Chapter 99
Soon, a group of civil servants and generals led the [-] soldiers from Feilongying to rush to Suixi County together with Zhao Dongting.

Outside Suixi County, Zhao Dongting was also stunned when he saw the soldiers cleaning up the streets and the tragedies left on the streets.

If he hadn't seen fighting on the battlefield, his endurance would not be comparable to when he first came to the Southern Song Dynasty, and he might have fainted from this scene.

On the ground, there were bloodstains left after the corpse was dragged away.

On the city wall, the row of blood characters remained there, and the blood had solidified, showing a purple-black color.

"Murong... Chuan..."

Zhao Dongting was expressionless, his eyes scanned the line, got off his horse, and walked into the city.

A group of civil servants and military generals had different expressions, most of them couldn't bear it, and they all followed behind Zhao Dongting.Some civil servants turned pale with fright.

As soon as he entered the city gate, there was a strong smell of blood coming out of his nostrils.

Lu Xiufu, Liu Fu, Xiang Dongyang and others couldn't bear it anymore, covered their mouths and ran out of the city in a hurry.

Zhao Dongting's stomach was also churning, but he forcibly endured it and continued walking through the bloody water.

His hands were clenched tightly and turned white.

Soon, Wen Xing, the deputy general of the Feitian Army who was in charge of the overall situation in the city, rushed over and knelt down on the ground, "The last general kowtowed to the emperor!"

Zhao Dongting stood still, looked at the mess around him, and asked, "How is the situation in the city?"

The lieutenant gritted his teeth and replied: "There are countless casualties among the people, and the military envoy Zhang Kui... died for the country, and most of the defenders in the city died."

Zhao Dongting lowered his head slightly, and said dully: "As soon as possible, help the city lord and the people to restore their homes." Then he turned and looked at Liu Hongyi and the others, "From now on, the Yuan Army will be stationed in Suixi County, the God Beggar Army will be stationed in Xuwen County, and the Huanglong Forbidden Army will follow me. Go out and wipe out the pirates."

Su Liuyi was startled and said, "Your Majesty, you want to personally conquer?"

Zhao Dongting said: "I want to seek justice for this city full of wronged souls."

Liu Hongyi knelt down on the ground, "Your Majesty, the pirates are vicious and cunning, the last general should just lead the army."

Immediately afterwards, many ministers fell to their knees, "Please sit in the palace, Your Majesty!"

Zhang Shijie walked up to Zhao Dongting, and said softly, "Your Majesty, the war in Guangxi is tense, and we are sending troops to suppress the bandits at this time..."

When Zhao Dongting heard this, he couldn't help frowning deeply, "Should the pirates be allowed to wreak havoc like this?"

Zhang Shijie said: "In my opinion, it is better for General Liu to lead an army of [-] to suppress the bandits, just to keep them in check. When the battle in Guangxi is clear, it will not be too late for us to send troops to suppress the bandits with all our strength."

His words made Zhao Dongting hesitate a bit.

In comparison, Guangxi is naturally more important. If Guangxi falls, it will be really difficult for Leizhou to hold on.

At this moment, a soldier came rushing over and said: "Your Majesty, someone outside the city asked to see him, saying that he has a way to deal with pirates."


Zhao Dongting was slightly surprised.

Zhang Shijie thought about it, and said: "Your Majesty, there are indeed many capable people and strangers gathered in Leizhou, a safe place due to the wars in various places. It doesn't matter if we go and meet them."

Zhao Dongting smiled wryly, "Can this be considered safe?"

But he still walked outside the city gate.

Now he didn't have any good way to deal with the pirates, and he had the right to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor when he went to meet that person.

At the gate of the city, a young man in gray linen clothes stood with his hands behind his back. He looked about 27 or [-] years old. He looked rather stern, his face was cut like a knife, his lips were thin, and his eyes were narrow and long, but there were occasional flashes of light in them.

Seeing Zhao Dongting, he didn't kowtow, but bowed and said: "The grass people have seen the emperor."

His proud manner made many civil servants frown slightly.As a show of respect, even people with fame and fame would kneel down when they saw Zhao Dongting.

Zhao Dongting didn't feel anything, and asked aloud, "What's your name?"

The young man in hemp clothes said: "After the emperor defeats the pirates with grass-roots methods, it will not be too late to ask the grass-roots people's names. If the grass-people's methods cannot defeat the pirates, the grass-roots people should offer the head of this necklace, and there is no need to say the name again. reviled."

He was full of confidence, which surprised Zhao Dongting.It seems that this guy really has some skills.

The surrounding officials were also slightly surprised.

Immediately, Zhao Dongting nodded and said, "Alright, then tell me what is the way you have in mind to deal with pirates."

With a faint smile, the young man in linen slowly said a word, "Wait."


Even including Zhao Dongting, everyone present looked at him in bewilderment.

