The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 973 Battle of Jianning Mansion

Chapter 973 Battle of Jianning Mansion ([-])

Jianning Mansion.

After Chen Diaoyan asked Wen Tianxiang for instructions, the Great Song Imperial Army in the city was no longer just passive defense.

Chen Diaoyan led the Heavenly Killing Army, the Tianyi Army's Chinese Throwing Cannon Battalion, Sky Cannon Battalion, and Wushuang Army out of the city from the south gate.

The army totaled about [-] people.

Although it seems that there are not many people, the firepower in the army is extremely strong.Otherwise, Chen Diaoyan might not have the guts to directly attack the South Camp of the Yuan army.

After all, Changle County is located in the south of Jianning Mansion. It is completely conceivable that the Yuan army should deploy the most troops in the south of Jianning Mansion.

Amidst the creaking sound, the city gate opened and the suspension bridge was slowly lowered.

Chen Diaoyan rode in the front on a tall horse, with the banner of the Heavenly Killing Army fluttering beside him.

Seeing this scene, the Yuan army wandering outside the city quickly patted their horses and ran to the back.

Chen Diaoyan led the army and did not chase after them, but marched in a queue without rushing.

He is not afraid that the Yuan army will be ready, but he is worried that the Yuan army will not be prepared.Because if the Yuan army lined up to resist, the power of firearms could be displayed more vividly.

Not long after, the team of scouts galloped back to the Yuan army camp.

As soon as he entered the camp, he ran straight to the coach's tent.Halbala, the coach of the Yuan army's conquest of Jianning Mansion, is sitting in this southern camp in person.

The scout dismounted in front of the big tent, ran to the curtain of the big tent, knelt down on the ground, and shouted to the inside: "Commander, there is a military situation!"

A rather dull, but resonant voice came from the big tent, "Come in!"

The scout leader got up and walked towards the tent.

There are more than ten Yuan army generals in the tent, all of them are wearing armor.And the person in the main seat in the middle is unusually burly, even sitting, it feels like a hill.

This person is naturally the coach of the Yuan army, Halbala.

Halbala means black tiger in Chinese, and this Halbala is the most famous and brave general among the generals of the Yuan army.Aside from being good at fighting, he also has the cultivation base of Shangyuan Realm.

This is already a rare master on the Mongolian plateau.

Halbala, who was able to command soldiers and possessed a cultivation level in the Upper Yuan Realm, was naturally even more commendable.

The leader of the scouts knelt down on the ground again, and said: "Commander, there are Song troops leaving the city in the south of the city, about [-] people! The army is mixed with cavalry and infantry."

"Song Jun left the city?"

Halbala, whose complexion was extremely dark, frowned slightly, and stood up immediately.

When he stood up, he looked more like sitting on the black tower. Looking down, he was probably about two meters tall.

In this era, this figure is a well-deserved giant.

A general stood up, cupped his hands and said: "Commander, I would like to lead the army to destroy this Song army!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, a general beside him suddenly said: "Commander Wu Enqi, don't worry, these Song troops are not easy to deal with."

The general who spoke was Du Lei.

Before that, he led an army of [-] to chase He Chenghua's Tiansu army outside Songxi County, but he suffered a lot under He Chenghua's men, and the number of troops lost would be innumerable.

But the general who asked for the battle didn't take his words seriously, he just snorted coldly: "Hmph, how elite can the Song army be?"


Du Lei couldn't help but look a little ugly.

The general's words clearly meant that he was incompetent.After all, it is well known that he was defeated by He Chenghua.

Du Lei has not been able to raise his head because of this matter for a long time, and this matter has almost become a scar in his heart.

These guys are really too arrogant. They only think that this is the era when their iron cavalry can sweep the invincible.


Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel, Halbala shouted in a deep voice: "Alefu, Zana obey orders!"

"The end is here!"

"The two of you lead the army and horses of the headquarters to face the Song army!"


Dolei opened his mouth to see that he was not there, but in the end he still didn't open his mouth.

He is a little afraid to fight the Song army now, for fear of being defeated again, then he will never be able to hold his head up in the army again.

Even, he was a little expecting that Alefu and Zana would suffer a little bit.In that way, they will understand how powerful Song Jun is.

Alaifu is the guy who just said that the Song Army is not elite.

For a moment, Du Lei felt a little complicated, silently watching Alaifu and Zana take some generals to the account.

