Chapter 98
Countless pirates came from all directions, and the Suixi County was full of flames.

The military envoy's eyes were bloodshot, and he raised his knife and shouted: "Die for the court!"

At this time, those who were still following him were the loyal soldiers, and some of them were bloodstained, and they still shouted: "Kill!"

This is almost the last resistance in Suixi County.

The people in the county are not like the people in the surrounding villages. They have never been invaded by pirates in the past. They are pampered and have no courage to fight pirates.Even if there were Lianjiazi who resisted with weapons, they were mostly at the door of their own house, and were quickly wiped out by hordes of pirates.

The screams resounded throughout Suixi County, and several streets near the city gate were devastated.

When the military envoys separated and led the soldiers to the main street in blood, there were only dozens of soldiers around, and almost all of them were injured.

His left arm had also been cut off in half, his face was pale, his forehead was covered with sweat, and he was trembling slightly, his eyes looked straight at Murong Chuan who stood proudly with his hands behind his back in the middle of the street.

Murong Chuan looked at the blood-soaked soldiers of the Southern Song Dynasty, and sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"Murong Chuan, it's you, the thief!"

The military envoy stared at Murong Chuan with his eyes almost tearing open.

He never expected that it was Murong Chuan who led the pirates to plunder the city.

Murong Chuan has a lot of friends in Leizhou, and he is well-known, even if the imperial court said that Xiu Linbao conspired to assassinate, many people thought it was absurd and did not dare to believe it.This military envoy had met Murong Chuan before, and he was quite skeptical about this matter. In the past, when he talked with people, he often praised Xiu Linbao.Seeing Murong Chuan now, he seemed to be filled with endless disappointment and anger.

Murong Chuan glanced at the military envoy, as if he still remembered him, slightly stunned, but his expression was still indifferent, and he suddenly threw the long sword in his hand.

The long sword passed through the air and pierced straight into the chest of the military envoy.

"Thief, you...don't want to die..."

The military envoy stuck his sword on the ground until he died, his scarlet eyes stared straight at Murong Chuan.


Murong Chuan seemed to hate this look very much. With a cold shout, he flew up, rushed to the military envoy, drew his long sword, kicked the general envoy's corpse to the ground, and said in a voice only he could hear: "The old man will With the Yuan Army as the backing, who can kill me?"

A group of pirate leaders surrounded him armed with various weapons and rushed into the crowd of soldiers, slashing wantonly and laughing wildly.

Murong Chuan stood where he was, looking at the pirates who were burning, killing and looting everywhere in the street, his eyes flashed brightly, he thought to himself: "When the Yuan Dynasty army arrives, this old man will become the leader of an army. The general's elite soldiers, instead of mobs, will be dispatched to Haikang to take the life of the dog emperor and avenge me Xiulin."

It turned out that these days he had actually gotten in touch with Yuan Dynasty and reached some kind of deal.

"Hmph, this Suixi County, I think it's a certificate of honor from this old man to the imperial court!"

The court he was talking about was naturally the Yuan Dynasty.

But in just 2 minutes, the remaining dozens of soldiers around the original envoy were all slaughtered.

There is no longer any force to resist the pirates in Suixi County.

The pirates were like a swarm of locusts skimming over a wheat field. In just over half an hour, they plundered from the city gate to the city, burned down the Suixi County government office, and then plundered the fireworks field in Suixi County until The entire Suixi County fell.

That night, the pirates drank up almost all of Chen Kang's fine wines in the fireworks area of ​​Suixi County, all the prostitutes were defiled, even the bustards were not spared, and finally all were thrown out of the street naked.

Everywhere in the county, there are naked bodies, or charred bodies that have been burned black, even their faces are unclear, and there are still corpses that have been brutally chopped into several pieces.

Even if men can die easily, those women, especially the young ones, are still being raped by pirates before they die, life is worse than death.

Most of the dead bodies on the street are dead.

What is even more disgusting is that among these pirates, there are actually lunatics who like to eat human flesh.

Cruel and bloody to the point of unimaginable.

It seems that this is not the world, but the endless hell.

As for Murong Chuan, watching this horrific scene, the corner of his mouth was just grimacing.

He never cared about the lives of these people, he just treated them like ants.

People who escaped from various parts of the county rushed to the surrounding villages and towns to report the news, and even rushed out of the encirclement and went straight to Haikang County to move troops. However, it is now the end of the year, and all cities and towns are celebrating. Leading the army to help is not something that will happen in a short while.