The young man in sackcloth said with confidence: "Guangxi is in a war, Yuan General Ali Haiya has been unable to break through the line of defense of Prime Minister Wen. The Yuan Dynasty is eager to destroy our Great Song Dynasty. It is bound to take other measures. Either transfer troops from other state capitals to Guangxi for support, or send troops. Seize Qiongzhou, and use Guangxi and Qiongzhou to form a double-sided attack on Leizhou."

As he said, he pointed to the city, "But at this time, Murong Chuan led the pirates to plunder the city, and he must have something to rely on. If not as I expected, he must have secretly joined the Yuan Dynasty. The tens of thousands of pirates hoarded overseas will not be ignored by the Yuan Dynasty." This force, if I were Ali Haiya, I would definitely not ask the Yuan Emperor to send troops to support, but to send tens of thousands of troops to the outer seas to join the pirates and attack Qiongzhou, so that my Song court could not look after each other. The battle line in Guangxi is far away , the deployment of tens of thousands of troops and horses will not affect the overall situation."

When Zhao Dongting heard the words, his eyes narrowed slightly, "What do you mean..."

The young man in sackcloth did not speak.

His temperament is obviously extremely arrogant.

Zhao Dongting said again: "Do you want me to send troops to Qiongzhou to wait for work at ease?"

The young man in sackcloth shook his head slightly, and said with a light smile: "It's not sending troops, but sending troops secretly. Don't leak any news. According to my prediction, within a month, pirates are bound to attack Qiongzhou. If the emperor has the courage, he can kill those The pirates and the Yuan army will take them all. We only need to wait for Qiong and Lei states to be stable, and then send troops to Guangxi and fight Ali Haiya decisively. If we win the battle, our court of the Great Song Dynasty will have a foothold."

Zhao Dongting looked deeply at the young man in sackcloth in front of him, feeling slightly surprised.Not to mention whether his deduction is correct or not, but this kind of vision is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people.

But he naturally wouldn't just believe in the words of this young man in sackcloth so easily, after all, this was just his inference.

After pondering for a long time, Zhao Dongting said: "I also have tens of thousands of troops in Qiongzhou, why do we need to send troops to support?"

But he had the intention of teaching this young man in sackcloth.

The young man in sackcloth was still smiling, as if he could see Zhao Dongting's intentions, and said: "Qiongzhou still has many uncivilized ethnic groups. In the past, the Qiongzhou army had a hard time dealing with these ethnic groups. The Qiongzhou army is bound to be unstoppable."

Zhao Dongting couldn't help showing surprise now.Because, the deduction of this young man in sackcloth was extremely accurate.

In history, when Ali Hague led the army to attack Qiongzhou, the Qiongzhou pacifiers Zhao and Luo refused to surrender. In the end, when they led the army to fight, they were tied up by the rioters and sent to Ali Hague. Finally, they were smashed to death by a car. It can be said that they were really dead. in the hands of the mob.

Right now, there is no other idea, after Zhao Dongting pondered, nodded and said: "Okay, then I will follow your method, if you can destroy the pirates, I will reward you heavily."

The young man nodded slightly, as if he didn't care.

Then, Zhao Dongting led his group of ministers and generals back to Haikang County, and the young man in sackcloth followed behind.

Wanyanzhang and Dongheli returned to the barracks of the Yuan Army and the God Beggar Army respectively, and started preparing to lead the army to guard Suixi and Xuwen counties.

Zhao Dongting ordered Liu Hongyi to train the Huanglong Forbidden Army more frequently and prepare to send troops to Qiongzhou.At the same time, the young man in sackcloth was also left in the palace.

So the past few days.

The weapon workshop finally forged all the parts of Zhao Dongting's painting. It took so long because of the mold.

After Zhao Dongting heard the news, he ran to the weapon workshop full of excitement and assembled the grenade by himself.

The shells have also been made.

Zhao Dongting asked a soldier to carry the grenadier to the open space outside the weapons workshop, and he couldn't wait to test the gun.

If the grenade can really be used, it will definitely become a big killer against the Yuan army.

Many craftsmen watched around, and they admired the emperor's uncanny creativity.

Zhao Dongting set up the grenadier, licked his tongue, and looked nervous.

He was also afraid of the bombs exploding, then he would be the most wronged emperor in all ages.

But this projectile was built according to his design, it can be said that it was full of his painstaking efforts, and he really wanted to try it himself.

After concentrating on it, Zhao Dongting pulled out the lead wire on the cannonball, put the cannonball into the launch tube, and pulled the firing rope abruptly.

But in just a short moment, the grenadier made a muffled sound, pressing the grass below to an inch deep.

A cannonball burst out and flew into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a few hundred meters ahead suddenly splashed dust, and a large open space was blown out of the grass.

The craftsmen were all dumbfounded.

Zhao Dongting looked around and saw that the ruined barren grass was several meters in radius, he couldn't help laughing out loud, and then said to the director of the weapons workshop next to him: "From now on, we will do our best to make the Shenlong cannon and the shells." !"

The director came back to his senses, and fell to his knees excitedly, "This humble minister accepts the decree!"

(End of this chapter)

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