Chapter 968
Gradually, no one flocked to the city.

Moreover, more and more people from the Dali Army who were fighting with the soldiers of the Song Dynasty in the city retreated outside the city.

The scale of victory instantly tilted towards the Great Song Imperial Army.

Big Song Fei Tianjun's hot air balloon chased outside the pass.

When they were in the sky above the pass, they didn't even drop a thunderbolt, and they didn't throw thunder on the ground until outside the pass.

Wherever the hot air balloon passed, the ground exploded with flames.

Countless thunderstorms threatened to raze the wilderness in front of the pass to the ground.

The Dali army even cried for their father and mother, retreating in a hurry.

Even the Chinese army that Feng Hebi, Duan Shi and others were in the fortifications that had not attacked the city was a little shaken.

A general in the army looked at Feng Hebi with questioning eyes.

Judging by the current situation, it is time to retreat.If they don't withdraw, the army will suffer all casualties under the Song Army's hot air balloon.

Feng Hebi looked at Duan Shi.

Duan Shi also just looked at him.

Feng Hebi was a little puzzled and said: "My lord, do you miss your family members in the capital now?"

Duan Shi understood, and said: "If this king dies, the palace will decline sooner or later. Fortunately, this king still has two children among the people. Maybe they can continue their wealth."

Feng Hebi nodded with a light smile, "Feng understands what the prince means."

As he said that, he turned his head to look at the several true martial arts priests wearing green robes and carrying swords beside him, and said, "Would you like to fight the Song army to the death?"

Several worshipers did not answer.

Seeing so many hot air balloons in the sky, even if they are real martial arts masters, they feel a little chilly at the moment.

Feng Hebi saw this, and said again: "Then everyone, would you like to join Feng and the prince to vote for Song Dynasty?"

This battle has reached the point where they have no hope.It is impossible to attack Changsha, and it is even more impossible to return to Dali.

The Forbidden Army of the Great Song Dynasty was able to eat them to death just by relying on the hot air balloons in the Flying Army, not to mention that the Forbidden Army of the Great Song Dynasty's combat effectiveness was already astonishingly strong.

This time, a priest nodded slightly.

It is better to die than to live. Given the choice, few people are willing to die.At least these Dali soldiers, as well as those in the two palaces of Pojun Academy and Guigu Academy, would not.

It is true that they are from Pojun Academy and Guigu Academy, the kindness of teachers is not as shocking as the righteousness of the country.What's more, they are still playing for Duan Qilin.

Just because the Lord of Guigu and the Lord of Pojun have a crush on Duan Qilin, it doesn't mean that they are all willing to bet their lives on Duan Qilin.

If you choose to resist knowing that you must die, you must be a person who is loyal to Duan Qilin.But in the Dali army, I am afraid that there is no such person.

Duan Qilin is not Zhao Dongting after all.

If he led the people to help the nation and lead the nation to become prosperous and strong like Zhao Dongting, maybe people like Feng Hebi would be willing to die for him.

But alas, he didn't.

He just took over the throne from his father Duan Xingzhi.

After all, it is difficult for the successor king to have the prestige of the founding king and the revival king.

Looking at the two nodding priests, Feng Hebi sighed softly in his heart, and said, "Since that's the case, please go ahead and ask for your surrender..."

The two priests nodded, and rushed towards the head of Jiumao Pass against the retreating army against the tide.

Feng Hebi and Duan Shi each had a True Martial Realm enshrined beside them.

There was still some struggle in the eyes of the two of them at this moment.

After all, it is unfaithful to abandon the master and join the Song Dynasty, and it is unrighteous to betray the teacher.But if they don't do this, they are afraid that it will be rare to save their lives.

Moreover, there are Feng Hebi, Duan Shi and two companions who advocated surrender, which also relieved the guilt and guilt in their hearts a lot.

It's not that he doesn't want to uphold loyalty, but that there is really no way to survive in order to survive.

In the end, the eyes of these two true martial arts priests stopped changing, and they just stood quietly beside Duan Shi and Feng Hebi, which was a tacit agreement.

This is undoubtedly the difference between them and the Great Song Army.

Why did the imperial guards of the Song Dynasty often give up their lives?
Because they are not fighting for the master, not for the emperor, and not just for themselves, but for the people of Limin all over the world.

This kind of awareness endows them with the courage to put life and death at risk.

The two true martial arts priests didn't dare to go under the Flying Army, and when they were about tens of meters away from the Flying Army, they didn't dare to move forward and stopped.

After looking at each other, both of them mustered up their internal energy and shouted towards the top of the city: "I will wait for my wish!"