When they left, Du Lei said to Halbala; "Commander, the general feels that the rest of the army should be dispatched to help."

Hearing this, Halbala couldn't help frowning again, "What do you mean, can all the 3 of us here block the more than [-] Song troops?"

Du Lei pondered and said: "Based on the general's understanding of the Song Army's combat effectiveness, this battle may be a tough one. Commanders, you may think that my defeat in Songxi was incompetent. I also admit that the command at that time was indeed inappropriate. However, these The fighting power of the Song army should not be underestimated, they are probably even stronger than when they fought against the two Marshals Boyan and Ye Suer."


Hearing that Du Lei mentioned Boyan and Ye Su'er, Halbala's expression became a little serious.

He knows that Boyan and Ye Su'er are not inferior to him in ability.It's just that they haven't fought the Song army for such a long time, and they have already forgotten the pain in the past.

Boyan, Ye Su'er, and Ali Hague's glorious honor and disgrace have gradually faded with the passage of time.

After pondering for a while, Halbala still accepted Du Lei's proposal, and shouted outside the tent: "Commander Guang Xingwen will lead his army to come to support."

Guang Xingwen is Han Chinese, but he lived in the north and grew up under the rule of the Jin and Yuan dynasties.Ranked as the commander-in-chief of the Yuan army, he led his army to station on the west side of Jianning Mansion at this time.


There are personal guards outside the tent to lead away.

Du Lei breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

Then he cupped his hands at Halbala and said, "Commander, then the general will also go down first to make preparations."

Halbala showed a little surprise in his eyes, and nodded slowly.

Du Lei's headquarters guarded the camp, and even said that they would go down to make preparations.Could it be that he thought those Song soldiers could still rush into the camp?

After all, Halbala had never personally confronted Song Jun, so he didn't imagine Song Jun too much.After all, the imagination of people in this age is still limited.

As everyone knows, under the training of Zhao Dongting, the combat effectiveness of the Song Army is already much higher than that of this era.

Not long after, Chen Diaoyan led the army less than two miles away from the Yuan army's camp.

Here, the army stopped.

Because the Yuan army can already be seen blocking the way ahead.

Alaifu and Zana led an army all over the mountains and plains, probably more than [-].

In front of the army is a shield formation.

In the middle of the army, you can also see a lot of artillery throwing vehicles.

Seeing this, Chen Diao just smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.Yuan Jun can't scare him with these artillery vehicles alone.

If only his Heavenly Killing Army came, perhaps this battle would be a bit difficult.But at this time there is still Tian Yi's ammunition in his army, so he is not afraid at all.

Looking at the formation of the Yuan army, Chen Diao raised his gun and shouted: "Cavalry array! Prepare to charge!"


Two thousand heavy cavalry and three thousand light cavalry in the Heavenly Slaughter Army pointed their long spears and knight spears obliquely in front of them.The momentum instantly rose.

And before the Yuan army's formation, it was similar.The iron cavalry of the Yuan army also raised their scimitars high.

The terrain outside Jianning Mansion is open, with the river in the distance, and fields nearby. It is difficult for the two armies to play any trajectory, and they can only fight hard.


Following a few loud shouts, the heads of the cavalry regiments in the Heavenly Slaughter Army led the army forward to cover and kill them.

Chen Diaoyan led his infantry to line up on the spot, guarding the grenadier battalion and sky cannon battalion.

The hooves of the horses rumbled.

The Yuan army's iron cavalry exceeded [-], and they also came to kill here.

The iron cavalry of the two armies approached at an extremely fast speed.

With tens of thousands of horses, it looks like a flood of mountains and plains, like a torrent.


Seeing the iron cavalry on both sides approaching, there was another cannon fire from both armies.

More than 200 grenade launchers in the imperial army of the Song Dynasty fired forward in unison, and the artillery throwing vehicles of the Yuan army did not show weakness.

The flames exploded among the cavalry on both sides.

It's just that the power of the artillery-throwing vehicle to blast the sky and thunder is far inferior to that of the grenadier shells.

Under the bombardment of more than 200 grenades, an unknown number of people in the torrent of Yuan army cavalry screamed and fell off their horses.

The bombardment alone caused them to lose a lot of troops.

Although some soldiers of the imperial army of the Great Song Dynasty were damaged by thunder, they were much better than those of the Yuan army.

After about a hundred seconds, the two armies finally officially began to confront each other amidst the sound of rumbling cannons.

(End of this chapter)

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