Chapter 972
Gao Tian glanced back at the soldiers and said, "Brothers, we are all soldiers of the Great Song Dynasty. I think everyone is already mentally prepared to wrap our corpses in horse leather. If we are the only ones going here, maybe we don't even have a horse leather to wrap our corpses in. Although I am General, now I don’t want to coerce you into the battle with me, I just ask if there is anyone who wants to leave now? I will let you go.”

No one in the army spoke.

Gao Tian showed a slight smile, but said again: "You don't need to do this, it's good if you can leave a few seedlings for our regiments."

However, no one in the army spoke.

Tens of seconds passed before the soldiers suddenly shouted: "I will follow the general to the death!"

Someone is crying.

But all the while, no one is talking about leaving.

The soldiers of the Song Dynasty were all selected, and they didn't worry that there would be no one to take care of them at home.

As Gao Tianzong said, since they joined the army, they have been gradually preparing for the shroud in horse leather.

The world is in turmoil, joining the army is likely to be the point of no return.Zhao Dongting also adopted the voluntary enlistment system. Most of the soldiers in the Song Dynasty were righteous men with a heart for the country and the people.

They are also afraid of death, but they regard righteousness, friendship, and responsibility as more important than life.

"it is good!"

When Gao Tian saw the soldiers like this, tears welled up in his eyes, and he shouted: "All soldiers of the army, prepare to follow this general to kill!"

There were only more than [-] people left, and Che Hongyu and others elected him as the leader for the time being.Because of this kind of people, it is no longer suitable to fight at the regiment level.


The soldiers all clenched their weapons and looked at the back of the Yuan army.


Gao Tian drank violently, rushed out of the forest first, and broke into the rain.

More than [-] people rushed in the rain, trampling on the muddy ground, and the sound of killing was deafening.

"Song Jun is here!"

"Song Jun is here!"

Many people in the rear of the Yuan army heard the shouts of killing, and when they looked back, their faces showed a little surprise.

No one thought that these Song soldiers would pay such a high price and come forward to attack after finally escaping.

Are they not afraid of death?


There are Yuan army generals shouting in the army.

A shieldman in the rear of the Yuan army hurried to the back of the army and stood in front of him with a shield that was more than half a person's height.

The long hotshots stood behind the shield army.

Further back, there are ordinary infantry and archers.

Some scouts patted their horses and went towards the army, shouting at the same time: "The Song Army is coming! The Song Army is coming!"

But the army of Deyuan Army stopped slowly, and more and more people looked behind.

In the end, the scout ran to the chariot of the Chinese army, A Shu, and said, "Marshal, those Song soldiers are here again!"

There was not much surprise on Ah Shu's face, he only said: "Order the rear army to resist, and the iron cavalry will surround them!"

He seemed to have expected that Gao Tianzong and the others would lead an army to kill them again.


The scouts and messengers took orders at the same time, and then ran towards the cavalry team and the rear army respectively.

But before the iron cavalry of the Yuan army made any movement, Gao Tianzong and others led the soldiers and monks to rush to the front of the rear army of the Yuan army.

Gunshots loomed.

The shield soldier of the Yuan army groaned in pain and fell to the ground.

The blood quickly spread in the muddy water.

But some people in the Fuzhou garrison also fell.

The Yuan army picked up the Shenlong blunderbuss they lost on Gushan Mountain. Although there were not many of them, at this moment, some people hit people blindly and bang.

And the power of the Shenlong gun, even the new armor of Song Dynasty, is also unstoppable.

ding ding dong.

Compared with the bullets from the Shenlong blunderbuss whose whereabouts could not be seen clearly, the arrows falling from the sky were overwhelming.

The archers in the Yuan army started throwing shots at the Fuzhou garrison.

It's just that when these arrows landed on the armor, they only made a tinkling sound at most, and failed to cause much damage to the soldiers of the Fuzhou garrison.

In just tens of seconds, soldiers and monks of the Fushou garrison rushed to the front of the Yuan army formation.

Both sides threw thunderous thunder.

Under this kind of firearm, the shield players of the Yuan army fell to the ground in rows.

The Fuzhou garrison also suffered a lot of losses.

The host of Arhat Hall rushed to the front, sweeping his long spear, several shield bearers in front of him flew back with their shields, and then knocked down many people.