The extremely loud voice swayed in the night.

Even Ren Wei and the others who were in the air heard the shout.

Many Dali soldiers inside and outside the pass were stunned.

"We're down!"

"We're down!"

As a shout spread, some soldiers began to throw away their weapons.

In the night sky, Ren Wei ordered: "Stop!"

The soldier next to him took out a command arrow from his pocket.The green arrow flew across the sky and made a shocking sound.

The flying sergeants stopped throwing mines down.

But they still hovered over Dali's defeated army.

The fighting in the pass also gradually stopped.

The panic-stricken Dali army gradually gave up resistance amidst the shouts.

Zhao Dongting stopped fighting and returned to the imperial army group of the Great Song Dynasty holding the Zhanlu sword.

Then he summoned up his internal energy and shouted loudly: "Stop fighting!"

Kong Qiangu and the others heard his shout, and rushed towards him.

"Stop fighting!"

"Stop fighting!"

Such shouts sounded one after another among the imperial guards of the Great Song Dynasty.

After about a few minutes, there were only sporadic places where soldiers from both sides were still fighting, and it gradually stopped.

The two armies are clearly divided again.

The Forbidden Army of the Great Song Dynasty held their weapons and besieged how many Dali troops under the pass.

Many officers and men in the Dali Army had looks of despair on their faces.

As a soldier, everyone wants to win.But they still lost in the end.

"Throw away the weapon! Those who surrender will not be killed!"

Such a voice sounded again in the Great Song Army.

ding ding dong.

The Dali army who were besieged under the city threw their weapons to the ground, gradually kneeling on the ground.

Zhao Dongting jumped on the top of the wall, stood with his hands behind his back, and looked outside the pass.

Under the messy torches, you can see the densely packed Dali army.

At this moment, there was a comfortable smile on the corner of his mouth.

Dali and the New Song Army were completely defeated.

The western border of the Great Song Dynasty will be stabilized again.And for a long time in the future, Dali and Xin Song would be unable to attack Da Song again.

Of course, Zhao Dongting did not intend to give them such an opportunity.

Kong Qiangu stood beside Zhao Dongting and said, "The emperor intends to keep these soldiers?"

Zhao Dongting said: "The war in northern Xinjiang has not stopped yet, so it's useful to keep them. Kill them, kill enough, if you continue to kill them, I'm afraid there won't be many people in this world..."

Kong Qiangu nodded and stopped talking.

Outside the pass, there were hundreds of guards guarding the chariots of Feng Hebi and Duan Shi slowly walking towards the city gate.

Accompanying him were several generals in the Dali Army.

None of these generals was filled with righteous indignation because Feng Hebi chose to surrender.

This may be because, even among the Dali Forbidden Army, not many people are really loyal to the new emperor Duan Qilin.

The team that Duan Xingzhi managed to recruit in the past was almost wiped out when Zhang Jue led the Zhennan Military Region to attack.Otherwise, Duan Xingzhi would not be ruined and be angry to death.

It is true that Duan Qilin is talented, but in the end he was too hasty.

In this battle of attacking the Song Dynasty, it seemed that Dali was wronged by defeat, but in fact, there was no injustice at all.

Not long after, the chariot in which Feng Hebi and Duan Shi were riding arrived at the foot of the city.

The two looked up at the top of the city, and they could see many generals of the Song Dynasty in armor standing under the torches.There are also many masters, surrounded Zhao Dongting like stars and the moon.

Looking at Zhao Dongting's age, they can probably guess who Zhao Dongting is.

At that moment, the two got out of the chariot and both knelt down on the ground, Feng Hebi shouted loudly: "I beg the Emperor of Song to accept surrender."

Zhao Dongting looked at the two people in the city, and said indifferently: "Come to the city to talk."

Feng Hebi and Duan Shi stood up, not daring to take anyone with them, walked into the corridor, and walked towards the top of the city.

At the top of the city, the two went to Zhao Dongting.

Zhao Dongting glanced at them, and finally landed on Duan Shi, "Who are you in the army?"

He only knew that the commander of this Dali army was Feng Hebi, and probably knew Feng Hebi's age, but he didn't know Duan Shi's identity.

Duan Shi clasped his hands and said, "Surrender Duan Shi."

Zhao Dongting couldn't help showing a little surprise.

He has never met Duan Shi, but he has seen Duan Shi's information in the letter submitted by the Military Intelligence Department, and knows that Duan Shi is Duan Xingzhi's younger brother.

Unexpectedly, the Prince of Dali was actually in Feng Hebi's army.Zhao Dongting's eyes darkened a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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