best to mix with the Dali army.At this time, these Dali troops seemed to be their amulets.

However, this also allowed the Dali Army to hold its heels in the city again, and the retreat trend was eased.

The combined army outside the pass approached the top of the city with siege equipment without hindrance.

A ladder was built on the city wall, and many Dali soldiers climbed up to the top of the city along the ladder.

They took down the east wall of Jiumao Pass without much effort.Then, there were Dali soldiers running down the city from all over the place.

The imperial army of the Great Song Dynasty was very brave without shells, and the damage gradually increased.

However, after learning that Zhang Jue had arrived with the army, all the generals still led the soldiers to fight to the death.

Even Zhao Dongting joined in the fight.

He, Kong Qiangu, Qi Wulie, and those masters from the Bauhinia Villa continued to shuttle among the crowd.In such a night, it is even more difficult to catch their traces clearly.

The fighting around the city gate corridor was extremely brutal.

The soldiers on both sides are making up for it with their lives.You advance and I retreat, you retreat and I advance, the killing is inextricable.

The momentum of the Dali Army is far inferior to that of the Great Song Forbidden Army. In fact, some people may want to retreat at this time, but they can't even retreat.

The army from outside the pass was still swarming into the tunnel, which forced them to bite the bullet and continue to fight with the imperial army of the Song Dynasty.

The situation is getting worse and worse for the Imperial Guards of Song Dynasty.

Originally there were only [-] soldiers, but now they were fighting like a big tree in a torrent, looking like they were about to be washed away.

And at this time, outside the pass, Feng Hebi also ordered scouts to rush to Luoxian Pass and other places to report.He obviously wants to gather all the troops under his command.

Duan Shi and Feng Hebi sat together in the chariot, and said meaningfully: "Marshal Feng is going to fight the Song army?"

Feng Hebi said: "Without a decisive battle, we can only be eaten by the Song army one by one. What does the prince think?"

Duan Shi sighed: "These Song troops are really powerful, they are really much stronger than the army we put together."

Looking deeply at Feng Hebi, he said, "Is Marshal Feng confident in this decisive battle?"

Feng Hebi asked Duan Shi back, "Would the lord want to hear the truth or lies?"

Duan Shi said: "How about the truth? How about the lie?"

Feng Hebi said: "If you listen to lies, then our army will definitely destroy Zhang Jue's Song army. But if the truth is true, if Zhang Jue leads the army to arrive, our chance of winning is probably less than [-]%."

Duan Shi frowned slightly, "Truth really sounds better than lies..."

He sighed again, "Just because of the surprise attack of thousands of cavalry from the Song Army, have we been forced into this situation? If we lose, what should we do?"

Hearing the words, Feng Hebi was silent for a while, then suddenly sneered, put it next to Duan Shi's ear, and said in a low voice: "If you lose, you will die for the country. Could it be that... the prince has other ideas?"

Duan Shi didn't take it seriously, but asked instead: "Could it be Marshal Feng?"

The smile on the corner of Feng Hebi's mouth gradually faded, "Let's talk about it after this battle is over! If we win, there is still hope."

After all, he turned his head and looked in the direction of Changsha.

Inside, the fight is still going on.

Only at this time, Zhang Jue finally rushed over with the army.

He led nearly 2 infantry, but only two infantry regiments rushed directly towards the city.

There are many soldiers who are still a thousand meters away from the city gate.

This is the soaring gunner in the army.

The Tiangu and Tiangui armies, as the regular regiments of the Forbidden Army, have as many as a hundred skyrocketing cannons, plus twenty of the Special Regiment, there are a total of 120.

Although the Flying Army is a special forbidden army, there are no sky cannons in the army, but 240 sky cannons are more than enough to deal with the Dali Army's less than [-] hot air balloons.

After the sky gunners set up the sky cannons in the night, they aimed at the glowing hot air balloons in the night sky.

And when those Dali army hot air balloons saw the imperial guards of the Song Dynasty suddenly attacking the city gate with torches, they wanted to destroy them and spread into the pass.