When night fell, in Suixi County, where nearly [-] people lived, there were only pirates and corpses left on the streets, not even a single fleeing figure could be seen.

The endless smell of blood and burnt soared into the sky.

Most of Suixi County was burned.

County government offices, military camps, and military envoys' residences were all reduced to scorched earth.The military envoy who was stabbed to death by Murong Chuan died for his country, but his family did not receive God's mercy.His wife and concubine were naked, lying under the ruined wall covered in scars. None of his children and relatives were spared, and the whole family was killed.

When dawn was about to break, Liu Hongyi finally arrived with his army.

He was sleeping soundly at home last night when suddenly the soldiers came to report that Suixi County was being looted by pirates.He got up in a hurry, not even caring about reporting to Zhao Dongting, so he galloped to the barracks, gathered the remaining soldiers and horses in the camp and rushed to Suixi County.

But in the end, it was too late.

At this time, the pirates had long since disappeared.

Liu Hongyi led the army to stop at the gate of Suixi County. Looking around, it stretched from the gate of the city to the depths of the streets in the city. There were only countless corpses on the streets.Even though he had fought on the battlefield, he was still shocked by this tragic scene.


His eye sockets were cracked in an instant, and the big knife hit the ground heavily.

What these pirates did was no different from the Yuan army massacring the city.

Under the city wall, dozens of whole corpses were thrown randomly.

"Suixi today, Haikang tomorrow! Murong Chuan presents a New Year's gift, wishing the little emperor an early ascension to bliss!"

On the city wall, someone actually wrote such large characters with human blood.

"Mu! Rong! Chuan!"

Seeing this, Liu Hongyi gritted his teeth loudly and fixed his eyes on the words, feeling furious.

The red lanterns hanging high above the city seemed so incompatible with the tragic scene in front of them.

People in Suixi County, who were lucky enough to escape from the city and ran back, knelt down and cried bitterly when they saw this scene.

Suixi County is gone, home, gone...

After a long while, Liu Hongyi forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart.

He looked straight into Suixi County, and told the lieutenant next to him, "Lead the army into the city, rescue the people, and clean up the corpses. I'll go back and report to the emperor."

After finishing speaking, he rode his horse and galloped towards Haikang County, followed by hundreds of soldiers the day after tomorrow.

The deputy general led the flying soldiers into the city, and even the old soldiers turned pale when they saw the tragedy in front of them.Some recruits even fainted from fright.

The morning breeze blows towards the face, gradually moistening Liu Hongyi's eyes.

When he galloped to the Zhizhou mansion, the sky was completely bright.

He got off his horse, threw his knife and went straight to the Yizheng Hall.

At this time, the early court has already begun in the Yizheng Hall.Apart from Liu Hongyi, there were also people who had received news that Suixi County had been robbed by pirates and were discussing the matter.

Zhao Dongting sat on the dragon couch with a cold expression on his face.


Liu Hongyi ran into the hall and fell to his knees suddenly, "The last general begs for orders, lead the army to destroy the pirates!"

The civil servants and military generals who were discussing this matter were shocked when they saw him running in in full armor, their eyes were red.

Zhao Dongting looked at him in a hurry and asked, "General Liu, have you gone to Suixi County?"

In fact, up to now, they still don't know exactly how Suixi County was destroyed by pirates.

Liu Hongyi raised his eyes, recalling the tragedy he had seen, his eyes turned red, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Your Majesty, Suixi County has been massacred by pirates...!"

"Slaughter the city!"

The officials were even more surprised.

Lu Xiufu tremblingly said: "You, you said that Suixi County was massacred?"

Liu Hongyi said: "The last general just came back from Suixi County. The city of Suixi County is full of corpses and burned to the ground. There may not be many survivors."

Zhao Dongting stood up in shock.

He heard that some pirates dared to plunder Suixi County. He thought it was just pirates taking advantage of the big surprise attack, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

After being surprised, he hurriedly asked, "Where are the defenders in Suixi County?"

Liu Hongyi said: "There are as many as [-] pirates, and the guards are afraid..."

He didn't see any Suixi County defenders running out of it at all.

Zhao Dongting got off the couch and said coldly, "Take me to Suixi County."

Liu Hongyi hesitated and said: "Your Majesty, you..."

Zhao Dongting just waved his hands and walked outside the Yizheng Hall.

He was also immersed in the festivities of New Year's Eve last night, and now he blamed himself for not expecting that pirates would take advantage of the New Year's Eve to plunder the city.He wanted to see how Suixi County had been destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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