Although the Fuzhou garrison is only more than [-] people, it is a division of tigers and wolves.

They forcibly broke through the formation arranged by the Yuan army.

The two armies fought bloody battles.

The sound of guns and artillery was dense, but looking around, it was more soldiers from both sides fighting with their weapons.

Unsurprisingly, the loss of the Yuan army was far greater than that of the Fuzhou garrison.

In just a few minutes, the ground could be felt to vibrate slightly.

It was the iron cavalry in front of the Yuan army charging over.

They galloped past the edge of the official road, and the horseshoes made mud splash.



There was such a cry of killing in the Great Song Army.

Gao Tianzong and other generals led the soldiers to kill in a hurry under the big banner.

They don't want to be surrounded by these yuan army cavalry.Because their task is to delay these Yuan armies, not to fight to the death here.

All of a sudden, the soldiers of the Fuzhou garrison and the monks followed the banner and ran towards the mountain again.

The infantry of the Yuan army couldn't stop it.

They used to think that the scimitar was extremely sharp, but it was no longer as sharp as before when facing Song's armor.

So, when the iron cavalry of the Yuan army rushed over, they could only see the Fuzhou garrison retreating into the mountains again.

This caused those cavalry generals to scold and not fall.

But no matter how much he cursed, he could only stare blankly.Facing the steep and densely wooded mountain, these cavalry could not rush up.

And the infantry in the Yuan army did not chase them into the mountains.

Apart from the need to ask A Shu for instructions, it is also because they are a little timid.

The fighting power of the Song army is indeed much stronger than theirs.Chasing them into the mountains, they may not be able to get any benefits.

Some infantry generals galloped towards the Chinese army.

Arriving at Ashu's chariot, the general said: "Marshal, the Song army has retreated to the mountains! Shall we pursue?"

A Shu looked in the direction of Changle County, and said slowly: "They are only here to hinder our army, so there is no need to chase them."


The infantry general takes the lead.

Ashu shouted: "The army continues to move forward!"

Not long after, the Yuan army hurriedly cleaned the battlefield, and then continued towards the west.

But by this time it was almost dark.

Originally, the sky gets dark early in summer, but in this rainy weather, it will naturally get dark even earlier.

The Yuan army didn't go far west, so they stopped again and started camping in the wilderness.

Gao Tianzong and others led the army in the mountains, and did not attack easily.After seeing the Yuan army camping, they also stopped in the mountains.

It's just that compared to the Yuan army camping in full swing, the Fuzhou garrison at this time looked a little bleak.

They had no tents to camp, no dry firewood to light a bonfire, and even the dry food they carried with them had been soaked by the rain.

The soldiers just buried their heads in the dry food.

Some people are distraught.

The army has been killed to the present situation, and too many familiar faces and people who care about have left forever.

After Gao Tianzong, Che Hongyu and others asked the soldiers to distribute dry food to the monks in the Arhat Hall, they got together and sat together.

They were a little farther away from the soldiers.Because of some words, I don't want these soldiers to hear.

As soon as he sat down, Che Hongyu said: "Everyone, if we go on like this, we may not be able to delay these Yuan troops for another three days, just dry food..."

Because they are all generals in the army, so he speaks directly.

Several generals frowned upon hearing this.

Blocking the Yuan army for five days was not an impossible task, but after breaking through Gushan, with the current number of people, it seemed that hope was too slim.

"Wait until dawn, I will let the soldiers go to the mountains to find edible wild fruits..."

After a long while, Gao Tianzong finally spoke, "Everyone, let's appease the soldiers first! There are still three days left. During these three days, we must suffer from hunger and cold, fight with the Yuan army, lose comrades in arms, and suffer pain." suffering. These are the ones that break people down the most.”

"it is good."

Che Hongyu and the others nodded slightly when they heard the words.

They also understand that compared with physical pressure, the soldiers are more psychologically stressed.

If these psychological pressures on the soldiers are not relieved, no matter how iron-clad the army is, it will decay into rust.

Although the generals were all in a heavy heart, they had to pretend to be a bit relaxed and indifferent when they walked back to the army after eating the dry food.

As a general, you always have to bear more things than ordinary soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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