Right now, the two armies are fighting in the pass. For them, it is obviously more important to resist these reinforcements from the Song Dynasty than to support the robe below.

Only the hot air balloon troops under Feng Hebi's command hadn't suffered from the sky cannon yet, so they didn't know that hundreds of sky gunners had already aimed at them in the dark of night.


Following the general's roar, flames appeared on the ground in an instant.

One after another, the shells rushed out of the barrel of the sky cannon and shot towards the sky.

Then, clusters of flames exploded in the air.

In an instant, hundreds of hot air balloons of the Dali Army exploded in the air and were blown to pieces.

The clusters of flames almost illuminated the ground in the city.

I don't know how many soldiers inside and outside the pass looked up at the sky, stunned.

Hundreds of hot air balloons exploded at the same time, and this scene seemed to be the end of the world.

Shouts quickly erupted from the imperial guards of the Great Song Dynasty in the pass, "Reinforcements are coming! Shuai Zhang is here!"

They were pleasantly surprised.

But those Dali soldiers were panicked.

Guan Waifeng Hebi and Duan Shi also changed their colors slightly in the army.

Feng Hebi sighed, "Zhang Jue's army has arrived..."

At this moment, this senior student in Guigu Academy looked at the hot air balloon that exploded in the sky, and there was an extremely helpless look in his eyes.

He thought that there was nothing wrong with his tactical command.The reason why it has fallen into the current situation is that the combat effectiveness of the Dali Army is far behind that of the Song Army.

This gap cannot be made up by tactics.

Duan Shi was also looking up at the hot air balloons in the night sky, with no expression on his face, he just said: "Sky Cannon... It seems that we are going to lose."

Feng Hebi didn't answer him.

Because at this time, another group of flames exploded in the air.

The soaring gunners in Zhang Jue's army fired the second wave of shells in unison.

Although the hot air balloon of the Dali Army had retreated towards the outside of the city in panic at this time, its speed was slow.In a blink of an eye, it was more than half lost.


Zhang Jue waved his sword in front of the army, and led the infantry of Tiangui and Tiangu to swarm down the city.

They are like a rainbow.

Although the number of people is still far less than that of the Dali army, the momentum that erupted made the Dali soldiers on the top of the city feel a little chilly.

If the fight continues like this, even if they have the advantage in numbers, they may only be able to fight with these Song troops and lose both sides.

And at this time, another cannon shot into the sky.

Only a few dozen Dali army hot air balloons flew out of the city, and were able to escape outside the range of the sky cannon.

The drums outside the pass were thundering, and Feng Hebi never gave an order to call for gold.

The Dali army still swarmed into the tunnel, or climbed the ladder to the top of the city.

Under the city walls inside the pass, soldiers from both sides were fighting everywhere.

There was already a strong smell of blood in the air.

Blood and rain mixed together, and the ground was completely stained red.

Thousands of soldiers of the Great Song Army guarded the pass, and now they are in a decisive battle with tens of thousands of Dali troops.This battle will, without accident, be recorded in the annals of history.

In just a few minutes, the battle situation changed again.

A little deeper inside the pass, nearly [-] balls of flames suddenly appeared.

It's a hot air balloon!

All hot air balloons.

Nearly [-] hot air balloons took off one after another and spread to all places, almost covering the sky over Jiumao Pass in a short period of time.

The Dali army on the top of the city was completely dumbfounded.

They had obviously never seen such a battle.

Although there are hot air balloons in the Dali Army, the Zhentian Army can only be compared with the Song Feitian Army.But their Zhentian army has been dispersed among the various armies.

After all, Duan Qilin was still guarding against those tribal troops, and it was impossible to hand over the manufacturing process of hot air balloons to them.Because this is what he relies on to deter Dali.

The fighting could not continue for a long time.

As Ren Wei led the flying army gradually approached the sky above the city, the Dali army at the city and outside the city could not help but retreat towards the back.



Even if they have tens of thousands of people, approaching two thousand hot air balloons is enough to cause them annihilation.

Looking at the star-like hot air balloons all over the night sky, few people can have the courage to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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